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Mal is a BDH, and it comes back to bite him in the butt.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
From Bad to Worse: by RiverIsMyGoddess <---companion piece to this ~
“You ready to leave everything and everyone you've ever known?” Mal was standing in Anna's kitchen, helping her pack up some meager belongings.
“I only need my kids Mal, everything else,” her voice broke. She didn't look up from the dishes she'd insisted on washing. “Well I can't look around here and see a single thing I wouldn't give up for them.” Mal didn't respond, knowing that despite what she said, it was killing her to leave. He just picked up the two bags she'd brought downstairs containing the kids personal items and carried them out into the backyard to the awaiting mule.
Zoe was standing guard when Mal came outside with the bags, Jayne was stationed in the front while Wash and Kaylee had stayed on the ship to make sure they could get a quick get away if they needed one.
“You think she's going to be able to do it, Sir?” Zoe asked once again as she studied her surroundings.
“It's what she's been trained in since she was 12, I hope that with that much work experience she can seduce some ugly middle-aged man who drunkenly beats his wife and kids.
“How you holdin' up?” Zoe asked finally looking at Mal. It wasn't like them to sit and talk about how they felt inside, but Zoe knew this wasn't easy for Mal.
“It's strange ya know. Growin' up I used to look up to Frank. I wanted him to marry my ma for a while. He was way too young of course but I couldn't see that. Just thought he'd be the kind of dad every kid would want.” Mal looked down at the bags he'd loaded into the mule. “Now I see him as unfit to have any contact with his kids.”
“People change Mal.”
“Yes they surely do.”
“So What brings you to our little corner of the black?” Frank asked with a drunken lisp tinting his speech. He'd had two of his three required drinks while he was talking about himself, Inara had long since learned it was everyone's favorite topic of conversation.
“Business.” Inara said as she looked him deeply in the eyes.
“You came all the way out here to bed a man?”
“Perhaps, do you know any men all the way out here that need...” Inara paused for dramatic effect, “a woman's touch?” Frank let out a deep breath that told Inara he was taking her overly obvious bait.
“You're takin' clients? On Shadow?”
“If I find the right client, then yes.” Inara took a slow drink without removing her eyes from Frank's gaze.
Jayne sat on a rock that was shrouded by a deep shadow, a few meters south of the front porch. He looked into the direction of town and just saw the normal hustle and bustle of a small town. He'd gotten to thinking of his family, being here with everyone talkin' about Mal's home.
He was wearing the hat his mother had knit for him, that officer that was after the dead guy had said it made him look like an idiot. He didn't care much, he just saw his mommas love when he looked at it. She had creaky hands and he knew how much it hurt her to knit anything at all. She'd made this special just for him and he'd be damned if he didn't wear his momma's hat.
'I think it's the sweetest hat ever.' A sweet voice echoed through his mind as he sat in the darkness holding his post like a good mercenary should. It had tickled him something fierce inside to hear the warm hearted compliment. It was probably the nicest thing she'd said to him since their good doc had waltzed off with her attention.
“So what sort of wages does it take to win you for a night?” Frank asked. Inara was getting tired of this, he was still nursing his third drink, not more than two-thirds of the way through. At the beginning of his next drink she could slip him his pill. It wouldn't be that hard, she'd already worked it out.
“It all depends Frankie, I can call you Frankie right?” She asked flirtatiously.
“Honey you can call me anything, just don't call me late for supper.” His voice was thick with lust and Inara had to use all of her self control to keep from rolling her eyes. 'Did he just use that as a line?' She some how managed a giggle that sounded heartfelt, all her years of training were being tested by this man.
“You have such a unique wit, Frankie.” Inara glanced down and the few sips left in Franks glass. “How about we get another round of drinks and you show me how things are run behind the scenes, perhaps your office.” Frank jaw dropped for a moment and without hesitation he signaled for the bartender to refresh their drinks.
Inara skillfully pulled the pill from a small concealed pocket on her beaded bodice and she flashed a sultry smile at Frank. She motioned as if she were getting up and purposefully bumped her shawl to the floor. “Oh, how clumsy of me.” She feigned a motion to pick it up but Frank bent down to pick it up. She slipped the green pill into the amber liquid as she grabbed the two glasses and stood up. Frank held out her shaw, noticed the out stretched drink and took it before handing Inara her emerald dotted wrap.
“My lady.” Frank held out his arm in an attempt to be charming and Inara pretended to blush and let out a delicate giggle.
