From celebrity to public office

UPDATED: Thursday, January 5, 2006 20:13
VIEWED: 2124
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Monday, January 2, 2006 4:38 PM


This is supposed to be a bit more of a fun discussion, with a basis in reality. As we know, Reagan used to be an actor before becoming president, and Schwarzenegger used to be one too (well, he was in a couple of movies, not sure if you can call what he did "acting", but I digress) before becoming governor. Of the current crop of celebrities, is there anyone you can think of that has political ambitions and has a chance of fulfilling them? Any that you'd like to see have political ambitions?

I'll start:

It seems like Sean Penn is getting quite active politically. He isn't afraid to express his opinions, and while Bush was flying over New Orleans in a helicopter, Penn was down there rowing a boat and trying to help people in person... sort of trying to upstage the president, wouldn't you say?

Tim Robbins is quite outspoken, but I doubt he has any ambitions for office.

A couple of years ago, Will Smith stated that he'd like to be the first black president. Maybe he was joking, but it seemed like he was serious.

Donald Trump was mentioned on another thread as an alternative to Hillary for NY senator. Personally I'd be surprised if he decided to enter politics.

Any that you can think of? Any B- or C-list actors that might get fed up with show-business for pretty people and go into show-business for ugly people?

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:41 PM


Clint. I want Clint.
Do I feel lucky?

Not really.



Monday, January 2, 2006 6:20 PM


Clooney has been catching my ear/eye (whatever) lately. Couple serious political films, several good interviews about being a liberal (as well as calling out O'Reilly and getting him to back down), good charisma. He'd get my vote.

On another note, I've never understood the problem some in this country have with actors speaking their minds. It's more common in the righties, but I have heard some lefties do it as well. Actors/musicians/etc. have a right to speak their minds, just like anyone else, and any misstatements caught on camera can be used against them in a way that would make average people cringe ("hey Joe, remember our conversation at the water cooler last week? I have it on tape where you said..."). And, as mentioned above, several actors have gone on to be successful (well, some more so than others) politicians (Reagan, Thompson, Arnie, Ventura, as well as Cooter from Dukes of Hazzard, who was a Ga. congressman I believe).

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:17 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Clint. I want Clint.
Do I feel lucky?

Not really.


I think he was Mayor somewhere for a bit. Santa Barabara maybe?



Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:25 AM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:
And, as mentioned above, several actors have gone on to be successful (well, some more so than others) politicians (Reagan, Thompson, Arnie, Ventura, as well as Cooter from Dukes of Hazzard, who was a Ga. congressman I believe).

Don't forget Gopher from the Love Boat and that funny looking guy who used to be on the Sonny and Cher Show...he's dead now.

Not many Democrats though. Liberal actors can barely get arrested, much less elected. Besides, they don't really bring anything to the party. Drugs, booze, adultery, really crazy ideas...that's already the Democratic Senate in a nutshell. And if a liberal actor was elected to something then not only would they have to stop complaining...everybody would quickly find out that they didn't have a clue to begin with.

By comparison, Reagan and Arnold both have degrees in economics, Arnold speaks more then one language (I think he speaks spanish or something).



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:57 AM


Heh...which political alignment do you think Bruce Campbell would have?

"Serenity is knowing your worst shot is still pretty good."


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:29 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Not many Democrats though. Liberal actors can barely get arrested, much less elected. Besides, they don't really bring anything to the party. Drugs, booze, adultery, really crazy ideas...that's already the Democratic Senate in a nutshell. And if a liberal actor was elected to something then not only would they have to stop complaining...everybody would quickly find out that they didn't have a clue to begin with.

I don’t know of any liberal democrats that have successfully made the transition form Hollywood to Politician. Ben Jones (Cooter) was a Conservative Democrat, but he voted like a Republican and even stated himself that he believed the Democrats had lost touch with the American people and he wanted to move them back towards a more conservative base.

Even Sunny Bono was a Republican.

People like Clooney, Robbins and Alec Baldwin who epitomize the Liberal Democrat side of the issues are so clearly self-absorbed idiots that they spend their credibility with the American public too fast to ever even make it through a campaign, much less garner any votes. They generally become so loathed that it damages their career because people don’t even want to see their movies anymore. I honestly, don’t know anyone, including myself, who would ever go see a movie because it stared Robbins or Baldwin. Putting the name Tim Robbins in big letter on your movie poster is an excellent way to make sure most people don’t go see it. And Clooney’s quickly approaching that category. There’s no way someone like that could make it in politics; if people hate them so much they won’t even watch their movies, they certainly won’t vote for them for public office.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:04 AM


America loves a winner!

Although not an actor, but a character none the less, Charles Barkley. The former Auburn and NBA star had made headlines by showing an interest in running for Gov. in Alabama. He wants to run as a Republican.

That was some time ago, but I wish he'd follow up on it.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, January 5, 2006 8:13 PM



Donald Trump was mentioned on another thread as an alternative to Hillary for NY senator. Personally I'd be surprised if he decided to enter politics.

The Donald ran for the Reform Party USA presidential nomination but lost to Pat Buchanan. I don't know if he'd be interested in Senator though, except as a stepping stone to the whitehouse, and I don't want to work for one of those social climber types. I'm looking for someone who actually wants the job of Senator.

We have lots of entertainment types here in NY. If anyone has any ideas for republican possibilities. Meaning no one so outrageously liberal that they'd never be able to win a republican nomination, but I'd take anyone off the daily show.

Sorry if this represents a small threadjack, but my thread was killed :(


Clint was mayor of Carmel, but right general area. Closer to Santa Cruz.

Charles Barkley is a libertarian, not a Republican. He's made that quite clear. When you have the evil undead in charge of your party, it's hard to recruit new members. (that was a pointed reference to Cheney)






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