Virtual Firefly Book continues 3

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Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:47 AM


Heres our new home for a while.

Almost 800 post since we started. Pat yourselves on the back.

Good job.

Here's where it started.

Here is our second thread

Thanks crew,



Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:57 AM


Spots: well none yet, it seems to me that last time we hit a big planet we got into a gun fight, so i didnt have time to ask around. but my first responsibility is to this ship and this crew


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:14 AM


Ni hao Captain

Did you get my wave? We will have some short delays though, one of our new passengers isn't great with time.

(OOC: Congrats on 3rd thread!)



Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:27 AM


*lurches into the galley, still looking zonked despite having slept for over ten hours* 'Morning people...

*fetches himself a mug of coffee so strong it's basically caffein syrup*

I am SO hungover...

*notices Colt's glum face and the tears running down Spots' face*

Ehr... wha' happened. *sips coffee* Did somebody die, or somethin'?


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:40 AM


***** goes and puts the bag of plantnum in my room and hides it well*****************

*****Walks up to the Capt.****** I am going to go buy some ammo for my guns and maybe a chair and some knicknacks for my room. Be back in 30 min. then I shall fuel the ship all the way.

******Runs off the ship and runs into the 1st store **************

I am a leaf on the wind


Sunday, April 13, 2008 12:40 PM


**** Walks up to the ship and puts the new chair and Bonzai tree in her room ***********

Hey Oram do you want me to get youanything while I fuel up the ship?

****waits for answer. Walks out of the ship and runs out to fuel the ship******************

Hit up on the com and i shall get it .got to go .

I am a leaf on the wind


Sunday, April 13, 2008 1:51 PM


*hits comm*

See if you can find some fresh vegies and meat or something nice... thinking everybody needs a big breakfast or such after what Spots has told us.

I'm not gonna be able to come down, as abbey isn't out of the woods yet... and I have a massive headache... ask Mobbex.

Oh... and a pillow....
We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 2:04 PM




Q: So, you're a bounty hunter?
A: That's not it at all.
Q: What are you then?
A: I'm a bounty hunter


Sunday, April 13, 2008 2:31 PM


**Watches Jiang leave the boat on Aquila**

Huh..who'd a thought ingnoring him would work that well.

**Looks to Invictus**

Padre, We've been through a lot trying to get Fid's tech. I know we're close, but we're heading to Greenleaf. Abbey's still down, Mobbex is still limpin on that gimp leg of his. Now's not the time to get into trouble on St. Albans. We're 'bout 10 hours outta Greenleaf from here. We'll take a day or two, rest up, then head out.

**To all the crew around**

We intercepted a message from Black Spyder. Bounty Hunter working an uneasy Alliance with the Tranquility right now. Seems he had some partners chasing after Fid. From the looks of the message they still think he's onboard. So keep your guard up.

One other thing. Seems LT and Spots overhauled our Port Shuttle door 'fore he left. So does anyone want to explain what the hell happend to Abbeys shuttle door?

Looks like someone went after it with a blow torch. Now I know it wasn't me and unless it was Spots someone better get with our mechanic and make sure the seals going to hold once we take off. Oh and if he can't make it look like it used to,...well best hope he can.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 3:09 PM


*staggers down the stairs to the common area, holding firmly onto the handrail*

*sees Oram laying sprawled on one of the couches, a pair of cold packs wrapped around her forehead* Hey doc, I don't know 'bout you but I've got me a hangover the size of...

Oram: By all that's holy would you mind tuning it down some?

Oh! *whispers* Sorry... look I've heard that the folks on this moon 've got some kind o' special physic for, huh... wha' was it... body tensions, muscle aches and... sorenessness? Soreness? *Oram rolls eyes*

I figure it's gotta work for hangovers too, I and I'm fairly bent on giving it a shot. Y' wanna come?


Sunday, April 13, 2008 3:24 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
*staggers down the stairs to the common area, holding firmly onto the handrail*

*sees Oram laying sprawled on one of the couches, a pair of cold packs wrapped around her forehead* Hey doc, I don't know 'bout you but I've got me a hangover the size of...

Oram: By all that's holy would you mind tuning it down some?

Oh! *whispers* Sorry... look I've heard that the folks on this moon 've got some kind o' special physic for, huh... wha' was it... body tensions, muscle aches and... sorenessness? Soreness? *Oram rolls eyes*

I figure it's gotta work for hangovers too, I and I'm fairly bent on giving it a shot. Y' wanna come?

*takes ice pack from her head to give mobbex a look*
Ya offering me an olive branch there merc? because I'm taking it... *stuggles to get off the couch*
Where is this place anyway? And the important question.... how far do we have to walk?

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 3:57 PM


*shrugs* I don't know. We'll just... ask around.

*Mobbex and Oram exit from the ship*

*Mobbex spots one off the locals and calls him out* You there, y' know where I can find the quack who says he can cure hangovers?

