The End
Saturday, May 30, 2020

"Girl's got too much of her gorram ma in her," Mal mumbled as he stiffly got out of bed. He looked at the capture taken of Inara after Jamie was born. It always sat on the night stand facing the bed. There were captures all over the ship but this was his favourite.


Jamie banged on a metal door in the ship's morning.

Mal rubbed his eyes once then said, "Come in."

Jamie opened the door and went into her father's bunk. She looked around the room then she noticed the cortex reader on his lap.

"What you want girl?" Mal asked changing the page before she could read it.

"It's morning and breakfast. Yimu Kaylee's cooking," Jamie said from the middle of the room.

"That's good."

"What're you reading?" Jamie asked.

"Jus' you never mind, girl," Mal said making to get out of his bed.

"Hao de," Jamie said backing out of the room.

"Whoa, is your Uncle Simon and Jayne in the galley?"

"Think Uncle Jayne is lifting weights and Uncle Simon might be in the infirmary," Jamie answered.

"Okay, I want you to get Jayne, Zoe, Simon and River to meet me in the galley. Tell Kaylee to stay," Mal said.

"Okay, papa," Jamie said and left the bunk.

Mal looked at a capture of Inara that stood on a small table by the bed. It was taken just after Jamie was born. There were captures of Inara scattered around Serenity but this one was his favourite.

"Girl's got too much of her ma in her," he mumbled as he started to dress.

Jamie got to an intercom and called everyone to the galley.

"Anyone know'd what Mal wants?" Jayne asked sitting at the galley table.

"No," Joe said taking his breakfast from his aunt Kaylee.

Mal made his way slowly to the galley.

"Mornin' Captain," Kaylee said brightly when she saw him.

"Morning," he answered heading for a coffee.

"What's wrong Mal?" Simon asked watching him.

"I'm fine doc. 'Fore I start this meeting, I need you young folk to leave," Mal said taking his place at the head of the galley table.

"Awwww," Joe said. "Can't I finish eating?"

"Best listen to the Captain," Jayne said to his son.

"Papa?" Jamie asked.

"That means you too."

Both young people mumbled alright as they left the galley with their food.

"Where we gonna eat?" Joe asked.

Jamie laughed and said, "You sound like Uncle Jayne. Lounge has a table."

"Girl's got too much of her gorram ma in her," Mal mumbled as he stiffly got out of bed. He looked at the capture taken of Inara after Jamie was born. It always sat on the night stand facing the bed. There were captures all over the house but this one was his favourite.



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The Signal - Pt.4
"What in tarnation is chasing you Wash?" asked Kaylee from the counter.
"I'm with Kaylee," Mal said. "You look like the hounds of hell were after you." He had come into the galley after Wash.
"Nothing's chasing me..." Wash started.
"What's up then?" Jayne asked from the breakfast table where he was cleaning his knives.
"The signal's back," Wash said.

The Signal - Pt.3
Wash pointed at River and said, "That was it exactly."

The Signal - Pt 2 Repost
"What signal?" Zoe asked as she began searching her memory to see if she could figure out what her husband was on about.

The Signal Part 1
"Sure? You look like you lost something," Zoe said.

The End
"Girl's got too much of her gorram ma in her," Mal mumbled as he stiffly got out of bed. He looked at the capture taken of Inara after Jamie was born. It always sat on the night stand facing the bed. There were captures all over the ship but this was his favourite.

Happy Birthday pt.6
Much later that morning Inara was seated in the galley holding the baby.

Happy Birthday Pt. 5
Mal's brain was finally starting to catch up with events and he asked, "Girl?"

Happy Birthday Pt. 4
"Captain, please stay at the head of the table," Simon said. When Mal didn't respond River gently pushed him back to the head of the table.

Happy Birthday Pt.3
The laughter stopped when the women watched him head for the coffee pot. "Ladies," Mal said grabbing a cup, pouring some coffee then heading for a seat at the table. "No need to stop talking on my account."

Happy Birthday Pt.2
Kaylee found a little blue sweater in a store they were in. She held it up for River to look at. River cocked her head and said, "No."