The Four Elements: Chapter 3
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kaylee blinds herself to the truth and Mal plots a course for Persephone.


Chapter 3: Boiling Water

Kaylee lay in her hammock in the engine room trying not to cry again. She didn’t shed a tear very often but when she did she always found it hard to stop. She had made Simon angry, and that made her sad. It made her sad because all she wanted was to be close to Simon, but now all she could think of was how she’s never felt further away from him. She was also sad because for the first time in as long as she could remember, she had started questioning whether or not she was a good person. I mean, surely Simon wouldn’t get so upset over one little insult, and so that must mean that there was more to this than he had let on. It must mean that she had done something horrible before today. A small tear made its way down her cheek and she made no effort to brush it away. Simon hated her. Nothing else mattered.

She lay there for about another half hour before deciding that she needed cheering up, and so she made her way to Inara’s shuttle. The companion was busy preparing her shuttle for her next client and was about to turn Kaylee away but when she saw her tear stained face she immediately dropped everything she was doing and rushed over to pull Kaylee into a warm embrace.

“Inara, you mustn’t” Said Kaylee “I’ll get tear stains all over your beautiful silk dress”

“Shhh, meimei,” Said Inara gently “Don’t worry about that. Now, tell me why you’re so upset”

Kaylee sat down cross-legged on Inara’s bed and began telling the story of her argument with Simon, starting with the incident with the cow right up to him storming off. Inara listened in silence until Kaylee had finished and then began stroking the mechanic’s hair comfortingly.

“There, there meimei” Said Inara “It sounds to me like Simon is just tired and perhaps he took his exhaustion out on you.”

“But he was so cruel!” Exclaimed Kaylee “I mean, surely I must have done something really wrong to make him act like that?”

“I doubt it” Said Inara “And I hope you never question yourself like that again. No man is worth that”

“You’re right” Said Kaylee, looking strangely angry.

“Yes, and I think the best thing for you to do is –“

“No, you’re right!” Cut in Kaylee “I never should have let him make me think like that. After all the things I’ve done for him!”

“Kaylee, that really wasn’t what I –“

“Thank you, Inara” Said Kaylee, standing up and making her way towards to shuttle door “You’re really opened my eyes!”

Kaylee almost ran out of the shuttle, slamming the doors shut behind her. Inara sighed.

“More like I closed them”


“Would all crew members please come to cargo bay?”

Kaylee sighed as she heard Mal’s voice over the intercom. I guess my encounter with Simon will have to wait, she thought. She hurried down the metal stairs and down into the cargo bay where she found Mal and the rest of the crew already waiting for her. Simon was standing just a few feet away from her but she deliberately didn’t look in his direction. She wanted to wait until they were alone before she spoke to him as she didn’t want the whole ship to know they were fighting.

“Great, everybody’s here” Said Mal “Just thought you all might want to know that I just got a wave from Badger, guess he’s got a job for us, and so we’ll be setting course for Persephone. Now, as far as I can tell, we might be there for a day or so, therefore I’m going to allow you to wander around for a bit, get some fresh air…”

A wave of excitement passed over the crew. They were due a little relaxation time.

“However,” Continued Mal “I don’t want anyone straying too far from the ship. The moment we get things finished with Badger I want us to get on our way. There’s too many folk on Persephone might give us some trouble, and that’s even without the two most wanted on board”

“I assume this means we’re to stay on the ship then?” Enquired Simon

“I recommend you do” Replied Mal “Persephone’s a big place and there’s a pretty good chance of someone recognising you. You’d be safer staying inside.”

Simon sighed. He knew the captain was right, yet he was itching to get off the ship. He was still upset from his fight with Kaylee and he wondered if maybe the fresh air would help clear his head. No point in worrying about that now, He thought bitterly. The Captain was a fair man but once he had made his decisions he tended to stick with it, besides, Simon knew he was only insisting they stay on board for their own good. Who knows what trouble River could get up to on Persephone…?

“So, what’s the job, Sir?” Asked Zoë, curiously.

“I don’t know” Said Mal “But I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”


Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:20 AM


I wanted the character's thoughts to be in italics, but I didn't know how to do it. Could someone tell me?

Monday, May 1, 2006 2:43 AM


This felt a lot shorter than the first two parts and I really don't think Kaylee would rush off without letting Inara finish what she was saying to her, especially as Kaylee went to her shuttle for advice and comfort. Kaylee pretty much worships Inara so would never ignore advice from her friend. I just hope Kaylee isn't going to do something stupid rather than think things through once she gets calm again. As for Badger's job, I really have a lot of apprehension whenever that *goushi buru* weasel is involved. Hope our crew take care, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, July 7, 2006 12:21 AM


hmm, maybe kaylee could turn to a certain mercenary for comfort? speaking of, where IS jayne?



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The Four Elements: Chapter 9
Lola’s plan is set in motion and Mal tries to cope with Inara’s impending departure

Simon and Kaylee reminisce about that night on Persephone.

The Four Elements: Chapter 8
Lola and Inara get acquainted. Simon makes a tough decision.

The Four Elements: Chapter 7
Simon finally gets a chance to talk to Kaylee.

The Four Elements: Chapter 6
Lola introduces herself and Inara comforts Mal.

The Four Elements: Chapter 5
Mal takes on unusual Cargo and Inara employs the help of an old friend to heal Kaylee’s heart.

The Four Elements: Chapter 4
River tries to get Simon to make up with Kaylee.

The Four Elements: Chapter 3
Kaylee blinds herself to the truth and Mal plots a course for Persephone.

The Four Elements: Chapter 2
The debris of the events at the Heart of Gold proves too much for River and Simon and Kaylee have a misunderstanding that leads to even more tension.

The Four Elements: Chapter 1
The debris of the events at the Heart of Gold proves too much for River and Simon and Kaylee have a misunderstanding that leads to even more tension.