*The native gives them a quizzical look, then gestures them toward the hills surrounding the spaceport*

*Mobbex and Oram sigh and make for the hillside*


Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:06 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
*shrugs* I don't know. We'll just... ask around.

*Mobbex and Oram exit from the ship*

*Mobbex spots one off the locals and calls him out* You there, y' know where I can find the quack who says he can cure hangovers?

*The native gives them a quizzical look, then gestures them toward the hills surrounding the spaceport*

*Mobbex and Oram sigh and make for the hillside*

*walking up the slight hill, panting*
Been a long time since I've travelled on foot... more used to horseback....
*they come up to the entrance*
Well, after you....

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:20 PM


****hits comm******

Gotcha Oram getting your stuff right now be back in five

*********starts walking back to the ship***********

I am a leaf on the wind


Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:24 PM



Originally posted by WASHRULESBABY:
****hits comm******

Gotcha Oram getting your stuff right now be back in five

*********starts walking back to the ship***********

I am a leaf on the wind

Ummm.... Mobbex and I have gone on a short trip... tell the captain we'll be back soon enough and not to leave without us....


We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:04 PM


*mobbex thumps on the door, then shouts* 'Anybody home?

*a rawboned old man comes to answer* Yes? You are here for business?

Mobbex: My head feels like it's gonna rip itself apart...

Old man:*smiles and motions for them to come in* Yes, yes. You have come to rite place, you have. I will ready your accommodations, you may talk to young man behind counter for payment.

Oram: Ready our wh... ?

*mobbex cuts in*

Mobbex: Sure, fine, whatever. *heads over to the counter* So, how much?

Young man behind counter: Ten plat'nums each.

Mobbex: Ten? I'm thinkin' y' should have another look at those price charts of yours, 'cause I'm readin' five.

Young man: *casts an eye over the charts* No, sir, I'm pretty sure that's a ten.

Mobbex: *leans forward* Kid, you suggestin' I can't read?

Young man: Off... course not. Sir. Five apiece, my mistake.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 5:57 PM


*abbey stirs in infirmary and slowly opens her eyes. The glare from the room lights cause her to shut them quickly. She groans and opens her eyes again. She tries to get up but is too tired and decides to settle back down on the infirmary bed. She doesn't remember how long it was since she has felt this tired - oh wait - it was the last time this happened. She mutters to herself.*

Gorram it! Rutting pain killers! How long have I been here?

*she picks at the IV in her arm, but leaves it alone after a minute. She musters some strength and calls out weakly.*

Is anyone out there? Oram?


Sunday, April 13, 2008 6:55 PM



Originally posted by Mobbex:
*mobbex thumps on the door, then shouts* 'Anybody home?

*a rawboned old man comes to answer* Yes? You are here for business?

Mobbex: My head feels like it's gonna rip itself apart...

Old man:*smiles and motions for them to come in* Yes, yes. You have come to rite place, you have. I will ready your accommodations, you may talk to young man behind counter for payment.

Oram: Ready our wh... ?

*mobbex cuts in*

Mobbex: Sure, fine, whatever. *heads over to the counter* So, how much?

Young man behind counter: Ten plat'nums each.

Mobbex: Ten? I'm thinkin' y' should have another look at those price charts of yours, 'cause I'm readin' five.

Young man: *casts an eye over the charts* No, sir, I'm pretty sure that's a ten.

Mobbex: *leans forward* Kid, you suggestin' I can't read?

Young man: Off... course not. Sir. Five apiece, my mistake.

*pays the young man behind the counter, Oram gives him an apologetic look as she and Mobbex walk into the building…. She nearly bumps into Mobbex’s large back as he’s stopped suddenly*

Mobbex: What the gorram hell is this?!!

*Oram looks, then burst out laughing*

It’s a spa retreat!!!

*at Mobbex’s look*

It's a place where you go to relax and such…. Spend a day here and you feel like a new you….

*pushes Mobbex forward, he reluctantly enters*

Mobbex: It’s a woman’s thing to lie around and make pretty, not men.

*scoffs at the bull-crap he’s giving*

It is not…. my husband, Geoff, used to take me to stuff like this all….. *stops as she realises she’s said too much* Umm… let’s just go in… *pushes past Mobbex and into the mudbath/spa*

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:10 PM


*Hears Abbey calling for the Doc so I head into the infirmary*

Hey there, you gave me a scare...I mean gave us all a scare...I was just the that.. found you is all. So I was a...How are you feeling? Doc said you had an allergic reaction to the meds she gave you. You went down pretty hard.

*Abbey tries to sit up*

Just lie back, you not going anywhere till the Doc checks you out. Once she says it's ok to move you we'll get you back to your shuttle.

*Abbey: Where's Oram?*

Wash just called said her and Mobbex went into town for something or other. Should be back soon.

