Gotta give one to Pirate

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 19:03
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:07 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I often ridicule Piratenews, but the coordinated worldwide adjustment of interest rates today really did make things feel like the 'New World Order' the tinfoil crowd are often rambling about.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:52 PM


As I am fond of sayin, he might be cracked...

But he ain't *THAT* cracked, not half as much as folk take him for, although part of that is his tendancy to slam together a bunch of keyword relative stuff just to yank the chain of particular folk and send them into a tizzy for personal amusement.

Remember that the "crazies" like Jones, Rivero, PN and whatnot don't do all their investigating personally - other people do relay them information and as such there are many more folk in possession of the original evidence, it's just that most are unwilling to discuss it for a multitude of reasons, one of which is that sometimes you run across something that's just so goddamn woo-woo weird that even if you've got hard evidence and solid proof, there's no way to relate it to folk without them insantly filing it in their own mind right next to bigfoot and the loch ness monster, something which I have pointed out that criminal elements can and have played to since it's such an easily exploitable blind spot.

And not everyone in possession of such information is that messed up by it, although it's quite common cause admittedly some of this crap is really pyschologically destructive to even know about, Kirk touched on that on the humanity and election thread... at a certain point it's just so mind blowing that a person can't cope and has the mental equivalent of a windows bluescreen fatal error.

So some folk choose to limit how much they share, drop a trail of breadcrumbs and let folks decide for themselves whether they wanna know bad enough to risk sleepless nights over it or not.

That's a great part of why I come across as arcane or obscure, cause I gotta balance whether or not I have the right to throw information at people that might be destructive to their psyche, especially when knowing it might not be of any net benefit to them personally.

Believe me, Anthony, if I chose to put together a ten minute presentation on some of this crap, I could scare folk totally shitless, reduce some of them to twitching catatonia, but in the end what would that accomplish ?

Some things, simply that they exist is enough to offend, and best to leave it at that and work against it without diving into the rabbithole to find out what's at the bottom, cause in all honest truth most of you DO NOT EVER WANT TO KNOW.

It eats you, it does, gnaws on your very humanity, your sanity, and in the end may well destroy or even consume you.

Did you know that when law enforcement personnel are assigned to certain duties similar to my work that they are only allowed by policy to accept volunteers, and those who accept are thereafter handled in the same manner as a departmental suicide ?

Because it DOES destroy them.

So take well the warning, that's not the standard MIB "nothing to see here", that's me telling you that you've seen all that you need to in order to be supportive in working against it, and to know more than that... it can hurt you, and hurt you worse than you can ever imagine.

Remember what curiosity does to cats.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 7:03 PM


Good of you to notice it , firstly , but even better of you to say so...

He does tend to run on a bit , but he has some good points...

It ain't coincidence...these 'odd' events that are continuing to happen...

Isn't there a saying about that ,
" in politics , there's no such thing as coincidence " ?

I've seen enough of these machinations so that I know what to expect...

This is a coordinated robbery , and a scheme , to bring about the end of the national sovereignty of the United States , usher in the 'New World Order' , and enforce 'globalization'...Those who say differently just don't know what they're
speaking of , or they prefer denial , or they're collaborators...

While 'common folk' still have the internet , they must study the problem , and report on it to their peers...

The alternative is future generations of servitude...

Those who beat their weapons into plowshares will plow for those who don't...






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