“And all this is yours?” Inara asked, pretending to be interested in the dank and dusty office he'd lead her to. She leaned against the desk, arching her back slightly. He'd taken one sip of his drink since they'd left the bar and Inara's patience was wearing thin.
“Me and the Missus. Bought it about 5 years back, made a lot of upgrades since. See this whole part we're standing in is an addition, originally...” He wasn't drinking anymore, he'd sat down his glass and was making large gestures with his hands while he talked. She'd stopped listening but it didn't show, she'd learned long ago how to artfully zone out.
“That's simply fascinating,” she said.
He leered at Inara lustfully. “But I'm going to venture a guess that you didn't come back here to chat about bar room additions and storage rooms.” He stepped closer to Inara and then wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing himself onto her.
Her eyes shifted to the almost full glass resting next to them, and part of her panicked slightly. “Just make sure, whatever happens he has that pill. We need as much time as possible.” Mal's instructions once again reverberated through her mind.
“How about you show me the wine cellar. I'm sure a place like this has an extensive collection.”
“We don't have a wine cellar here.” Frank whispered into her ear before laying his lips softly onto her neck. “Besides, ain't nothin' wrong with right here.” He spoke into her neck, scattering tiny drops of spit onto her skin. It took all of her Companion training to keep herself from throwing him off of her.
She reached for his glass, after a few moments of searching she asked. “How about a toast?” Her voice was no longer cool and collected. A small hint of suspicion crossed onto his features. He moved quickly, shifting his weight off of Inara. She'd been leaning towards the glass slightly and using his weight to balance herself. When his weight left she fell into the direction she was leaning. It was like time slowed down as Inara watched the glass slip from it's perch on the desk, the liquid spilling out on it's way down to the floor
A loud crash brought time back to its usual pace and the both stood transfixed by the glass shattering onto the floor.
Inara stood transfixed, unsure of her next move. Mal had only given her one pill, and it was now dissolved in liquid that was scattered all over the a dirty hardwood floor mingled with bits of glass shards and dirt. She glanced up at Frank who seemed to have sobered up at the crashing glass.
“I need...” his voice faded like he wasn't sure of what he was saying. “I need to go, you need to go. I have a wife, I have two kids.” He didn't look her in the eyes, his shame flooded his face.
Inara's heart landed in her chest suddenly, 'Pi hua' She panicked as he headed for the door. She went after him, practically leaping onto him and pulling his arm back.
“No you can't leave, they won't be...” Inara's voice stopped the moment she realized she'd lost her composure and said too much.
“What in the 'verse are you talkin' about! You were setting me up?” Franks face instantly flashed with livid indignation. “You filthy whore!” He backhanded Inara quickly, knocking her to the floor. “Yao guai hu li jing.” His short angry words were followed by him spitting on her. She lay clutching her face where he'd stuck her huddled on the floor in a puddle of booze and glass as he walked swiftly out the door.
“Put the gun down Frank.” Anna's frightened voice pleaded desperately.
“How could you Anna? Ain't what we got good enough for you?” His face looked enraged and hurt at the same time. His hand holding the out stretched gun was shaking slightly as he looked over at Mal. “You were like a son to me Malcolm, and I find you here with my wife?”
“It ain't what it looks like Frank.” Mal insisted. His hands were up in the air and his mind was racing for a way out of this.
“It looks like you're running of with my wife.” Frank gestured to the last bag still sitting in the hallway.
Mal rolled his eyes. “Well maybe it is what it looks like, but it ain't what you're presumin'. She's my cargo not my mistress.” This made Franks face go even redder, which Mal hadn't thought possible.
“That yao guai hu li jing was sent by you? Hope she ain't your mistress either. She was damn near ready to bed me before I uglied her up.”
Mal's heart dropped at his words. How could he have put Inara in that position.
“Frank!” Anna's shocked cry rang out. Tears had long ago begun to spill down her cheeks and she had trouble speaking through her sobs. “Stop it! Everyone just stop it!” She took a few deep breaths, steadying herself before she walked forward and grabbed the bag. “I'm leaving you Frank. I can't live with the monster you've become.” She glanced up at him, meeting his gaze with her swollen eyes. “You make me sick.”
Frank dropped the gun slightly, moving towards her and trying to wrap his arms around her. “I'll change. I'll be better.” She stepped back out of his reach and started for the still open door.
“If you ain't gonna live with me, you ain't gonna live at all.” Frank aimed his gun at his wife's back.
Things happened so quickly that when it was all done it took Mal a moment to sort it out in his mind.
