The Wish Part Seven
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.


The Wish Part Seven Author:JJ Subject: Rayne, Saylee, Mara Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Ain't hers, to make coin off of. These here characters (like yours truly) belong solely to Joss and the hwoon dahn's at 20 century fox, dong ma? (Thank you, Jayne!) Summary: Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship. Author's note: I'm basically typing this on my laptop in the bathroom of my hotel room, why you ask? Because I love you guys. LOL! Chapter 7-- Love and War Zoe and Walk found Jayne passed out on the common area floor. She shook her head as she watched him cuddling up to his empty booze bottle as if it was River. She kicked him in the butt. "Wha--? Whaa?" he jumped up. "Why in the hell are you drunk this time of day?" Zoe asked and Walk jumped on Jayne who was trying very hard to keep down his cheap booze. "River's pregnant," Jayne said and Zoe's eyes went wide. "Oh", she said. "Drink on." "She thinks I'm gonna die, I'm inclined to be believing her," he slurred and Walk drummed on his head. "Hey kids, you beat it now," he grumbled and Zoe laughed at "kids". "Ai ya, Jayne, how much booze did you drink?" she grabbed his arm and he let her help him off the floor. Walk was giggling uncontrollably, Dada was walking funny. "I don't know, this is--was the third bottle," he downed the swallow that was left at the bottom of the bottle. "Come on big guy, I'll help you back to your shuttle where you best be sobering up before River finds you like this. Whatever she saw, getting drunk about it ain't helping one bit," she softly scolded him. Ever since Walk decided that big burly Jayne was his Dada, she viewed Jayne alot differently than before Walk came along. Seeing Jayne step up and accept the role Walk placed on his shoulders , not only humbled her, but she knew it would have humbled Wash as well. She helped Jayne back into his shuttle and onto his bed, he tripped and she landed on top of him. "Mama, Dada," Walk said from behind them and Jayne smiled. "Not like it wasn't thought about 'fore River, your boy's got a keen eye," he smiled and Zoe rolled her eyes. "Yeah well, he likes mischief, just like you," she poked him in the ribs and then stood up. "You okay, Zoe," he said as her smile suddenly vanished. She looked around the room holding her arms as a chill ran through her. "No," she said and looked at him. "something's brewing. And you need to get sober before it gets here." She took a pillow that was lying on the floor and hit him with it. "Ya hear?" she smiled and he took the pillow from her and rolled onto his stomach. "Yeah, yeah," he grumbled. ~ Zoe took Walk into her arms and left Jayne to sleep it off as she left she saw River sitting outside the shuttle. Knees to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. "You need to teach him hide and seek, he needs to learn how to be very quiet," River said and Zoe nodded. "When is it coming?" "Soon," River said and Zoe kissed her son. " Come here, Walker, Mommy wants to teach you a new game." ~ Inara happily went through her magazing searching for the perfect kimono dress to wear for her wedding, when Kaylee walked in. Inara immediately placed her magazines on the bottom of her vanity as Kaylee sat on her bed. "When I married Simon, I just assumed everything would be perfect because he was perfect. I put him on a pedestal because he was core bred, I pushed him away 'Nara," Kaylee sigh tiredly and INara sat beside her. She ran her fingers through Kaylee's hair gently. "Simon choose his path Kaylee, if it was not this, it would be something else that would drive him to go chasing his demons. Maybe after he finds everything he needs then he could move on from his path and focus on his future with you." Inara reached for her brush and began unravelling Kaylee's pigtails.

