Victory for the voiceless.

UPDATED: Friday, March 27, 2009 22:13
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Thursday, March 26, 2009 2:03 PM


Hundreds of Pa. juvenile convictions reversed
By MICHAEL RUBINKAM, Associated Press Writer Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press Writer
2 hrs 7 mins ago

ALLENTOWN, Pa. – Pennsylvania's highest court on Thursday overturned hundreds of juvenile convictions issued by a corrupt judge who took millions of dollars in kickbacks from youth detention centers.

The state Supreme Court ruled that former Luzerne County President Judge Mark Ciavarella violated the constitutional rights of youth offenders who appeared in his courtroom without lawyers between 2003 and 2008.

"Today's order is not intended to be a quick fix," Chief Justice Ronald Castille said in a statement. "It's going to take some time, but the Supreme Court is committed to righting whatever wrong was perpetrated on Luzerne's juveniles and their families."

In one of the most egregious cases of judicial corruption ever seen, federal prosecutors charged Ciavarella and another Luzerne County judge, Michael Conahan, with taking $2.6 million in payoffs to put juvenile offenders in privately owned lockups.

The judges pleaded guilty to fraud last month and face sentences of more than seven years in prison.

Hillary Transue, 17, who appeared in Ciavarella's courtroom in 2007 and spent a month in a wilderness camp for building a MySpace page that lampooned her assistant principal, was elated that her record would be expunged.

She did not have an attorney when she went before Ciavarella, nor was she told of her right to one.

"I feel incredible, not even just for myself, but for everyone who is involved in this whole thing, all of the kids who are going to have clean records now," Transue said.

The Supreme Court approved the recommendations of Berks County Senior Judge Arthur Grim, whom the justices appointed in February to review cases handled by Ciavarella.

He decided that expungement was the most appropriate remedy for low-level offenders who appeared in Ciavarella's courtroom without lawyers — a group he has said numbered "easily into the hundreds."

Under Pennsylvania law, a juvenile may not waive his right to an attorney unless the decision is made "knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily." The judge must also formally question defendants to make sure they understand their rights, something Ciavarella routinely did not do.

In a report to the Supreme Court released Thursday, Grim said he has determined that "a very substantial number of juveniles who appeared without counsel before Judge Ciavarella ... did not knowingly and intelligently waive their right to counsel."

Grim next will review cases involving more serious juvenile offenses.

Prosecutors have described a scheme in which Conahan, the former president judge of Luzerne County, shut down the county-owned juvenile detention center in 2002 and signed an agreement with PA Child Care LLC to send youth offenders to its new facility outside Wilkes-Barre.

Ciavarella, who presided over juvenile court, sent youths to the detention center and to a sister facility in western Pennsylvania while he was taking payments, prosecutors said.

PA Child Care LLC has not been charged. Former co-owner Robert Powell, who made the payments, has said he was the victim of extortion.

Even before the scandal became public in late January, youth advocates had complained for years that Ciavarella was a harsh jurist who deprived youths of their constitutional rights.

Youths were routinely brought before Ciavarella without a lawyer, given hearings that lasted only a minute or two, and then sent to detention for offenses as minor as stealing change from cars and writing prank notes.

In his report, Grim said "there was routine deprivation of children's constititional rights to appear before an impartial tribunal and to have an opportunity to be heard."

The Philadelphia-based Juvenile Law Center asked the Supreme Court to intervene in Luzerne County last year, citing statistics that Ciavarella was opting for detention in far high numbers than would be expected. The justices rejected the request without comment in early January, then changed their mind after Conahan and Ciavarella were charged.

Marsha Levick, chief counsel of the law center, said that the unprecedented scope of the scandal will take time to fully address, but that Thursday's order was a start.

"In a way it's low-hanging fruit, but certainly the Juvenile Law Center's position remains consistent — that all of these kids' records should be expunged," she said.

Levick said there are many inside the Luzerne County court system, including attorneys and probation officials, who had to know the rights of juvenile defendants were being routinely violated.

"Their failure to either individually or collectively speak out against what was going on in Judge Ciavarella's courtroom, I think, let all of these kids down," Levick said.

The judges and others tied to the scandal face at least three lawsuits, including one filed by the Law Center.

A defendant in two of the lawsuits, former Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Sandra Brulo, illegally tampered with juvenile court records last month in an attempt to evade liability. She pleaded guilty Thursday to a federal charge of obstruction of justice.


Associated Press writer Mark Scolforo in Harrisburg contributed to this report.


Thursday, March 26, 2009 2:09 PM


I ain't through with them in the least, not only do I want Powell dragged into court to answer for this shit, cause that extortion excuse is a flat lie...

Come on, how the hell do you folks think this got outed in the first place ?
Experian sold his ass out to us neat as you please.
Might as well put the data thieves to good use, since they're allowed to run wild.

"Levick said there are many inside the Luzerne County court system, including attorneys and probation officials, who had to know the rights of juvenile defendants were being routinely violated."

And heads are gonna roll for it, too, we're behind Levick all the way on this and then some.

A defendant in two of the lawsuits, former Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Sandra Brulo, illegally tampered with juvenile court records last month in an attempt to evade liability. She pleaded guilty Thursday to a federal charge of obstruction of justice.

And folks, this isn't an "isolated incident" at all, despite the apparent outrage, in many places this shit is POLICY - we've now got hard evidence of similar schemes in Florida and Alabama, with tenative stuff being further investigated in several other states.

It's about damn time someone addressed this, and if Levick is willing to do that, well Ms. Levick better start hiring some more staff, cause she's gonna NEED em.

And Domino Two begins to wobble...

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, March 26, 2009 2:22 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I am proud of this crusade against miscarriages of justice.

Thank you Frem, and to any other crusaders who brought this into the light.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, March 27, 2009 10:13 PM


Well, this blew wider than anyone involved ever expected it to.

20/20 picked up the ball and ran with it.

I personally find Ciavarella's comments on page 2 disgusting, and have recommended they do NOT send him to prison - instead, that they send HIM to PA Child Care LLC's facility, for the exact same course of mistreatment he has sentenced so many damn near innocent kids to.

Not that they'll do it, but goddamn if that wouldn't be justice nothing is.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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