Doc, took care of your appointments. I mean canceled them. She said no one was mad at ya. Wish you well and...all.

Once their back we're going to head to Greenleaf, take a couple days there.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:31 PM



Originally posted by Colt999:
[BHey there, you gave me a scare...I mean gave us all a scare...I was just the that.. found you is all. So I was a...How are you feeling? Doc said you had an allergic reaction to the meds she gave you. You went down pretty hard.

Well, thanks... for finding me... I appreciate it. How'd I get down here?

*Colt: I carried you.*

Oh... I think I remembered that. Um... Didn't mean to be a trouble.

*Colt: Wasn't a big deal. It needed to be done. I'm sure... anyone would've if they found you. You OK?*

Yeah. Been a while since this has happened. Last time it was really bad.

*Colt: Looked bad this time too.*

Sorry... But I'm feeling ok now. Just really tired. And a little cold.

*Colt puts blanket on abbey*

*Colt: Well... I uh... have Captainy things to do...*

*Colt leaves*


Sunday, April 13, 2008 8:12 PM


*An hour latter Abbey is relaxing, lulling into sleep… Then the sounds of argument begin to travel up the ship disturbing her, and she can't help but hear what's being said*

Mobbex: It was a simple question … nuthin’ to get all sore about, Doc…

*Oram has obviously walked ahead of Mobbex, her face is flushed and she looks livid*

And I told ya to drop it!

Mobbex: I only asked, if you’re married, why you ain’t wearing no fancy ring or nuthin’.

Because it’s none of your business and I don't have to tell anybody that I don't want to, besides I ain’t married any more… happy now?

*Mobbex looks put off, but just shrugs his shoulders and disappears into the galley. Oram watches him go, then sits on the couch just across from the infirmary, head bowed and hands clasped together…. She sits there for a moment or two, taking deep shaky breaths. When composed enough she looks up and stills… seeing that Abbey, in the infirmay room, has seen her and the argument*

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 8:31 PM



Originally posted by Oram:
Mobbex: I only asked, if you’re married, why you ain’t wearing no fancy ring or nuthin’.

Because it’s none of your business and I don't have to tell anybody that I don't want to, besides I ain’t married any more… happy now?

I know we haven't talked much in the last 4 years or so. You got married?

*Oram gets up and walks into infirmary, sitting down next to abbey's bed*

*Oram: Yeah. I don't want to talk about it. So don't ask.*

*abbey says softly*

I won't ask. Just I'm here if you need to talk.

*Oram nods thankfully. abbey changes subjects.*

Anything interesting go on while I was out?

*Oram: I got really drunk. Mobbex too.*

Anything good?

*Oram: Oh... And I'm sure he is really sorry about your shuttle door.*

*abbey's eyes narrow*

What is wrong with my shuttle door?

*Oram: You don't know? Looks like mobbex used a blow torch on it and kinda "borrowed" some wine.*

Borrowed? It wasn't the magnum was it?

*Oram nodded sheepishly*

That cost 200 credits! *tries to sit up, but is stopped by Oram* And where was that Captain while this was going on? Oh, I will have to speak about this to him... *abbey continues to rant as Oram rolls eyes at her* I SAW THAT! When can I get up? This is unacceptable...

*Oram: If you shut up and go to sleep, I could release you tomorrow morning.*

*Oram turns off overhead lights, leaving just a soft glow in the room and heads for bunk, leaving abbey to fume*


Sunday, April 13, 2008 9:45 PM


*Oram quietly opens the door to her bunk, stepping in and shutting the door behind her. She thinks about abbey's outburst and what’s going to happen*

She sure is wound up tonight; wouldn't want to be the Captain tomorrow. Definitely a fight on the horizon that we’ll hear about... *smiles to herself* I should get popcorn ready.

*she sits down on her bed, taking in a deep breath and begins to think about her afternoon with Mobbex and everything else that’s happened. She doesn't move for a few minutes, then, as if on a whim, proceeds to pull her old and beat-up duffle bag out. She removes a full bottle of bourbon from it and takes a long gulp. When done, she climbs into the bed, pulling the blankets around her mud-smelling body. Oram regards the bag some more before reaching into it with a slightly shaky hand and pulls out a worn picture. She takes another swig of the bourbon before running a finger softly over the picture.*

I miss you guys…

*She wipes her face with her hand and placing the bottle on the ground, curling herself around the photo.*

I'm so sorry….

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Monday, April 14, 2008 2:07 AM



Originally posted by Oram:
*An hour latter Abbey is relaxing, lulling into sleep… Then the sounds of argument begin to travel up the ship disturbing her, and she can't help but hear what's being said*

Mobbex: It was a simple question … nuthin’ to get all sore about, Doc…

*Oram has obviously walked ahead of Mobbex, her face is flushed and she looks livid*

And I told ya to drop it!

Mobbex: I only asked, if you’re married, why you ain’t wearing no fancy ring or nuthin’.

