Legend of the Leaf
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is Wash's legacy?


There are special men who come along once a generation to make their mark on an uncaring universe. This man, though, left more than his mark. He became a legend in his own lifetime. And after his lifetime?

Well, this is that story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Is that an asteroid field?" the captain yelled.

"Sure looks like one!" the pilot called back without taking his eyes off the forward viewscreen."There's no rocks on the charts and.....NONE on the scope. So, it ain't there!"

"What? A hologram? A big gorram hologram made to look like asteroids?"

"That'd be my first guess!" the pilot shouted, still committed to a straight line that would either plow through a hologram or get cataclysmically dinged by the curious mass of floating, spinning rocks.

"Can't you slow 'er down?" asked the captain."Just to take a look?"

"We get caught with what we're hauling, asteroid crash'd be a mercy by comparison," the pilot mumbled. "Besides, this AIN'T real!"


"Okay. That one was real," the pilot said as he banked away from the noisy rock that had just substantiated the idea of floating, spinning rocks of death blocking his escape from a motivated pursuer.

Then, the pilot did something strange. He flew in close to one of the larger rocks. Close enough to reach out and touch it if not for the need to keep the windows closed in outer space. Without slowing very much, he ran the ship over the leading edge of the space mountain and.....


"That's what I thought!" he shouted and looked back at the captain. Looking forward again, he increased the ship's speed and ran her directly into the center of the swarm of giant space gravel without regard for mass or volume. There were hull impacts, to be sure. Small ones. Little holo-projectors that the Alliance had set up as a sort of electronic fence to slow down ships who were doing what this ship was doing.

The area was known as "Smuggler's Black" and the Alliance Government had counted on most pilots not being crazy and slowing down at the sight of asteroids where none had been seen before. Even a safe and sane pilot would discover the ruse eventually. But, they would sit still long enough for a fed to catch up to them.

"You crazy bastard!" the captain slapped the pilot on the back.

"It's the job," he said cheerfully. "Crazy's just a by product. I never used to...." swiveling his chair about, he saw that the captain had already left the flight deck. "You are......" he flipped three overhead switches,"welcome." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When a man knows what he's worth, that's when other people try to tear him down. Nothing tears a man down quite like being fired by the very person whose life and livelihood you just rescued. He wasn't fired for the saving of lives. The captain fired him for being foolhardy. In other words, he made the captain look like a fool by ignoring imminent danger and making his own rules on how to act with a gun pointed to his head. Who needed a wild man flying their ship? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The captain of the new ship was trying hard to keep his voice down, but it carried back to the pilot's ears. He was 'whispering' to the woman who was maybe his partner. She wasn't buying the new guy. He bothered her. He heard THAT. She was bothered by him. The pilot made out the names Crenshaw and Tanaka as the captain continued 'whispering'.

If those names were used referencing his piloting skills, all he had to do was keep his mouth shut and he'd be kissing sky again in no time.

If their personal opinions as to his character were being discussed, he'd better forget buying that new shaving kit he needed so badly and start juggling waterfowl for a living.

The pilot was staring in the woman's direction when she and the captain turned around. He smiled a goofy smile and waved a hand at them. "Now they know I'm a moron," he muttered under his breath.

Next thing you know, he's arranging his little plastic dinosaurs, a holdover from his childhood, calibrating his steering yoke to his personal specs and most importanlty, adjusting the pilot's chair. He would be sitting there quite a lot if the woman with the fierce eyes didn't rip his head off. As it happened, the woman did not rip his head off. In fact, she grew rather fond of that particular head. Just seeing him enter a room made her smile like a school girl. She knew what he was worth and she was nowhere near tearing him down. Not in an emotional sense at any rate.

Her life had been unpleasant and more than a little difficult to endure so far and along comes this joker of a man who was only ever serious about two things. Flying and her. She had let him in to a place where no man had ever been welcome before. In her heart.

And, yes, she DID have one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you sure about this?" he asked as a messenger drone whizzed by his face, nearly clipping his nose. "It could wait, you know. How do we even know it'll work? Nothing like the real thing!"

