***** Top Gun: Maverick *****

UPDATED: Sunday, March 19, 2023 09:12
VIEWED: 4633
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Tuesday, August 23, 2022 9:40 PM


Maverick pulled in more than half of what the weekend's number one flick Dragon Ball did yesterday. It was also in spitting distance of Bullet Train with only $87k between them, and it was less than $135k behind the weekend's number two Beast.

It will roll over all three of them in less than two weeks.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, August 24, 2022 8:44 PM


We got a whole page of posts here, mostly about other films at the Box Office.

Maverick has been out since Memorial Day Weekend, about 3 months ago.

My 2 local theaters have 3 showings per day at each, missing the late showing.

So I don't feel bad about mentioning some stuff, perhaps spoilers.

The revamped storyline, to not tick off China and their Box Office, is making the belligerant someplace like Iraq or Iran.
The film is about the US Navy. As in SEA NAVY. The story is about, and shows, taking off from a boat - an Aircraft Carrier - and flying across water, before entering enemy territory when they cross over the beach, from water to land. The target in the film is not land-locked.
After the mission target, they are in the mountains, volcanic ranges, and there are forests and snow.
I didn't see a bunch of sandy desert in the film.

There were a whole bunch of different photos of the original Top Gun used, and I mean a bunch of different shots, different poses, different angles, different people in the frames, almost as if there was a film crew around for this supposed Top Secret Mission. Not just one photo used repeatedly during this film.

In the credits, I saw something weird the first time. It was deep in, like the technical credits, and it said something like "TOPGUN001 - Tom Cruise"
I didn't see any other credit similar to that, and I didn't know what it was supposed to mean.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022 10:32 PM


89 days in release and Maverick is still pulling in close to a million bucks a day domestically. Way over that if you average it with the weekends.

Conversely, Beast has been out only 4 days and was already under a million bucks on day 3.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, August 27, 2022 9:43 AM


Been way too busy to try to keep up with any predictions the last week or two. In fact, it only occured to me that it was already Saturday morning and I hadn't even looked at The Numbers articles until now.

After getting a sad 2nd place last week, Beast inexplicably gets the widest release this weekend. Despite that fact, The numbers believes it will only get 6th place, below Maverick's 5th place.

They believe The Invitation (New) will get 1st, Dragon Ball will get 2nd, Three Thousand Years of Longing (New) will get 3rd and Bullet Train will get 4th.

But they also say that their model for The Invitation is pretty jenky and could get as much as $11 Million or as little as $7 Million.

Their 2nd, 3rd and 4th spots are all super close to each other at $6.0 to $6.8 Million. while Maverick sits just a little over $5.1 Million.

The prediction for the weekend is a very low take of only $50 to $60 Million, which is the lowest since February.

Learning from prior lessons though, they do mention at the end of the article that they can't rule out Top Gun: Maverick or Bullet Train taking 1st place if The Invitation fails to draw an audience.

If Maverick took 1st place in its 14th weekend that would be an unprecedented feat.

I don't think that's very likely, but there's a good chance that it takes better than the predicted 5th place, and the 3 movies right above it won't be for very long.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:54 PM


I'm hesitant to say that Maverick took 3rd place last night on it's 92nd day in the theater. Projections are in, and it looks to have beaten both Dragon Ball and Beast by $49k and $50k. That's too close to call though until the real numbers come in.

The Invitation came in first like TN says it would, with just shy of twice what Maverick made. Bullet Train was only $190k ahead of Maverick.

We'll see how the weekend plays out, but after seeing these numbers I think the only thing that might hold Maverick back from taking 1st place next weekend is if there are enough people out there hungry enough for a 2nd viewing of Spider-Man: No Way Home with the extra scenes. Jaws is also getting a re-release next weekend too, it appears.

I think it's kind of cool they're doing those re-releases. I said in the Cinema forum years ago they should do this. I never saw Avatar before. Maybe when it gets re-released next month I'll go and see it with my Dad and my brother.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:01 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The big news for Maverick this weekend is that it’s now the 6th-highest-grossing film of all time at the domestic box office, after it overtook Avengers: Infinity War on Friday.


Maverick is 12th overall on the Worldwide chart right now.

It should have no problem knocking off Frozen II in a few weeks for 11th.