Because it’s none of your business and I don't have to tell anybody that I don't want to, besides I ain’t married any more… happy now?

*is daunted by the venom in Oram's voice*

Sure. Fine. Whatever. *does a quick one-eighty and leaves*

*stumbles across Colt in the fore passage* Yup, coo coos...

*Colt stares at him in incomprehension* Erh... tell me something I don't already know?

*shrugs* G'night boss.

*climbs down the ladder to his bunk, then seals the hatch shut* 'Wouldn't want any unwanted guest creepin' about...

*notices the bunch of flowers lying on his pillow* Huh!?


Monday, April 14, 2008 4:12 AM


*abbey wakes up in infirmary in the morning. She sits up and slides feet off bed. Calls out*

Oram? You out there?

*she waits a minute or two, but Oram doesn't show up. Impatiently, abbey unhooks the IV from her arm and gets up gingerly. Her legs feel stiff from being in the infirmary a couple of days and she’s still pretty tired, but not like before. She walks out of the room and goes to Oram’s. She knocks*

Oram? Are you home?

*she hears a little movement, but no one answers. She opens the door and sees Oram, passed out on her bed with a half-empty bottle of bourbon next to her. Abbey goes inside and places the bottle on nightstand, making sure it is tightly capped. Oram is disheveled, not bothering to get her night clothes on. Abbey notices something in Oram’s hand and picks it up. It is a picture of Oram with a man and child. They all looked so happy. Abbey frowns and says softly: *

Oh, Oram… *a sadness laces abbey’s words*

*She puts the picture on the nightstand too and gently pull’s Orams boots off. She covers her friend with a blanket and quietly leaves the room.*

Now, let’s go check out the shuttle. *she mumbles as she makes her way slowly to her home.*


Monday, April 14, 2008 4:52 AM


******heads to the bridge and close the ship up and starts to take off.***************

******hits comm********

So what is this what I here about mobbex married?


we will be air born in about 20 min.

***** hits com *************

Capt We are on our way to green leaf.

**********bust out dinos and places them all over the bridge***********

so the migration has begun

**********plays with dinos***********

I am a leaf on the wind


Monday, April 14, 2008 5:12 AM


((I got a hold of Sky, just to let everyone know. I sat on the phone with her for an hour. Her uncle ain't doing so well, but she's handling it. For those who haven't heard, her uncle is in the hospital basically on his death bed. For all those who believe in some kinda God, I ask that you please pray for him if you read this and if you don't believe in any kind of God, well... I guess pray anyway. Second... as I talked to her, she had me write out a thing for the RP, so she's trying to keep up. She said she's gonna try to make it to an internet cafe for the tuesday meeting. Ummm... that's all, I guess. lol. Ok so here's my post finally...))

*heads into her bunk with new clothes and lays them out on her bed; she stares at them for minutes at a time, then puts a brown dress on that's slightly loose and is cut down to her knees. She slips a pair of old brown boots on and then twirls around, watching the ends of her dress flow with her spin; looks down at herself, holding the ends of her dress with her hands and frowning.*

I look like a rag doll. *sighs and then shrugs and finds the captain*

These clothes are troublesome. They make me look like I'm attached to strings and I'm being controlled by a puppetmaster. I feel like an ugly doll.

((The following is pretty much Sky's post))

*Sky walks in, an irritated tone in her voice*

Sky: Captain, when are we leaving this dump?

Colt: Are you still upset about--

Sky: Hell yeah, I'm upset!

Brit: I look like a rag doll. At least you don't have something to hate.

Colt: *chuckles* It's alright Sky. I'm sure Brit would be happy to share her gift with you. Ain't no reason to be feeling hurt and all. Lt. never really got a chance to talk with you anyhow.

Sky: *grumbles* I guess.

Brit: I will share. *smiles*

Sky: No... thanks. *walks away and plops herself down in the galley, pouring herself a glass of alcohol and chugs it* *thinks to herself* Gorram Colt... always lettin' weirdos in his life. Always fallin' in with the gorram wrong crowd and who always picks up his slack? Me? Hell, I guess it's supposed to be my job but, damn... picking up crazies like Brit and twisted preachers... what the hell is he thinkin'?!

Brit: *walks in the galley* I know what you think of me. I am not a bad person. I know you'd never say it, but you wish I wasn't here.

Sky: *looks over at Brit and chuckles in disbelief* I ain't thinkin' nothin' like that. You're just paranoid...
*holds up the bottle of alcohol* Want a glass?

Brit: *gives her a look* I'm only 18.

