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Friday, July 3, 2015 8:57 PM


Netflix is a beautiful thing for a guy that doesn't have Cable TV or any TVs new enough to get HD signals....

I've been on a zombie kick lately (who hasn't, right?).

I've got two movies that you've got to see. One of them is only 3 stars, and the other one is only 1 star. I've recommended both of them to my brother for his "bad movie" night he and my Sis host. Honestly though, I don't think either of them merit a "Bad Movie". Some might label them B Movies, but I consider them A- Movies.

The first one is called "Stalled"... (3 stars)

Imagine being a 30 something maintenance man at a large corporation on Christmas Eve, having to work on the woman's bathroom. Circumstances are such that after puking in the bathroom, you end up hiding in it when two of the scantily clad women from the party walk in and we move from a PG-13 rating into extremely soft-core territory (no boobage or anything)... Then, without warning, the girl who got bit earlier by the pizza delivery guy takes a bite out of the other girls neck.... 5 minutes later, you're trapped in the bathroom stall with nowhere to run.

Somehow this makes for a great British flick. 98% of this movie is filmed in this bathroom, with about 90% of it being filmed in the stall. I really love movies that can pull this off, like "Phone Booth" or the lesser known "Devil" that takes place in an elevator.

The second one, "The Walking Deceased" is my favorite, but it only got 1 star on Netflix....

People either LOVE or HATE this one. There is NO middle ground. IMDB reviewers either give it 8-10 stars or 1-2 stars.

I wouldn't put this one on the list for Family Movie Night, but if you're not afraid of a little raunchy humor, and a Parody title, this one made me bust out laughing more than a few times.

I should mention, that I HATE, HATE, HATE the parody genre. I know that I'm supposed to like classics like Airplane and Naked Gun, but they are so stale. Scary Movie(s) are mediocre at best, with 2 being the worst of the bunch IMO. Not Another Teen Movie had about 2 laughs all movie for me. I didn't even bother with the 300 parody and a couple of newer ones that came and went.

I've never seen any of these people in another movie, but then again, I haven't seen a ton of recent movies, so maybe they're more popular than I give them credit for. Nobody is going to win an Oscar for their acting talents here, but I never thought anyone did a bad job given the ridiculous nature of the movie.

This movie takes things from all sorts of movies and The Walking Dead and puts it all together in an insane blender. I don't know who I like more... The demented Sheriff who wakes up from a coma and keeps calling his son Carl even though his name is Chris, the obvious clone of Daryl who tries and fails to kill zombies with his dart-throwing toy even though he walks around with an actual crossbow strapped to his back, or the mute girl who has some of the funniest moments with the pop-up words that come out of her head when she interacts with everyone.

This is a post apocolyptic future where Facebook and Instagram and Twitter are gone. Linked In still exists. But nobody uses Linked In...

Both seriously worth a watch, and on Netflix the price is right.


Friday, July 3, 2015 10:50 PM


rezident owtsidr

Thoze look like theyr worth a woc! xanks!

2 I saw resently are pretty good. Dead Snow and Dead Snow 2.

I assume youv seen Dawn uv the Dead, the 2003 version. Its worth buying a new tv and the special edition DVD kuz not only iz it the absolute best zombie movie ever, the extraz are amazing.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, July 5, 2015 8:43 PM


Honestly, I was never into Zombie anything until I watched The Walking Dead. Not only have I never seen the 2003 version of Dawn of the Dead, but I've never seen anything Romero did (GASP!).

I've seen Warm Bodies (hated it), Zombieland (loved it), Shaun of the Dead (liked it), 28 Days/Weeks Later (Awesome), but other than that, the two movies above are the only zombie flicks I've ever seen. I really should watch those Romero movies though.... I just have to get over the cheese factor and the fact that a lot of those movies are older than I am.

My brother gave my my first 1080 TV today! Him and my Sis-in-law replaced it with their new 70" monster! 36" is a little small for my tastes, but it looks so much better than any of my old TVs in my house. As a bonus, any movies or TV shows I put on a thumbrive I can just plug in and watch. None of my old TVs can watch downloaded movies without a lot of old hardware and setup. I can't wait to use it. My mom even gave me an old 16GB thumb drive she had lying around the house to make it that much easier.....

