Jo Jo Rabbit

UPDATED: Sunday, July 28, 2024 22:59
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Tuesday, February 4, 2020 7:54 PM


I guess this was released last November. Likely in my cinema due to Oscar week, and it has nominations.

At 1pm showing on Tuesday, there were only a few seats open. I got my ticket and assigned seat a minute before scheduled showtime, and by film start I was surrounded and packed in.

From descriptions of it, I had wondered if it was similar to The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Mostly not, but there were echoes of it at times.

I was highly distracted at the beginning of the film because I have seen Moonrise Kingdom, and found it strikingly similar.
I did enjoy it, and it seemed like much of the audience in my theater did so as well. I think that much of the disjointed transitions and jumps in cadence were intended to jolt the viewer, because of the subject matter. Sometimes I felt it was a SNL skit or Monty Python work.

This film may propel the career of Thomasin McKenzie, who I cannot really recall from The Hobbit. But many will find Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson, Stephen Merchant in excellent roles. Not really a spoiler that the writer/director also plays the imaginary friend Adolf Hitler.

The premise of the film is a 10-year old boy in Nazi Germany finds out there is a girl hiding n the attic of his house.
If this interests you, I think you will find the film satisfying. Foul language renders this unsuitabe for children.

Hat tip to AuRaptor for putting this on my radar.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020 8:10 PM


America loves a winner!

I was looking for this a while ago but I guess it didn't get wide spread distribution. At least it wasn't in my neck of the woods, but I do know some who saw it. I'll look again, because I wanna see it. Sure as hell not too eager to go see Birds of Prey... Thanks.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020 8:27 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I was looking for this a while ago but I guess it didn't get wide spread distribution. At least it wasn't in my neck of the woods, but I do know some who saw it. I'll look again, because I wanna see it. Sure as hell not too eager to go see Birds of Prey... Thanks.

Look NOW. This week.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020 8:39 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

“Jojo Rabbit” Captures the Absurdity of Our Trumpian Moment

Taika Waititi’s movie is about a ten-year-old boy who is a fervent Nazi until, just before Germany loses the war, he falls in love with a Jewish girl who is hiding in his attic. The film has been criticized for making light of unspeakable crimes. My colleague Richard Brody objected not so much to the film’s gags as to the empathy it shows to the haters, and, indeed, the movie can be read as a beautifully rendered version of a certain journalistic genre: the condescending portrayal of the misguided and misinformed Trump supporter. But it can also be read as an account of the profound and willful idiocy that underlies political tragedy. Seen this way—and this is the way I’ve seen it both times I’ve watched “Jojo Rabbit”—the movie is as brave and insightful a portrait of autocracy as any contemporary work of art has offered.

Up to about the middle of the movie, the jokes are palatable and the parallels to the present day are clear. There is the scene in which Jojo and his mother, Rosie (Scarlett Johansson), play out a version of many Americans’ holiday-dinner experiences. Rosie is happy that the Allies are advancing. “Goddammit, why does that make you happy?” Jojo asks. “You hate your country that much?” Rosie explains, “I love my country. It’s the war I hate. It’s pointless and stupid, and the sooner we have peace, the better.” Jojo is outraged. “We will crush our enemies into dust! And, when they are destroyed, we shall use their brains as toilets!” he says, slamming his little hands on the white tablecloth with green trim. Rosie moves to end the debate. “O.K., no more politics,” she says. “Dinner is neutral ground. Table is Switzerland. Let’s eat.”

But then the jokes get harder to swallow. The Gestapo shows up at the house. We don’t know what they are looking for, but we know that there is a lot to hide in Jojo’s house: Rosie is in the resistance, and Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie), the Jewish girl, lives in the attic.

We don’t want to imagine that absurd incompetents can cause enormous human tragedy, and we don’t want to think that tragedy, whether it’s enormous or not, can appear absurd. Either possibility has dire implications for our own moment. When the President of the United States is tweeting an imaginary “legal notice” of intent to bomb other countries
and when he announces and repeats his intention to target cultural sites, which is a war crime
and when he sincerely believes that this is the best way to be President, we would prefer to think that, in global history and politics, the absurd cannot be tragic and the tragic cannot be absurd. But the truth of the matter is that we are careening into our darkest moment yet, and we look ridiculous doing it. Jojo Rabbit is a movie about that.

More at


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 4, 2020 10:53 PM



Our Darkest Moment. Sure thing, buddy.

You can see the disdain these "educated" people have for people who didn't go to college oozing out of every word they write, like puss.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 12:08 AM


America loves a winner!

Our current times are nowhere near comparable to Nazi Germany era.

Good grief. Drama queens on the Left literally hate on everything but never offer anything positive in return.

Anyway, found a nooner near by. Might make it Sat or Sunday.