Sky: *laughs* I started drinkin' when I was much younger than that. Hell... my motto is, drink responsibly... *takes a large gulp of alcohol*... drink whenever the hell you want. *offers Brit a drink again*

Brit: No thank you. They said that would be bad for my brain. *walks away*

Sky: *laughs again and continues to drink*

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Monday, April 14, 2008 5:21 AM


*abbey stood in front of her shuttle door, arms crossed and foot tapping angrily. The door was permanently stuck open about 2 inches and there were scorch marks all around the frame*

Wang ba dan! (son of a bh)

*with great effort, she pushes the door open and steps through the threshold. She leans against the wall while she tries to catch her breath, all the while surveying the damage. Luckily, it was only the bar that was damaged. The door had been forced open.*

Now I'll need to take inventory. *she panted, out of breath*

*Her anger level was rising quickly, but she had to take care of something first. She went to her living quarters and pulled out a bottle of pills. She poured two into her hand before putting the bottle away.

She walked back outside the shuttle and ran into Brit.*

Hey Brit. Could you do me a favor?

*Brit nods happily. abbey hands her the two pills.*

Oram's going to wake up soon and she's gonna have one humdinger of a hangover. Can you get her a couple of protein bars and a glass of water and take them to her?

*Brit nods again, eyeing the pills intently*

Be sure she takes those. It will help immensely. Best thing the House ever invented.

*abbey's eyes narrow a bit as she asked her next question.*

Now... Where can I find that jing-tzahng mei yong-duh (consistely useless) Captain?


Monday, April 14, 2008 5:28 AM


*stares at Abbey with a smile and giggles*
I'm fairly sure he is up on the bridge by now. He will head to his quarters once he is done there.

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Monday, April 14, 2008 5:56 AM


*stirs on his Bunk*

*hears muffled racket from the deck above*

*grumbles and stuffs his head further into his pillow*

*the racket grows in intensity*

Tzao gao... *glances at the clock, swears some more*

Someone's gonna get it...*jumps to his feet, doesn't bother to get dressed*

*hauls himself up the ladder and throws the hatch wide open*

*hollers* A man can't get a full night's worth o' sleep on this boat?


Monday, April 14, 2008 6:14 AM


*abbey finds Colt in the hallway by the crew quarters, getting ready to descend into his bunk. Mobbex catches sight of abbey and quickly retreats back into his bunk. Colt sees abbey and smiles*

Colt: Hey, you’re up. Doc clear you?

*abbey is taken off guard.*

No... I am… I am perfectly capable of getting up on my own.

Colt (narrowing his eyes at her and stepping towards her): Then I’ll be taking you back down there then.

I don’t think so. *she huffs at him angrily* I have something I’d like to discuss with you.

Colt: Won’t be any discussions until you’re cleared by the Doc.

Doc is out cold in her room. She doesn’t need to be there to tell me how I do or do not feel.

Colt: Why are you arguing what’s been decided?

*abbey ignores his comment*

What are you going to do about my shuttle? First you get me shot…

Colt: I wasn’t even there!

*abbey continues to ignore him*

Then your rutting merc breaks the door to my shuttle and steals alcohol from me! That magnum cost 200 credits and I will be reimbursed either by him or you

Colt (indignant): Me? I didn’t take it!

He’s on your crew. That makes you responsible! *abbey takes in a labored breath*

Colt: You need to be in bed. I’ll take you back…

Don’t tell me what to do! I am not one of your flunkies! *draws in another labored breath. Colt rolls his eyes, throws abbey over his shoulder and proceeds to carry her back downstairs*

You put me down this instant!

*Sky comes to the doorway connecting the hallway with the galley and observes what is happening. At the same time, Wash looks down from the bridge. As Colt and abbey leave their sight, they look at each other and shrug.*

Colt (as abbey is kicking legs trying to get down): I told you, you’re going back downstairs until the Doc clears you.

YOU PUT ME DOWN OR I’LL… I’LL… *wheezes*

Colt: What? Wheeze me to death?

Abbey screams in frustration. Colt carries her back to the infirmary and plops her unceremoniously onto the infirmary bed.

Colt: Now you stay here until the Doc clears you. *leans into her personal space in order to make a point* If I have to, I will strap you to this bed.

Abbey crosses her arms across her chest and glowers at him.

How dare you!

Colt: Don’t. Come. Out. Until. You. Are. Cleared. Am I crystal clear? *abbey nods in defeat* Shiny then.

Colt leaves the room, leaving abbey hopping mad.


Monday, April 14, 2008 6:49 AM


*slams the hatch shut and skims down the ladder as soon as he catches sight of Abbey.*

*mumbles to himself* Tha' was a close call...

*heads over to his night table and pours some water in the battered clay vase he snatched up in town earlier in the day*

*gazes at the flowers for a bit, reminiscing...*

*snaps out of it*

*hops back onto his bunk*


Monday, April 14, 2008 12:26 PM


*stirs on his bunk*

*pricks up his ears, trying to figure out whether he came around on his own or was somehow brought to*

*the vessel seems oddly quiet to him*

*drags himself out of bed, slips into a pair of pants and puts on some boots, not even bothering to lace them up*

*climbs up the ladder to the fore passage*

*makes for the galley to fix himself some coffee*

*scans the room as he walks in; sees that it's empty*

Where the hell's everybody gone to?


