If Dollhouse season 2 goes well think theres hope?

UPDATED: Monday, September 21, 2009 12:09
VIEWED: 3699
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Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:59 AM


I hold high hopes for Dollhouse season 2
seems fox will back the feck off and let the master do his stuff,

It took me while to like dollhouse mid season though it had me hooked, found first few episodes too slow.
Watched the un aired pilot on dvd and finding my self quite liking it,

makes me wonder did fox tell joss to drip feed info for first while before letting him do his thing? thoughts?

then my other question to browncoats any were is this,

dollhouse being a hit, does this have good news for the verse?
or just means joss moving more and more away from verse to keep his focus on dollhouse?

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:08 AM


Keeping order in every verse

If Dollhouse is a hit then that basically means more Dollhouse.That's all in my opinion.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:41 AM


If Dollhouse became a massive hit, in the top 3 week-to-week, maybe it would give him enough clout to maybe, maybe revisit the 'verse.

But I kinda doubt that'll happen.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, September 11, 2009 2:58 AM


kinda what i was thinking, which in turn isnt a bad thing but be nice.

if any thing suppose might mean we see more joss shows on air if his name gets around i hope.

be nice if he was able to revist the verse,

start clean slate, set the verse 5 years from flim,
give some space for new back storyies.

be nice, but we can live in hope

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Friday, September 11, 2009 4:08 AM


We're seven years from the show, and quickly coming up on the four year anniversary of the movie. The next time we see filmed Firefly, I expect it's going to be "Firefly: the Next Generation," featuring Mal and Kaylee mentor Zoe's teenaged kid, while Simon and Inara are off involved in Core World politics, and Jayne and River have become captains in their own right...

Seriously, though, I think the changes of Firefly depend on exactly HOW successful DOLLHOUSE becomes, and the exact flavor of that success.

I TV show is a LOT of work, which means that as long as DOLLHOUSE remains "on the rise," Joss will have to devote a lot of time to the show (presumably at the expense of other projects).

If it levels off, he might be able to do more, but (as happened with Buffy), folks will probably be clamoring for him to develop another series.

The best hope for more Firefly is for Joss to become a household "proven" name who essentially can do whatever he wants (a la Lucas or Shamalyan, or Sorkin or Abrams).

Unfortunately, I don't see DOLLHOUSE alone doing that, and Joss was already very close to that stage before, and what he did was FIREFLY... and we saw how that turned out.

Much as I want DOLLHOUSE's success to give hope for FIREFLY, I'm having trouble working that equation. :( "Here's how it might have been..."


Friday, September 11, 2009 10:19 PM


ya seems the way of the verse at moment.

not been a good rumor going about the verse in long while it seems,

but quick question did any one else think reason for slow start to dollhouse was due to fox putting their fingers in the "pie"?

just find it odd how 2nd half of season seemed to shine while start was rather slow?

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Saturday, September 12, 2009 6:55 AM


Personally, I think the slow start for DOLLHOUSE had something to do with FOX having their fingers in the pie (especially to the extent that they pushed Joss into more stand-alone episodes), but it's also because few if any of the characters are sympathetic. With the exception of Ballard, all main characters are either proto-characters it's tough to develop an affinity for or people who do something reprehensible for a living. I find it very hard to have sympathy for, say, Topher, when I think about what he does on a daily basis. "Here's how it might have been..."


Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:11 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Personally, I think the slow start for DOLLHOUSE had something to do with FOX having their fingers in the pie (especially to the extent that they pushed Joss into more stand-alone episodes),

kinda what i was thinking, it wasnt till they got some kind of arc mid season did interest pick up, hope they let joss be joss for season 2

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:35 AM


I was always of the mind that success in DH would translate to FF, but there would be changes due to the success of some of the stars of the show (Nathan, Summer and now, Morena).

I would venture a guess that it would be more a Miniseries than a full-fledged TV show - which would be alright with me. Fox and Universal should explore that and join forces to make it happen.

Seriously Fox and Universal execs, think of the gobs of cashy money you would make, and, in a recession. Soumds intriqueing don't it.

BTW, Fox would never meddle in someone's TV show, I mean........Oh, I can't do it.......I really tried but I couldn't keep a straight face.

