The Backrooms (Found Footage)

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 13:08
VIEWED: 2501
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Friday, February 18, 2022 12:49 PM


This isn't Hollywood. This isn't going to be released in theaters. This isn't big budget. This wasn't even created by an adult.

This was made by a 16 year old kid, it was uploaded to YouTube on January 7th of this year, and it has already gotten over 16.5 Million views.

On its own, I think it's a marvel of how far technology has come, that some brilliant kid could make this on his own with what I assume has to be a much, much better computer than any I currently own. I'd say with all the free time kids have been forced into having these last two years, this kid is on the top ten list for making the most of it.

Personally, on its own, this 9 minute and 13 second short film is my favorite piece in the Horror genre since The Ring. But it's not on its own. There are 4 other videos on the channel that are easily linked to this one by name, and several others that aren't. (And as of writing this, one or two of them appear not to even be on this channel anymore, so the would require you to dig deeper and find them on other channels that have no-doubt re-uploaded them... interesting that). This isn't a simple horror story this kid is trying to tell. It's Sci-Fi/Horror that he's brilliantly linking to real-world events from the 80's and 90's which happened decades before he was born.

For background, if you find this interesting, I would suggest you google and/or search in YouTube for the phrases "Liminal Spaces", "The Backrooms" and "No-Clipping". This work was based off of a "creepypasta" that has been circulating around the internet for a few years now and brought to life by a kid with probably a little too much time on his hands.

9/10 already. I'm hoping wherever he takes this he sticks the landing.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 12:22 AM


I'm LOVING The Backrooms. There's been quite a few videos uploaded by Kane Pixels since the first one in the OP. There is a lot of background and lore being put together here.

https : // www . youtube . com/c/KANEpixels

Interestingly, a second channel that calls themselves "A-Sync Research" has been making a lot of videos on their own. It's unclear if this has anything to do with Kane Pixel's stories or if they're making blatant plagueristic videos at this point, but A-Sync is the name of the R&D company involved with Kane Pixels' vids. It's also clear that A-Sync Research's videos aren't quite up to the quality of Kane's, although it does seem that their more recent ones are quite a bit better than the first few and keep getting better.

I do believe that if A-Sync Research's channel is simply aping off the success of Kane's channel, that Kane is not doing anything about it because with this being an ARG of sorts, it would break the immersion if real-world copyright claims were being made over the issue.

In any event, I'm really digging A-Sync Research's additions and Kane probably should incorporate at least some of their stuff into the existing lore if this isn't already a joint effort.

https : // www . youtube . com/c/ASyncResearch

I'll post the two longest videos since the original here, but I would highly recommend watching at least all of Kane Pixel's videos and even finding links to the 2 vids that exist on the channel but aren't public (meaning that you can only watch them if you have the link for them).

I really wanted to update this thread today since I just saw the "Pitfalls" video which released 5 days ago this afternoon and I freakin' love it.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, September 28, 2022 9:31 AM


Dave Cullen calls The Backrooms, or more accurately, the idea of the Backrooms and alternate reality creativity by non-Hollywood independent creators the answer to Hollywood.

He's probably not wrong. Many of these videos are getting far more views than most episodes for shows created for streaming services do these days.

Cullen also shows footage from Backrooms videos made by creators I've never heard of that look good too. I'm going to have to check them out. Personally, I've already added one or two other Backrooms creators to my subscriptions besides Kane Pixels and A-Sync Research, but off the top of my head I couldn't tell you what the channel names were.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, September 28, 2022 9:41 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
And as of writing this, one or two of them appear not to even be on this channel anymore, so the would require you to dig deeper and find them on other channels that have no-doubt re-uploaded them... interesting that

Oh... and an update to this bit in the OP.

Those videos are all on the channel. He's got links to them inside the descriptions of other videos he's put up. It's one of the Easter Egg type things the creators of the ARGs love using to reward fans who dig deeper. Most people don't even look at video descriptions, and if you're watching YouTube on an app on your fire stick you don't even get to see the descriptions or comments.

If I'm not mistaken, Kane and/or A-Sync have also released links to hidden videos when they've posted images using the posting ability that content creators have and often times use to create polls for their audience. The images hide the link either by having binary data in them that translates to a link or require you to use certain photo filters to reveal the link inside. Usually one person will discover this and then post the link for everyone on a site like Reddit.

I'm pretty sure they've done this, but I could be mixing that up with other ARGs I've watched though.