Monday, April 14, 2008 3:20 PM


*walks into the galley, noticing Mobbex making up coffee*
They're all asleep. You should be doing the same.

*puts new water in the flower vase on the table*
I kept these flowers alive because you liked them.

*wipes her hands on her dress* I felt bad because I hurt you. *looks at Mobbex's leg* I know you don't trust me any longer, but I hope these flowers make up for something.

*arranges flowers again before she stares at them, then looks at Mobbex with a smile*

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Monday, April 14, 2008 4:38 PM



Originally posted by Shinybrit:
They're all asleep. You should be doing the same.

I'll eat my socks the day you're sane enough to lecture me 'bout my sleep habits... *sips coffee*

*Brit looks a little put off*

M'sorry, I get a lil' cranky in the... mornings *takes another sip*


Originally posted by Shinybrit:
I kept these flowers alive because you liked them.

*chokes over coffee* P#lum*bl%ulg... Y... you done what?


Originally posted by Shinybrit:
I felt bad because I hurt you. *looks at Mobbex's leg* I know you don't trust me any longer, but I hope these flowers make up for something.

*arranges flowers again before she stares at them, then looks at Mobbex with a smile*

*is somewhat moved by the gesture* Well... they, huh... *clears throat* They do. They... they really do.


*gapes at Brit, his mouth hanging open, not sure what to say or what to think*


Monday, April 14, 2008 4:45 PM


*Brit laughs at Mobbex's expression*
You know, you don't have to say anything. Since kindness hardly sees you, I thought I'd be the one to bring it to you. *smiles again*

Glad to bring a smile to someone, even if it doesn't show upon your face.

Have a good night, Mobbex.
*walks out with a happy expression on her face*

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Monday, April 14, 2008 6:32 PM


******** hits Comm**********8

Hey capt I am going to go to bed I need either you or our 1st mate to take over

******* waits for the capt************

Hey I wanted to thank you for everything you now hiring me and such..........

I am a leaf on the wind


Monday, April 14, 2008 7:01 PM


Oram wakes with a sudden start, then moans and covers her head with a pillow, while blindly searching for a drink on the bedside table… resigned to the fact she has to open her eyes, she lifts her head. Spotting the tablets, cup of water, a 3 protein bars; then the photo perched besides the water to face her.

Oh…. shen di yu…. Who the hell….

She crawls out of the bed, putting the photo deeply into the bag, then zips it shut. Takes the tablets with a gulp of water… she’s done the hangover far too many times. Pulling her boots back on and getting to her feet slowly. Then… it hits her.

Ma zi song xie sha zi!! Abbey!!!

Rushes out of her bedroom and into the infirmary…. And immediately notices the mood Abbey is in

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Monday, April 14, 2008 8:10 PM


(in the engine room spots doing some rewire/
Colt rushes in)
Colt: what the hell is going on!!!

Spots: What! (turning form his work)

Colt: theres a fire alarm on the console up front but no Sirens.

Spots: oh yeah my mistake theres some faulty wiring im redoing it its only temporary.

Colt: Christ don't scare me like that... o and on your sister if you find something about her you would want to go thats ok i can understand.

Spots: (continuing working) capt. you guys are the closest thing to family in a long time. this is the only place that i feel sane. that and who would take care of "Book" she's temperamental.

Colt: Well thats good to hear and don't scare me like that

Spots: will do capt.

Colt: o and Get some sleep, thats a order

Spots: (Saluting, with a cheesy smile) yes sir right away.


Monday, April 14, 2008 8:50 PM


** Heading back from the infirmary where I just deposited Abbey. Talking to myself.**

Oh, juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan. That woman's toilsome.
*Mimicking Abbey** You got me shot.
Hell even Brit knew to run and hide when there was gun play.
**Making my way up to the galley and see Sky offering Brit a drink. I give her a look that she quickly shoots back to me. It's a look I know well. She's pissed and more than likely at me. I decide to to leave it alone. Brit starts to giggle so I shoot her the look. She just sticks her tongue out at me. I quickly turn around and take the back way to the crew quarters.**

*Mimicking again* Your Merc stole my liquor.
Her own fault for not telling the Doc she was allergic. I can't be babysitting her shuttle.

*Wash calls on the comm.*

Hey capt I am going to go to bed I need either you or our 1st mate to take over

*On the Bridge*

You just need need relieving? Not ticked because you had to fly so long, Not when are we going to get a job? Nothing like that?

*Wash just looks at me like I'm crazy.*


Hey I wanted to thank you for everything you now hiring me and such..........

*She leaves the Bridge*

*Somewhat paranoid now* Yeah she's mad too.

