Duck and Cover.

UPDATED: Friday, August 19, 2011 08:15
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Saturday, August 13, 2011 7:51 PM


It's been kind of a rough day in Detroit - over fifteen shootings, that's just the officially acknowledged ones, and well over a dozen casualties, while the police are of course as ineffective as ever and instead "cracking down" on those who are trying to see to their own defense, yadda yadda.

But one incident on Greenfield really sticks with me, some poor bastard was changing a flat at 2am in the morning and a couple gangbangers rolled up on him and robbed him, he cooperated, handed it over, and they started roughing him up anyway, and then he ran - and then they shot him.

So the next time anyone wants to shovel the notion that if you just hand it over, just play along, you won't get shot, you remember this guy, and what happened to him.

Sadly, I don't think he would have had much chance even if he HAD been packing, changing out a tire is something that takes up too much attention and effort to leave much in the way of situational awareness, and for all he knew they could have been coming to help - having a buddy to watch your back is ten and more times as effective as simply packing heat, remember that.

Shooting back ain't a good answer a lot of the time either, getting behind solid cover or getting the hell out of dodge *IS*, as a general rule - and at that point my usual followup is to grab the nearest clueless person standing there like a deer in the headlights and yank THEM behind cover too, which is a far better response than arbitrarily blazing away in a crowded area, which in fact is exactly what LEAD to some of these casualties, when idiots who didn't know better - none of whom had CCW cert, mind - went blazing away in response!

Not to say a pistol isn't useful in a defensive role, but just that, a DEFENSIVE one, find cover, take it, then worry about defense, rather than any gung-ho bullshit.
And by preference, allies trump weapons, of course having both, or even allies with weapons, is a nice touch.

And also, on situational awareness - I've found that maximum cluelessness seems to involve loading and unloading groceries, even a complete hardass is going to be hard pressed to maintain situational awareness with his head inside a vehicle and his ass outside, tryin not to crush the bread or eggs while thinkin about where to put all this stuff...
And bad guys PLAY on that, I've seen em hanging around the parking lots (those that don't have decent contract security) just waiting for the moment, so you really should have someone to cover you even in a "nice" neighborhood - when folks at Site Three roll in and start unloading groceries I always take up a position nearby and cover them for this reason.

Finally, if you DO get a flat in a not-so-nice area, do NOT stop, kick on the hazards and roll on slow until you reach a well lighted, populated area - kill that goddamn rim if you have to, but do NOT hand the bad guys a gimme.
And call someone, anyone, if you don't have AAA then call a buddy, all else fails that'll at the very least ensure that someone knew where you were and what happened - and it may well save your ass.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, August 13, 2011 9:24 PM


Good tips.

So what sparked this latest incidence?


Saturday, August 13, 2011 10:09 PM


Turf wars for the most part, Byte - between the gang in blue, the other gangs, and the neighborhoods that are sick and tired of taking shit from the first two, thankfully none of em involved Jackrabbit or the Detroit 300 or we'd have the damn bluebellies all over us...

There's some arson in there as well, not so newsworthy, and I dunno if the current housing fire NW of here is any kind of related, it broke out on my last round at about 3am and I hadda check to make sure we weren't gonna catch any of it, but local fire seems to have stomped it, I hope no one was hurt, but it was downright eerie hearing that crackle and going WTF.. then smelling the smoke and thinking oh-freakin-no, till I made sure it wasn't Site Three on fire.
Theoretically I have no responsibility to address a fire on-site, but be damned if I wouldn't try, even have a plan-of-action for it too, contact maintanence and have em shut off gas to the building while using the groundskeepers hoses on the building end to suppress the flames.

Anyhow, comes to it, the gangs are eventually going to lose this one on simple numbers, unless the government steps in to lend em a hand via citizen disarmament or backing the ones in blue just cause they wear badges, even if they don't BEHAVE any different...

ETA: Also, it really, really rooks me how folks pre-load statistics by considering a perp shot dead in the act of attempted robbery, rape or murder to be a "victim of gun violence", cause IMHO that ain't no such damn thing!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:40 AM


Sadly, the resident of that house fire didn't make it out - deputies arrived on scene and tried to get to him just in case but were unable to weather the flames as the house was over 75% involved by that time and they didn't have protective gear, firefighters arrived shortly thereafter but it was obviously too late.

No word on the cause though.

ETA: Victim was one Roger Kwiecinski, decent guy, retired military medic and photographer who used to work for GM, and the fire appears to have been accident/misfortune - damn sad, that.



Monday, August 15, 2011 8:24 AM


Other related stuff worth a mention - once again over the past couple days several thousand folk without power thanks to our fucked up electrical infrastructure and DTE's half-assery, some of em around here, to which some of my people have been assisting and I can't manage a damn thing but dispatch since I can't get out of this damn chair cause I'm in too much pain, grrrr...

And stuff like this doesn't help the attitude of the folks in Detroit either.

You really don't get a more obvious coverup than that, especially when the police chased the poor bastards who had the cellphone recording through that very neighborhood guns blazing, and then a total blackout on what happened to them after that, as if they dropped off the face of the earth, which you might say they kinda did - I do suspect Fieger has a copy of that recording though.

Oh, and this, just... this.

