Memories - Part III
Friday, March 31, 2006

conclusion to wash/zoë story (ok you know how it ends)


Part II can be found here:


“I don't trust that Badger.”

“What is there to trust?” Mal reasoned. “He’s a pathetic weasel with a delusion of standing. But he has work, that’s all we need.”

“Still, I have a bad feeling Sir. It felt as though he was leavin’ something out.”

“That’ll make it all the more interesting!”


“Hey Wash! Thought I told you to stay on ship!” Mal barked as Wash up the ramp on the mule.

“That you did, but Kaylee wanted some paint so bein’ the gentleman I -”

“What the guay does she need paint for?”

Wash shrugged and Mal marched off yelling “Kaylee!”


“Hey Wash, how’d it go?”

“Got green and this red colour. What do you think?” I held the tins up for inspection by Kaylee.

“Green?!” Mal said incredulously. “You’re painting the kitchen green?!”

You have no vision Cap’ain! It’ll be great! Look! I got stencils! Ain’t you interested in makin’ this boat a home?”

“Wait, can’t it be a home without being green?” I interjected.

“Never thought I’d have occasion to say this but Wash has a point,” Mal said looking genuinely scared.

“Just trust me! I need to do something while we’re docked.”

“Vandal!” Mal cried as Kaylee left the engine room humming.

“What’s Kaylee vandalising?” Zoë asked, coming up the stairs.

“The kitchen,” Mal said in way of explaination, heading up to the bridge. “I’m contacting Inara. See if she’s still on schedule.”

“Just what she’ll want after a hard day’s work,” I said to myself more than anyone. I watched Zoë follow Mal, my eyes glancing over her curves. She was so beautiful it hurt.


The closer to the outer rim, the dodgier the job, the more likely something will go wrong. ‘Versally accepted. And there was defiantly something in Badger’s mannerisms that suggested he suspected something very specific would happen. I didn’t like Badger. His smarmy grin and his look that made me want to punch him. I had had to put up with men like him all my life and I was most certainly not in the mood for it at the moment.

“’K, know the drill? We move in, get the goods and move out. Let’s go.”

“One moment, Sir,” I said, running up the stairs.

“Make it a quick one!” Mal yelled up at me.

I jumped into the bridge and immediately found Wash’s arms.

“Be careful, Honey,” he murmured into my hair. “I know you will be, but...”

I kissed him and promised I’d be back before he knew it. I couldn't believe I was letting myself get so close to him, after all I had promised myself. Onboard relationships can never end well, and yet I just can’t let him go.


I suppose it was the first time I realised the cause of the knots in my stomach. I had previously assumed it was general anxiety, but I knew it was only for one now.

“Shouldn’t they be back? Didn’t they say they’d be -”

“They’ve only just left!”

“But didn’t they –”

“She’ll be fine.”

“Of course. I mean, she’s a gorram Amazon. Why should I – Do you think we should take the mule and -” Kaylee cast me a look so I didn’t finish.

The kitchen looked nice, even Mal had to admit. It was still yellow, but flower motifs coiled down the walls here and there.

“Septic flush!” Kaylee laughed, showing me her hand.

“Hu? Oh, cool.”

She took the scraps of paper we were playing for. “Wash!”

“She could be dying!”

“Be reasonable…”


“Do we look ‘reasonable’ to you?”

I eyed the leader coldly, my hands in the air pathetically. This was not looking good. Somehow this ridiculously ugly and dirty band of mongrels had managed to track us. It hardly seemed possible. They could hardly have two brain cells between them.

Mal did the talking. He had a trick of finding ways out of impossible situations. Still, being held at gunpoint had a finality that never ceased to chill my bones. Somehow my mind wandered to Wash. Would he have the sense to keep himself out of the way? There was no sense in him getting hurt.

Mal was exploiting the stupidity of this gang’s piece of muscle, but I did not like the way we were headed. Surely he would not offer to take him onboard… If anything, the smell.

I just wanted Wash right then to hold me. Life was too short.


