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Takes place after "War Stories". Mal is having trouble sleeping after being tortured. A passenger aboard Serenity discovers an old friend - and makes a new one.-------CHAPTER 3: The crew and their new passenger get acquainted. Jayne is his usual charming self.
Disclaimers: Everything belongs to Joss, except for one character of my creation.
As regards that character - hopefully she's not so much of an obnoxious Mary Sue that she turns people off, but the story basically wrote itself in my head and needed to get out. This is my first fanfic ever, and the first writing of any sort I've done in awhile, so all comments are appreciated!
Rated PG for most of the story, mostly for salty language. There is some sex, but not for a few chapters yet. I'll try to put a warning at the beginning before it happens!
Her name was Alexandra Morgan, Alex for short, she told Kaylee as the young mechanic showed her to her room and gave her a tour of the ship’s common areas. She looked around, the layout immediately coming back to her as she walked the corridors. “I worked on an ‘03 in the war,” she said. “Really?” Kaylee marveled. “I didn’t know Fireflies was fightin’ ships.” “They were, some. But ours was a med ship,” Alex told her. “I was an army nurse.” She examined the details of the ship as they walked. It was old and had seen better days, but there were homey touches all around, from the soft yellow walls with stenciled flowers in the galley to the comfy, mismatched furniture in the common areas. Clearly, the ship was loved by her crew. She said as much to Kaylee. “Of course, our ship was all chrome and shiny, seeing as how it was a flying infirmary. This one feels like home.” Kaylee smiled. “We love our Serenity,” she agreed. The crew would have a sit-down meal, Kaylee said, at 18:00, and Alex was welcome to join them. Alex happily did so, eager to meet the people she would spend the next couple weeks with. It felt like a family meal, and she was right away at ease. “We sit down and eat together like this often as we can, every day if possible,” the captain said during the meal. “Otherwise, kitchen’s open, help yourself to whatever’s here. We ain’t fancy, as y’ can see, but you’ll have food and a place to sleep, and we’ll get you where you’re goin’.” Captain Reynolds seemed pleasant enough, although he looked as though he’d been on the losing end of a bar brawl. His face sported several nasty cuts, and his left eye was black and blue. His left ear had a huge, angry scar through it, and there were marks on his neck as if he’d been choked. Looking around the table, Alex noticed that the pilot, Wash, was banged up in the face, too, and some of the other crew members were bandaged in various places. She wondered what they had gotten themselves into. But then, this ship and its crew looked like they had put a few light years behind them. She supposed a scrape now and again was not out of the realm. And Alex recognized the name Malcolm Reynolds. She just couldn’t recall why it was familiar to her. She hoped to figure it out along the way. Shepard Book turned his attention to her. “What is your destination, Alex, that will take us such a fair piece from here?” he inquired conversationally, in a deep voice that was musical and warm. Alex started to answer, but Jayne jumped in, speaking with a full mouth. “She’s goin’ to Zargon, of all godforsaken places!” Several crewmembers exchanged surprised glances. She suddenly didn’t feel quite so at ease any more. “Jayne!” Zoë admonished him. “Alex is a nurse,” Kaylee piped up. “She’s goin’ to work in the prison.” “You mean she’s goin’ to get herself killed!” Jayne exclaimed. With both elbows planted firmly on the table, he tore into his food without looking up. “Jayne!” This time it was a chorus of voices. “Well, she is,” he continued. “Zargon’s the roughest place in the ‘verse, ‘ceptin’ Reaver territory. Men get sent there when no other prison can hold ‘em. Nobody goes to Zargon ever gets off—they either stay locked up there ‘til they rot, or they get killed there, which is more like to happen. Why a woman such as yourself would go to that place...” His voice trailed off as he stuffed another bite into his mouth. Alex was curious. “’A woman such as myself’?” “Well, yeah...” Jayne stumbled. “A woman such as...well, hell...a woman.” Mal spoke up then. “Miss, I have to agree with Jayne on this one, and, believe me,” he said, shooting Jayne a sideways glance, “that ain’t always the case. Zargon’s got a pretty rough reputation—“ Jayne interrupted with a snort. “‘Pretty rough reputation’ my big jock! Zargon’s a boil on the ass of the ‘verse!” “JAYNE!!” This time even more voices admonishing. Jayne continued stuffing his face without missing a beat. “As I was sayin’,” Mal continued, “Zargon is max security for the worst offenders, all men. I’d have to venture they don’t see many women out their way. What takes you there?” “Jobs are scarce, especially decent ones, and I need to make some money. The prison was posting for a nurse, and the pay is too good to turn down.” She paused, trying to decide how much they needed