Kinda funny how I can program computers and I'm the only one in my family that understands how they really work, but I'm taking tech hand-me-downs from my younger bro and my Mom lol....

Got a big test to finish studying for and taking tomorrow, but I think I'm going to get on those Romero flicks on Tuesday. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 6, 2015 1:55 PM


rezident owtsidr

The orijinal, Nite uv the Living Ded iz good. The sequel, Dawn uv the Ded iz good. I dont recall if Day uv the Ded wuz any good. Romero did a few more many yirz later that I've herd about.


I recommend not seeing them az sum sort uv orderly 'catch up' seriez kuz you will get bored with the entire zombie genre before getting to the best wun.

The 2003 Dawn uv the Ded wuz made by Zak Snider, wun uv the best film makerz out there now.

Usually I worry about overselling sumthing, that sumbodyz expectationz will be too hi, then they are disapointed, but I dont think its possible this time.

I agree, 28 Dayz & Weeks Later are exellent.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:50 AM


rezident owtsidr

I'm officially overloaded with conversationz - I cant recall who sed wut wen or wer.

Sumbudy recomended Only Lovers Left Alive, a vampire movie, and I thot it wuz you in this thred.

Just saw it. Interesting. Almost boring. Almost pretentious. But wut woud you expect from bored, lazy vampirez, so its realistic.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, July 14, 2015 8:18 PM


28 weeks later was just as awesome as 28 days later. I know some people hate on it, but I loved it just the same.

I get you on overselling something though. I was spending a weekend at my parent's cottage a few years back after raving about the first Paranormal Activity, before all the sequels came out.

When I watched it, and when my friend's watched it. I had downloaded it online and nobody paid a dime to see it. Based off of my Glowing review of the movie, my Mom bought it on DVD for 20 bucks at WalMart and we watched it that night.... on a 25" screen without surround sound....

They HATED it, and didn't refrain from letting me know how much they hated it.

I just had to laugh and tell them that they were the only two people in America who didn't like it and they were idiots for paying for something they could have got for free like everybody else.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 14, 2015 11:49 PM


rezident owtsidr

I havent seen Paranormal Activity yet.

I hav the DVDz for 28 Dayz & Weeks. Not sure, but I think they may be the 2nd best zombie moviez ever.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, July 20, 2015 3:41 PM


rezident owtsidr

Just rewoct 28 Dayz & Weeks. Great moviez.

Private Mailer iz a great karakter, worth a sequel all hiz own!

Totally exellent hod rigging by John Fennelly in Weeks! I bet therez a hole jeneration uv kidz out there thinking 'I want to be a hod rigger wen I grow up' and hod rigger trade skoolz popping up all over.*

I wuz suprized to see that 28 Weeks Later iz alredy 8 yearz old. Time to make it a complete trilojy.

*I hav no idea wut hod riggerz do.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, July 21, 2015 12:34 PM


rezident owtsidr

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, July 21, 2015 12:50 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
28 weeks later was just as awesome as 28 days later. I know some people hate on it, but I loved it just the same.

I've always considered 28 Weeks Later one of the best zombie movies ever made. Truly scary, and that awesome 'helicopter in the stadium' scene, great stuff.


Saturday, August 1, 2015 9:26 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
I wuz suprized to see that 28 Weeks Later iz alredy 8 yearz old. Time to make it a complete trilojy.

HOLY SHI--------.........


I've recently stopped becoming so surprised at just how old I got.

I'm just a little older and just a little angrier than Jayne. Adam Baldwin is probably going on 50 now....

Don't ever get old kids. :) and/or :(

You're right about a Trilogy though JO....

The first two were Definately worthy of a Trilogy.

As awesome as "Stalled" was for a UK Zombie flick, I refuse to call that an off-shoot 3rd for what I feel are the two best zombie flicks ever made. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 1, 2015 9:42 PM



Originally posted by MUTT999:
I've always considered 28 Weeks Later one of the best zombie movies ever made. Truly scary, and that awesome 'helicopter in the stadium' scene, great stuff.

