Blue Sun 3-Storm Rising
Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Helsing discovers that he has lost two of his children. . .in one day.


Helsing really wanted to kill something.

Not quickly, though. He wanted to watch it squirm, watch it whine and whimper. Thank the gods, he had such a specimen in front of him.

Suspended by his wrists, the revolutionary looked almost comical, his head hanging as he swung. the drain beneath him greedily swallowed all of the blood as it poured from the stumps that should have been feet. Red welts smiled from his skin, making Helsing enjoy his work. And the gurgling, pathetic sobbing made him know-he was doing something right.

"Now." Helsing made the word draw out. Play with his sense of time. He stepped forward, taking his next instrument from the tray. "Lets discuss who you sent her to. How much it was. And tell me the truth, because for ever credit you lie about," Helsing begin to drive a needle into the mans knee from behind, bringing out a sharp yelp, "I get another scream."

Helsing stripped away the blue gloves as he left the torture chamber. Four attentants marched in, to clean up the organs and body fluids. He removed the scrubs, and put on a new pair of gloves. He went to Davis, who was waiting for him, in the conferance room. "Nothing," he sighed, sitting down. Davis shrugged in response. "Clearly he was a lackey." As if on cue, a paper pusher came in, handing Helsing a wave. Helsing raised an eyebrow as he read, then his breath caught.

* * *

Both were in the conferance room. Davis was standing, and Helsing looked out the window. He could tell this was a dry run-nothing concrete would come out of it. But it was necessary to collate all data. The Fed came in, pompous, sitting down hurriedly. "Sorry about that. We had some unrelated trouble-" "We're not interested in your problems, Commander. We're here about a robbery on Paradiso." "The medical supplies?" The Fed was confused. He shrugged. "Word came that was returned." Helsing lost patience. "We didn't travel sixteen thousand miles to find a box of Band-Aids, Commander." Davis could tell his friend was becoming angry, and smoothly cut in. "We're looking for a girl. This girl." He slid the photo of the Tam girl accross the desk, as the commander finally saw the blue-gloved hands, and swallowed. Dear god. . . Helsing held up his hand-someone had reached him on the communicator. "My Lord, we have just received word. Your son. . .he's active, and is apparently coming after the Academy. He just broke away, and. . .we cannot seem to find him." Helsings jaw clenched, and he snapped the com in his hand in half. Oh, how Brink would be punished for this. . .such a prodigal son.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:52 AM


Torture is torture but losing body parts? Gulp. Cannot say how worried I am for poor River. These sound like the very worst of the worst you could run into, bar Reavers. Next to them Niska almost looks cuddly... (Well, maybe not cuddly. *Nice shark, pretty shark*). Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:30 AM


I believe the original line eighty-five million miles, putting your claim of having every line of the show memorized in doubt. However, it's still a moderately interesting premise you have there and it's about time you got back to it.

Friday, June 3, 2005 9:31 PM


looked like a good start to a story pity there hasn't been any more written.


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Blue Sun 3-Storm Rising
Helsing discovers that he has lost two of his children. . .in one day.

Dawn of the Blue Sun II-Creation
Well, I just keep trying, so. . .

Dawn of the Blue Sun
Thought I'd try my hand at decribing the beginning of the Blue Sun. Short, but whatever.