Saffron stood quietly outside Inara's door eavesdropping on their coversation. She knew Kaylee would go whining to Inara about Simon. That's what all cry babies did. Saffron couldn't understand why a weak little pain in the pi-gu like Kaylee ended up with a hot core bred doctor. Fugee, or no fugee, he deserved better. "And when he comes back, we'll show him!' Saffron whispered to her baby. ~ "Ta ma de," Jayne woke up four hours later with a headache so big it'd make Christ take an aspirin. His mouth was so dry it was if he was sucking on sand. River sat quietly watching him on her side of the bed. He opened one eye and then the other. "S'rry" he apologized. He should have been telling her it was okay other than trying to drink his self pity away. She smiled and kissed his forehead. "It's okay," she touched his face and he kissed her wrist and turned over to his back with a groan. "Whatever happens, we'll be okay," Jayne said as she climbed into his arms. He touched her stomach. Her hands slid and entertwined with his and his thumb rubbed her fingers. "We'll be okay, bao bei," he said looking into her eyes, she nodded. "We'll be--" River began, but the sound of the proximity alert went off. "Oh no, oh no! She cried. "It's too soon," she sat up and Jayne rose from the bed. he went to his weapons locker and grabbed Vera. river ran to him and took his arm. "You can't go!" she said, pulling him. "I'm this ship's protection Riv," he said and she shook her head. " I'm this ship's protector!" "No you're not!" she let him go. "I am." she ran from their shuttle and Jayne cursed and ran after her. "River!"he yelled. ~ Mal ran from the common area to the brigde, frantically Zoe met him in the corridor. "What's going on?" Mal asked and Zoe checked the cortex. "It''s Shuttle 1." "Kaylee why is shuttle one set my alarms off!" Mal said just as Kaylee walked on the brigde. she looked wordlessly at Mal. "I don't know, maybe he smelled trouble and disconnected Serenity's homing beacon," Kaylee said. "The Alliance would track us if he didn't," Zoe said. "Well get him on this ship, get the gorram alarm off and let's get outta of here before--" That's when Simon appeared hand up in surrender, the Operative was holding him by the neck. A blade was at his throat and a gun was at his back Zoe lifted and aimed her shot gun. "Na ah ah, my dear," he said digging the knife into Simon's throat. Blood trickled down his neck as he winced in pain, Kaylee screamed. Zoe put her gun down at the Captain's nod. "I am solely here for the girl, that's all, if she comes willingly I'll let the doctor go and be about my way," he said and River caught a glimpse of Jayne and Inara quietly sneaking behind the Operative. "Take the shot," Inara mouthed, but Jayne shook his head as he saw the pistol at Simon's back. "Can't," he mouthed back. "Come out of the shadows, or he dies," The Operative yelled digging the knife into Simon's neck and Simon yelped in pain. Inara came shuffling with her head down gracefully as only a companion could be. She demurely shuffled until she was besides the Operative when she bravely grabbed his hand. Simon kicked his knee, wrestling himself away and Jayne shot Vera winging the Operative in the shoulder. The Operative swung around on Jayne and with his good hand he shothis pistol, hitting Jayne in the chest throwing him back on the floor. Mal grabbed The Operative by wounded shoulder and squeezed drawing a pained scream. The Operative reached into his boot and pulled out a sword and stabbed Mal in the gut. Inara kicked The Operative and pulled a wounded Mal aside. River went to Jayne. "Jayne," she cried, her tears falling on his wound, she placed her hands over it. "Don't," he gasped, sputtering blood. "Fight, girl!" He said. "Fight!" his head went down heavy on the iron grate of the corridor floor and she saw his light flicker and the fade. "No, No!!!!" She screamed and gasped awake, flailing, Jayne took her in his arms. He had been looking for her all over the ship. He finally found her sleeping in the cargo bay under the stairs. She wept loudly on his shoulder and then she began to laugh. "You going feng le on me already? I thought we were past all this," Jayne said rubbing her back and she pulled away just enough to look at him. "What I saw," she had a haunted look in her eyes. "I thought it was real. That I had lost you." "I'm right here, bao bei," he grinned and she smiled and then kissed him passionately. "Hey, save some of that for later," Jayne joked. She gave him such a heated look he groaned. "I want you, Jayne, I want you to make me forget what I saw," she lifted her sun dress over her hips and grabbed his belt. Before he could blink her panties were gone. "River, if the Capt finds us!" he began and then he groaned when she squeezed his throbbing member. "Don't care," she said as she sunk down on him, once then again and again... faster and faster. Until Jayne didn't much care either.