I think it will have a decent chance to move up two more to bump off The Avengers and Furious 7, but that would depend entirely on how well it is still doing internationally, and The Numbers just puts those figures as a lump sum for each country and doesn't do a weekly breakdown, so it would take a little work from that site to figure out how much it's still doing overseas. It would need to make $112 Million more to take 9th place.

That's probably where it would end though without a re-release. At that point it would still need an additional $140 Million to take 8th place from The Lion King, at which point taking 7th place would be possible with just 18 Million more.

My prediction is that it will be able to take 9th place, which would put it only behind 3 Comic Book Movies on the International list. Avengers: End Game and Infinity War, and Spider-Man: No Way Home.

PLACEHOLDER: $720,000,000 is the current International figure for Maverick as of the morning of 08/22/2022. We'll see where that number is next week.


6 days ago the estimate for international take was $720,000,000. I look today and the "actual" number is nearly $7 Million less at $713,427,630.

My guess right now is they update that number once per week with weekend projections on Sunday and a solid figure later during the week and they were seriously wrong last weekend.

It's impossible to see how many theaters there are even still open in foreign countries, at least for me, so I can't really say anything about how well it will do there. Instead of comparing from Monday to Monday, it's better to take the number from the 28th and compare it to next Sunday morning before predictions come in.

As it stands now, it's still in 12 place internationally and would need $44 Million to overtake Frozen II for 11th, and $114 Million to take 9th and displace The Avengers and Furious 7. I think $44 is still easily doable in America alone if it's allowed to stay in theaters for a few more months, but if there is no action internationally it won't move beyond 11th place internationally.

Domestically, it is still in 6th place behind Black Panther, but only by around $12 Million. It should have that within 20 days. There's about zero chance it will take 4th place from Avatar though, since it would still need $73 Million plus whatever Avatar makes in September when it's re-released.

5th and 11th place aren't bad though, especially in a post Plandemic world and considering how low it's first weekend gross was when compared to the other blockbusters at the top of the charts that sometimes started with 3 times as much money opening weekend.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, August 28, 2022 11:39 PM


Universal's projection puts Beast above Maverick for the weekend by $150k. That might be wishful thinking.

It's strange that the projections had Maverick at 3rd on Friday, 4th on Saturday and 5th on Sunday; for a 4th place overall. We'll have to see what the actual numbers are on Monday or Tuesday. It could still take 4th from Beast, but it the projections would have to be off by $850k to beat Bullet Train and $2.5 Million to beat The Invitation this weekend, so it's doubtful it would get higher than 3rd, max.

The Invitation is the only movie in theaters this week that could beat Maverick during its 15th weekend though.

Who knows what "Honk for Jesus, Save Your Soul." will do next weekend, and there is a pretty good chance Spider-Man: No Way Home's re-release will do better than Maverick too.

Hilariously, Clerks III is a thing that Kevin Smith did and it isn't even getting a wide release next weekend. It will open wide on the 13th, but Kevin's squandered a lot of good will from previous fans so that's probably not going to do very well.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, August 29, 2022 10:10 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The big news for Maverick this weekend is that it’s now the 6th-highest-grossing film of all time at the domestic box office, after it overtook Avengers: Infinity War on Friday.


Maverick is 12th overall on the Worldwide chart right now.

It should have no problem knocking off Frozen II in a few weeks for 11th.

I think it will have a decent chance to move up two more to bump off The Avengers and Furious 7, but that would depend entirely on how well it is still doing internationally, and The Numbers just puts those figures as a lump sum for each country and doesn't do a weekly breakdown, so it would take a little work from that site to figure out how much it's still doing overseas. It would need to make $112 Million more to take 9th place.

That's probably where it would end though without a re-release. At that point it would still need an additional $140 Million to take 8th place from The Lion King, at which point taking 7th place would be possible with just 18 Million more.

My prediction is that it will be able to take 9th place, which would put it only behind 3 Comic Book Movies on the International list. Avengers: End Game and Infinity War, and Spider-Man: No Way Home.

PLACEHOLDER: $720,000,000 is the current International figure for Maverick as of the morning of 08/22/2022. We'll see where that number is next week.


6 days ago the estimate for international take was $720,000,000. I look today and the "actual" number is nearly $7 Million less at $713,427,630.

My guess right now is they update that number once per week with weekend projections on Sunday and a solid figure later during the week and they were seriously wrong last weekend.

