Loved and Lost: Part II
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Post-Serenity, Mal is unsure how to help Zoë and Wash is learning how to break out of an Alliance Hospital.


Note: the bits on Serenity are meant to follow on almost in real-time whereas Wash's story will be jumping forwards a lot. So yeah, Zoë has just got up and is now talking to Mal whereas it is 2 weeks after Wash woke up. Oh and answers are coming, don't worry!


“Maybe you should sort through his stuff,” I suggested, playing with the dinosaur that sat on the console.

“Not sure I can do that, Sir,” Zoë replied, eyeing the dinosaur. I left it alone.

“Thought it might be easier not to be reminded of him everywhere you look.”

Zoë was silent, staring levelly at me with those mournful dark eyes. She was so strong and yet I could see her venerability without Wash. I hadn’t seen her smile yet. I found myself wondering if she had smiled before him.

“Can’t I try and help you?” I offered finally.

“Just not sure I can do that right now, Sir,” she repeated simply.

Maybe she wasn’t ready yet, I nodded my head in concession, but she would have to be soon. “Inform the crew we’ll be landin’ in Persephone in 3 hours and it’ll be around 10 in the AM. Oh, and get River in here.”

“Yes, Sir.”

She walked briskly from the bridge. She had been avoiding coming up here as much as possible, but I could hardly blame her. Zoë and I had been together a long time, since the war. She hadn't let me down, not once, but now I felt in the pit of my stomach I had let her down.


Tattoo lay unconscious in the bed to my right. She’d arrived this morning and in the 2 weeks I’d been awake in this hospital I had seen nothing like her. She was ridiculously pretty. Black hair fell to her jaw line and long dark lashes curled like a babies fist over her ivory cheeks. They nicknamed her Tattoo for an obvious reason. A painted black snake was winding up her neck and hissed threateningly from her left cheek. I liked it, it gave her colour. There was something the Alliance couldn't take from her, she'd kept her identity.

I was watching her when she awoke. She took a quick glance around her and whistled. “Wow! An Alliance hospital. Never been in one of these before!” She turned to me. “Hello!”

“Hi! I’m Wash,” I said without really thinking.

“Hey!” The man in the bed next to me cried, “Thought you didn’t remember -”

I shrugged. “Just came to me. Go back to sleep. Isn’t it rude to listen to others conversations?” The man grumbled and turned away.

“I’m Eve.” She grinned and added in a whisper, “the original sinner.”

“Meh, heaven’s overrated.”

Eve laughed. “So how long you been hangin’ in this dig?”

“You make it sound like a party.”

“Well, it must be fun if you ain’t left yet.”

“Gee, I didn’t quite make it past the armed guards,” I replied pointedly.

“Hmph.” She looked as thought she would’ve expected better.

“Well, I’d like to see you try. I mean, as long as you take me too.”

“What before or after we leave?”

I laughed uncertainly. “Actually I’m married.” At least… I hope I am. An iron grasp tugged at my heart.

“So…” Eve looked genuinely confused.

“Urm… do you know what that means? With the exchanging of vows and… besides she could hurt me.” It was painful to think of Zoë.

“And I imagine that would be so hard,” Eve sneered, “You’re too chubby anyway.”

“Hey! I’ll have you know this is just… dormant muscle,” I protested.

Eve looked sceptical. “So why you in this ward?”

I shrugged.

“I suppose you don’t remember,” she said mockingly.

“I was in here 3 months before I woke up. Been ‘hangin’ around’ for a couple of weeks. The Officer who frequents this ward likes telling me that there’s some very dangerous, well powerful people wanting a chat with me as soon as I’m well enough to be moved.”

“Oohh… sounds exciting. What happened? No offence, but you don’t seem the professional criminal type.”

“Why, is that what you are?”

“Oh no, I’m something far more sexy.”

Our conversation was brought to an abrupt close when the Alliance Officer burst through the doors. “Want to get out of here now?” Eve whispered.

I nodded urgently and Eve grinned.

“So! You’re awake Tattoo!”

“Tattoo?” Her voice had changed. It seemed lighter, cuter. “Oh! You should see the rest of it.” She looked suggestively up at the Officer through her dark lashes.

“What makes you think I ain’t?” He leered down at her. He kind of reminded me of Jayne, if he had the intelligence to become an Alliance Officer. A dirty grin was slicked across his face.

“Well, because if you had, I wouldn’t be in this ward, I’d be against your wall.” She said it matter-of-factly, her chest swelling slightly.

“Is that so?”

“And do you want to know why?” She beaconed him with a pale slender finger. He leaned in towards her, his eyes hungrily devouring her.

I blinked and missed it. Next thing I knew the Officer was on the floor unconscious and she towered above him, an odd grin on her face.

“Holy -” I muttered.

“Quick, put on his stuff.”


“Put his clothes on!” She flung the curtain around my bed and I changed as quickly as possible, my heart in my throat. I had never been good at adventure.

Before I was ready Eve tugged the curtain back.

“Excuse me!” I cried.

“Come on.” We heaved the Officer into my bed. “Ok, here’s the plan.”

“You have a plan?! Praise the Lord!”

“You wheel me past the guards. If ask, say something about – oh I don’t know, make it up.”

“This may surprise you but I’ve never been that good at impulse lying.”

Eve ignored me.

“With luck that card will get us through any doors. Let’s just hope there’s no eye-scans.”

“Eye-scans? What if there are eye-scans?!”

“Wash! Relax! You’re being tetchy. I’d suggest being a bit more terse.”

“You know, I’ve never had need to be terse. Then, neither have I had to kill an officer and steal his clothes.”

“He’s not dead…”

“A great comfort I’m sure.”

“Ok, lets go.” She sat determinedly in the wheel chair next to her bed and I had to choice but to push her through the double doors and into the rest of the hospital.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:26 PM


It was great! Cant wait for more!

*Im a leaf on the wind

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:11 PM


Damn short, but hella fun! Jailbreaking time, baby!

Can't wait for more of the Wash & Eve Show;)


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:45 AM


the wash and eve show, eh? i'll be tunin' in every day from now on...



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