Reaching for the Stars: Introductions - Kaylee
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Several years after the BDM and Serenity's family has changed. I've decided to do a really short mini-series re-introducing the characters through the eyes of the newest and youngest crew member, before I begin the serious stuff!


“You two took your time!” Kaylee stood on the ramp as they drew to a halt, one hand on her hip, the other shading her eyes from the sun.

“The kid weighs a rutting ton,” Jayne grumbled, letting Sephoria slide off his back to the floor.

“I ain’t so heavy as you, ‘n ‘sides, I didn’t ask you to carry me.”

Jayne’s cheeks grew rosy. He looked to Kaylee’s smirk then back to Sephoria. “Said you wouldn't mention that.” His voice was mid-way between anger and hurt.

“I think it’s sweet!” Kaylee laughed.

Jayne scowled and stalked off.

“So?” Kaylee took Sephoria’s arm, leading her out of the sun. “Where are the pretties?”

Sephoria’s hand went to her pocket and she breathed easy to feel the heavy bulk beneath her fingers. “They’re a surprise. You’ll see tomorrow!”

“I can’t wait! Quick, come and see the mess. ‘Nara and I spent all mornin’ decorating! It looks so festive.”

Sephoria grinned and glanced up to Kaylee. She stopped walking, her arm jerking free.

“What’s wrong, Seph?”

“Lee-Lee, have you been crying?”

“Of course not, Sweetie!”

“Your eyes are all red…”

“Oh… I - I’ve been up in ‘Nara’s shuttle. You know how that incense makes my allergies act up.”

Sephoria knew that Kaylee had no allergies, but she also knew if she’d talked to Inara things would be all right. Anta’nara was clever like that. She could sooth and comfort. She could come up with solutions and they always worked. She had a way of knowing people. Sephoria remembered Jayney telling her it was because of her ‘training’, but Unca’mal had made him stop talking and she had never found out what Anta’nara had trained as. “Yes,” Sephoria replied. “Do you feel better now?”

“Much better, Seph. I’m fine, really.”

Sephoria took Kaylee’s hand in her own, despite it being somewhat greasy. She liked the smell of Lee-Lee, a fresh, sweet smell; homely. It felt nice to be close to her.

“Did you use the paperchains?”

To be continued...


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:56 PM


Oh crap...guess Simon bit the big one sometime in between the BDM and when this mini-series is set...cuz I can't really imagine what else could get Kaylee worked up like that around what I presume is Christmas:(


Saturday, November 18, 2006 6:04 PM


*sigh* BEB is prolly right, but I'll choose to hope that it's for some other great angsty fic reason. Missing her family, hormones from a pregnancy, miscarriage, a fight, um okay I don't know, just don't kill Simon. Pretty please?


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