Friday, July 14, 2006

The aim of the Malcontent summer project is to put Mal through as much pain and angst as possible, across 50 stories to be posted on the Firefly Fiction LJ Community. Let the Mal angst begin!


Title: Repercussions Author: Humbug Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Firefly Word Count: 460 Summary: Malcontent (for Firefly Fiction) Warning: The aim of Malcontent is to put Mal through as many painful situations as possible. Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Thanks to bookaddict for betaing this for me.

It started off as a one off, but after an enthusiastic response for more at ff_fanfiction, I wrote a sequel...



“What the hell?” Mal practically shouted.

Jayne and Inara didn’t stop their passionate kissing. All open mouthed, lips and tongues, kissing, licking, sucking and pressing against one another.

Mal tried again, “’Nara, with Jayne?!”

They sprang back from one another, their breathing still heavy with desire.

“Mal, I…” Inara began.

“Nothin’ ya can say will excuse this!”

“Hey, I’m still here,” interrupted Jayne.

“I’m tryin’ not ta notice that. I’d take it as a kindness if ya’d take ya self some place else.”

“’Nara, ya ‘kay?”

Inara squeezed Jayne’s hand. “Just leave us.” She turned to Mal, “we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

“Just holler, if’n ya need help.”

“Jayne, if ya wanna keep ya looks, get outta here now!”

Inara reached out to touch the man she had hurt so deeply. “Mal.”

“’Nara, how could you?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I never wanted to reach out to someone else.”

“But ya did!” Mal lashed back.

“I’m so sorry. Jayne fills a need in me, a need to be loved and desired.”

“I love ya. I desire ya. Have done since ya came aboard.”

“You never showed me that side of you. You just pushed me away.”

“And Jayne coaxed ya into his bed.”

“I invited him into mine. We only ever make love in my shuttle.”

“Make love! With Jayne it’s only ever sexin’ with a willin’ woman.”

“He makes love to me.”

“Ya ever thought of askin’ me into your bed?”

“Many times. After Saffron married you and nearly stole the ship from under us, I thought you were going to kiss me. But you accused me of kissing Saffron. I kissed you, you stupid man, not Saffron!”


“And I thought I would die when I discovered you coming out of Nandi’s room.”

“Ya never said.”

“I shouldn’t have to. If you really wanted me, nothing would have kept us apart.”

“I want ya, ‘Nara, but ya outta my league!”

“You think I’m in Jayne’s league? He fought to be with me, risked being thrown off Serenity. Jayne wants me, and I love the way he wants me, despite everything that should keep us apart.”

“There’s nothin’ more I can say. You and Jayne can leave soon as we hit New Haven.”

“But Mal”

“Can’t have ya on ma boat no more.”

“I understand.”

“Tell Jayne ta pack up and be ready ta ship out, I can’t talk ta him right now.”

Mal left Inara’s shuttle as Jayne walked into it. Jayne was the lucky one, the one with the qiang du (strength / intensity) to walk into Inara’s life and be the ai ren (soulmate) she needed.

Mal was a broken man; he’d lost the love of his life, just because he weren’t willing to take a risk.

(Word Count – 460)



Friday, July 14, 2006 8:15 PM


Ya know...right now, all I really wanna say is the following: there's making Mal suffer to eventually reshape him into a stronger person and then there's sheer and utter lunacy!

This is some crazy-ass stuff...some addictive crazy-ass stuff, but crazy-ass none the less. The funny part? I wanna see more! How much further are ya gonna go, Humbug? Cuz I wanna ride that crazy train along with ya;)



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Late Night Rendezvous
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 17 from Table 1: Peanut Butter. Kaylee has a fun night planned with Jayne. Flirt Alert!!! Very Sexy stuff...

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 62 from Table 1: Inevitable. Kaylee and Jayne get a surprise. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm really getting the hang of this 100 word limit now.)

Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 13 from Table 1: Honey. Kaylee fixes Jayne a home remedy. Flirt Alert!!!

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 35 from Table 1: Touch. Kaylee can't help responding to Jayne's touch. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm getting the hang of this 100 word limit, and a plot is starting to form.)

Competition: Part 1
romanceguru suggested the plot bunny for this over at Live Journal: She requested a Rayne story with Mal as the 'other man' vying for River's affection. Expect lots of Angst for River, and lots of fun too!

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 02 from Table 1: Bread. Kaylee is doing a little baking. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm getting the hang of this 100 word limit, and a plot is starting to form.)

Sweet Comfort
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 07 from Table 1: Cinnamon. Kaylee fixes Jayne a late night snack. Flirt Alert!!!

Love... Part 4
Troy_gal suggested the plot bunny for this over at Live Journal: She requested a Rayne story with an OC woman competing with River for Jayne. So here's Maggie. Expect lots of Angst for River, and lots of fun for Jayne. (Two women fighting for him. Must be his ultimate fantasy, don'tcha think?) (In case you're wondering, this is set in an alternative 'verse, where Wasn and Book are very much still alive and on Serenity.)

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 01 from Table 1: Toast. Kaylee and Jayne meet in the Galley. Flirt Alert!!!
(I didn't think I could do it - keep to the 100 word limit - but here's proof that I can and did!)

Animal Attraction
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 07 from Table 1: Cinnamon. Kaylee fixes Jayne a late night snack. Flirt Alert!!!