Where Will You Stand When the Flood Comes?
Sunday, May 15, 2005

A mission gone wrong leaves one of the crew dead. This is her funeral.


Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine, neither is the just fits too well. ***

Mal stood apart from the mourners. This was his fault, he never should have let her off the boat. But she had begged, pleaded. They needed a new coil compressor. They always needed one of those. And because it was hard to say no to her, Kaylee was dead. He never thought that he would return to this planet. Never thought he would be the one to deliver such news to someone, he had done it for Tracey. Why for Kaylee as well? He had promised her father he'd take good care of the girl, and now he was at her funeral, as an old hymn was sung.

There is a fountain filled with blood/drawn from Emmanuel's grave/And sinner's plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains/Lose all their guilty stains/Lose all their guilty stains/And sinners plunged beneath that flood/lose all their guilty stains/The dying theif rejoices to see/that fountain in his day/and there may I though vile as he/wash all my sins away

There had been question on who should be the one to write a eulogy, and despite his failed attempts at speaking, it was decided that the best canidate would be Simon. Three on the ship knew Kaylee best, Mal, River and Simon. River had been unstable ever since the death, and Mal felt that he did not have the right to do so, hence it was up to Simon. The young doctor in question made his way to the casket and began to speak in a trembling voice. Alliance never came here, and in the black? It was rare people would read the bullitons on who was wanted. At first, his voice wavered, but as he continued, Simon's voice grew stronger, his eyes far off, as if recalling his different experiences with the young mechanic. "D...did you ever hear her laugh? When she laughed you wore you'd never cry again. Did you ever see her smile? Her smile was like a glass of lemonade. And she said funny things, and she wore pretty dresses, and she liked to hear the stories out of anyone who'd tell. And she loved strawberries, and she knew Serenity so well, but I know she loved her strawberries best of all..." A waver of the voice was given before Simon continued on with his eulogy. "No, it don't make sense to be that she won't be around. No it don't make sense to me to put her in the cold and lonely ground. And no it don't make sense the way the world can let you fall, I swear it don't make sense to me at all..." As the crew of Serenity got up, each having something to say about Kaylee, the hymn continued on.

Dear dying lamb, thy precious blood, shall never lose it's power

Leading the line was Mal, followed by Zoe and Wash, than River, Jayne and Book. "She had two crooked teeth" "She had cuts on her fingers" "She would work with me on the control panal" "Yet she always found time to play" "And she knew how to read" "And she had a smile for everyone." Mal spoke again, keeping his voice steady. "And we can't believe he took our friend away. No it don't make sense to us, that she will not be there. No it don't make sense to us." He was cut off as a figure he hadn't seen in nearly a year walked with a familiar grace, her voice adding to the description of Kaylee. "She loved when I tied ribbons in her hair." Mal stared at Inara, not thinking she would show up. Of course she would, the two had been so close, but to see her again, in such times, seemed to catch the captain off guard. After a moment, Mal continued what he had to say, his eyes never leaving Inara. "And no it don't make sense the way the sun can still burn down. I swear it don't make sense to me..." Noticing the pained look in Kaylee's father's eyes, Mal shook his head, vowing to himself and to her father he would find her. "God forgive me what I think, God forgive me what I wish right now. I don't know the coward's name, I don't know the bastard's face, but I swear right now to God. He ain't never gonna get away with what he done to Kaylee. Let him shiver in his boots, let him run until he bleeds. I won't rest until I know he's burnin' in the ragin' fires of hell forever more!" Everyone was silent, staring at Mal in shock. It should not have been so shocking though. Kaylee was dear to all of them, especially Mal, and yet, here he was, swearing to God, that he would avenge her. At her father's nod, the casket was finally lowered into the ground with everyone staring at it quietly. Simon had his hand on River's shoulder, Wash with his arm around Zoe. Book said a silent prayer as Jayne just stood there. Mal and Inara stood next to eachother, not looking at eachother as the hymn was finished.

There is a fountain filled with blood/Drawn from Emmanuel's veins/And sinners plunged beneath that flood/lose all their guilty stains


Oh I am mean. Oh well. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my High School story, just haven't had the time to update, but summer is coming up, so hopefully I'll be able to get it finished. ^^


Sunday, May 15, 2005 3:55 PM



When I pulled your story up it was rated at 1. Either that person didn't understand the scoring system, or they didn't like that you killed off Kaylee. I take a bit of umbrage at this action. Stories should be rated for their quality, not reactions to their content. (That's my opionion at least.)

I thought your story was beatiful and very well executed. At first I did't like your diction choice for Simon, then I came to appreciate almost as a poem taken up by the rest of the crew. I especially liked what you had each person say, not grand diatribes on the glory that was Kaylee, but little things that made her unique. It really reminded me of "The Body" episode from the 5th Season of Buffy.

You're a very good writer with very clear vision. You have a few typos (but those who live in glass houses with exceptionally bad grammar like myself shouldn't cast stones). In short keep up the good work and don't let the opinions of one person hold you back.

Phaedra, a bad luck name of an infrequent poster

Monday, May 16, 2005 6:08 AM


This is a great peice. I especially liked the poetic tone. This is such a sad tale and the way you wrote Mal was incredible. I could feel all the different emotions he was feeling, and to me, that added to the intensity of the story. Great job. I can't wait to read more from you.

Monday, May 16, 2005 8:30 AM


Strange how Mal finds his faith again... Very powerful chapter Ragdoll!

Keep Flyin'


Saturday, November 26, 2005 4:35 AM


hey i liked this one it is real sad but i like it... mal would to that you know find the bastard but i am not sure he would swear to a god he does not believe in... any way i would like to see where this and you HS story go's so keep it up!


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Where Will You Stand When the Flood Comes?
A mission gone wrong leaves one of the crew dead. This is her funeral.

Just Like Any Girl Would Be-pt 5
The job is completed, and healing begins.

Just Like Any Girl Would Be-pt 4
Simon looks over Kaylee and sings
The mission is described
An unexpected visitor makes for a new mechanic

Into the Sunlight
What would happen were the cast of Firefly thrown into modern High School termonology? Who knows...but this Fic is going to find out. Tis the first day of school.

Just Like Any Girl Would Be-pt 3
Kaylee is found and tended to.

Just Like Any Girl Would Be-pt 2
A new job opportunity brings the crew of <i>Serenity</i> to Londinum, where an old acquantaince is waiting.

Just Like Any Girl Would Be
Few days after the whole thing with Early. Things are basically back to normal, or so it appears on the surface. Not finished.