Orphaned Soul, Part 13
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.


Read: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12


“WARNING. Hazardous gasses have been detected on Deck 5, Section 18. Evacuate immediately.” “JIN-GAO. Wu hao jia ban, shi ba hao qiu jian ce dao wei xian de du qi. Li ji shu san.”

Slipping unnoticed past a growing assemblage of crewmen wandering sleepily out of their quarters, Book whispered an ironic prayer of thanks to whoever had written the software controlling the cruiser’s onboard comm system. He hadn’t expected them to get far after their escape had been announced, but some soft-hearted developer had apparently felt that life support warnings took precedence over internal security alerts.

Hurrying nonchalantly past a few more corridors, Book reached the shuttle bay just behind Inara. River was already kneeling next to a manual override control, holding what appeared to be the end of a stethoscope up against the release mechanism as her fingers danced across a nearby keypad.

“River, where did you –”

“Was too cold. Didn’t like it. Hid it from Simon,” she admitted, managing to look simultaneously grumpy and guilty. Apparently satisfied with her examination, River stood and tugged on the release lever with both hands. With Inara and Book’s assistance, the release finally gave way and escape pod doors began cycling open up and down the entire bay.

Book quickly led Inara to the nearest pod, as a worrisome fog began to flood the bay from several nearby corridors. River hesitated. She turned slowly in a circle, looking down as thin wafts of smoke swirled about her ankles. She closed her eyes.

"Not yet...they can't be empty...can't be empty."

Inara paused at the pod’s entrance, confused. "River, I’m sure the crew can take care of..."

"No, wait...can't be empty...wait..." she tugged at the shepherd’s arm, pulling him away from the escape pod. He and Inara shared a concerned look as the dark gasses continued to flow across the floor of the shuttle bay. Book looked down at River and saw in her eyes the certainty that had guided them thus far.

“Never let it be said that I’m not a man of faith.” Book punched a nearby comm panel. “All crew on deck five, section eighteen report to the shuttle bay for evacuation. I repeat – all personnel report to the shuttle bay immediately.”


Continue to Part 14


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 4:24 PM


Please direct complaints at the shortness of this installment to MOH... ;)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:19 AM


MOH how could you? I am hoping you will help and encourage Shiny to write more in the next chapter, this is really good and it is frustrating to start getting into it only to have it end. Love the story and just adore River, keep going! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:10 AM


Aarrgghhh! Too short, but brilliantly done! I love where you're taking this spin on the Firefly 'verse. More!

- Soul

Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:54 AM


Excellent story!

I'm really enjoying the Book-River-Inara dynamic shown here. I can imagine it happening on the show. It feels comfortable, believable.

The portrayal of River is also really good:

"Was too cold. Didn’t like it. Hid it from Simon,"

I also loved Book's line: "Never let it be said that I’m not a man of faith."

It made me smile. It was a brilliant Book moment! :)

Keep up the brilliant work Shiny!



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Orphaned Soul, Epilogue
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 15
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 14
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 13
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 12
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 11
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 10
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 9
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 8
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 7
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.