OWS protesters have strange ideas about fairness

UPDATED: Friday, November 18, 2011 06:03
VIEWED: 2167
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Sunday, November 13, 2011 8:34 AM


America loves a winner!

CTS - you're reading far too much into her comments. Lots of other countries have far more restrictive immigration laws, and they're not 'racist, xenophobic' in the least. Why you want to assign those views to anyone who thinks that way is beyond me.

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Monday, November 14, 2011 10:19 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Emotionally I understand where CTS is coming from, but, thought this doesn't usually happen, I identify with Raptor's position a bit more on immigration. If I want to move to Eire without jumping through the hoops they've set up guess what will happen? I'll get sent right back to the US. Not to mention its really hard for a run-of-the-mill American to get to live in Eire perminantly. If I were a famous artist/musician they'd let me because they really value that sort of thing, but other than that I'd have to marry someone over there and that's the only way really.

More later

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, November 14, 2011 12:58 PM


America loves a winner!

I know that in Australia, for example, an able bodied professional still needs a sponsor before being allowed to work in the country. That to say, merely having a college degree isn't enough to allow one from getting off a plane an start checking out the want ads. May be easier if you're there from Canada, or the UK, I don't know. But if you're from the USA, you sure need to take some steps. Is that 'xenophobic' ?

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Monday, November 14, 2011 3:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, knowing your usual BS, I went and checked it out.

Here is what it had to say: those with sponsors are 'GIVEN >> PRIORITY << PROCESSING'. Full text below.* Nothing about can't, forbidden, impossible - just where you are in the line.

Furthermore, Australia doesn't discriminate by country (as a stand-in for 'race') as the US does. That policy was eliminated in 1973.**

*"The Australian Skilled or Work visa program is specifically tailored to encourage individuals with specific skills and capabilities to migrate to Australia to improve Australia's economy and work force.

Australian Work visa applicants who are able to obtain sponsorship through an employer or be nominated under one of the participating State Migration Plans are GIVEN PRIORITY PROCESSING.

There are 113, 850 Australian work and business visas to be granted in 2010 - 11."

**"The 'White Australia' policy describes Australia's approach to immigration from federation until the latter part of the 20th century, which favoured applicants from certain countries.

The abolition of the policy took place over a period of 25 years.

Following the election of a coalition of the Liberal and Country parties in 1949, Immigration Minister Harold Holt allowed 800 non-European refugees to remain in Australia and Japanese war brides to enter Australia.

Over subsequent years Australian governments gradually dismantled the policy with the final vestiges being removed in 1973 by the new Labor government."

To change society, you have to change your participation in it. Otherwise, all you will get is more of the same.

I think the current tax structure is about right for corporations. - Geezer

Without the benefit of the surrounding society, a corporation dies. If society looks at a corporation and says 'work, or die', what work should be demanded of the corporation for it to earn its survival?

While Wall St. is going through the roof, Main St. is paying all the bills.

Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in taxpayer funded bailouts, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes?

Yeah, me neither....

We're not rich because we work for our money. Rich people make their money work for them. Mrs. Huxtable


Monday, November 14, 2011 3:34 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The rest of my post: So in CTS land her policy would make perfect sense, but we don't live in CTS land, nor do I really want to for other reasons.

Given the system we have, which struggles to create and manage enough resources for all of us who are here legally, having a bunch of people here illegally who don't pay taxes and are under the radar makes it so our current resources are stretched too thin for everyone. That means that people get less of any kind of assistance they may need etc. I realize that we enable the illegal workers thing by insisting on paying less for produce etc. meaning the farmers get away with paying substandard wages. I'd certainly be willing to pay more for fruit if it meant everyone's resources weren't being stretched so thinly.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, November 14, 2011 5:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yes ... and ... no.

I'm assuming every country with a reasonable budget controls immigration. If we look at Western countries, they set policies they hope will be beneficial to the country as a whole. I have a pretty good idea of what it takes to get into Canada and New Zealand (forget NZ), and a somewhat less formed idea of what it takes to get into Australia or France (forget France as well). None of these countries set quotas for countries, except New Zealand, which I understand has a preference for Pacific Islanders displaced off their islands by global warming.

These countries set limits according to needed skills, incoming investments, cultural proficiency, refugee or humanitarian needs etc.

Saying that a country has the right and need to control immigration is different from saying you need to lock down a particular border to keep 'them' out, which is the direction Bachmann is coming from.

Also, FWIW, the Canadian border is a far larger source of drugs and illegal immigration than most people realize.

"According to the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection agency, as of the end September 30, 2010 the U.S. government did not have “effective control” of an estimated 98 percent, or 3,931 miles, of the 4,000-mile northern border (it similarly does not have “effective control” over more than 56 percent of the estimated 2,000-mile long border with Mexico.)

In May, CBP commissioner Alan Bersin told lawmakers that the U.S. government had apprehended more suspected terrorists attempting to enter the country across the northern border than through its southern counterpart."


Monday, November 14, 2011 8:24 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Interesting point about Canada Kiki, if I were sneaking into the country I'd definitely rather do it through Canada, that's what the Irish family does in In America.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:55 AM


America loves a winner!

My 'usual BS ' ?

More often than not, it's dead on accurate. But congrats on your waste of time looking into what was basically what I said in the first place.

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Friday, November 18, 2011 6:03 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

OOOooohhhhh LOOK!

Little Rappy is having another pout! Gosh, watching him behave this way never gets old.

Keep it up, little Rappy! Stomp you feet some more and mutter 'is TOO!' That'll make you look like an intelligent grown up.






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