Simon came back from Osiris an hour before supper, Kaylee eagerly waited outside the docking bay for him. When the shuttle doors open the first thing Simon saw was relief flood over Kaylee's features and he wondered how long that would last. She threw her arms around his neck and he held her to his body. "I've been so worried," she cried softly and he held her to him tighter. "Shh, bao bei, I know," he whispered. "I love you Kaylee," "I love you too." she didn't want to let go of him, she wanted them to stay in each other's arms forever. They held each other for a long time until the Captain came out of nowhere and started giving Simon orders to check on Saffron and Kaylee orders to make sure Serenity is flying right after so much "neglection from her mechanic". Simon wiped Kaylee's tears away with his thumbs and kissed her again long and heatedly, with full promise of what they will do together later. Kaylee smiled and went to see how badly she let her girl get over the last four days. Simon noticed Kaylee didn't ask about the results, and he was glad. He was dreading telling her that they would not be parents...ever. He didn't want to see the heart break cross her features. "She will survive it, Simon," River said from the door of the infirmary. He looked at his sister and sighed, he didn't want to tell her about his visit with their parents, but from her downcast look she already knew. "I've known even before you," she said placing her hand on his arm and he sighed. "You knew they sold you out, for me?" Simon asked touching her face and she shook her head. "I knew I was payment for something great," she smiled. "I wouldn't change my fate if it would have changed yours," she said and Simon hugged her. "I love you, mei mei," he smiled feeling as if one weight was lifted from his shoulders. He took a breath, "I'm sterile," he sighed and she smiled. "You are brillant and no matter what... you will past that brilliance on, if not as a father," she took his hand. "Then as an uncle," she placed his hand on her abdomen and Simon started hyperventiallating. "River, your-- Your-- preg--?" He sat down on his examination table."Are you sure?" he asked lying down she hoped on the table next to him. "I am, but I'm sure Jayne would appreciate your opinion on the matter, since you are the doctor." she poked him in the stomach and he nodded. "I'm going to have to stick you with a needle to get blood," he warned as he slid off the table and she slid more firmly on. "I don't mind," she said touching her flat stomach. ~ Simon and Kaylee were back to being lovey dovey at the supper table. As were River and Jayne, and surprisingly to everyone Mal and Inara. Zoe smiled at her son and their makeshift family, contented, even though she knew that this happiness couldn't possible last especially with River's premonitions being what they were. She touched her smiling son's face and then felt a warm breeze. She knew it was Wash and she closed her eyes. "Well is everyone full?" Jayne stood up and everyone looked at him strangely. "Yes, we're full, why?" Mal asked, but he knew already and River smiled. "Because River and I are getting hitched!" he announced. "Now," Simon asked amazed. "Without any delays," River placed her hand in Jayne's. "We were just waiting for you to get back," Jayne said and Simon stood up and went to River. "You sure you don't want to wait until you can have a proper wedding," Simon asked and River shook her head. "All I want is to be Jayne's misus," she looked up at Jayne with a big smile and Jayne laughed. "Sides, ain't nothing proper about Jayne anyway!" Kaylee teased and everyone laughed. "Will you be my maid of honor?" River asked Kaylee and Kaylee nodded with tears in her eyes. "Of course!" she exclaimed and then hugged River. "What about you?" Jayne asked Simon and Simon blink. "What about me?" Simon asked, not comprehending. "He wants you to be his best man," Kaylee whispered to her husband and Simon looked at Janye strangely. "Are you serious?"he said to Jayne and Jayne rolled his eyes. "Zoe, you want to be my best, er, wo-man," he asked and Simon touched his arms. "I'll do it, I just was shocked you asked me, I mean we haven't be all that close," Simon said and Jayne looked at River. "Ignore him, he's a boob," she smiled. "We will all meet in the cargo bay in thirty," Mal said in full officiating mode and River blushed hard as she remembered what her and Jayne did under those cargo bay stairs just a few hours ago. ~ Thirty minutes later, everyone was washed and pretty. River didn't have a white dress so she borrowed one of Inara's long slinky white sleeping gowns. It was way too long and had to be cut on the bottom so River could walk in it, and the top of it was made for a woman a little more gifted in the breast area than River, but after some clever pinning by Zoe and Inara, it came together. "You look so shiny," Kaylee sighed, seeing River made her want to buy a white dress and get married all over again to Simon. Her wedding had been on such a whim, she married Simon in her overalls and a pink shirt, but now that she looked back on it she wouldn't change a thing about her wedding to Simon, it was quirky and sweet just like they were. "Are you truly ready for this, River?" Inara asked, worriedly. "Yes, I've been ready for this the first time he kissed me," she sighed and Inara finished doing her hair satisfied. ~ Jayne was fussing again, he stood in front of Inara's old full length mirror after Mal brought her the vanity, she gave it to River. Jayne never used it, other to watch himself make love to River, but today he was primping worst than any girl. He brushed his hair for the third time and Mal laughed. "What?" Jayne said and Mal shook his head. "Just funny to see my Merc all worried about his looks over a girl s'all," he smirked and Jayne sighed. "Well, yeah, I mean , I'm marrying her, Mal. I gotta look half way decent." "Being that your looks are the only half way decent thing about you?" "There's that," Jayne grinned. "And I gotta take a capture for Mama or she'll kill us both. I don't want her and my aunts talking bad about the way I look." "I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I had any idea women could walk over you like a wet blanket, I would have never hired you." "That's pretty much why I keep it under raps," Jayne laughed. he pulled at the white shirt River got him for a fifth time and Mal pulled him from the mirror. "You look like you need a drink to calm your nerves," he said. "Mal about the booze..." Jayne began. ~ Simon had went down to check on Saffron who was in her bunk reading a magazine Mal had brought to her earlier. It was about ship parts and it was old, but she was so bored she decided to read it anyway. "You're back," she smiled happily. She slowly got up out of the bed and hugged him tightly. Simon patted her back and then pulled away, "How have you been feeling?" "Fine," she sat back down. "He's being very active." "Any contractions?" Simon touched her belly and Saffron shook her head. "None, just kicking," she said. "You might have another week or two to go," he said and she nodded. "It's okay, I like being pregnant," she looked into his eyes. Simon regarded her for a moment and smiled slightly. "I want you to stay off your feet as much as possible until the babies born," Simon told her, he knew she still had alot of bruising from the beatings she took. And there was no way to find out if she had any ruptures internally because Serenity had no sonogram machine. "Hey why are you so spiffy," she said as he began to leave. "River and Jayne are having their wedding in the cargo hold," he told her and her eyes went big. "Really? I love a wedding," Saffron smirked. "I think it'd be best if you remain here," Simon nodded and she pouted. She walked over to him and put her hand on his chest and then up the collar of his dress shirt, "Only if you promise to come back and visit me soon," she said, her body leaning into his, Simon was caught in between the wall and her. He politely removed her hand, "Saffron," he began. "You can call me Reba," she said. "Reba, I am a married man," he stepped to the side to give them room. "You're not happy Simon, I can make you happy, I can give you this," she stroked her belly and Simon looked at it. "Doesn't matter," he said as she came towards him. "Of course it does, if it didn't then why risk your life to get checked out?" Saffron asked an eyebrow raised. "I didn't get checked out for me, Saffron. I got checked out because I love Kaylee more than anything or anyone," he said and Saffron looked down. "I need a good father for this baby, I can't raise it alone," she began to cry and Simon went to her and touched her face. "Any help you need, you know you can come to me and Kaylee, but I will never ever leave my wife for anyone else, there's no one else that compares to her," he smiled and Saffron pouted. "I have to go Saffron." he gently moved her away from the bunk latter and left. Saffron sat on her bed and rubbed her belly, "I don't know, baby... what we're gonna do now?" she cried and the baby kicked.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 5:33 AM