Even though it's been relegated to Friday, it should do well. Top 3 may be asking for too much, but we can hope.




Friday, September 18, 2009 4:28 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

Even though it's been relegated to Friday, it should do well. Top 3 may be asking for too much, but we can hope.

isnt friday normally the swan song for tv shows?

doesnt show good faith from fox?

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Friday, September 18, 2009 9:09 AM


isnt friday normally the swan song for tv shows?

doesnt show good faith from fox?

Your right. Generally it's considered the throw-away day for TV shows, but consider this:
Fox has never really believed in these type of shows (X-Files started on Fridays as well) until they catch on. Then you see them scramble to get it on a more popular night.

OK, how do you explain Fringe?, you might ask. Good question. Fringe is produced by JJ Abrams who had great success with Alias and then Lost, and on a major network. While Joss had a great cult following with Buffy and then Firefly. Buffy was successful on an 'independent' channel. Oh, who am I kidding, your guess is as good as mine why Fox elected to put Dollhouse on Fridays. Perhaps they want to corner the market for Fridays (much like ABC did back in the day with TGIF lineup). Who knows is a major understatement.

One thing is for sure, Fox is not going to move it to another night where they have proven winners in place. Unless, of course, the impossible happens again and DH's numbers go through the roof. It's money they understand, ratings means cashy money, no matter how brilliant the show.




Saturday, September 19, 2009 2:20 PM


unfortunately I don´t think the success of Dollhouse will have too much effect on Whedon getting another shot at the verse.. However the resurgence of sci-fi in general the last couple of years combined with DH might. I´m always hopefull that some studio will give him at least a small budget to do another movie. Just look at District 9, you can do some awesome stuff on a low budget

"Summer Glau can simply walk into Mordor.."


Sunday, September 20, 2009 1:24 AM



Originally posted by pcch7:
unfortunately I don´t think the success of Dollhouse will have too much effect on Whedon getting another shot at the verse.. However the resurgence of sci-fi in general the last couple of years combined with DH might. I´m always hopefull that some studio will give him at least a small budget to do another movie. Just look at District 9, you can do some awesome stuff on a low budget

"Summer Glau can simply walk into Mordor.."

true true,,

but with with district 9 they had a 5 star name peter jackson behind it, the amount of times i have heard people say you seen peter jacksons new film? when in fact it wasnt directed by him at all
he was only a producer.

i love joss work but out side the know how he isnt wildly known, so i would guess studios dont want to take that risk,

its all money thats all they care for, if steaming pile of shit on screen makes them money thats what we will have,

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Monday, September 21, 2009 11:48 AM


I lost hope when FOX cancelled TSCC. CURSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, September 21, 2009 11:59 AM



Originally posted by jameron4eva:
I lost hope when FOX cancelled TSCC. CURSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont get me wrong i really did like that show, but too me that was the only out come i saw when this showed air,

what i find odd is that firefly played and fitted so well the one story per episode that fox seem to love
and yet they still got rid of it thats when i lost hope.

i wonder if some one wanted to buy the rights of firefly off fox wonder how much they sell a old tv show for?

i bet they even thank themselves for making it a "cult hit" by killing it off before it peaked?

Lets Be Bad Guys...........


Monday, September 21, 2009 12:06 PM


Once again i direct your attention to past FOX frak up's. Dark Angel, Firefly, TSCC, plus keeping shows like the Simpsons on for so long.

"And i sa-ay, goodbye to romance, ye-eah!" "Goodbye to Romance" by Ozzy.


Monday, September 21, 2009 12:09 PM



Originally posted by jameron4eva:
Once again i direct your attention to past FOX frak up's. Dark Angel, Firefly, TSCC, plus keeping shows like the Simpsons on for so long.

"And i sa-ay, goodbye to romance, ye-eah!" "Goodbye to Romance" by Ozzy.

suppose their track recorded is bad but if joss willing too work for them got to give them some kinda chance?
they did bring back futrama and faimly guy :p.

but still understand they seem to love to kill shows with BDH in them it seems.

any way back on topic before this comes another fox hate thread :).

doll house season 2 is it true i hear joss having to work with lower budget 1 of the reasons he got season 2.

also what were the ratings like for season 1 over there in USA?

Lets Be Bad Guys...........






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