It's impossible to see how many theaters there are even still open in foreign countries, at least for me, so I can't really say anything about how well it will do there. Instead of comparing from Monday to Monday, it's better to take the number from the 28th and compare it to next Sunday morning before predictions come in.

As it stands now, it's still in 12 place internationally and would need $44 Million to overtake Frozen II for 11th, and $114 Million to take 9th and displace The Avengers and Furious 7. I think $44 is still easily doable in America alone if it's allowed to stay in theaters for a few more months, but if there is no action internationally it won't move beyond 11th place internationally.

Domestically, it is still in 6th place behind Black Panther, but only by around $12 Million. It should have that within 20 days. There's about zero chance it will take 4th place from Avatar though, since it would still need $73 Million plus whatever Avatar makes in September when it's re-released.

5th and 11th place aren't bad though, especially in a post Plandemic world and considering how low it's first weekend gross was when compared to the other blockbusters at the top of the charts that sometimes started with 3 times as much money opening weekend.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


08/22/2022: International Box Office Projection: $720,000,000
08/28/2022: International Box Office Actual: $713,427,630
08/29/2022: International Box Office Projection: $731,200,000

We'll see how much lower than the projection it is, probably tomorrow.

If that number is correct, Maverick is now only less than $23 Million below Frozen II for 11th place internationally.

08/29/2022: Domestic Box Office Projection: $691,213,000

And if this number is correct, Maverick is now only less than $9 Million below Black Panther for 5th place in the US.

US actual total is in...

08/29/2022: Domestic Box Office Actual: $691,185,348

Still less than $9 Million needed Domestically to take 5th place from Black Panther.

The Twitter pink haired potbelly trolls and soy boys will cry all night long when that news crosses their desks, likely sometime late next week.

Without a re-release, 5th is as high as Maverick will ever see in the States. 3rd and 4th place No Way Home and Avatar are already getting a re-release in September too, so they're just going to pull away even further.

EDIT: International total is in...

8/30/2022: International Box Office Actual: $729,608,790

It now needs $24.5 Million to overtake Frozen II for 11th place, worldwide.

So it does appear to have made $16 Million internationally (not including the US) in the last week, which is still quite impressive even if it's been below estimates the last two weeks. Here in the states it's only getting half of that now with just shy of $8 million last week.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, August 30, 2022 8:57 AM


So as of Sunday, 8/28, which is the last day on record for both the US and International audiences, Maverick needs just shy of $9 Million in the US to take 5th place from Black Panther in the Domestic Box Office, and a total of roughly $24.5 Million to take 11th place from Frozen II in the Worldwide Box Office.

These are the only bumps I expect to happen.

Here at home, Avitar and No Way Home get re-releases next month. Assuming they count the new money as additions to the box office there's zero chance Maverick beats either of them for 3rd and 4th place without a well-timed re-release of its own down the road, and even then it would still have another $69 Million and $105 Million catching up to do.

Internationally, to take 10th place from Furious 7 it would need another $94 Million at which point it should easily take 9th place from The Avengers as well since it would need less than $1 Million more to do so.

Without a re-release, that's a steep hill to climb. I won't call in impossible since it did make roughly another $24 Million in the last 7 days worldwide, but the box office in general has taken a big hit with the end of summer coming and I don't know if it can hold on long enough to make another $100 Million bucks 15 weeks into it's run.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, August 30, 2022 5:15 PM


Maverick pulls back into 3rd place over Beast on Monday, but it's the first time it's under half a million with only $492,616. Looks like it's going to be a rough week for the theaters in general though because it was only $21k shy of Bullet Train at number 2 and $41k shy of The Invitation at number 1.

Those are rough numbers for The Invitation on its 4th day. Top Gun might actually displace all 3 of those movies next weekend and fall behind only Honk for Jesus (if that movie does well) and Spider-Man: No Way Home's re-release.

Sunday will mark Maverick's 100th day in the theater.

Oh... and P.S...

Rogue One got a re-release and nobody went to see it. Free money for Disney I guess, but in 4 days it hasn't even made $1.5 Million.

Nobody cares about any new Star Wars. Not even the decent one. You'd be better off keeping that franchise on the shelf forever after how you treated it.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, September 1, 2022 10:15 AM


Super Tuesday was a dud for theaters. Not a single flick pulled in over a million bucks.