Zoë came onto the bridge just as we broke into space. I flung myself at her. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” I couldn't stop kissing her, couldn't stop touching her.

“I’m fine!”

“Really, you’re not just saying that?”


“If you are, I -”

She silenced me.


Somehow I found myself down in his bunk. I just didn’t want to let go of him. Every kiss I longed would last forever. But still, the doubts plagued me. His fingers found my shirt, but I pulled away.

“What’s wrong?”

“I – don’t know.”

“Zo, if you don’t want to…”

“No, I just… don’t want to ruin anything.”

He held me close to him. “I won’t let you. I love you, Honey.”

“You do?” I murmured, fireworks exploding within me.

“I do.”

I turned to him, completely vulnerable, completely defenceless for the first time in my life.


I kissed her passionately. I did love her, I really did. I knew I never wanted to be apart from her for the rest of my life. She unzipped my flight suit and pulled it from my shoulders, the touch of her hands running down my back causing shivers to leap up my spine. I pushed her down on the bed and near tore off her shirt.

I lost myself in her.

Finally we fell together, our bodies hot, our breaths deep and exhausted. She turned to me, her dark eyes shining, her hair framing her face damp with sweat. All she did was smile, her eyes drooping closed.

“Zoë!” I hissed, “Don’t sleep now!”

“Why not?” she sighed.

“I want to tell you how much I love you!”

“Can’t you tell me in the morning?” she asked, rolling over.

“Yes, but -” I listened to the silence of the ship for a moment. I wanted Zoë next to me like this forever. “Will you marry me?” It came out as a hoarse kind of whisper, as if my lips weren’t expecting it.

Zoë lay still for a moment and then swivelled over. “What?”

“I asked you to marry me.”

“But – why?”

“Urm… because I want you to be my wife?” I suggested.

“Oh.” She lay back and stared up at the ceiling above my bed. I propped myself up on my elbow.

“Is that a yes?”

“Are you serious?”

“Perfectly!” I grinned at her. She was so beautiful. I rested my arm on her and ran my hand down her body, revelling in the softness of her skin.

“Do you think we should?”

“I do. There! See, I got it practiced already. Zoë, I want to spend my life with you. Please.” I felt like a child begging my Mother for sweets.

She smiled. “Can I have flowers?”

“Is that a yes?!” I felt like jumping around the room but instead I took her into my arms and held her so tight it felt like I would never let go. “We can do this,” I whispered reassuringly.

“I know.” She smiled at me.


Memories of faces, memories of feelings, memories of touches. Everything he ever said or did haunts me.

Why did he ever curse me with his presence in my heart? I begin to wish he had never come so I need never feel this hollow pain. It’s as though half of me has been lost and that is exactly what it is.

I curl into a ball so I don't have to feel the emptiness of the bed, but it is still there, the knowledge that I will never, ever kiss his lips again. My smile is useless now, now he is gone.

Somewhere along the way I had been persuaded it would be him who would have to suffer once I had gone, but I have been granted no such luxury.

I am numb, I am hollow, I am alone.

The End

thanks for baring with me!


Friday, March 31, 2006 11:11 AM


:-D Hurray for the 'verse's shiniest couple.

Saturday, April 1, 2006 3:28 PM


That was pretty good. I love Wash and Zoe stories, but the only thing I have to complain about, is the end, it made me sad. :( Why o why did Wash have to die! Other than that, I also like how you put theirs stories in their POV. Keep only gets better from here.

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:49 AM


*tear* poor Zoe, it was all warm and fuzzy, why couldn't you have left it with the warm and fuzzy. *tear* no rea

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:49 AM


*tear* poor Zoe, it was all warm and fuzzy, why couldn't you have left it with the warm and fuzzy. *tear* no rea

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:49 AM


*tear* poor Zoe, it was all warm and fuzzy, why couldn't you have left it with the warm and fuzzy. *tear* no really, i liked this

Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:51 PM


yes, the emotion of the last bit after the whoel story. good stuff. you are a gifted writer. You might could check out some of my stories, as Wash is my fav, you'll find him fetured.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:51 AM


poor zoe...*sobs*



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