*I sit in my seat and check out course. Then I see the empty glass from the drink Wash had a few days ago*

*Mimicking* You owe me 200 credits.
She hadn't offered up the whiskey a few days back Mobbex wouldn't even know it was there.

*More Mimicking* He's on your crew that makes you responsible.

*I set the auto pilot and head to my bunk to retrieve 200 credits. On the way to the infirmary I put a note on Mobbex's hatch, that he's on kitchen clean up for the forseeable future.*

*I head back to the Infirmary. Abbey is sleeping. I lay the credits on the edge of the bed and head back to the Bridge*


Monday, April 14, 2008 8:56 PM



Originally posted by Spots74:
(in the engine room spots doing some rewire/
Colt rushes in)
Colt: what the hell is going on!!!

Spots: What! (turning form his work)

Colt: theres a fire alarm on the console up front but no Sirens.

Spots: oh yeah my mistake theres some faulty wiring im redoing it its only temporary.

Colt: Christ don't scare me like that... o and on your sister if you find something about her you would want to go thats ok i can understand.

Spots: (continuing working) capt. you guys are the closest thing to family in a long time. this is the only place that i feel sane. that and who would take care of "Book" she's temperamental.

Colt: Well thats good to hear and don't scare me like that

Spots: will do capt.

Colt: o and Get some sleep, thats a order

Spots: (Saluting, with a cheesy smile) yes sir right away.


Oh and tomorrow you think you can take a look at the Starboard shuttle door?

*Spots nodds and walks to his bunk: How is this crew so hard on shuttle doors. Their doors you open them and you shut them. It's not that hard. He trails off as he round the corner.*


Monday, April 14, 2008 9:28 PM


*Upon entering, Abbey gives Oram a filthy look, a small leather pouch besides her that she’s tossing, but seeing who it is, softens her expression.*

What’s wrong with you?

Abbey: You’re the doctor, *you* tell *me*!

* Oram just stands there, waiting for Abbey to get her mood under control.*

Abbey: It's not dignified to be dropped onto your butt by a person, let alone the *Captain*, by way of winning an argument…

Uh huh…. Was it the fact that you were having a mild asthma attack while you two were at it, Wheezy?

*Gets an inhaler for Abbey and gives it to her, Abbey simply takes two puffs before handing it back.*

No, keep it for now, you’re gonna need it until you’re back to yourself.

Abbey: * Watches Oram closely* You ok?

*Oram finishes writing in the medical journal*

Dandy, just tired. You’re free to go about and terrorise the captain more… just don’t over do it.

Abbey: Have you eaten anything since yesterday?

Not yet, I'm not hungry at this point in time….

Abbey: If you don’t go to the galley … I’ll… tell the Captain!

*Oram gives her a look, rolls her eyes and replies sarcastically*

I'm so scared. Besides I’m the doctor, you're the patient… I look after you guys, doesn't go the other way round.

*Abbey hesitates for a few seconds, arguing with herself about something*

Abbey: Oram… about last night… I saw the photo –

*Oram cuts her off. Abbey has ruined the moment and Oram’s own settling anger*

Why is everybody all of a sudden interested in me? Just don’t. Drop it.

*She turns around and leaves, tossing the medical journal onto the nearby desk, not heading for any specific place within the ship, leaving Abbey a little stunned at the turn of mood.*


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:27 AM


*gets up off infirmary bed, shoves inhaler into her pocket and picks up bag of coin. Thinks about Captain:*

At least he's prompt.

*Stomps off to shuttle to change clothes and freshen up*


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:50 AM


**Finshing up my watch and see Oram clearly upset **

Everything alright Doc?

*Oram: Why can't everyone mind your own business? I don't go digging around in y'alls stuff, whispering behind your backs.*

Whoa. I take that as a...not so good?

*Oram realizes I don't know about the photo*

*Oram: Sorry Captain, had a hangover earlier, just a little touchy.*

Well drinking on this boat has seesm to cause no end of trouble. I'd ban it but I think I might need one from time to time, with this crew?

*Oram smiles, releived that I'm not pressing her for answers*

So hows your patient? She going to be up and around soon.

*Oram: I'll complete my evaluation today. I think she'll check out fine, but she'll need to take it easy for a few days*

Good to know. We should be on Greenleaf soon.
Don't expect any trouble there. Maybe we can all take it easy.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:03 AM


Just as long as I don't have to make nice with nobody who don't deserve it.

*at Colts look*

Just tell Mobbex and Abbey to keep their nose's and business to their own selves.

*a 'wtf' look comes over Colts face*

I'll be in the galley, making breakfast and coffee, for myself.

*She leaves a slightly flustered Captain alone in the hallway wondering what in the verse has happened*

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit those who would do us harm.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:58 AM


*Is laying down on the catwalk as Oram passes by*
You know, they only ask because they care.

*sits up and watches Oram walk by*
Everyone is interested because they only want you to feel comfortable. They want you to feel like you can share.
Overall, they just want to treat you like you're family.

