The Need Part One
Monday, May 14, 2007

Post BDM. Rayne. Serenity's deadliest begin to connect after a long stint in the Black.


The Need Author: J.J. Subject: Rayne Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: The characters in this fic are not mine, they belong to the Power that is Joss and 20th Century Fox. I'm just borrowing them for fun. Summary: Post BDM. Serenity's deadliest begin to connect after a long stint in the Black.


Jayne woke up in his bunk in the middle of the night abruptly after he felt her small hand on his chest. He couldn't help, but pull her closer to him. I must've caught crazy from her, he thought as he smooth her hair away from her face. He was beginning to feel as if she belonged to him. A few nights indiscretions were now becoming complicated.

River yawned and stretched beside him. She knew he was apprehensive about their relationship. It had all started so fast, even she was worried that it was too much, too soon, too fast. Failure would come, hearts would be broken. She kissed his jaw and felt him try stifle a sigh of contentment.

"I need you to leave now, River," he said in a rush and River swallowed down the lump in her throat.

"Jayne--I," she began and he put his finger to her lips.

"Just get, Girl! I can't think with you around," he said more harshly than he meant to. River fluidly slipped on her dress and slunk out of his bunk before he could see her tears.

Jayne cursed himself when she closed the hatch, He was in love with Crazy.

Chapter 1- Scratching That Itch

It began after a particularly long stint in the black. Everyone was restless and that meant Jayne was twice as restless. Not only hadn't they seen any violence come Serenity's way, Jayne hadn't had any trim in a good long while. Now, he didn't blame Mal for being extra careful given Miranda and the fact that Zoe was pretty gorram pregnant now.

The last time he or anyone had been off of Serenity was three months after Miranda, and that was just to pick up enough supplies so they could go back into the black until Zoe gave birth. He didn't even have time enough to whore, Mal wanted them off the rock so quick. So the only thing Jayne had for relief was his hand, his trusty girlie mags, and lifting weights.

Simon and Kaylee, and Mal and Inara, were going at it like rabbits. Weren't much to do on the ship, but that. Zoe was happily planing everything for her baby and River was off being well River. Jayne was alone in his conundrum, at least that's what he thought.

On the other side of the spectrum River was climbing the walls. Her body was on fire every second of every minute. She never in her life wanted so badly and she knew exactly why. Sex was happening all around the ship, multiple times a day and when sex wasn't actually occurring people were thinking about it constantly, thinking about doing it, remembering what they did and how they did it and how good it felt, it was maddening. River felt like a trapped throbbing mess and she couldn't help , but be snappy towards the crew and her Captain.

"Hey Lil River," Mal said walking onto the bridge. "How looks the cortex?"

"Fine," River said coldly and Mal's eyebrow raised.

"What's the matter,River?" he asked concerned and touched her shoulder. She got a flash of exactly where and what Mal had been using his hands for on Inara, River stood up abruptly pulling away as if he burned her.

"I am perfectly fine," River said and walked off the bridge. As soon as she got from eye shot she took off running up the stairs on to the catwalk. That's when she saw him, he was lifting again. Shirtless. Sweaty. She watched as his muscles rippled underneath his skin from the work out. Her breath caught and she stifled a moan as her body throbbed.

"It's rude to stare, Crazy," Jayne said as she walked down to the cargo bay where he was working out.

"I can't help it," she whispered breathlessly and Jayne nearly dropped the weight bar on himself.

"And why's that?" he placed the weights down, he looked at her. River walked towards him.

"You are a very well made specimen of man. Muscular, proportionate, strong shoulders, nice abdominals, strong legs," she said eying him like a piece of candy.

"And you are just a moon brained girl talking feng le," he dismissed her even though his body liked the way she was looking at him very much.

"I'm not a girl, Jayne, I'm very much a grown woman," she said sitting on the catwalk steps.

"Keep it up and I might haveta uncover that for myself," Jayne crudely adjusted his crotch in front of her.

"I wouldn't mind," she sighed and for the first time ever Jayne poured a look on her that was so heated it sent waves through her body.

Jayne took a deep breath weighing the consequences for what he was thinking of doing. Finally after a few long minutes Jayne stood up and marched over to River. She smiled knowing exactly what they were about to do as he took her hand and led her to his bunk.

"Wait, Mal is awake," River said and Jayne nodded.

"Means my bunk's out, too close to the bridge. Don't want your screaming and carrying on to disturb the crew."

"My bunk isn't a good place either, too close to one incredibly nosy older brother." River sighed and then smiled suddenly as she pulled Jayne towards Inara's shuttle. Inara had moved into the Captain's quarters so the only thing that was left in the shuttle was a rather convenient bed.

Jayne hands ran up and down River's sides as she opened the locked shuttle. They went into the shuttle and she locked the doors from the inside.

"I resequenced the code so no one can enter from the outside," she said as Jayne wrapped his hands in her hair and brought her to him. He kissed her exposed neck and then shoulders, she wanted to kiss his mouth, but he kept avoiding her. After a little bit of that he pulled away annoyed.

"I don't kiss girls on the mouth," he said, his jaw set.

"You will kiss this girl on the mouth," River said determinedly and then grabbed his face and kissed him with all the want and need that was in her body. Jayne was reluctant at first, but it didn't take long for him to respond in kind. They walked over to the bare bed and River laid down on her back. As Jayne ran kisses down her neck and chest.

"I'm a virgin," River said abruptly and Jayne looked up at her.

"No kiddin'," he chuckled. " Look girl, this is your way out now, you can leave and we'll both forget this ever happened."