The film has been criticized for making light of unspeakable crimes...

FFS, lighten up! Mocking that time has been done, several times over already.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 6:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Our current times are nowhere near comparable to Nazi Germany era.

Good grief. Drama queens on the Left literally hate on everything but never offer anything positive in return.

FFS, lighten up! Mocking that time has been done, several times over already.

The Nazi Party reached its peak membership in 1945 at only 8 million (about 10% of the German population of 80 million). Germans, the ones who weren't Nazis, did not see themselves as the bad guys during WWII. They were patriotic Germans! They were for war until Germany was losing. As long as Germany was winning or at least holding steady, all those 70 million who never were Nazis helped the process along to winning more Living Space (Lebensraum) for Germany. Who but a Liberal or dirty gypsy would not want more Lebensraum for Good Germans?

Remember Oskar Schindler? A movie was made about him because he was doing right while 80 million Germans did wrong during WWII.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 7:00 PM



Originally posted by second:
Germans, the ones who weren't Nazis, did not see themselves as the bad guys during WWII. They were patriotic Germans!

Amen, Second! 1000 times over, AMEN!


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 7:30 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Our current times are nowhere near comparable to Nazi Germany era.

Good grief. Drama queens on the Left literally hate on everything but never offer anything positive in return.

Anyway, found a nooner near by. Might make it Sat or Sunday.

The film has been criticized for making light of unspeakable crimes...
FFS, lighten up! Mocking that time has been done, several times over already.

Some tards have never seen Hogan's Heroes. Or cannot recognize a Nazi when they see one.

No small wonder Democraps continue to follow the Nazi Doctrines and Laws whenever possible.

SPOILER ALERT Next Post!!!!!

The following post contains SPOILER.

There is nothing pertinent in that post, so best just to skip over it until after you've seen the film.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 9:29 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Some tards have never seen Hogan's Heroes. Or cannot recognize a Nazi when they see one.

No small wonder Democraps continue to follow the Nazi Doctrines and Laws whenever possible.

Spoiler alert! Jojo Rabbit is not Hogan's Heroes because Jojo's Mother is murdered by hanging and Jojo kicks Hitler in the balls. In Hogan's Heroes, the Germans murder nobody and the Germans are not smug about their vast moral superiority to the English, Gypsies, Liberals, Jews, and FDR's Democrats, as the Germans were in real life and in Jojo Rabbit.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 11:32 PM


America loves a winner!

The same snowflakes whining about Jo Jo Rabbit never heard of The Great Dictator either, I'm guessing. Of course, that was 1940, not after, but still... folks knew what was happening, because they knew what had taken place before. That's why it's so unfathomably absurd that anyone would compare the past of 75-80 years ago to today. Zero semblance or connections, what so ever. None.


Thursday, February 6, 2020 12:21 AM


It's infinitely enjoyable watching those who exhibit Naziesque behavior on a daily basis call everyone else Nazis.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 6, 2020 9:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:

That's why it's so unfathomably absurd that anyone would compare the past of 75-80 years ago to today. Zero semblance or connections, what so ever. None.

Are you claiming that WWII was all Hitler's fault? Or him and Himmler take all the blame? In reality it is the human brain that is at fault. Millions of human brains got talked into the need for more German Living Space, Lebensraum as the Germans called it, and those brains started to clear the land around Germany to make more Lebensraum. The brains of the 21st Century are still based on the same old design used in WWII. That is why the same problems persist for year after year for the people who don't truly understand what happened in WWII or in the movie Jojo Rabbit. You can find an explanation of the movie by asking the writer/director Taika Waititi. Or you can make believe that you understand what you obviously don't.

If you read dozens of reviews, there is much confusion about what Jojo Rabbit means.

Taika Waititi explains his movie, Jojo Rabbit

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 6, 2020 2:07 PM


Let Second tell you what a movie is about. He knows everything because he reads Vox and MotherJones all day. /sarcasm

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 7, 2020 7:52 AM


America loves a winner!

I guess I need to repeat this for those who didn't read it the first time.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
The same snowflakes whining about Jo Jo Rabbit never heard of The Great Dictator either, I'm guessing. Of course, that was 1940, not after, but still... folks knew what was happening, because they knew what had taken place before. That's why it's so unfathomably absurd that anyone would compare the past of 75-80 years ago to today. Zero semblance or connections, what so ever. None.

Unless second is attempting to claim that Waititi himself is grossly unaware of what the 1940's were like or the causes of WW2, which is itself entirely possible.


Friday, February 21, 2020 10:43 PM


America loves a winner!

So I finally rented Jo Jo Rabbit. About what I expected. Quirky, funny as hell at times, but heartbreaking too. Because you can't escape at least some level of tragedy when dealing with WW2 era Berlin.

