Wednesday, July 5, 2006

They were both glad just then, they had never before gotten a second chance.


Mal said he was sorry, though the words never left his lips. It was the way he looked at her, the way his brows knit together and the corners of his lip's dipped bit.

The last time was at Mr. Univers' place, he had looked at her and said 'I'm sorry'. And she wanted to tell him that if he kept himself alive, he would have nothing to say sorry for. But then she said it too, maybe thats because she was sorry too.

They both were very sorry, and they both cared about one another so much. They both knew it, they both hated knowing. If they did not know, it would not be another thing to lose. They all had lost so much, it just wasn't fair.

They were so sorry they had wasted so much time, and Inara felt her heart break knowing this could be the last words they spoke to one another.

He walked away and pressed the button on the lift, when it arived he looked back at her. She strung her bow and took a deep breath. Then she turned to look in his direction, as if she felt him looking at her.

They were both glad just then, they had never before gotten a second chance.

This time instead of saying sorry they said "please, take care... I think I love you... I'm scared I'll never see you again... I am glad i got to see you again" And so many other things that could never be said with words alone.

Then he entered the lift and the doors closed behind him.

They both prayed then. Her for more then the hundredth time and him for the first in a long time.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:04 PM


Short fic's seem to have something lacking. Resolution. The endings are never quite enough, even when "The End" is painted over the entire final scene.

The last line perfected the whole. Powerful actually. At first I was confused, the punctuation (or lack thereof) threw me off. But once I realized that Mal actually prayed, the connection was made and I sighed. Happily.

One of the few short fan fic's I've read where it was completely ok to be short. It was actually fitting to be short... any more would've just been overkill and useless exposition. Excellent writing (just work your punctuation a bit more for clarity)!

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:33 PM


it was nice

Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:25 AM


Good job, I liked this a lot. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:51 AM


Xie-Xie! I will work on my stuff more next time... I just had like 5 minutes to type it and post it before the computer lab closed so i rushed... i just needed to get that bit out of my head. I am so glad you liked it.

Friday, July 7, 2006 6:54 PM


Well now...this is some mighty fine ficcing right here, OldSoul1987! Really fits in for how we would presume Mal and Inara would be thinking at that juncture, and the fear-inducing hope that know the other person cares just as much as you do about them was spot on:)



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Black rock Ops.: Intro -Inara
Post BDM, WIP, I need a beta! Please let me know in your interested. I am planing to write each chapter in a slightly different style till i find one that suits me.

They were both glad just then, they had never before gotten a second chance.

Conversations in the low light: What happens when the captain's laundry follows you home and you're awake at an ungodly hour.
Next Chapter to laundry- Conversations in the low light: What happens when the captain's laundry follows you home and you're awake at an ungodly hour. Again its M/I, but soon i will get to the plot and the other characters; afterall firefly just isn't the same with out the whole gang putting in their two cents.

Its M/I
Its a one shot but it could be more
Its unedited
Its kinda funny
Its Author is sleep deprived as she post it
Its about Laundry and i hope you all like it, if any one likes it enough where they ask for seconds i guess you all should know i am looking for a beta

Insert really cool title here -->
WORK IN PROGRESS!!! takes place before out BDM, and this first part is only Mal/Inara angst fluff kinda stuff... PG-13 cause i am not sure if it is real bad or not.