to know. “I have a brother,” she finally said. “He’s not right. He never has been. He’s thirty-five and my mama still takes care of him. Only, now she’s getting up there and having health problems of her own, and, with my daddy gone, she can’t really handle him any more. She needs to put him somewhere—somewhere he’ll be taken care of. Thing is, places like that are expensive, and the money’s not there. So, I’ve gotta do my part, which involves me making as much money as I can as fast as possible. This seems like the best way I can help out my family.” “Ain’t gonna help if you get killed.” Jayne again. Kaylee saw how uncomfortable Alex was becoming. “Jayne, don’t scare her.” Wash, who was sitting to Alex’s left, leaned in and nudged her with his elbow. Nodding toward Jayne, he said in a stage whisper: “See the scrapes on his knuckles? That’s ‘cause he drags ‘em on the ground.” To Jayne he said, “Do any of your relatives walk upright?” It was the icebreaker they needed, and everyone at the table—except Jayne—laughed. “Well I think it’s great she’s wantin’ to take care of her brother,” Kaylee stated. She looked across the table at Simon. “Simon here takes care of his sister.” Alex saw the doe-eyed look Kaylee sent Simon’s way. She also noticed glances being exchanged between Captain Reynolds and Zoë. There was more to that story, she realized, and, like her, they were trying to figure out how much she needed to be let in on. She decided not to push; that if she needed to know something in the time she would be on board they would tell her. “So, Simon,” Alex said to him, “I hear you’re the doc. We’ll have to talk shop later.” “I’ll show you the infirmary,” Simon said. He gestured around the table to the various visible injuries. “As you can see, you may need to give me a hand in there if these folks can’t stay out of trouble.” Now Alex laughed, and the feeling of ease returned.
After supper, Kaylee walked Alex to her room. Alex was tired, and she decided turning in early would be in order. Best to sleep when she felt the urge, she knew—lately, with Zargon looming, sleep didn’t always come easy. She told Kaylee as much. “If you hear someone up in the night it’s probably me. I’ve not been sleeping the best lately.” “Well, you might run into the captain, then,” Kaylee said. “He ain’t been sleepin’ much himself. ‘Course, he won’t admit it, but I think he’s havin’ nightmares.” Alex dumped her duffel onto the bed, rooting through her belongings for nightclothes. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to him?” Kaylee closed the door to Alex’s room behind them and sat down on the bed. “He and Wash got took and tortured,” Kaylee told her. “It was real bad—we all had to go in and rescue ‘em. They almost died.” “Wow,” Alex murmured. “I saw their faces, figured they got in a fight.” “No, they got snatched on a job. You ever hear of Niska?” “Adalai Niska, the crime boss?” “Yeah.” “Yeah, I’ve heard of him. He’s got quite a rep.” “He took ‘em.” Alex raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like there’s a story.” “There is,” Kaylee said. “And the captain—well, he’s tough, don’t let much get to him. He survived fightin’ in the war when a whole lot of his people didn’t. But I think this is stickin’ with him. Trouble is, he won’t admit it. Just has bad dreams and paces around all night. Then he’s all messed up during the day. He ain’t thinkin’ straight, ain’t even tryin’ to get us jobs. It’s just gettin’ worse.” “Like I said, I was a trauma nurse in the army,” said Alex. “I dealt with a lot of prisoners of war and torture victims. Maybe I can help.” Kaylee looked up at her hopefully. “That would be great,” she said softly. “I miss my Captain.” Alex smiled at her. She liked this young woman, who was so open and warm. “Well, I’d better get some sleep,” she sighed, squeezing Kaylee’s hand. “You know, strike while the iron’s hot.” Kaylee left, and Alex changed into her nightclothes, deep in thought. She knew now why the captain’s name was familiar. Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds led the battle of Serenity Valley on Hera. Led it after he should have laid down arms, after even the command had given up. No capture and torture there. You either died on the battlefield or you got out. Cut and dried. He was somewhat of a folk hero among those who had fought for the Independents and survived the war. Where Alex had been, it was not so simple. She saw a lot of prisoners of war, torture, and a lot of the trauma after. She crawled into bed, drawing the covers up around her. She had survived the war and all the heartbreak and changes it had meant for her. If she could make it through that, she could survive the backwater prison moon, too. She closed her eyes, and let the low rumble of Serenity’s engines lull her to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Chapter 4. Back to Chapter 2.
Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:37 AM
Thursday, September 7, 2006 4:28 AM
Thursday, September 7, 2006 6:33 AM
Thursday, September 7, 2006 1:35 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:19 AM
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