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Takes place after the events of the series and before the BDM, and a few months after "Nothin' In The 'Verse Part I". The return of a former passenger to Serenity causes conflict among the crew - and creates a problem for Mal that he is unprepared to deal with.-------CHAPTER 34: Alex is almost home, and she asks Kaylee a question.
Disclaimers: Everything belongs to Joss, except for one character of my creation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, where are you all headed from here?” Alex directed her question at Kaylee, who was helping gather her belongings as they prepared for arrival on Boros. “Got Badger’s job to finish,” Kaylee said as she folded Alex’s robe and stuffed it into her duffel bag, “then I think we might be droppin’ off the preacher.” “Dropping him off? Where?” Alex was surprised. “I heard him and Cap’n talking—said he might spend some time back on Haven with the miners.” Kaylee smiled, a little sadly. “Haven—that’s where you took me for treatment?” Kaylee nodded. “Shepherd said he got on real good with the miners; they took to him.” “I imagine he’ll be missed here,” Alex said. “Yeah, he’s real nice to have around...handy, too. But he’s been talkin’ ‘bout gettin’ off the ship for awhile now, findin’ a world to call home.” Alex chuckled. “Maybe he’s had all the excitement a man of God can handle!” Kaylee nodded her agreement. “Prob’ly tired of shootin’ and gettin’ shot at.” Alex packed the last of her clothes and pulled the drawstring on her bag. “Speaking of getting shot...I’m worried about your job,” she said. “I hope Mal doesn’t get shot in the other cheek this time—or worse.” Kaylee patted her hand. “Oh sweetie, if you start worryin’ on what happens to us out here, you’ll never sleep again,” she said. “Best put it out of your mind. ‘Sides, you got enough to think about now.” “Yeah,” Alex agreed. “Still...I’ve got reason to concern myself with your safety.” She put on hand on her stomach as she said it. Kaylee smiled knowingly. “You mean his safety?” Alex nodded. “Yeah, okay, his safety. But you’re all his crew and my friends, so I’ll worry about you all. It’s a package deal.” They fell silent for a time before Alex spoke again. “Kaylee, there’s something I need to know—why’d Inara leave?” Kaylee looked at her curiously. “Why’d Inara leave?” She shrugged. “She got asked to train up some girls at a house...why?” “Did it have anything to do with me? With him being with me?” Kaylee considered it. “I don’t think Inara knew about that—‘least not before...” She let her words trail off. “Before what?” Kaylee didn’t answer. “Kaylee?” “When we was on Haven, she saw the paternity test.” Alex raised an eyebrow. “But, she was already leavin’ by then,” Kaylee hastened to add. Alex pursed her lips. “That still couldn’t’ve been good.” “No, it wasn’t. But, if you ask me...” Kaylee trailed off again. “What?” Alex urged. “They got in their own way. They’re both so stubborn—they both are their own worst enemies. ‘Nara knew she wanted him, knew she couldn’t while she was a Companion...she made her choice. And it’s sad, too, ‘cause I think Cap’n may finally have been ready to tell her how—“ Kaylee broke off abruptly and looked self-consciously at Alex. “You can’t be wantin’ to hear this now.” “No, no, Kaylee, please—go on. It’s okay, I asked.” She gave Kaylee a smile she hoped looked sure. “Just because this happened—“ She touched her belly again, “’s not like the captain and I have some great romance. We have a situation to work out, is all. I just needed to know if it was me.” She chuckled. “If I have to feel bad about anything else I’d just as soon get it over with!” Kaylee began making the bed and tidying Alex’s room. “Thanks for all your help with this, seeing as how I’m not gettin’ around real well yet.” Alex stood, steadying herself on a crutch to get out of Kaylee’s way. “You’re almost home,” Kaylee remarked. “How do you feel?” “Nervous,” Alex admitted. “Glad...but nervous. It’ll be weird seeing my family again—like this.” Again she patted her belly. “Does your mama know?” Kaylee asked. Alex nodded. “Everything?” Alex shook her head. “No. That’s gonna be an interesting conversation.” Kaylee grinned lopsidedly. “I’m sure!” There was a lurch as Serenity entered the atmosphere, and Alex felt her heart speed up. “Almost there,” Kaylee said. Alex looked around her room one last time. “Yeah.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Chapter 35.
Back to Chapter 33.
Thursday, October 26, 2006 6:55 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006 8:21 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006 9:18 AM
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