Even Warrior Women Get the Blues
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Written for LJ community FF_Friday. The prompt was "reunion". I have been meaning to write a post-BDM Wash/Zoe thing for some time. This is my first fic in five months, so feedback would be good.


Zoë tried to open her eyes and found the normally simple task too difficult to accomplish. She could hear a voice. Faint, but audible.


That voice.

Her eyes stung.

Her heart leapt.

She found her strength, and swung.


This is no kinda joke...


This was torture...


This was war...

"Zoë. Zoë, listen. I fly, baby. I know math and maps and plans. That's what I do. I know this isn't safe and I know it isn't a plan. But I don't need safe. I don't need sane. And I would follow you into that hole on Hera and back if it meant I got to keep you with me."

Her fists froze up as the rest of her warmed. No one else knows that. I never told anyone how he proposed. It has to be him.


"There ya are. Hey you." Wash took the opportunity to take her hands in his. It was as much for safety as it was sentimentality.

Wash, really? How is it...

He shushed her as she opened her eyes. Her gaze fell on the center of his chest. Instinctively, she loosened her hand from his and touched him. He was solid, the muscles tensing under her hand as he laughed. "Yup, it's me, baby. All here."

You can still laugh.

Zoë looked up to meet his eyes, but her gaze froze just beneath his nose.

You grew that mo min chi meow moustache back?

"Huh?" Wash asked, confused. His eyes crossed trying to see what she was talking about. "Oh, I forgot," he said peeling it off. "No, I just knew you were coming. Wanted to make sure I had your attention."

Laughter. It feels nice. It feels nice here.

Wash stood and offered his hand to help her up. "Come on. I'll show you around."

Zoë looked at his hand and made a face. Wash smiled as she gracefully eased herself up off the floor of the white room they were in. Wash just shook his head. "My Zoë."

She took his still outstretched hand and he led her out a doorway without a door.

Wash...this is. This is what you always wanted.

The water was so light blue it was almost clear. Tall palm trees moved listlessly in the breeze. Just off in the distance, next to a pool of water, two small dinosaurs wrestled in the sand. Like house pets they wore collars that clanked as they played. The sky was an odd color, almost orange. Zoë found it familiar, but just couldn't place it. She laughed as recognition hit her. It was the same color as Wash's favorite shirt.

Wash's world. A whole piece of rock, exactly as you would make it.

"Almost exactly how I would make it. But I can't make you stay. That's your call."

Zoe took a good look around. I can stay? Forever in a world of Wash's making.

Wash's brow furrowed as he took her hand. "It's not really fair to ask, but-"

No, you lived and died in my world. To be with died...that makes me...Wash?

"Zoë, baby. I'm thinking you should lie down."

Her legs gave underneath her and even through her clothes she could feel the white sand envelop her skin.


He stood next to her. "It's okay, baby. I'm okay. I'm right here."

Her eyes fluttered shut before she could see the wave coming towards them. She didn't know that he didn't move, she didn't see the shadow as the wall of water eclipsed the sun. She only felt herself float.

Zoë tried to open her eyes and found the normally simple task too difficult to accomplish. She started to hear a voice. Faint, but audible.


She recognized the voice. It was Simon. She opened her eyes on the calm, cold blue steel of Serenity's infirmary.

Her eyes stung.

Her heart froze.

It was torture.

It was war.

It was nothing she couldn't handle.


Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:08 PM


:gasps: Lovely. I normally don't read or like post-BDM stuff....I'm in denial. But this was a very sweet story.

Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:10 PM


Oh that's nice. Sad and sweet, and then it hurt and then it didn't hurt.

Friday, May 18, 2007 1:22 AM


Oh wow, this was fabulous but such a wrench to the heart and soul. Poor Zoe, but from another angle I do hope that in her Near Death Experience she really did see Wash again. To know on some level that he still exists on another plane of existence and will be waiting for her when her time comes has to be some comfort. Wonderful writing now pass the tissues! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, May 18, 2007 11:52 AM


I don't normally read Wash/Zoe, but this was sweet and beautiful. As with most W/Z stuff it was also bittersweet.

Friday, May 18, 2007 6:20 PM


Some utterly fantastic work here, Girlaskew! All kinds of bittersweet...but the setup is saved by immediately having the two of them pick up their beautifully realized relationship and just...flow. There's pretty much zero denial on Zoe's part and the transition back to the "real" world was superbly handled:)


Monday, August 27, 2007 6:48 AM


OOooh, that was painful and yet it felt so true. I like that I could almost feel the sun and sand the way you described them, an then the slide back into reality. Very bittersweet, as BEB said!



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Even Warrior Women Get the Blues
Written for LJ community FF_Friday. The prompt was "reunion". I have been meaning to write a post-BDM Wash/Zoe thing for some time. This is my first fic in five months, so feedback would be good.

High Pressure
Written for LJ community, prompt was "mend".

Crew is in an Alliance Hospital. Mal/Simon. Non-shippy. Doctor/Patient.

Somewhere along the line, I became obsessed with something that was left out of the BDM: All that time it took to fix Serenity up and heal the crew some. There are some theroies that it could have been months between the final scene on Mr. Universe's world and the time our BDH's fly off. This takes place during that time.

...But Food Is Where The Family Is
Writte for two different prompts from two differnt LJ communities. One prompt was "the dining area" the other was a "Better Days" theme, in honor of our soon to be new canon fodder. HA! Anyway, Pre-BDH, Pre-Those Left Behind. Funny(I hope) near the point of parody.

Easy on the Ears
Written for LJ Community Firefly100. Is *very* silly. Comments are appreciated. The prompt was "mistake."

Something New
A drabble written for LJ Community Firefly100. Prompt was "new".
Look, I wrote fic that isn't M/I! Woo-Hoo!

The Cure for the Common Man-Part2/2
Finally. Manicures and more for the whole crew. M/I on the ship alone! No smut or anything fun like that, so don't get excited!
Part one is here, if ya missed it!

The Cure For The Common Man-Part One of Two
Written for LJ community ff_friday. Prompt was hands. Inara buys manicures for the crew. It got long and I hadn't even gotten to the good M/I yet, so there'll be a part 2.

Comment, please.

Written for Firefly100 on LJ. Prompt was Meat. I loved doing this so much I had to have someone else edit it, I just couldn't do it. There will be a longer version later. I'm not done with it yet.
I called Mal's mother Lilly, but as far as I know, she has never been offically named.

Seasons Change
M/I fluffy fluff. Written for LJ Commuity Sushi_Fic, but works fine as a stand alone. Inspired by 2x2's request for fall fic.

The Fruits Of My Labor
Another drabble, written for FF_100 on LJ. The prompt was "fruit". A theory about Saffron, back when that was her only name. Shortly after "OMR". Longer M/I fluff piece coming soon!
::waves at 4Nathan:: 'cause I know she's here!