Sad Eyes
Thursday, February 9, 2006

Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him


Post Serenity. I really haven’t caught onto the Firefly lingo yet, so you’ll have to forgive me on that. I am a total newbie. I need all the advice and comments I can get. Secondly, I despise Inara, and have pretty much cut her out of the fic…sorry for MI fans.

Sad Eyes

Chapter 1: The Contact

Zoë hated the ship. No, it wasn’t the crew. She counted all of her friends as a blessing, but the ship itself….she hated it. More than any part of the ship, she hated the bridge. In the year after Wash died, she couldn’t force herself to stay there for more than a minute or two. Mal never did push at her, and she was thankful for that. He had been there, too, when Wash was killed. These days there wasn’t a room on board that didn’t make her want to scream. There were too many memories on board Serenity, and even though they nearly drove her insane, they were why she stayed. Abandoning Serenity would be like abandoning Wash.

Suddenly, the ship began to tremble and Zoë was forced to grab hold of one of the railings. Mal wasn’t half the pilot that Wash had been. Even though River was twice the pilot that Wash had been, there was still the slight problem with the girl being less than sane. Between the two of them, they had managed to keep Serenity in the air. She’d caught Jayne complaining to the captain about getting a new pilot when he thought she wasn’t around, but so far no one had said a word about it in front of her. For weeks, she’d been battling with herself on whether or not to suggest it. Practically speaking, it would be the best for crew. River had barely managed to avoid a scrape the other day when she started to panic over something or other. A real pilot would have made it through easy. Then again, Zoë didn’t know how she’d take someone else in her husband’s chair. It was hard enough for her to accept Mal and River. Would it be worse to see a stranger there? The ship shuddered again and then there was a heavy thud.

“Another easy landing’,” Jayne mumbled as he checked his guns. “Got any idea what we’re doin’ on this rock?”

Zoë shrugged. “The Captain is hopin’ to find an old contact.”

“Good luck wi’ that. Just about everyone we ever dealt with in the old days is dead now. Don’t know who the hell he thinks he’s gonna find.” Jayne shoved his favorite pistol in its halter. “Think there’s gonna be shootin’?”

“Probably not. The Alliance pulled outta here when the Rebellion started, and I can’t think of any reason why Kyan would want us dead,” Zoë told him even as she picked up her own weapon. “Still, I don’t see why we should be careless.”

“How long you known this guy anyways? Bein’ that we’s wanted an’ all it seems to me we oughta be more careful about who we trust,” the gunman said with a snort. Even Jayne had his moments of common sense. Since Miranda, there had been more intelligent ideas come out of Jayne’s mouth than ever before. She’d never had really believed it, but the characteristically cold man had changed after the deaths of all of their friends.

Zoë nodded.

Moments later, Simon and Kaylee Tam stepped out of the infirmary. In respect to everything that had happened, the pair had waited to marry. Just last week the crew had taken some time on one of the outer planets to have the wedding. The newlyweds were holding hands as they came down the stairs. Simon whispered something in his wife’s ear, and the mechanic giggled endearingly. “Now how do you know I ain’t got something else to do tonight?” she asked in a half whisper.

Whatever they were talking about, it must have been dirty. The still rather stuffy doctor blushed and changed the subject. “The captain will be out in a minute. It seems he and River are having a difference of opinion.”

“Difference of opinion my ass,” Jayne scoffed. “How’d ya know she won’t go all crazy and kill him?”

Simon opened his mouth to speak, but a voice from above beat him to it. “I like the captain,” River said from above.

“Good to know, darlin’,” Mal joined in with a laugh. “Everyone ready? I don’t expect this will be a long trip.”

“I’m staying here,” River announced. Mal frowned. “Kaylee, you mind stayin’ with her?”

Kaylee shook her head. “Not t’all, captain.”

“Good, then let’s get a move on before night fall.”

Zoë really did trust her friend’s judgment most of the time. Never once did she hold him responsible for what happened. There were too many people who came in line first for blame. So far, Mal had been one of the best leaders she’d ever known. Only a few times in the entire time she’d known him had she thought he was plain out wrong, and their trip to Mr. Universe wasn’t one of them.

On the mule, Zoë followed Mal’s directions through the town. It was once just another dust bowl trying to stay out of the Alliance’s grasp, but it had built up fair enough. Though the place wasn’t anything like the cities on the core planets, there were signs of new money everywhere. General stores had some of the latest fashions in the windows, and there were paved streets through most of the town. They rode out past the edge of the town, and up to a fair sized house. In comparison to what most other rougher planets had, the two-story home was a mansion.

When Mal had first brought Kyan up, he’d told her their former comrade had done well for himself brokering deals between those wanting to sell and those willing to buy. From what she remembered, the man had known how to talk his way out almost any situation, and fight his way out of the rest. Zoë hadn’t thought about Kyan in years. Truth be told, he wasn’t on her list of favorite people...not since the last time she’d seen him.

A man in work clothes set down his hammer, and met them near the fence. “Can I help you folks?”

“Maybe so, friend,” Mal replied. “We’re lookin’ for Kyan Zol.”

“You Captain Reynolds?” the man asked.

Mal nodded. “I am these are members of my crew.”

The man tipped his hat to Zoë, and gave Jayne and Simon a nod. “I’m Sly Glass. The boss has been waitin’ for you up at the house. I’ll take ya in.”

Sly didn’t say another word until they were waiting in the front hall. “Wait here a moment, while I go tell the boss yer here.”

