The Cure For The Common Man-Part One of Two
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Written for LJ community ff_friday. Prompt was hands. Inara buys manicures for the crew. It got long and I hadn't even gotten to the good M/I yet, so there'll be a part 2. Comment, please.


"Cap'n?" Kaylee asked gingerly as she entered Serenity's bridge.

"All the years I've owned this ship, I have never used this damn thing for anything other then to find work. Never. The one time I want to watch some piece of go se show, it shorts out," Mal said as he smacked the side of a monitor.

Before the sentence was even out of his mouth, Kaylee was on her back under the console looking at the wiring.

"Nuttin' wrong there," she said shaking her head as she stood. "Oh, here's the problem," she said, typing over Mal's shoulder. "You didn't connect right. Wash musta changed the frequency he uses without tellin' ya."

Mal shook his head, "Ain't surprised in the least."

Kaylee smiled, "No biggie Cap'n, I can fix it for you in a jiff."

"Thanks, Kaylee. It's good to know that someone on this crew-."

"But I won't," she interrupted him.

"What? Why the hell not?"

Kaylee watched Mal carefully for a reaction as she said, "'Nara wants everyone downstairs. Some sort of announcement."

"Oh, well. Did she say what...Well, I'm sure it's...Okay, we should probably go" he stammered, standing up. "After you."

Kaylee smiled as she turned to leave the bridge. She loved to see how much Inara affected Mal.

Someday, she thought, those two might let themselves be as happy as Wash n' Zoë are.

Mal and Kaylee arrived last, taking their usual seats. Mal sitting across the room from Inara, Kaylee sitting next to Simon.

Inara nodded at Mal before she started. "When I knew we would be coming to Persephone in an attempt to sell the Lassiter, I made an appointment have my nails done. As I have been frequenting the same manicurist for some time, she has heard a great deal about Serenity and would very much like to meet you. So, as a treat to her and as a gift to all of you, I purchased everyone manicures for this afternoon."

The silence that met Inara's offer went on for so long that Inara was just about to begin talking, to explain or apologize, when Kaylee's excited squeal filled the room.

"Really?" she asked, running to hug Inara. "Oh, that poor woman," Kaylee continued, looking at the grease caked under her nails, "she has her work cut out for her. Thank you, 'Nara. I gotta go wave momma!"

Jayne had been sitting on the couch peeling the label off of a bottle, barely paying attention. "Manicure? There ain't nothing on my man that needs curing." Is there? He thought, his hand inconspicuously moving in that direction to check.

Wash rolled his eyes, and then turned to Zoë, batting his eyelashes. "Honey, will you still find me buff and manly if I got my nails did?"

Zoë smiled and nodded her approval. "I wear the pants in this relationship. Got no problem with you wearing the nail polish, too."

Book stood in front of Inara and took her hands in his. "As I am appreciative of the gesture, however I took a vow to live simply, so I fear I have to reject your generous offer."

Book jumped a little as River spoke behind him. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness," she said smiling.

"She's got you there, Shepherd," grinned Mal, always glad to debunk religion at any opportunity. "Well, you all got work to finish before you all run off to get prettified, so get to it."

As the room cleared out, Mal made his way to an expectant Inara. "Thanks for that. After I went and got them nearly killed by Saffron again, this makes for a nice surprise. I'm appreciative."

"What about you?" she asked cautiously.

Mal shrugged, not comperhending "What about me?"

"I bought manicures for everyone."

"Oh," Mal said waving his hand in front of his face dismissivley. "No I couldn't, I mean I shouldn't. Captain accepting a gift as such from crew, well, it's probably not the professional thing to do. 'Sides," Mal said, holding his hands up, "these paws are long gone, I'm sure."

Inara took his left hand in hers and smiled when she felt the pulse in his thumb quicken. "They're not so bad, really. I could do it for you."

Mal cleared his throat,"I thought you didn't service folk on this ship."

"You never did post that sign." She looked up at him through her eyelashes. "We can do it while the others are at Marina's. No one ever has to know."

She slowly put his hand down and began to walk away."My shuttle," she said over her shoulder. "See you in an hour."

Damned if an hour later, he wasn't standing in fron of her shuttle. He moved to knock on the door, but his feet continued walking. He turned and leaned over the railing overlooking the cargo bay composing himself.

Breathe,he tells himself. This ain't any kind of big deal, it's just 'Nara. She's just gonna fiddle with your hands a bit. You know there was a time when a woman lookin' like that wanting my attention would not require convincing. This ain't a big deal.

Just as soon as Mal had convinced himself of that fact, Inara appeared next to him.

"Thought I heard someone prowling around out here. Coming in?"

"Yeah",he says offering his arm to her. "Shall we?"


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:12 PM


"Manicure? There ain't nothing on my man that needs curing." Is there? He thought, his hand inconspicuously moving in that direction to check.

I laughed out loud at this, so very funny and so very Jayne.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:44 PM


You know, this is really quite a simple event in the lives of our BDH's... which makes it all the more endearing. I love how Inara umbrella's Mal from the whole situation... and the reactions from everyone (although I do wish we had gotten a reaction from Zoe, other than emasculating her husband).

Would love to read the next chapter!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:41 PM


Fun! I can't wait to read more!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:46 PM


Now this is just freaking brilliant...though I was suspecting a more vocal reaction from Mal and Jayne!


Can't wait to see what everyone gets up to in part 2:)


Thursday, November 23, 2006 4:06 PM


What happens if she decides to wash his feet? (evil grin)

Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:39 AM


Why do I get the feeling there's more than cuticles and nail beds involved in Inara's little offer?

Ooh, I can't wait to read the next!


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Even Warrior Women Get the Blues
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The Cure for the Common Man-Part2/2
Finally. Manicures and more for the whole crew. M/I on the ship alone! No smut or anything fun like that, so don't get excited!
Part one is here, if ya missed it!

The Cure For The Common Man-Part One of Two
Written for LJ community ff_friday. Prompt was hands. Inara buys manicures for the crew. It got long and I hadn't even gotten to the good M/I yet, so there'll be a part 2.

Comment, please.

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::waves at 4Nathan:: 'cause I know she's here!