Wow, what a cast! Sam Rockwell, Scarlet Johannsson, Rebel Wilson,

And after watching this, I have to wonder at the sanity of anyone who believes this showed any favoritism towards Hitler in any way. Seriously, you either didn't SEE the movie or have some substantial mental development issues. I hope for the sake of those w/ the latter, you're getting professional care of some sort. Just wow.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 12:13 AM


America loves a winner!

In reality it is the human brain that is at fault.

WTAF??? Seems your brain can convince itself of almost anything it needs to so it can escape dealing with reality

The brains of the 21st Century are still based on the same old design used in WWII

So? That’s not any where close to having a serious argument or valid position. Brains don’t change in 5, 50, or 5,000 years. ( You know, like the ones that designed & built the great pyramids? )

And did you know that Albert Einstein‘s brain was studied after his death. They found nothing remarkable about it to separate it from anyone else’s. So whatever point you were trying to drive at, has no merit.


Friday, July 26, 2024 2:39 AM


I thought there was a thread about this movie somewhere back in time... Glad I found it.

So... Having pretty much forgotten everything I'd ever heard about this flick besides a young boy with Hitler as his imaginary friend, I went into it tonight, around 4 and a half years after this thread died, completely blind.

A lot of things have changed in 4.5 years. It turns out that Taika Waititi is kind of a dirtbag. I had completely forgotten that he was involved at all, but then in the opening credits I read that he not only directed the movie, but he wrote the screenplay as well. I was 90% confident that was him playing Hitler in the movie the whole time, but didn't know for sure until the credits rolled.

I have to admit, before those beginning credits finished I almost turned off the movie right then and there. But I didn't.

I'm glad I didn't. It was actually a pretty darn good movie.

It's one of the funnier things I've seen in a while, actually. And Taika Waititi as a 10 year old boy's imaginary friend version of Hitler was quite amusing to watch. I didn't realize that people on the Left could even be funny until tonight. I guess when your subject matter is the one thing that the Left allows you to joke about in Hollywood, they can actually pull it off. Not that it was a pure comedy movie in the slightest. It actually didn't have too many jokes in it, but pretty much every one they put in there landed. I'm not really the Laugh Out Loud type, but I got 2 or 3 pretty good laughs out of it.

Sam Rockwell, as always, stole the show even though he was just a side character with maybe the 5th most amount of screen time. I don't know much about Rebel Wilson... It would be wrong of me to assume that what I'd heard about her "takes" were poison in real life, but the fact that I've never seen her in anything before but I know her name makes me think she had some pretty dumb lefty takes over the years. That being said, even she was really funny in this.

The kids were amazing though. Looks like JSF complimented Tom McKenzie earlier in the thread, and he wasn't wrong. It's a shame that he appeared to be wrong about her possibly having a big career ahead of her after this movie though. I look at her IMDB page and the few movies she's been in since don't even ring any bells for me, and other than that it was a short film or two and some roles in TV shows I've never heard of before. She's only in her mid 20's though, so maybe she'll get a 2nd chance at a 2nd breakout role and get the career she deserves.

The fact that Roman Griffin Davis has only been a voice actor in a cartoon and a role in a single horror movie called Silent Night in 2021 is a travesty. That kid should have been the next Haley Joel Osment; in every movie made the next 10 years that needed a white kid in it.

I shut off my political brain for this one and just took everything at face value, and it ended up being a touching story. I was pleasantly surprised.

I hope those kids get better agents and get the careers they deserve.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, July 26, 2024 10:42 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I thought there was a thread about this movie somewhere back in time... Glad I found it.

So... Having pretty much forgotten everything I'd ever heard about this flick besides a young boy with Hitler as his imaginary friend, I went into it tonight, around 4 and a half years after this thread died, completely blind.

A lot of things have changed in 4.5 years. It turns out that Taika Waititi is kind of a dirtbag. I had completely forgotten that he was involved at all, but then in the opening credits I read that he not only directed the movie, but he wrote the screenplay as well. I was 90% confident that was him playing Hitler in the movie the whole time, but didn't know for sure until the credits rolled.

I have to admit, before those beginning credits finished I almost turned off the movie right then and there. But I didn't.

I'm glad I didn't. It was actually a pretty darn good movie.

It's one of the funnier things I've seen in a while, actually. And Taika Waititi as a 10 year old boy's imaginary friend version of Hitler was quite amusing to watch. I didn't realize that people on the Left could even be funny until tonight. I guess when your subject matter is the one thing that the Left allows you to joke about in Hollywood, they can actually pull it off. Not that it was a pure comedy movie in the slightest. It actually didn't have too many jokes in it, but pretty much every one they put in there landed. I'm not really the Laugh Out Loud type, but I got 2 or 3 pretty good laughs out of it.