Zoë was surprised to see the kind of finery in Kyan’s home. The rich hard wood floors formed a pattern beneath her feet, and the art on the walls was not exactly prairie paintings. With a sidelong glance from Mal, Zoë realized that this wasn’t what he had been expecting either.

It took Sly and eternity to come back for them. “The boss wants to see you in the office.” He gestured to a door just down the hall.

Kyan’s back was turned when they came in. “Mal. Zoë, it’s been too long.”

“It has,” Mal agreed. Zoë said nothing as she stared at him. Kyan was still tall and strong from the look of things. His long auburn hair was tied back, and he was dressed more elegantly than most folks on the Rim planets. Kyan was pouring himself a drink, but something seemed off about him….not really threatening, just off. Mal continued with introductions, “Kyan, I’d like you to meet Jayne Cobb and Simon Tam “It’s a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen. Would any of you care for a drink?” he asked.

“Whatcha got?” Jayne asked immediately.

“Whiskey. It’s a town specialty,” Kyan added. He poured a healthy glass for Jayne. “Anyone else?”

“I’ll take one,” Mal answered.

Simon demurred, and Zoë kept up her silence. Something was off. As Kyan turned with the glasses in hand, Zoë searched his features for some sign of what it was. He was still as handsome as sin. His smile was still as devilish as ever. What was wrong with this picture?

Jayne and Mal accepted the drinks, and Kyan sank into the seat behind the desk. “It seems you aren’t exactly being bothered day and night by potential clients these days, Mal. I assume that’s what you’ve come for?”

“You don’t beat around the bush much these days,” Mal said uncomfortably. Did he know what wasn’t right?

Kyan shook his head. “No, I’ve learned that can lead to complications. Men in my line of work can’t afford complications. Which is why you are out of work.”

“Fair enough,” Mal agreed. “So we come all this way for nothin’?”

“No, I have something for you…just not a normal job.” Kyan’s unnaturally blue eyes seemed to be locked on Zoë with an unblinking gaze as he spoke to Mal. “I need you to take on a passenger for a while. The pay off will be more than what you normally ask.”

“Why so much?” Zoë asked.

“Your passenger has his reasons for wanting to be the ONLY thing you are carrying,” he answered. That gaze was really starting to make Zoë uneasy. “It’s been far too long, Zoë.”

“You’re repeating yourself,” she snapped.

The auburn haired man just smiled. “The last time I saw you was on Athens…what? Eight years ago?”

Those blue eyes never showed a thing. Then it hit her—Kyan’s eyes were green. Zoë swallowed hard. “Something tells me you don’t see much these days.”

Mal gave her a curious glance.

For a moment, Kyan said nothing at all. “Very smart girl,” he said. “I’m hurt that you didn’t notice, Mal.”

The captain was still caught between the two of them. He hadn’t figured it out yet. “Ya mind doin’ some explain’?”

Zoë ignored Mal’s question, and asked her own. “How long ago did you loose your eyes?”

“Hmmm, not long after I left you. A deal went south. It seems I have more of a talent for setting up deals than I do for carrying them through.” He took a drink.

Jayne’s mouth was hanging open. “You mean them ain’t your real eyeballs? Damn, I’da never known you was blind.”

“Jayne’s right, Kyan, you had me fooled, but I don’t suspect this is what you wanted to talk about.” Mal was frowning fiercely.

“Right you are,” Kyan said coldly. “I’ll just come out with it. I want you to become my own private transport for a while. Along with transportation, I will be needing escorts to several business meetings I have scheduled.”

“Why us?” Mal didn’t seem to like the offer much.

Kyan simply shrugged. “A number of reasons. Most obvious being that you won’t have any other business to interfere with my plans, but more importantly I trust you.”

Before the two could get any farther, Sly appeared in the doorway. “Boss, the other company’s come.”

Kyan nodded. “Tell them I am just finishing up with some friends,” he commanded. Straightening his suit, he turned back to Mal and the crew. “I was hoping you could stay a day or two. I’m not asking for an answer now. If you have any other crew, bring them here. You are all welcome guests here. My cook will prepare you a meal shortly, but I have other matters to deal with.”

Zoe and Mal found themselves out on the back porch after the meeting. “What do you think, sir?”

“I think Kyan’s changed a fair bit since the last time we met.”

Zoe looked out over the gently rolling hills. “Sure has, but do you trust him?”

“I don’t rightly know that yet, but that money is sounding awfully good about now. We’re almost out of everything. If he’s comin’ alone, I’m about ready to risk it afore things get too bad. Kyan may have gotten weird, but he was right about the work situation. There ain’t nobody willin’ to deal with us now, and I don’t likely know a place for all of us to go unless we split up.” Mal sounded as if he had given this a lot of thought.

“Something tells me having Kyan around could make things interesting,” Zoe said guardedly. She wasn’t sure just how much they should trust Kyan Zol.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:07 PM


I really don't like the sound of Kyan. Don't think he is being honest or up front with Mal and Zoe and have to admit that I first I thought the drinks had been poisoned. As for who the other person is who was waiting to speak to Kyan, I have the feeling it won't be anyone our crew will like meeting. Can't wait to see what happens next. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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Sad Eyes Chapter 6
Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him?

Sad Eyes Chapter 5
Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him?

Mr. Golden Deal
Jayne goes to a bar instead of to Kaylee's wedding to drown away his sorrows.

Sad Eyes chapter 4
Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him?

Sad Eyes Chapter 3
Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him?

Sad Eyes Chapter 2
Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him

Sad Eyes
Post Serenity. The past year has been hard for Zoe. Life without Wash seems empty, and just when she is ready to leave the ship. A man from her past comissions the crew to be his transport, but can they trust him