Maverick takes 3rd with $691k. Just shy of $85k behind Bullet Train which already pulled into 1st over The Invitation by $14k (making The Invitations prospects for its second weekend already look pretty weak). Beast has already fallen in its 12th day, taking in almost $100k less than Maverick.

I'm looking forward to seeing some news in the next few days and what they think the re-release's takes are going to be.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, September 1, 2022 11:06 PM


Maverick back into 2nd place on Wednesday, booting The Invitation down to third on it's 6th day in the theaters and lagging behind Bullet Train by only $32k.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, September 2, 2022 10:39 AM


Wow... They're going all-in on Spider-Man: No Way Home's re-release with 3,935 theaters. Not a record breaker for sure, but far more than the expected 3,000 theaters. I can't say I blame them with how bad the box office is doing. There are additional scenes in it, but I can't say if they're any good or not. (And PLEASE, Sony... Let me reiterate one last time what a disaster it would be if you screw up that perfect ending and make the "More Fun Stuff" sub-title all about giving it a happy "Hollywood" ending. You still have a few hours to reverse that if you did).

It may not seem like it since buzz about No Way Home died down a long time ago, but it hasn't been out of theaters all that long. It still had showings in 132 theaters on May 20th, and in 10 theaters as late as June 30th.

The question about whether audiences are hungry to see it again so soon is pretty moot considering how poorly the box office is performing right now... It will make money. Though I wonder if we can expect this to take a commanding lead or not.

Jaws is also getting a re-release in 1,246 theaters as well. Interesting and fun for fans of the movie, but it won't be a contender for the top five.

Maverick is still way down in the theater count (6th place), but it is adding an additional 151 theaters, making it the only movie in the top ten to add theaters this week for a total of 3,113. It's essentially tied with Bullet Train (3,117), DC's League of Super Pets (3,115) and The Invitation (3,114).

Inexplicably (only if you're putting your blinders on for woke shenanigans), Beast has the 2nd highest theater count with 3,212, even after losing 396 this weekend. Beast hasn't placed higher than 4th since Sunday, and that's with anywhere between 240 and 690 more theaters than all of the movies that were beating it. It won't be any competition for Maverick even with that many theaters still showing it.

I can't even guess how good it will do at this point against Spider-Man. Honk for Jesus is only opening in 1,880 theaters though, so that probably won't be any competition.

Though it's a longshot, Maverick could take 1st place this weekend. It's still trailing behind Bullet Train, but only by the smallest of margins. 2nd place is more likely because I do expect Spider-Man to do at least moderately well. I don't see Maverick taking less than 3rd place though. I think the overlap in Maverick/Spider-Man audiences is less than the overlap between Bullet Train/Spider-Man audiences.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, September 2, 2022 9:58 PM


The Numbers seems to be as confused as I am about this weekend. It's a total crap shoot.

They say that any one of 4 movies could take 1st place.

Maverick, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Bullet Train or (as a long shot) DC League of Super Pets.

Of course I'm rooting for Maverick. It deserves to break a record for being the first movie in history to take 1st place in its 15th week, on the celebration of it's hundredth day of kicking ass in the theaters.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, September 3, 2022 9:46 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Though it's a longshot, Maverick could take 1st place this weekend. It's still trailing behind Bullet Train, but only by the smallest of margins. 2nd place is more likely because I do expect Spider-Man to do at least moderately well. I don't see Maverick taking less than 3rd place though. I think the overlap in Maverick/Spider-Man audiences is less than the overlap between Bullet Train/Spider-Man audiences.

Friday Top 3 Projections:

1 Spider-Man: No Way Home $1,750,000
2 Bullet Train .......... $1,100,000
3 Top Gun: Maverick ..... $1,075,000

It's a race!


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, September 3, 2022 9:48 PM


Oh no..... No. No. No.....

I just looked into the "additional scenes" for Spider-Man: No Way Home and saw the two words that I didn't want to ever see for that movie...

"Alternate Ending".


They've ruined it.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, September 4, 2022 11:20 AM


Studio projections through Monday have come in for Maverick and a few other movies.

If they're right, then by Monday Maverick will have displaced Black Panther for 5th place all-time Domestic Box Office.

It will still be behind Frozen II Worldwide for 11th place by $16 Million, but that gap is closing quickly.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, September 5, 2022 8:22 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Studio projections through Monday have come in for Maverick and a few other movies.

