Sketch Close-Up
Monday, November 7, 2005

For those wanting a bigger version of my Jayne sketch - here it is. You can see the pencil work a bit better in this one.



Monday, November 7, 2005 8:33 PM


Holy moly!

Monday, November 7, 2005 10:27 PM


Thanks yo!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:51 AM


Uh, that last comment was from me. I forgot to log in.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:36 PM


Now that's what i'm talking about. Easily as good as my finest works you command of line work is first rate and i can see the layering you did is exceptional. The fact that you are actually using different grades of lead is readily apparent and refreshing to see, i haven't created something in a long while now and towards the end i was getting lazy and just using one hardness of pencil to get all the different tones, not the same, this reminds me what an impressive range is possible... makes me want to dig out my pencils case and dust it off. :)
Excellent work. Easily a 10/10
One thing i have a question on, not a critique but are his eyes lit differently like that in the photograph you used? I dont have a high rez in front of me at the moment, in yours Jaynes right eye is lit from the upper left and his left eye is lit from the lower right side... is this accurate? some dual light source?
In all respects an excellent piece. I think i speak for everyone here when i say i hope you will continue to share you shiny works with us.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:34 PM


His eyes are just like that in the photograph I copied from. There is definitely a light source behind him, and probably some from directly in front, but I think that extra little gleam is a reflection off the gun.
I always take extra care with the eyes - they're the most important part of a person, everything else comes from there proportion- and personality-wise. If the eyes suck, then the whole picture sucks.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:54 PM


I almost didn't look at this because I saw the thumbnail and thought, "wow... someone can make things black and white with photoshop..." this is incredible! excellent work! the detail...

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 1:13 PM


I'm almost certain it's illegal to love an inanimate object with the passion that I feel for this drawing. I'll be in my bunk...with the drawing.

---but really, fantastic work--your linework is perfect and smooth-makes me all tingly! ON top of that, your shading and lighting is all delicate and softly done--actually two things that don't often come together. Excellent work.

Friday, November 11, 2005 6:31 AM


if i were a pencil drawing, i'd spirit him away to my pencil drawing bunk and have my pencil drawing way with him...but i'll settle for gazing at this amazing pic...



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Steely-Eyed Merc
The long awaited new pencil sketch of Adam/Jayne.

Jayne Tag
I've had a couple of requests for the little footer I've been using as my tag in the threads. So, here it is...

Jayne Wallpaper
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Adam Banner
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Pretty Cunning
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Captain Mal
I've had a lot of requests for a Mal sketch - so here it is.

Jaylee Sketch
Another of my pencil sketches. This one of Kaylee and Jayne.

Cobb Deux
Hey, Merry Christmas all you Jayne fans. Yet another sketch of the big merc.

Jayne Cobb Sketch
Here's that other Jayne sketch I mentioned I'd been working on.

Sketch Close-Up
For those wanting a bigger version of my Jayne sketch - here it is. You can see the pencil work a bit better in this one.