He spoke so fast that his words seemed out of sync with his lip movements. He spoke quickly whenever he was nervous about an idea the woman had. "It works," she said, mocking a stern look at the pilot."People do it all the time. It doesn't hurt and you won't be getting the 'real thing' for at least a month if you don't get in there and deposit some of your liquid DNA!" The sign above the portal read "Reproductive Assistance Center". The pilot smiled at his wife and gripped her hand firmly in his. With his free hand, he motioned for her to enter the building. Their alone time was so rare and precious that when they found a place just to talk and laugh, they usually ended up talking about babies. Lots of baby pilots and warriors flying and shooting their way across the 'verse. It was time they did something more than talk. So, they were here. Planting a seed to be harvested at a later date. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They had good times and close calls as people in their line of work did. The woman liked to recall the good times. The close calls she remembered were always about what a good man he was in a tight spot. When you come right down to it, she knew that she had chosen well. A man like with you until you die." And on that day, that worst of all days, he showed everyone. He showed them that he was the best choice any of them could have made.

Pilot. Friend. Lover. Savior.

It's all there in the recent history 'casts. The pilot 'flew' a dead ship from the impossible height of the upper atmosphere of a beautiful, glowing planet and he landed it, sort of, without anyone aboard getting more than a few bruises. A big man hit his head, but that was the best part of his body you could hit and not do any damage. A lesser pilot would have cratered that Firefly and sent up a cloud of fire that could be seen from space. Not him, though. He was a leaf on the wind. He turned a mass of metal and fuel and people into a bubble that floated, sort of gently, to the ground.

When the ship came to a stop and he knew that he had done the impossible, he looked out the window and he smiled. He smiled forever.

What happened after, everybody knows. The good guys won. The bad guys were exposed as bad guys and there was no coming back from what they had done and nobody was ever afraid of them again.

A small band of heroes did some brave things. But it was that leaf on the wind that got them there. History books don't do well with details. I just thought you should know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I love when you tell stories about my daddy," the little girl with the ever so slightly jutting chin said to her mother, her curly blonde hair a sharp contrast to the light carmel color of her skin. The woman smiled at her child. "He would love you," she said with that love in her voice reserved for her baby girl and her leaf on the wind that she lost five years back. "He does!"

"Excuse me?" the confused mother asked.

The girl reached under the pillow of her bunk she shared with her mother aboard their home in outer space. She felt around for the cube that her uncle had given her as a birthday gift. Bumping his head hadn't messed him up at all. She pulled it from it's hiding place and held it up and squeezed the activation panel on top of the cube. A hologram of a man who was turning his head and forming a smile appeared and repeated.

The woman looked into the eyes of the hologram pilot as he smiled back at her from eternity. "He does," she said. "He really does." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:56 AM


Very nice. I love "Not him, though. He was a leaf on the wind. He turned a mass of metal and fuel and people into a bubble that floated, sort of gently, to the ground." the "sort of" makes it.

Here's to Wash!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:00 AM


Wonderful tribute to Wash, thanks for posting.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:22 AM


i miss ash so much may have been the best part of the show for me
but everyone is a part of you
mal is the one who is hurt and cant truly ever trust
zoe is the one who is courageous to a fault
wash gives you a way to goof off even on the job
jayne is where you can say what you want without being judged (and wear kick but hats :)
kaylee is the place of intuity where you can be truly YOU
simon is the smart part of you but also the stupidest part
river is your troubled soul and mind you may seem "crazy" to some but your really the only stabel one there
inara is the part tha is afraid of being hurt so you move quickly form one spot to another
shepard book is the rightous part of you where you can judge without being judgyy

so we can all connect to someone

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:37 PM


Loved the incident of the hologram asteroid field! ""You crazy bastard!" the captain slapped the pilot on the back. "It's the job," he said cheerfully. "Crazy's just a by product."--wonderful. I like the way you constructed this story, the progression of scenes, the distant narrator. Lovely scene with Wash's daughter and Zoe at the end.

Monday, November 21, 2011 4:21 PM


This just reminds me how much I miss Wash. And yes, Wash would have LOVED his little girl to pieces. Ali D :~)
"You can't take the sky from me!"


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Legend of the Leaf
What is Wash's legacy?

Wash, out.
Wash muses briefly on life, the wife and lemurs.

The Last Firefly
A short glimpse into the future of the good ship Serenity.This takes place 70 years after "Serenity"

Mal Adjusted
This is my version of how Zoe and Wash got together. Not canonical at all and probably wrong, but it's fanfic