If they're right, then by Monday Maverick will have displaced Black Panther for 5th place all-time Domestic Box Office.

It will still be behind Frozen II Worldwide for 11th place by $16 Million, but that gap is closing quickly.

OMG. Maverick might have done it!

I don't know what happened, and the official numbers aren't in yet, but the projections for Saturday and Sunday have now changed and put Maverick in 1st place on both days.

It's still going to be a nail-biter, but right now they're showing Maverick in 1st place for the weekend by $285k!

That will be the first time in history that a movie hit 1st place on it's 15th weekend.

What a present to the movie on Saturday which was it's 100th day in the theaters.

And once Monday's numbers come in it should have taken 5th place from Black Panther in the all-time Domestic Box Office too.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, September 5, 2022 10:55 PM


Other sites are already reporting on the Maverick Win.



Labor Day Box Office Shakeup: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Is #1, ‘Spider-Man’ #3
The top four titles are in a completely new order after the wild card of a $3 Saturday.



Box Office Shake-Up: Top Gun: Maverick flies to first place

JoeBlo also points out that Maverick is the first movie in history to place 1st on both Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend.



Bleak Box Office Battle: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Beats ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ in Labor Day Weekend Wasteland



Weekend Box Office Results: Top Gun: Maverick Soars to Another Milestone
The biggest movie of the year swooped back into first place during a dismal holiday weekend that saw a pair of re-releases score top 10 finishes.

It appears that The-Numbers was wrong when they said last week that if Maverick took 1st on it's 14th weekend it would be the first movie to ever do so. According to RottenTomatoes:


First up, Maverick reclaimed the No. 1 spot at the box office in its 15th week of release, an achievement held in the modern era by the likes of only E.T., Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop, Back to the Future, and Titanic. That is quite the list for Tom Cruise to join, let alone Paramount, who now owns half the films on that list. Top Gun: Maverick also has outgrossed all those films, as well as every domestically released film ever, save for only four.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 11:45 PM


It's official now. Maverick did indeed take 1st place for the weekend.

It also took first place on Monday with nearly 2 million, bringing it above Black Panther for 5th all time Domestic release.

Interestingly, Spider-Man: No Way Home took first place on Friday and made the predictions that it would top the chart for the weekend seem like a no-brainer. But after that it placed 4th on Saturday, 6th on Sunday and 5th on Monday, despite having 800+ theaters than every movie that placed above it all weekend except for when Beast beat it on Sunday (only 700 theaters more than Beast).

I know it's a re-released flick that wasn't in theaters all that long ago, but it was a juggernaut and an actual GOOD comic book flick. I certainly didn't expect it to take 3rd place for the weekend, and it appears that nobody else did either.

Maybe... just maybe... Superhero Fatigue is finally happening.

I'd love to see Disney Marvel and their dumb timeline for future movies crumble.

Let's bring back more real movies like Maverick.

Let's bring back the Movie Star instead of banking on IPs with a MultiVerse that just means the people portraying the characters don't matter at all and can be swapped out for somebody else at any time.

Tom Cruise really is the only one left right now. It doesn't have to be that way.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, September 9, 2022 10:17 AM


No new stuff this weekend of note. Barbarian actually looks interesting, but is only going to get 2,340 theaters.

Spider-Man loses 722 theaters. Maverick loses 8 theaters.

Some claim that the $3 Saturday last week is why Maverick came out on top, but that doesn't really track with me. I would think the cheap price would bring in more family audiences and they'd have been going to Super Pets and Spider-Man instead of Maverick.

It is possible and even probable that Maverick takes first place again this weekend.

It's been losing to Bullet Train every day this week since Monday, but only by a couple of thousand bucks. And even though No Way Home was in nearly 4,000 theaters all week it was struggling to keep 5th place among Beast and Minions and finally fell to beast on Wednesday.

Those weekday numbers are pretty sad right now. Not one movie even beat $400k on Wednesday.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, September 11, 2022 1:39 AM


A bit ago, I mentioned that Maverick was down to 3 shows per day at each of my local cinemas. The next week, it was back up to 7 per day between the 2. Today, Sunday, it is down to 6 again, then back to 7 for Tuesday.

I have been wondering when did Maverick Box Office surpass some of his other films. He has had some hits. Have not seen any mention of such.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Other sites are already reporting on the Maverick Win.

Labor Day Box Office Shakeup: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Is #1, ‘Spider-Man’ #3
The top four titles are in a completely new order after the wild card of a $3 Saturday.

Box Office Shake-Up: Top Gun: Maverick flies to first place

JoeBlo also points out that Maverick is the first movie in history to place 1st on both Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend.

Bleak Box Office Battle: ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Beats ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ in Labor Day Weekend Wasteland

Weekend Box Office Results: Top Gun: Maverick Soars to Another Milestone
The biggest movie of the year swooped back into first place during a dismal holiday weekend that saw a pair of re-releases score top 10 finishes.

It appears that The-Numbers was wrong when they said last week that if Maverick took 1st on it's 14th weekend it would be the first movie to ever do so. According to RottenTomatoes:


First up, Maverick reclaimed the No. 1 spot at the box office in its 15th week of release, an achievement held in the modern era by the likes of only E.T., Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop, Back to the Future, and Titanic. That is quite the list for Tom Cruise to join, let alone Paramount, who now owns half the films on that list. Top Gun: Maverick also has outgrossed all those films, as well as every domestically released film ever, save for only four.

It is too bad that Star Wars is not on that list - it was the first filmgoing phenomenon of this type. It was not expected to do well at the Box Office.

None of those listed was a sequel, although Titanic could be argued as a remake.

I wonder what the list of sequels is like. Suspect big hitters were Back To The Future II, Aliens, Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2, Wrath of Khan, Home Alone 2, Lethal Weapon II, Road Warrior, Die Harder, Silence of the Lambs, Serenity II. Some of those would also be sequels which surpassed the originals. Not sure about Halloween II or slasher sequels.
Maybe the Dirty Harry sequel. U.S. Marshals did OK. Maybe Jason Bourne sequel. Or Hunger Games 2. Can't imagine The Two Towers, but maybe Harry Potter 2.


Monday, September 12, 2022 10:44 AM


Well... Maybe not.

Barbarian looks to have easily taken first place this weekend with a projected $10 Million even though it had 800 theaters less than anything else that wasn't new in the top five. (Word of mouth is attributed to its success this weekend. Though I really don't like the horror genre, this one did seem interesting to me. I'll probably watch it with my brother when he comes in town).

Some Bollywood flick with Shiva in the title managed second place with a projected $4.4 Million with only 810 theaters.

Bullet Train looks to have taken 3rd back and gotten ahead of Maverick again with $3.25 Million over Maverick's 4th place finish of $3.17 Million. (These are the only two flicks close enough to swap places after the real numbers come in this week).

DC League of Super Pets took fifth place with $2.835 Million. It had a strong 2nd place showing on Sunday that kept it in the top five.

Maverick isn't going anywhere for a while, but it's days at the top are over. It will probably hang out in a decreasing amount of theaters for a few more months like Joker and No Way Home did until it's finally retired.

It did manage to overtake Frozen II for 11th place in the worldwide Box Office sometime last week, and is 5th place Domestic.

They DO add re-release money to old releases, so there's no way it's moving up any further on the Domestic charts with No Way Home pulling even further away with its $108 Million advantage at 3rd place, and Avatar getting its own re-release next week to buffer it's $55 Million advantage.

On the Worldwide scale, Maverick would need to make $61 Million more to take 10th place from Furious 7, which isn't looking very likely.

It was a good run though.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, September 15, 2022 1:56 AM


Finally saw Maverick tonight.

Pretty darn good.

I was surprised to see so much diversity and representation in it, since in all this time talking about how it was doing in the box office I don't remember ever hearing anybody mentioning it... including the people I knew personally that saw it and loved it.

Gee... It's as if you can have a strong female character that's likable as well as a mix of races in a movie together without anybody saying anything negative about it when the movie is enjoyable and you're not race or sex swapping because you have no writing talent, your movie sucks, and you shouldn't even be in Hollywood.

Imagine that, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, September 19, 2022 9:07 PM


I finally got a bunch of tasks caught up today, and thought I might see if a movie could fit into my schedule.

Noticed that Maverick has "still" - or again - got 7 showings in town, split between 2 cinemaplexes.

The bigger one, with 18 screens, has 4 showings of Maverick. This venue has 2 of the Super Dooper Uber Extremist Ultra Deluxe screens, which are also the largest seating capacities.
Maverick has both of it's matinee shows in these screens. That is 2 out of the total 8 showings these screens have in a day.

