Hillary's Illness.... Too Much To Hide Anymore?

UPDATED: Monday, September 12, 2016 22:13
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, September 12, 2016 10:13 PM


I won't make fun of it. I didn't post in the other thread because from the very beginning that's what it was about.

I don't watch a lot of news, so maybe it was questioned somewhere, but what I have seen hasn't even mentioned the possibility that Hillary suffers from MS.

My mother suffers from MS. 10 or 15 years ago, she was walking down the stairs to her basement to do laundry when suddenly half of her body gave out and she fell down the entire flight of stairs on the cold concrete floor. (She was so bruised up when she went to the hospital that a woman on the staff was trying to get my Mexican step-father in trouble for abusing her... but that's another story).

Since then, even with the plethora of magical anti-MS drugs she has ingested or had shot into her veins over the years, she still sometimes "relapses". If it were 1980 right now, she'd live the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Somehow, these drugs have kept her mobile, even though at only 60 years old she walks around like a 90 year old man, but she keeps walking.

My point is, MS is a very serious disease. My mom has done the bookeeping and other office tasks for the last few years without any problem at their family business, but she's not running the country. She's doing taxes and making invoices and answering phones for a furniture repair company that employs 4 people. Before the physical problems became too much to bear, she did a lot of the physical labor as well, but those days are long behind her now.

Whatever Hillary is suffering from, it's not funny.... and the "Always Righties" here that laugh at her fall the other day, to me, are worse than die hard liberal SJW/Black Lives Matter/Feminists... For the simple fact that I am for better or worse on the "same side" as them, and they make me look like an un-empathetic douche bag.

Don't get me started on "Conspiracy Theory" crap. There was a reason that I wasn't watching the news for the last decade and a half, and now that I am, my Tin Foil Hat is buzzing like crazy.

True, I haven't heard any talks about MS being Hillary's disease. But at the same time, I haven't heard any talks from the extreme Lefties claiming that somehow somebody in Trump's camp Poisoned her.

Imagine that....

According to the Lefties, Trump and Putin are BFFs.

It wasn't too many years ago that the internet from Russia was a dull roar about the potentiality of Putin's camp poisoning one of his political opponents.

The real fact is Clinton is 69 and Trump is 70. If they both last 8 years like the last two worthless presidents we've had did, they'd be 77 or 78 years old, respectively.

Being that this is the case, I would ask people to look at your future Vice President and ask yourself if they're up to the challenge of taking over when and Old Person Dies?

Hillary seems sick as shit. Trump is a man and men die on average at least 10 years earlier than women. Let's call it a wash.

I'm secure in voting for Indiana Governor Mike Pence for our future Stand-In President.

How are you with what's his name?






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