River wrapped her legs around Jayne's waist, " I can't, I want you-so badly," she arched into him and he kissed her this time on the lips.

"Well then, I guess you're gonna have one hell of a first time," Jayne grinned and River smiled.

Jayne's hand went up under River's dress. He felt the smooth skin of her thighs and then her ass, when he squeezed she arched into him, her most intimate area rubbing against the coarse material of his jeans, she moaned and she ground against it restlessly. He kissed her again, his tongue slipping against her tongue she caught it in between her teeth and he groaned.

He helped her remove her dress and then her panties. River ran her hand down Jayne's chest feeling his taut muscles against her hands. He took a long look at River's body and he shook his head, she was immaculate, he thought. Her skin was like porcelain smooth and flawless, her breast were small, but perfect. He placed his mouth on her breast and sucked. River cried out squeezing him with all her limbs holding his head to her breast, he gave her other breast the same attention and she scratched his back.

"Ai ya," she hissed as Jayne's hand traveled down her body, through her lower curls, to the place that had been causing her so much torment.

"Ah, River you're so wet," He groaned and then began rubbing circles on her spot. She cried out, his name.

"Please," she begged him to relieve the pressure that was built up in her lower belly and he kissed her again and slid down her body. Her hard nipples rubbing against him. He spread her legs further open and told her to place them on his shoulders. "Please," she begged again arching into his face and he bit her inner thigh.

"Calm down Crazy I ain't going no where," he said and and took her with his mouth, licking her and then sucking her until finally with a small rush of fluid she came, her legs trembled, her back arched and her mouth hung open in a soundless scream. Jayne watched her, hard as a stone, as she arched over and over again riding the waves of her orgasm until she finally collapsed back on the bed.

Cloudy eyed and dizzy she felt Jayne come back on top of her, this time his jeans were off and his intimate parts were firmly pressed against hers. She reached down and wrapped her hand around it. Jayne hissed against her neck when she squeezed.

"Disproportionate," she said and Jayne gave her a look. "It is larger than what was previously anticipated."

"You were anticipating my dick size?" Jayne smirked.

"We, your size has been the subject of many conversations Kaylee calls girl talk," River admitted and Jayne chuckled. That'd be something to hold over Kaylee's head, he thought.

"I can not accommodate your size," she pouted.

"Yeah you can," Jayne grabbed her hips and rolled them over so she was straddling him.

He rubbed himself against her and she gently grabbed him and guided him to her entrance. She slowly sank down and stopped when his tip hit her maidenhead. He sat up and gently grabbed her hips.

"Hold me tight, River," he said , as soon as she obliged he broke through. She whimpered as she sank the rest of the way on to him as he kissed her.

At first River throbbed in pain, but then Jayne laid back causing him to move inside her and she felt a rush of pleasure and the familiar building sensation begin.

"It's your show, Girl," Jayne groaned, he wasn't going to force her to move, he knew she must've been in pain and he was going to let her have the control if it killed him and by the way his balls were throbbing it might be sooner than he thought.

River looked down at him, her brown hair cascading around her. Jayne urged her to move by shifting gently inside her. River placed her small hands on his abdomen and began to slowly rock back and forth. He slid in and out of her tight warmth and it felt like heaven.

"Ai ya, River that's good, so good," Jayne moaned and she bent down and kissed him, rocking faster.

"Jayne," she panted over and over again. the pressure was building faster and faster, it was too much sensation. "I can't, I can't, I can't," she collapsed on to him. He rolled her on to her back.

He smooth the hair out of her face and grabbed her chin forcing her to look into his eyes, "Tell me if I'm hurting you," he said as he pulled almost completely out and then slid back in. River trembled and cried out and he stopped.

"Please, do that again," she said and he obliged. He kept making love to her like that, nice and slow. Long deep thrusts, she wrapped her legs around his waist taking him deeper. "Please," she begged him and he kissed her, his tongue delving deep mating with hers.

"You wanna come?" he asked her and she moaned. "Say it, I wanna hear it."

"Jayne make me come," she whispered and he sped up his thrust, making her cling to him. "Make me come Jayne, Ye Soo, there, right there, please," she pleaded.

Jayne kissed her to shut her up, he knew if she said another word he was going to lose it. And then he felt her clench around him like a vice and arch into him. She trembled and cried out his name. That was all it took for Jayne's hold to break, he pounded into her and came hard spilling into her, emptying himself until he was spent. He collapsed on her with a loud groan.

"That was real shiny," Jayne sighed when he finally got control of his breathing. He rolled over to his back.

River placed her head on Jayne's shoulder, "You are welcome."


Monday, May 14, 2007 6:14 PM


lovely :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:03 AM


Ho...lee...crap! That was freaking hot! And honestly rather plausible, since if 4 of the remaining 7 BDHs are making with the whoopee, I can imagine River being overwhelmed to the point of needing Jayne like this;)



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Follow You Into The Dark Epilogue
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

Follow You Into The Dark, Part Four
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

Follow You Into The Dark Part 3
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

Follow You Into The Dark Part Two
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

The Follow You Into the Dark, Part One
Post BDM. Rayne, Saylee, Mara. Takes place after The Need and The Wish. All Hell breaks lose after Serenity is sabotaged by The Alliance.

The Wish Part Eight-- Epilogue
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Seven
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Six *revised*
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Five
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship.

The Wish Part Four
Post BDM. Rayne and Saylee. Takes place one year after The Need. As Simon and Kaylee are having troubles. River and Jayne deepen their relationship