So this film, in it's umpteenth weeks of release - or is it 20? - is commanding the allocation of 2 screenings in the largest rooms in the building.

The other 2 films, with 3 Super showings each in the day, are Woman King, and Pearl (the sequel/prequel to X).

This cinema is showing only 19 different films among 18 screens.
Total of 57 separate showings. WK has the most with 7.

I'm not counting Maverick out just yet.


Wednesday, September 21, 2022 10:18 AM


CONTEXT: I would never watch James Cordin in any other situation. I'm fully aware of his gross Leftist bias and pro-Covid-jab stance just like all the other unfunny late night shills...

But that being said, watch this one without the context. Just think of it as Tom Cruise scaring the hell out of his chubby friend. There's no politics in this 15 minute segment so it's easy to do. My friend sent it to me after we watched Maverick and I found it quite enjoyable.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, September 29, 2022 7:42 PM


I noticed this past Monday that Maverick is now streaming digital.
So I checked my local cinema showings. Still 6 showings, 3 on each side of the city. Just missing the last late night showing.


Thursday, September 29, 2022 8:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I noticed this past Monday that Maverick is now streaming digital.
So I checked my local cinema showings. Still 6 showings, 3 on each side of the city. Just missing the last late night showing.

Yeah. I believe I heard that that it made a record on the streaming side of things.

It still pulled in a respectable $145k on a Wednesday, and over $1.6 Million over last weekend.

I'm pulling for it to break $1.5 Billion before it leaves theaters. It's got $40 Million more to go. If it were dependent on just the US box office that probably won't happen, but maybe it's still playing some places internationally too?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 1, 2022 4:16 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I noticed this past Monday that Maverick is now streaming digital.
So I checked my local cinema showings. Still 6 showings, 3 on each side of the city. Just missing the last late night showing.

Still has 3 shows per day at my large local Cinemaplex - same as Woman King, Avatar. With 18 screens, this theater is showing 21 different films.


Sunday, October 2, 2022 9:36 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm pulling for it to break $1.5 Billion before it leaves theaters. It's got $40 Million more to go. If it were dependent on just the US box office that probably won't happen, but maybe it's still playing some places internationally too?

It must still be getting some decent help from overseas.

Just three days after I wrote that, it's just shy of $24 Million away from cracking $1.5 Billion. Only $1.6 Million of that came from the US box office this weekend, which landed it 10th place here.

Looks like the woke shit isn't playing well outside of America, if it's even playing at all.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 2:52 PM


Does the streaming figures count in your totals?


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 11:13 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Does the streaming figures count in your totals?

No. It does not include streaming. I believe streaming numbers are a bit harder to get, and I don't think it's in the purview of The-Numbers.

But I did just look at an update on the total Worldwide Box Office Number and it actually went down $10 Million from when I wrote that last post from 1.475 Billion to 1.465 Billion.

It's not the first time that's happened. I need to stop quoting those numbers on or right after the weekend. (It only made $96,810 in the US on Monday, it's 130th day in theaters, which was the first day that it didn't make over $100k).

So it only got about $3.4 Million help internationally over the weekend, minus Monday's numbers worldwide.

Can it make $35 million more in the theaters???

No doubt it's going to crack 2 Billion with streaming and BluRay, but I'd love to see a nice round 1.5 Billion in the Box Office first.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 8, 2022 2:29 PM


My town is down to 5 showings of Maverick today, only 2 at the big cinema. But I see several showings at other cinemas I like to visit.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 8:36 AM


Maverick is now less than $18 Million away from cracking the $1.5 Billion barrier.

It may just happen.

It wouldn't be enough to get it any higher than 11 on the worldwide box office or 5 on the domestic box office for all time, but if it does get there that leaves it only $14.5 Million shy of 10 on the worldwide box office and $15.1 Million shy of 9.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 3:28 PM


TopGun was a good entertaining movie

However what I find weird is Hollywood is not just out of ideas... it s really, relly out of idea, very very empty when it comes to original creativity

a remake of a 1986 American action film

That said it deserves its Dollar Numbers and box office success, it was the best blockbuster of the year


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

It must still be getting some decent help from overseas.