Personally, I'm too busy IRL to do any digging like that and wait until somebody like Film Theory or Nexpo make an update on the series and show the hidden things the casual viewer probably missed, but if I were a kid again I'd be deeply engrossed in these ARGs. The fan interaction here is something that you've never been able to find with traditional TV/Movies.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 13, 2022 1:06 PM


There was discussion of this style of creative content in your indie low budget film threads.

There is a new culture of authentic, the Web Original Group with idea, interweb fanbase urban legend mixed with art and film and cgi and creepypasta, the return to slasher and thriller film, the Analog Horror and 'Found Footage'. Hardcore Henry also gives off that Psycho first person feel but this is different. Backrooms it's like French arthouse, video game, scifi and Lynchian mixed with New Weird

I like it a lot, thanks for updating these. I think Hollywood is done, the indie film shorts are also doing well. South Korea is where its happening now but US film will make a comeback, It's like Community viral Patreon stuff, Indie film, crowd funding and Artistic brain storming all rolled into one.

The ideas will continue and far away from the cancel culture and political agendas of Hollyweird

As Hollywood dies, film the US art, American creativity will improve


Friday, October 14, 2022 12:22 PM


I'm glad you're enjoying them too. I'd much rather watch any video created by the content creators I listed above than anything Hollywood puts out and I find myself getting excited when they release something else. Some of the videos almost seem to have nothing really happeneing on occasion, but the atmosphere alone and waiting for the other shoe to drop is just tense.

If you haven't checked out Nexpo's channel, I'd give it a watch. He goes extremely in depth on these ARGs as they happen (or at least he used to). That's a way that you can find some great YouTube stories that you otherwise wouldn't have heard of before.

He always suggests that you watch the original creation before watching his coverage and I don't disagree with him on that. His coverage isn't only spoiler heavy, but it will likely present you with a lot of things you missed or didn't even think about on a single viewing.

My personal favorite story aside from the Backrooms so far is called Petscop. It starts out as a kid who found an old original Playstation 1 beta game and you're hearing just his side of the phone conversation as he's explaining it to somebody else as he's playing it from the beginning. From there it gets... weird.

(this link isn't a video. It's the link to the Petscop channel with spaces in between. If you go to the videos tab and scroll down to "Petscop", that's where the story begins. "Petscop 2", Petscop 3, Petscop 4, etc...)

htt ps: //www .youtube .com/c/Petscop

The creator never spoke in public while this was going on... for years. That leads me to believe that the story is finished now, since he did present himself online shortly after the last few uploads a few years ago. I was sad to see it end. It's a good ending if it doesn't ever get an update, but I'd always welcome more of that story.

I'll have to go through my subscriptions. Nexpo isn't the only creator that covers these productions in depth. It's been a while since I watched any of them other than Backrooms though.

"Dad" is also another good independent story on YouTube. I haven't follwed that one for a while though, so I don't know if it's still active or if that story finished.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 17, 2022 9:01 AM


Some good channels...

Nexpo: https : //www.

"Exploring the Internet's Dark Side." Nexpo does in depth analysis of a lot of good internet series, but his "Disturbing Things From Around The Internet" series shouldn't be missed.

Barely Sociable: https : //www.

"Hi I'm Barely Sociable, I create analysis videos for the odd corners of the internet." This guy doesn't cover web series, but he covers real life events often tied to the internet, but not always. One in particular I remember was the missing FBI tape that was uncovered where a guy had recorded his plans for a gas attack at Disney theme parks back in the days when people still used VHS camcorders.

He's got a second channel too; Slightly Sociable: https : //www.

Internet Stories:

Local 58 TV: https : //www.

"ANALOG HORROR AT 476 MHz. Unsettling shorts in the found footage/VHS aesthetic from Kris Straub (Candle Cove, Broodhollow, Ichor Falls)."

Dad: https : //www.

"Hi. I’m Dadbot. An average regular guy.


Dad Feels Music

Dad Tweets @DadFeels
Dad Instagram @DadFeels"

There's others, but that's off the top of my head right now.

All creepy stuff to get you in the mood for Halloween.