Frank had fired, he'd heard it. Then he fired his own gun at Frank. But Anna was huddled on the floor with Jayne on top of her, blood spilling from his leg.
Jayne must have dived in just in time to save Anna, although being slammed against a wall by a large man didn't seem to have done her a whole lot of good and it looked like she was out cold.
It only took a second before Mal was had thrown an also bleeding Frank against a wall. “You move, I kill you.” He pulled a the small black comm unit out of his pocket, “Wash?”
“Yeah Mal.”
“Tell Simon to prep the infirmary, we've had some bumps in our smooth plan.”
“Yeah, it's already taken care of.”
Mal rolled his eyes at his crews lack of confidence. “Has Inara made it back yet?”
It had gotten dark early, which meant Inara only had the moon light to guide her on the twisting path back to the ship. She was pretty sure she'd gone in the same circle three different times before finally spotting Serenity in the distance.
Never had it felt so good to her hear foot steps landing the hard steel then it did when she stepped inside the ships cargo hold.
Book spotted her coming in and rushed toward her. “You look dreadful.”
“Well if I didn't know better Shepard, I'd say you're trying to charm me.” Inara said with a bright smile as he tilted her head back and began to examine the bruise forming on her upper cheek.
“How about we let Simon take a look?” Book asked and he began leading her towards the infirmary.
“I need to warn Mal, things didn't go to well on my end.”
Shepard nodded then said. “I'll have Simon get things ready for their return.” They walked together for a few steps parting ways when Inara reached the steps heading upward. She moved quickly and never had the ship feel larger then when she was trying to get to the bridge right then. She burst into the small room just as she heard Mal's voice sound over the comm. Wash picked up the small receiver as he gestured to Inara to take a seat in the co-pilot's chair which she didn't sit in, instead she walked up behind Wash.
“Tell Simon to prep the infirmary, we've had some bumps in our smooth plan.” Mal sounded short of breath, bit it was an enormous comfort to Inara just to know he was alive. Wash gave Inara a puzzled look before Inara finally spoke.
“Book's already on it,” she whispered. Her heart was in her throat as she realized Mal's comforting voice had spoken less than comforting words.
“Yeah, it's already taken care of.” Wash answered into the comm.
There was a pause and then Mal asked, “Has Inara made it back yet?”
Inara exchanged glances with Wash, who's face wore and amused expression. “Yeah Mal, I'm right here. Look, you've got to hurry. Things when south and I think Frank's going to...”
Mal's voice interrupted her. “Yeah, Frank's right here. Look, Zoe's and Jayne are on their way back with Anna and the kids on the mule. Tell Wash to get ready for a quick lift off.”
“What about you?” Inara asked desperately.
“Frank's got to get to a doctor or he'll die. He's got a pretty bad bullet hole in the gut.”
Mal put the com unit into his coat pocket, and nodded to Jayne who had Anna draped over his shoulder. He limped painfully over to the mule which Zoe had pulled around before heading upstairs to get James and Laura. Their frightened tears sounding through the otherwise silent house. They'd been woken up by the sound of gunshots going off in their living room.
“Don't take my family Mal.” Frank pleaded weakly.
“I ain't taken them, they're leavin'.” Mal lifted the heavy man's arm over his own shoulder and started out the door.
It wasn't too long of a walk into town, but carrying Frank didn't help make the walk shorter.
“Why are you doing this Mal?” Frank's weak voice asked.
“Because you dying wasn't part of the plan Frank.”
When he finally made it to the dilapidated building with the sign bearing the reading Doctor he burst right in.
“This man needs help.” Mal laid him down on a bench near the a desk. Frank grabbed Mal by his shirt as he attempted to turn.
“Bring my family back Mal!”
“I can't do that.”
A look of outrage crossed Franks face and then he began frantically shouting. “This man shot me, Help me, Help!”
Mal shook free of Franks grasp and headed for the door. He was just reaching for the knob when it opened in front of him.
“Ben ren yo u yi yi yuan wang!” Mal exclaimed as Claire walked in, her sheriff badge plainly visible.
“Reynolds, I knew I hadn't seen the last of your ugly mug.”
Pi hua – shit
Yao guai hu li jing – devil enchantress
Ben ren yo u yi yi yuan wang – I have bad luck.
hun dan – bastard
Part 6
Friday, June 23, 2006 9:12 AM
Friday, June 23, 2006 10:07 AM
Friday, June 23, 2006 3:12 PM
Friday, June 23, 2006 7:04 PM
Friday, June 23, 2006 8:57 PM
Sunday, June 25, 2006 3:50 PM
Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:06 PM
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