"Mal about the booze..." Jayne began.

ok, that was a good LOL line :)

and you really had me fooled with that dream sequence! i was all crazy thinking it was way to quick, sudden, and underdone... so i was very glad it wasn't done at all :)

Saffron trying to woo Simon away - she needs to be more devious about it. I sorta thought she was gonna go the way of leaving the kid on Serenity's doorstep. That seems more like her. Or at least more of her type of plan, but then once she holds that little baby, she'd think differently, so maybe trying to woo Simon is a better option.

Post again soon!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 8:50 AM


Oh the brilliant on display here is just inspiring, JJ! Definitely was all kinds of glad that the scene with the Operative was a was way too short and such for Jayne's final moments, like valeriebean said;)

Oh...and Jayne's line to Mal about the booze? I can just imagine Adam putting on the greatest embarrassed face as he prepares to say he drank the ship dry;D

One thing I would like to know is that I have been quite intrigued by how you have had Saffron deal with being pregnant. One would assume she would have had it aborted the first chance she got because being knocked up tends to muck up cons she would want to pull somewhat. But I get the feeling that abandoning it would not be a choice to her...too much the vibe of being that child a couple of decades past;)


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 4:24 PM


Oh boy - something tells me things are going to go all pear-shaped right quick. I really liked Simon's interaction with Saffron and his ability to put her in her place. I'm also glad that River's Operative dream was just a dream, but her telling Zoe that Walk needs to learn hide n' seek was all manner of creepifying.


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Follow You Into The Dark Epilogue
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

Follow You Into The Dark, Part Four
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

Follow You Into The Dark Part 3
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

Follow You Into The Dark Part Two
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

The Follow You Into the Dark, Part One
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

The Wish Part Eight-- Epilogue
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Seven
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Six *revised*
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Five
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Four
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship