From the Dept of I-toldja-so.

UPDATED: Friday, November 14, 2008 11:23
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, November 8, 2008 6:18 PM


ACLU: Police Staged Confrontation Amid Convention

This is of course, but a single incident that could be proven beyond any reasonable doubt and with outright admissions of them doing it.

You should see the rest of the stuff we got on film at those two conventions, if any of em dare to air any of it, cause they damn sure got copies of the tapes.

And another log to throw on the fire, it's prettymuch come out that the whole Fort Dix Six were just a bunch of smack talking idiots completely lead down the garden path by the informant, who, with the financial help of the FBI of course set them up with anything they needed to start carrying it out while encouraging them to do so - and the FBI struck for the bust cause the plotters were losing their nerve and unlikely to actually DO anything. 20081106_ap_informantsaysheadvocatedattackstogaintrust.html?adString=ph.wires/new_jersey;!category=new_jersey;&randomOrd=110608042446
(Spaced link)

"Omar also gave the same succinct answer to a series of questions about whether all the alleged plotters ever sat down to review a map of Fort Dix or details of how to carry out a plot. Each time, the answer was "no."

Gee, what a solid informant, what a *snort* convincing case - even with the full support of an american intelligence agency and their plant TRYING to get these guys to commit an attack, they couldn't make it happen, and from the evidence so far...

Who would YOU consider the greater terrorists, a bunch of morons talking smack who are too lazy, disorganized and poor with no intent to actually DO anything...

Or an intelligence agency trying to organise, finance and equip them while encouraging them to commit an attack ?

Fuck it, folks, if some OTHER countries intel folks did that, what would we call it ?

Again, ask how the 1993 WTC bombers got explosives, ask where they got a decent bomb blueprint, ask who wired it up for em, and ask where they got him, why don't you ?

Tell me folks, which ones are the terrorists, again ?

Cause I think we're fightin on the wrong side of the ocean here, people, if we REALLY wanted to bag up terrorist threats against america and her people.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, November 8, 2008 9:49 PM



if something like that actually sticks, shouldn't the police in question as well as those who ordered the ruse be charged with trying to incite a riot? Isn't that a felony?


Sunday, November 9, 2008 12:29 AM


Ask Hero.

He won't answer you, but it's fun to watch him squirm when folk start layin those questions to him.

In short, yes.

In our so-called two-tier "justice" systems reality however, the Lords operate from a different set of rules than us Peons, and if you wanna ask the why of THAT, get ready to six pages of legalese doubletalk which in the end is so vague it can mean anything a Judge wants it to.

What doesn't get across to folk is that this kind of crap from our so called "protectors" it everyday common behavior, they ARE part and parcel of the crap they're supposedly "protecting" us FROM, just like any other organised crime protection racket, or street gang extortion, just that we officially codify this one, is all.

And I really do think we should start tossing THEM in the slammer for it, no matter who they work for.

The gravest threat we currently face to our national security...

Is our National Security.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, November 14, 2008 11:23 AM


And more on the Dix Six... or Five, rather, since the only one REALLY interested in formulating and carrying out an attack was the damned Alphabet-Squad plant...

FBI informant testifies suspect refused to plan attack

Salient bit...
The FBI informant who infiltrated a band of alleged South Jersey terrorists complained in September 2006 that one suspect "was gonna have a problem with me" because he kept refusing to plan, train or arrange meetings to discuss an attack.

In other words...

"I tried to set them up and make them commit a terrorist act, but this one was not only not interested, my constant pressure to do so was making him annoyed and angry with me..."

Gee, a real jihadi there, yes ?

Does this, or does this not, look more like the FBI is the fucking criminals and terrorists, than the people they're accusing ?

I've not forgotten WTC1993, and I never will.

You wanna fight terrorism, start in DC and Langley.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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