Hey MUTT....

Another appreciator of all that is AWESOME in cinema, I see. :)

Usually, I fall in the category of most people who say that sequels are always inferior to the original product.... This especially is true in "franchises" that are built off of true Indy Greatness (I'm looking at you Kevin Smith.... Clerks.... Clerks the Cartoon.... Clerks 2.... :( )

I'm not going to say that 28 Weeks was better than 28 Days. I could never say that. They were both phenominal movies with very believable premises that blended our own boring lives with a plausable explanation as to how the extraordinary could possibly come about with science instead of "magic".

Arthur C. Clark taught us that any technology advanced enough would be in-destinguisable from magic. 28-Days-Weeks was the Hollywood bridge to the potential disasters that can happen from playing "God" with shit we don't really know about if the proper checks and balances aren't adhered to TO A FAULT.

Seriously.... If I were smart enough to play god with monkeys, there is no way that a bunch of UK 20-something stoners would have been able to break into my lab. Good luck breaking into my house. On the off chance I'm not home, it's freaking "Home Alone" up in this bitch.

28 Weeks Later had the best of both worlds. It didn't "Hollywood" it up enough to make it campy and stupid like Clerks 2, but it did up the "star" quotient just enough to make it that much better in the "acting" department.

I won't even go to IMDB to pretend to know his name.... but they brought in the guy from "Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels" and "Trainspotting" to play the everyday coward and very regretful Dad. Most people in America would know him better as Rumplestiltskin. ;)

I'm not disrespecting him as an actor, because I think everything he touches is Gold and he should have played King Midas in "Once Upon a Time".

I'm just making a point.....

The production values of 28 Weeks were Miles beyond 28 days, and they milked that money for every drop it was worth instead of wasting 3 million to hire some famous doucebag that ate up all the production costs and left us with a bullshit movie that everyone hated and nobody wanted a Trilogy.




trilogy... trilogy.

Trilogy... Trilogy..

Trilogy... Trilogy...

Trilogy..! Trilogy..!


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, August 4, 2015 9:53 AM



Tuesday, August 4, 2015 11:10 PM


rezident owtsidr


DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, August 8, 2015 12:21 AM


rezident owtsidr

Just watched Maggie.

Arnold Schwartzenneggar + zombie movie = drama!? Go figure.

Not bad. Definitely better than Terminator Genysis.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, August 8, 2015 5:03 PM


rezident owtsidr

Also haz a totally excellent box sleeve.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, August 11, 2015 10:23 PM



Originally posted by MUTT999:

This from May:

Looking good for a third movie!!!!!


Just two paragraphs into that article and I get the premise for the 3rd 28 movie.

28 weeks later will be a juxtaposition of the deep-seeded desires for 28 days-week and Trainspotting!!!!!!

I've got the Perfect Title for it too!!!!!!

"Trainspotting 2: 128 Months Later!!!!!!!!"


Although, if you wanted to make it perfect, you'd add two of my other favorite British movies from the time, and the title would be more like....

Love, Honor and Obey, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 28 Months Later, Trainspotting.

"I swear to Love, Honor and Obey you while Trainspotting 128 Months Later, While my Two Smoking Barrels are Locked and Stocked and ready to Kick Ass While I Chew Bubblegum..."


"While Hanging Out Under a Bridge, Trainspotting with my Heroin-Zombie Friends, 128 Months after pledging to Love, Honor and Obey you for life, We Figured You Would Make Better Zombie Food Than Wife Material, Using These Locked and Stocked Barrels, Which Will Soon Be Smoking".


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 8:47 AM


Koreans make good zombie films

IMDB’s Top Rated K-Dramas Of 2023: The Ultimate Guide For Your Next Binge-Watch


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 9:42 AM


Wow man.

I was really off the rails back when I was drinking. Not only did I watch two zombie movies that I would have sworn I'd never heard of if you asked me about them today, but I appear to have given them glowing reviews.

I'll have to watch them again and see if I like them or not.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.






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