Valentines from Villains: The Passionate Reaver to his Meat
Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Reavers want you . . .


The Passionate Reaver to his Meat

Come die with me and be my meat,/ Of you I’ll make a special treat,/ You’ll struggle, yell, scream, and cry/ As I rip and cut, munch and sigh.

And we will set upon the ship,/ You cattle can’t give us the slip./ Your blood flows like rivers and falls,/ Which sounds, to us, like madrigals.

And I will make of thee beds of skins/ Stuck together with shiny pins./ A cap of scalps, and a kirtle/ Made from your dear cousin, Myrtle.

A coat downed with the finest hair/ I’ll pull and pluck till you’re bare./ Fair lined boots for the Black is cold,/ From the carcasses of your old.

Why do you mew about escape?/ When your sweet flesh longs for rape./ For those who live, the fate is worse/ They will join and bear our curse.

So, cry for mercy all you want,/ Your teary eyes do not me daunt./ We’re here now (your heart skips a beat)/ You will die and be my meat.

Based on Christopher “Mack Daddy” Marlowe’s, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (1599)


Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:35 PM


I have to agree very morbid and creepifying!

Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:44 PM


Hay, who told you about cousin Myrtle?

Friday, February 11, 2005 2:13 AM


Morbidly creepifying but so in tone with all the darkness in which those ruined souls revel. Excellent work, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, February 11, 2005 6:02 AM


Creepy...but I liked it!

Friday, February 11, 2005 7:09 AM


You touch your mama with those fingers type that stuff? Eeeewww.

Seriously, you've got something really, really good going on here.

Sunday, February 13, 2005 4:40 AM


Spooky, yes... yet funny in a way.
I had this mental image of Reavers boarding a ship and singiing the song in a chorus.

Saturday, March 5, 2005 12:15 AM


Oh that was great! Very Whedonesque - gruesome and funny at the same time. Nice.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:25 AM


um, ok...


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The Pillowbook of Inara Serra: Part V Book of Waking Dreams
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Interlude: Dreams in Three Tenses
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The Pillow Book of Inara Serra, Part III: Book of Games
Section 1 of 2
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Valentines from Villains: The Passionate Reaver to his Meat
The Reavers want you . . .

Valentines from Villains 2: To River from Your Secret Admirers
River gets a special letter on the 14th

Valentines from Villains 1- Saffron to Mal
It is that time of year when Hallmark and their corporate constituents force us to think of love and material ways to demonstrate it. While I’m sure that a flurry of holiday centered fic will begin to emerge as Valentine’s day grows closer, we should not forget those who make the Firefly universe so rich and exciting, namely the villains. If the Whedon universe has taught us anything, its that bad guys/gals need love too: Spike/Drusilla, Darla/Angelos, Mayor Wilkins/Faith (paternal love counts too). Though Firefly did not last long enough for us to see the softer side of its villains, I still write in honor of their passions.

Since I lack both imagination and poetic talent, the entries in this series are based on some of my favorite love poems. The first is in honor of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s, Thursday, one of the greatest breakup poems ever written.