If you had the choice money or insurance?

UPDATED: Sunday, September 13, 2009 08:48
VIEWED: 1855
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Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:24 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I always come in too late--bloody time zones! Mostly I agree with SG and Mike; they've given you all the reasonable scenarios for what could happen without auto or health insurance. You don't seem to be hearing them, and, as SG wrote, you haven't offered any alternatives to those solutions.

Gettin' a bit testy in here; I wouldn't wish what's been wished on you, but I WOULD wish you could read and imagine the scenarios they've painted and tell us what YOU'D propose should be done.

Giving you the money means trusting you to put it away against contingencies. Most people wouldn't. So say you're in an accident NOT caused by you. What would you do?

We were. Driving up the Mountain, minding our own business, guy driving down at stupid speeds sideswiped us. Dunno if he had insurance, but probably not, was immaterial; he kept on driving. We have insurance; it repaired our car and paid our hospital bills. Yeah, it's a con job, it's a bet with the insurance companies; but the truth is SOMETHING's gonna happen to most of us and we need it.

Also got my Honda totalled going to work one night, minding my own business, traveling under the speed limit. Girl coming at me making a left turn--I saw her face when I knew she wasn't gonna make it, she saw mine. Turned out she just got her license and was on daddy's insurance. They paid for the car BECAUSE they had insurance.

So what's your answer in either scenario if nobody had insurance?

Healthcare is the same thing. I wouldn't wish disaster on you, but big or small, I guarantee you're gonna need help with SOME medical treatment somewhere down the line. You got the money saved up? You GUARANTEE you'd have it saved up if they gave you the money instead? You guarantee you'll save ENOUGH? If not, please try to understand this: IF YOU DON'T HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE, I'M FOOTING YOUR BILL!! Hospitals and doctors who work in them don't let people die; ambulances can't ask if you have medical insurance and leave you on the street if you don't. Somebody pays.

I realize you'd rather let others pay and not carry insurance. I'd rather you didn't, because if you don't, I foot the bill, one way or another.

So tell us, please; what alternative do YOU propose that doesn't make you or me or someone else pay when some idiot/drunk driver hits you or someone else, or you get sick/injured? I'd really like to hear.

Ignore all the personal junk; I'M not attacking you or pushing some "elitist capito-Libertarianism", I'm asking for a solution better or cheaper than what is reality today. Got one?

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:43 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Gettin' a bit testy in here; I wouldn't wish what's been wished on you, but I WOULD wish you could read and imagine the scenarios they've painted and tell us what YOU'D propose should be done.

Thanks, Niki - we DO need to bring it down to a bit more of a civil disagreement; otherwise we're just shouting each other down and reinforcing the other's worst feelings about us.

But Sarge, Signy does have a point. If it seems she or I are being unduly harsh towards you, it's not intended at a personal level AT you or your family, but rather to get you thinking about the possibilities if the absolute worst WERE to happen to you and/or your family. There are illnesses and injuries that are survivable, but will literally bankrupt anyone without ironclad "white glove" insurance. To imagine that this could happen to you or someone you love isn't a sick fantasy - it's more of a sick REALITY.

As I said above, I wouldn't *wish* it on anyone, but if wishes were horses... well, you know the rest.


"It was already blue when we got here!"


Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Ignore all the personal junk; I'M not attacking you or pushing some "elitist capito-Libertarianism", I'm asking for a solution better or cheaper than what is reality today. Got one?

And yes, we are keenly and acutely aware that our system - both the one we have now, and every single one that's been proposed - isn't perfect. As Obama has said, don't let perfect be the enemy of good. In other words, don't say "Nuts" to a better system, or a step in the right direction, just because it's not PERFECT.


"It was already blue when we got here!"