Some countries have later release with subtitle, marketing, dubbing etc it had its premier at the Cannes Film Festival in France but some countries it came out much later

but all of it adding up

Japan $97,861,829
French $46,132,167
Brazil $22,212,272
Switzerland $10,878,405
Spanish $11,077,437
Greece $2,116,766
Finland $6,220,173
Italy $13,897,726
Australia $64,916,260
Singapore $6,152,128

Can an overseas person enjoy it for its 'Art' can an American enjoy Kaiser Germany Porcelain and Imperial Germany Art or a Cuban film or Soviet film or Indian film be good even if it has propaganda, Green Berets is seen as an example of bad film, Wings an example fo good film, even there is Americana propaganda... cooperation between the United States Department of Defense and entertainment industries

The movie moved at good pace, I also enjoyed seeing Val Kilmer the movie magic done to have him onscreen.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 9:15 PM


I'll be the first to say that Maverick wasn't a Great flick.

It was good. It was entertaining. And I'm sure for people who REALLY remember the first movie and have a big nostalgic place in their heart for it I'm sure the impact was much greater.

But it wasn't a great flick.

That just speaks to how powerful making something that is entertaining with a decent enough story that just DOESN'T PREACH TO YOU is in 2022.

People are so sick and tired of that bullshit. Especially when the economy is shit and people don't have time for every little bullshit Leftist gripe on Twitter by some overpaid shithead in the media.

I love Maverick because it is NOT a great flick yet it ends up being the 5th highest Domestic movie of all time.

It's a huge Fuck You to the diversity-minded dildos in Hollywood that shouldn't even be managers at WalMart, let alone be in charge of $200 Million Dollar movies.

No better time to fire all of these people than now. Layoffs are the bullet proof vest you need to rid yourself of all of the undesirables without having to worry about getting sued for being a sexi-ista-phobe.

Do it now, or fade away into the night.

I really don't care either way.

I was done with you long before you REALLY gave people a reason to be done with you.

The creative bankruptcy in Hollywood for the last 25 years was the chink in the armor that allowed all of this woke trash to co-opt and destroy the entertainment business in the first place. You deserve everything coming to you.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, March 14, 2023 8:10 AM


Oscars almost hated Top Gun 2 even though it was one fo the few movies to make money since the SJW Tranny Covid political madness, it made Billions but hated by Hollyweirdos ?


Thursday, March 16, 2023 8:35 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Oscars almost hated Top Gun 2 even though it was one fo the few movies to make money since the SJW Tranny Covid political madness, it made Billions but hated by Hollyweirdos ?

In all fairness, it wasn't an award winning movie. It was just fun to see a movie that was on-par with your summer Blockbuster fare of the 90's that didn't spend 2 hours preaching to you for once in the last 10 years is all.

I'd much rater see a movie like Edge of Tomorrow win awards than Maverick, if we're going to give them to Tom Cruise.

At least the "academy" decided to mostly give the awards to a movie that normal people went to watch and enjoyed this year. They must really be hard up to do that. And word is that they were all told to shut the fuck up about their opinions this year too.

I would still never sit through one of these things, but I've heard it was at least somewhat palatable to people just slightly Right of Karl Marx for the first time in a decade, even with Jimmy Dipshit hosting it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, March 19, 2023 2:38 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Oscars almost hated Top Gun 2 even though it was one fo the few movies to make money since the SJW Tranny Covid political madness, it made Billions but hated by Hollyweirdos ?

In all fairness, it wasn't an award winning movie. It was just fun to see a movie that was on-par with your summer Blockbuster fare of the 90's that didn't spend 2 hours preaching to you for once in the last 10 years is all.

I'd much rater see a movie like Edge of Tomorrow win awards than Maverick, if we're going to give them to Tom Cruise.

At least the "academy" decided to mostly give the awards to a movie that normal people went to watch and enjoyed this year. They must really be hard up to do that. And word is that they were all told to shut the fuck up about their opinions this year too.

I would still never sit through one of these things, but I've heard it was at least somewhat palatable to people just slightly Right of Karl Marx for the first time in a decade, even with Jimmy Dipshit hosting it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I didn't see their movies, and I wouldn't watch the Oscar Awards show if you paid me, but I actually like ALL the acting Oscar winners this year. I saw a picture of Ke Huy Quan, aka Short Round, hugging his hero Harrison Ford ... very cool!


Sunday, March 19, 2023 9:12 AM


Have you not seen Everything Everywhere All At Once?

You should watch it. Quan was great.

Fun movie.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.






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