I love how they're playing blame the victim by asking why someone would have that much cash in their home - considering a certain lack of faith in 401k and banks, a lot of people have been stockpiling it, and what's it freakin MATTER why the hell they had a lot of cash on hand, that's just as bullshit as blaming a rape victim for wearing a miniskirt, you ask me.

And also, here's the rum-dinger...
How does THAT, differ one single bit, from THIS.


In Wednesday's raid, officers wore bulletproof vests, and one wore a mask, said attorney Jim Rasor, who represents Big Daddy's Enterprises. But they took nothing except about $20,000 in cash, gathered from receipts, the offices and wallets of about 10 employees and patients, he said

Yep, even emptied the personal wallets of anyone who happened to be standing in there, how about that, eh ?
Oh, and made NO ARRESTS, just so ya know.

So really, whats the fucking difference if the bastard who just robbed you at gunpoint was wearing a badge or not ?
And of course the bad guys play on the notion that even the tiniest bit of resistance to the boys in blue will start a goddamn war, by fakeouts like the one above, which got em in the door neat as you please cause we don't respect the right to resist even when the police are OBVIOUSLY in the wrong (see also: Goldoblo Case)

Really, it wouldn't take a whole lot more to blow the lid off here, and I've *been* using local notoriety and ability to coordinate groups trying to unfuck the place to help keep the lid on, all the while wondering if I am doing the right thing with that - but knowing that an "incident" and excuse is just what the bastards want.
Oh, and of course fighting the city, that bitch Worthy and her cronies, and the goddamn Monsanto-crony DNR the whole time, the latter of which we're keeping busy playing whack a mole by planting more fields than they can possibly wreck.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011 4:51 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'm sorry things have been extra crappy in Detroit of late, sounds like a bunch of bad stuff went down in the hood. I know you're doing your best and that's all you can do, just keep doing it and things will improve piece by piece, bit by bit.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:09 AM


Well, I'm used to all the rest, what kinda bugs me for reasons I barely even understand is that I never got to meet the poor old codger who died in the house fire, cause by all accounts he sounded like a pretty cool guy - amazing the folk you live within a mile of, and never actually meet or know, sometimes, isn't it ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:17 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I thought this article might tickle you a bit.

I'm sorry for all the pain and loss in your neck of the woods.



“If you are not free to choose wrongly and irresponsibly, you are not free at all”

Jacob Hornberger

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right.”

Mahatma Gandhi


Thursday, August 18, 2011 1:23 AM


Hehehe, ayep, he picked the wrong dude to rob - and after Niki pointing out that some of them old ladies keep razors in their beehive-do, I'd be wary of trying to mug one of them as well.
Way back when some jackass tried to rob Ray in the parking lot of a video store and in a moment straight out of a looney-tunes skit, he jammed his pen in the gunbarrel and said "Ok dickhead, NOW what ?" and yon putative mugger headed for the hills, lil creep was a 14yr old kid with a replica, they caught him a half hour later.

What rooks me, just a little, and is so ably demonstrated by stuff like this - is that the bad guys are *SO* dependant on that conditioned-submission response inflicted on people via our social indoctrination, that when someone DOESN'T meekly submit their brain locks up and they don't know how to react, which folks who do resist can take excellent advantage of.

Of course, not every goon is gonna do that, it's up to the person under threat to make the assessment of their opponent and respond as they will, some of em may shoot you for noncompliance, some of em might go ahead and shoot you AFTER you comply, some of em will flake out at the slightest resistance - those kinda things don't come in any manual, never seem to be taken into account in courts, but the stark reality is that one should not have the expectation that submission to threat of violence means violence will not be committed upon you.

Of course, systems and governments generally do try to instill that notion, and the why of that is perhaps something worth a second thought, cause in many cases, particularly in Detroit, the difference between criminal aggressor and agent of the state, is so fine it barely, if at all, exists.

That said, we do a pretty good job for ourselves while mostly ignoring them, and I don't just mean crime, some of the Socrates Club, as they call themselves, graduate this friday from a local program that both teaches them useful culinary skills and manages to feed the homeless at the same time - soup kitchens have kind of a special place in my heart, cause whenever the damn juvie judges sentenced me to "community service" for such vile crimes as curfew violation (being that I was trying to GET TO WORK, hello?!) or self-defense, I would always throw in with the local soup kitchens cause I felt that punitive justice was a waste (I took CS in lieu of fines I couldn't afford anyway) and if you WERE going to pay back the supposed "debt", it should be in a manner that helps a community.

Admittedly some of those self-defense issues were kinda debateable cause I had a bad habit of working them over rather than chasing them off, soo... *shrug*



Friday, August 19, 2011 8:15 AM


Here's more on the whole urban farming thing - mind you, it really IS the general response that we're not quiiiite sure we trust any of the princples involved, cause we wonder what their intentions are.
Of course, some folk are opposing it out of a combination of racism and fear of poor people, but frankly most of THOSE whiners are all but laughable, it's more than folks are skittish about trusting anyone or anything "official" in Detroit given just how often the "authorities" have screwed them or left them hanging.

And I think they got the right attitude, tenatively feel them out, do the homework, and thoroughly back check BEFORE agreeing to anything, and even then be ready and prepared for the sudden by inevitable betrayal.

PS. It's still been a rough week as the turf wars continue, and again, many of the casualties have either been shot AFTER cooperating, or bystanders hit by return fire as some *idiot* blazed away indiscriminately.