I'm sure any of it is better than the 39th Halloween movie that just came out.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, July 1, 2024 11:39 AM


'Dust' channel is one to check out for scifi fantasy

staying on the horror topic

Curve | Disturbing Horror Short Film


Tuesday, September 24, 2024 5:56 PM


Movies of the future might become more interactive like a video game different episode chapters depending on the road turned the point and click or chose the outcome type footage

over 1 hr of madness


Tuesday, December 17, 2024 12:15 PM


Those Award Winning Shorts, Fantasy, Horror, Scifi...might be the way to go, they have already tried to buy up every video game and board game franchise

"Slice of Life"

-SCI-FI film


Wednesday, December 18, 2024 7:07 PM


Artist community making their own unique land in a styled universe

new styles not just Dystopia Cyberpunk verse, Diselpunk, Steampunk, Biopunk, Clockpunk, Lunarpunk, Atompunk, Solarpunk

Metropius -

A Sci-Fi Dieselpunk Animation

in the end of the day Backrooms found footage is like a VR first person video game, Blair Witch, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, Cloverfield, Rec / Quarintine, Twin Peaks, The Shining, Hardcore Henry


Wednesday, December 18, 2024 7:17 PM


Hardcore Henry, when Ruskie and USA didnt hate each other so much

he shoots the A-Team van


Thursday, December 19, 2024 2:00 AM


Did you keep up with The Backrooms or did you get bored of it too?

I think the problem was that I got too into it and when 2 other channels popped up that were doing extremely similar content at a faster clip and just got burnt out on it. These other channels even appeared to have the blessing of Kane Pixels, which I think might have been a mistake on his part in the long run despite how into it everybody seemed in the beginning.

After a while it just started becoming watching 10 or 20 minute videos with the same nothing happening in between the actual cool shit they were eventually getting around to showing. Like 20 minutes just burned for 30 seconds of interesting stuff if you were lucky bad.

I think I finally just hit my limit, and I'd rather watch somebody cover the whole thing when it's over. Let them edit it all down to 90 minutes and cut out the 80-90% of stuff that was just watching somebody walk in a yellow corridor with tape on the floor, while breathing heavy and or saying "what the f man" over and over again..

I actually just had Kane Pixels show up with a new video within the last month or two on my feed, but I didn't even bother because I'd have to figure out how far back I needed to go to catch up and it just feels like homework to me at this point.

Maybe I should go back and watch his stuff though, and just ignore the copycat channels. Probably the fair thing to do since it was he who started this and it was so good at the beginning.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Saturday, December 21, 2024 9:01 AM


I switched off after some time but I like the concept, that spooky world, very indie film creation and first person perspective and tells a story like a video game concept.

you could say Backrooms maybe draws from Quarantine [Rec] concept or Blair Witch or video games but its a revival of something while pushing new visual ideas, 'The Platform' or Thousand Suns, Naboer aka Next Door from Norway, The Shining or 1408, or Twin Peals or 'Dark City' but everything goes back to 'Dark City'
1899 TV series probably can be classed as its own thing, lost at sea but something is not real...follow the "White Rabbit"
a movie 'The Endless film' goes into some of that world of bizarre

before 'Backrooms' there are scenes in Twin Peaks Fire Away With Me that are very 'Backrooms'

its helped push the weird, experimental again

When AI starts helping film makers and really helping their story board concepts and soundscape and CGI that's when its really going to take off

Skinamarink a 2022 Canadian experimental horror film ...possibly independent of Backrooms


Bug a Thousand Suns


A THOUSAND SUNS - scifi short

with a long period of unknowns you could argue the film 'Moon' 2009 is very much like Backrooms

The Signal 2014 film they made it for soemthing like 3 million quid, underground research, alien plot, it would have done well if DVD sales didn't crash and streaming and illegal downloads had not killed everything
Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek 2, The Dark Knight...the last big sales of DVD was 10 years back with Frozen 2014 just as the market started to crash ...Signal would have done better in other years.

Is Hardcore Henry like Backrooms...maybe I don't know maybe you could class it as a movie very much like Backrooms.

or maybe Severance TV show was inspired by Backrooms


Saturday, December 21, 2024 9:31 AM


Backrooms reminds us of what film once was when it was less defined and more creative.

that weird art world between experimental film and 'Movie Shorts'...and fully fleshed out movie products and concepts that have become their own style and franchises.


Saturday, December 21, 2024 1:09 PM


maybe in its own way FNaF movie was backrooms style?

10 Movie Ripoffs Better Than The Original

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Saturday, December 21, 2024 6:00 PM


Moon was a great movie.

It was also the first movie I saw in full on a flat screen TV the 2nd time I watched it with my brother when he got his first large screen, and that's always going to be memorable to me because I thought to myself it was almost like watching a completely different movie at 1080 than it was on my old man's 32" tube TV when I first watched it.

I still think I might go back and catch up on all of Kane Pixel's stuff now, and ignore the other channels. I think I just started watching too much of it and I got bored of watching walking simulators with ugly yellow walls and floors.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 1:08 PM


AI's Game-Changing Impact on the Film Industry

This YouTube Film With an $800 Budget Is One of the Scariest Releases of 2024






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