*lays back down and closes her eyes*

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here." - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 5:52 AM


*comes out of shuttle, refreshed from her medical ordeal of the past couple of days. Her blonde hair is slightly curled and it cascades over her shoulder. Her makeup is expertly applied. She is wearing a pair of black trousers and a red button up shirt. Both are plain, but from the detail you can tell they are very expensive. She sees Oram on the catwalk below, obviously thinking deeply. abbey walks quietly down to her side.*


Oram: I don't want to talk. Wish you guys would mind your own business.

I saw the picture...

Oram (getting angrier): I said I didn't want to talk!

*abbey puts up her hands and takes a step back.*

I just wanted you to know that I wasn't going to ask, nor was I going to pry.

*Oram calms down and turns to look at abbey*

I'll just be here if you want to.

*abbey changes subject*

How's the head? Those pills work?

Oram: Like a charm. Where'd you get those?

The House makes them. Best thing since sliced bread. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone I had them. I don't want to further entice any thieves into my shuttle.

Oram: Your secret is safe with me.

Thanks. I'm going up to get some food. Haven't eaten for a couple days. I'm starved.

*she hugs Oram and starts towards the galley. She gets a few yards away*

Oram: abbey? *abbey turns back to Oram.* Thanks for not pushing.

No problem, mei mei. I'll be here if you need me.

*abbey leaves*


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:09 AM


*rifles through the dining area, seeking the can opener*

*bumps into Oram as she passes by*

Oh, mornin', doc.

*she looks right through him and keeps walking*

*sighs* 'We gonna have a problem?

*she pauses, then turns about and glowers at him*

Oh, I know that look... Y'know, it's not like I want to punch a whole through the face of every new fella' I come upon. It's just what I do, so I buckle down, 'put my mean face on, and I do it.

But you, you don't have it in you. The meanness, I mean. Y' don't wanna be mean. Yet for some reason you feel like you have to. How come?


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:36 AM


*abbey gets up to the galley and no one else is around. She makes herself some protein mash and sits down at the table*

I didn't know this nasty stuff could taste good. Guess I'm just really hungry.

*she eats in peace, then takes her dishes to the sink. She makes some coffee and washes her dishes. She grabs a mug and pours the coffee into it. The Captain walks in. Both of them bristle.*


Colt: abbey.

*It is awkward. Their conversation is guarded.*

I got the coin you left.

Colt: Didn't want you to wait. You seemed mad.

Thank you.

Colt: no problem.

I made coffee. *abbey gestures at coffee pot*

Colt: Smelled it. Came down for a cup. *he reaches in front of her for his mug. Pours it and takes a drink.* It's good.

Thank you.

*They stand next to each other at the sink drinking their coffees. Neither know why they haven't sat down. It is so quiet you could hear a pin drop.*

Colt: Did the doc clear you?

*abbey shoots him an annoyed look*

You gonna carry me down there again?

Colt (flashes her a smile): Only if she hasn't.

No. I am good to move about. I have... permission.

Colt: Good... You seem to be breathin' better.

*abbey pulls inhaler out of her pocket. Shows it to the Captain.*

She gave me this if I needed it.

Colt: Good.

*continues to stand in silence. They finish up their coffees and move at the same time to put them in the sink. Their mugs collide and fall to the floor. Luckily they didn't break. They look angrily at each other. Both lean down to pick up their mugs and their heads bump together and they both fall on their behinds*

Colt and abbey together: Owwww!

*They look at each other, rubbing their own bumped heads.*

Colt and abbey together: Hey!

*They both grab their mugs and stand up. As they put their mugs in the sink, the identical thing almost happens again.*

Colt: What is your problem?

You ran into me!

Colt: I did not.

Did too!

Colt: I did NOT!


*they both glare at each other for a minute, neither willing to budge. abbey wheezes, pulls out her inhaler and takes a puff, all the while not moving her eyes from the Captain's.*

Colt: You OK?

I'm fine. I am going to see Oram.

*abbey spins around and starts to leave the galley. Colt continues to glare at her. As she disappears around the corner, Colt hears her yell:*

Now I have to see her about a rutting HEAD injury!

*Colt rolls his eyes and heads back up to the bridge*

Colt: Gorram woman... Gonna be the death of me.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008 7:20 AM


*comes into the cargo bay, lugging a rather large duffel bag*

*puts the bag down, unzips it*

*rummages through it for a short time, then pulls out a weight belt, a towel and a few dumbbells*

*straps on the weight belt, fastens the towel around the catwalk railing, gets a good grip on it and start's pumpin'*


*sees Abbey walking by as he's halfway through his fourth set*

*lets go off the towel and walks up to her, dripping with sweat and panting heavily*

Huh... sorry 'bout breakin' into your digs and, huh... liftin' your booze. I dunno what happened about me.






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