Lost But Never Forgotten - The Calm Before The Storm
Friday, April 27, 2007


Another small continuance from my newest series: Lost But Never Forgotten. Feel free to have a read and catch up on our newest hero, Jesse James

1. Lost But Never Forgotten. 2. Lost But Never Forgotten. - The Quest and now for the latest installment 3. Lost But Never Forgotten. - The Calm Before the Storm

Again, unedited so excuse any mistakes and this time a special mention to Silence and averyfinecompanion for their fantastic fictional names Rumpelstiltskin Bob and Sylvia Quantisha.

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A year had now past, since her beloved knight in shining armour passed from the 'verse. Her answers had been discovered and now her quest morphed into a journey. A journey to seek justice for the lives lost at Serenity Valley.

Her journey had landed her on the small planet, Kellyville, a planet in the middle of the trade zone. Surviving merely on the passing trade of courier ships and the occasional Alliance cruiser.

Here she found refuge from the Alliance officers. Her persistant prodding into the deep and dark secrets of the Alliance, had enraged them and they had branded her a threat to their future, sending numerous officers to arrest her for the knowledge she bared. She had become a spy and sourced countless information that could bruise their reputations and ultimately bring them down.

Although the time to reveal this information had not quite presented itself yet. She protected it with her life, as not only the Alliance sought to regain the information, others also wanted it, so that they could twist the arm of the Alliance.

She found herself once again, hurrying down a laneway a moonlit night to a tiny yet well known tavern, The Golden Arch. The air was much warmer than before and a faint smell of decay and staleness filled the atmosphere.

As she entered the tavern an overpowering chill swallowed her and a sense of danger pulled her aside.

"You don't wanna be involved in that," a gruff voice stated, pulling her to the side of the doorframe, avoiding the feud between the bartender and a non-paying customer. The bartender roughly ushered the out the door and into the street, before turning to the young woman.

"Hello and welcome to The Golden Arch," the bartender greeted in a cheery voice, "What can I get you?"

"Just a glass of whatever's on tap," the young woman replied, moving out from the shadows of the doorway. The bartender, smiled and hurried behind the counter, before pouring a glass.

"Her name is Sylvia Quantisha and mine is Rumpelstiltskin Bob. Just Sylvia and Bob will do, love, and welcome to The Golden Arch, the best place in town," the gruff voice welcomed, emerging from the shadows, as well.

The pair strolled over to the bar, where the young women's drink laid empty upon the bar.

""Hello and welcome to The Golden Arch," Sylvia greeted again in a cheery voice, "What can I get you?"

"Don't worry, love, she has a medical condition, where she tends to forget things that happen a few miniutes before," Bob explained, reaching behind the bar to get the young woman a drink.

"So what's your name, love?" Bob questioned, passing the young woman her drink, "And what brings you to this part of 'verse?"

"My name is Jessica James, most call me Jesse and I'm on a mission to save the world, so to say," Jess answered taking a small sip from the glass.

"Jesse James, sounds like an old cowboy name, and save the world, eh?" Bob commented, and began "Guess your on the right planet then, let me tell you a little story about savin' the world. I was... "

The three sat and chatted about the past, the presnet and the future until the wee hours of the morning., when the intruders barged in and disturbed the peace.....


Monday, April 30, 2007 1:33 PM


Still feeling the sensation that this tale needs more flesh on it's bones...but you're in the driver's seat here, JR.



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Fool's Gold - Part 1 - Any Less Dead
A small series that entails the search for Fool's Gold. That's Mr Bosco Fool and his hidden treasure.

Lost But Never Forgotten - Bob and Sylvia

Lost But Never Forgotten - The Calm Before The Storm

Lost But Never Forgotten - The Quest

Lost But Never Forgotten



A Blast From The Past - Part 3
An old friend of Mal's, tries to confront him, and her own past. This is my third fic. All suggestions accepted. More parts to come.

A Blast From The Past - Part 2
An old friend of Mal's, tries to confront him, and her own past. This is my second fic. All suggestions accepted. More parts to come.

A Blast From The Past - Part 1
An old friend of Mal's, tries to confront him, and her own past. This is my first fic ever. All suggestions accepted. More parts to come.