Sam Rockwell, as always, stole the show even though he was just a side character with maybe the 5th most amount of screen time. I don't know much about Rebel Wilson... It would be wrong of me to assume that what I'd heard about her "takes" were poison in real life, but the fact that I've never seen her in anything before but I know her name makes me think she had some pretty dumb lefty takes over the years. That being said, even she was really funny in this.

The kids were amazing though. Looks like JSF complimented Tom McKenzie earlier in the thread, and he wasn't wrong. It's a shame that he appeared to be wrong about her possibly having a big career ahead of her after this movie though. I look at her IMDB page and the few movies she's been in since don't even ring any bells for me, and other than that it was a short film or two and some roles in TV shows I've never heard of before. She's only in her mid 20's though, so maybe she'll get a 2nd chance at a 2nd breakout role and get the career she deserves.

The fact that Roman Griffin Davis has only been a voice actor in a cartoon and a role in a single horror movie called Silent Night in 2021 is a travesty. That kid should have been the next Haley Joel Osment; in every movie made the next 10 years that needed a white kid in it.

I shut off my political brain for this one and just took everything at face value, and it ended up being a touching story. I was pleasantly surprised.

I hope those kids get better agents and get the careers they deserve.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

You posted this on Thomasin McKenzie's 24th birthday.

This makes me conjure that some network was celebrating by showing her films.
After 2019, Hollywood was petrified by something called COVID.

Have you seen Old?

Taika also played the evil antagonist in Free Guy.
I was under the impression his wife was supposed to neutralize his bad nature, or rep.


Friday, July 26, 2024 10:49 PM


No kidding?

Well happy belated birthday, Tom.

I hope you wished for a better agent, because you should be a household name in 2024.

Did you see the thread on the Pantheon show that she's voice acting? Looks like she's a minor part though because out of the 16 eps they've made so far she's only been in 6 of them.

This was William Hurt's last project before he died. Right at the end of the 2nd episode they left an "in memoriam" to him.

ETA: Whoops... noticed you added more to your post while I was replying...


After 2019, Hollywood was petrified by something called COVID.

Have you seen Old?

Taika also played the evil antagonist in Free Guy.
I was under the impression his wife was supposed to neutralize his bad nature.

I have not seen Old? Do you recommend it?

I'm going to eventually get around to watching The Outfit for the Diorama movie thread too. I did watch a movie called 127 Days that I recommend highly that fits the Diorama mold to a T too.

Yeah. I remembered Taika from Free Guy. He looked so different as Hitler that I wasn't absolutely sure it was him until the end credits rolled, but I was pretty sure it was the whole time.

Maybe his wife did reign him in. All I really remember about him was that he had a blast destroying Thor in Love and Thunder and basically told all the OG fans to get fucked.

I'm still really glad I decided to watch JoJo though. I really liked it.

I think that's the difference between Democrats and sane people. We can overlook things like this. I bet not a single person that voted for Biden* has been able to watch Home Alone 2 for the better part of the last decade.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, July 26, 2024 10:55 PM


Have not seen. Is that a cartoon?

I hope to see more of her. It takes 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 years to get films into theaters.
As with Jo Jo, I have never seen her do something that I thought somebody else could do better. Old was a perfect fit for her, although not challenging.


Friday, July 26, 2024 11:01 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Have not seen. Is that a cartoon?

Yeah. It's an Anime that was made by AMC (the same channel that made Breaking Bad, but you probably know that). It's not a cartoon for kids. Sci-fi and smart. Little bit of gore in it so far, but not over the top or anything. It's certainly relevant today with all the A.I. stuff. Without spoiling anything you're already going to know about by the end of the first episode, this seems to center around the ability to upload people's entire brain and personality to the cloud before they die.


I hope to see more of her. It takes 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 years to get films into theaters.
As with Jo Jo, I have never seen her do something that I thought somebody else could do better. Old was a perfect fit for her, although not challenging.

Maybe I'll look into Old after I'm done with Pantheon.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, July 28, 2024 10:59 PM


I think I might give Old a watch tonight. That or The Outfit.

I wasn't much of a fan of M. Knight's original stuff, but I did really like Devil (another Diorama movie). In fact, it's one out of only a handfull of countless movies I watched during the worst of my drinking days that I even remember watching to this day.

I think his fall from grace around the time of Lady in the Water and The Happening possibly humbled the dude and made him get his head out of his own ass, because that was a pretty darn good movie.

I checked IMDB today and saw that Old was one of his movies and read the blurb on it and now I do remember seeing YT reviews on it back when it was new. Maybe by Red Letter Media or something? If I recall, I don't think people thought too much of it when it came out, but everybody seemed to hate The Village and that was the only one of M. Knight's first batch of movies when people were calling him "The Next Spielberg" that I liked at all, so what does the the public know about movies anyway?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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