My Valentine: Part 3
Monday, June 26, 2006

Jayne plans a Valentines Surprise for Kaylee. Lotsa Jaylee goodness. Lotsa angst. Enjoy!


Title: Restless Series Title: My Valentine Author: Humbug Rating: NC-17 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Word Count: 1884 Summary: Kaylee and Jayne's relationship Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!! Warning: Jaylee angst – it’ll stop hurting soon.

Authors note: Thanks to bookaddict for betaing.

Read the previous chapters posted at my Live Journal.


I just watched ‘Something New’ today, and this sexy film gave me some wicked ideas.

Jayne plans a surprise for Kaylee on Valentines. Other characters pop in and out. I’ve got the fanfic writing bug. Enjoy!!


Ni hao = hello

Go se = crap

swai = handsome

bao-bei = darling

Lui shen = careful!

Gan lan zhi = Olive branch (symbol of peace)

Go he = Peace!

xin-gan = darling



Jayne was wide awake. He lay there in bed, his arms behind his head. Sighing he glanced over at Kaylee, fast asleep. He smiled. At least she was sleeping. He would have to find some other way to get tired. Pulling on a t-shirt he walked down to the cargo bay. A half an hour of lifting weights should do it.

He fixed the weights at the end of the bar, and lay down on the weight bench. He breathed deeply and grasped the bar. Lifting the weights off the rest he counted as he pumped, one… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten... and put the bar back on the rest.

That felt better. He could feel the blood pumping around his system, along with adrenaline, felt his muscles working hard. Ten more…

Counting, he thought about Kaylee and the surprise he had planned. He had talked with Mal. They were landing on Osiris in a few days and had a long weekend, four days and three nights.

There was a Valentine’s Day Ball near the hotel. Inara had booked the room, with a double bed and a bath large enough for two, as well as buying ball tickets and ordering her dressmaker to make a beautiful dress and shoes for Kaylee. It would be tight across her breasts, sleeveless to show off her arms and shoulders, a beautiful gold material which slinked across every curve, down to her toes, with dainty gold shoes perfect for dancing. Inara had measured Kaylee for it by pretending to have one of her dresses altered for Kaylee to wear, and had measured him for a dress suit. They would make a swai couple, the Companion said.

Jayne grinned. A whole weekend with Kaylee, baths together, three long nights, wonderful meals. No plain protein like on Serenity. This would cheer her up. He’d make her feel like a Queen. His Queen. No more tears after this. He would prove to her how much he loved her.

After fifty lifts, Jayne put he weights down and wiped himself down. He spread out on the floor and did fifty push ups and then fifty sit ups. Ah, that felt better. His muscles always felt better after a good work out. He was plum wore out now. Grinning, he got up and went to the galley for something to drink before going back to bed.

He found Inara pouring herself out some hot milk. She couldn’t sleep. She was really concerned about Kaylee.

“Hey’ Nara!” Jayne said.

“Ni hao, Jayne. Do you want some warm milk too?”

He nodded. “I’m guessin’ ya can’t sleep either.”

“I’m worried about Kaylee.”

“Me too,” Jayne smiled weakly.

“This weekend should do her some good.”

“I hope so. That is, if she still wants ta be with me….”

Inara handed him a cup of milk. Their fingers brushed and she struggled to keep from gasping.

Jayne frowned. “Ya alright, ‘Nara?”

He was saying her name the same way Kaylee did. Inara pulled herself together and continued.

“She loves you, that’s why she’s so upset. You need to show her how much you care.”

“Well,” he said with a smile, “I was thinking of painting our bunk, and making a new name plate. Really make it our bunk.”

“That’s a great idea.”

“I just need some paint, brushes, a piece o’ board an’ some pretty paper and ribbon…. But I ain’t got a artful bone in ma body.”

Inara smiled at his misuse of the word artful when he meant artistic. “I’m sure that Kaylee will supply the artistic ability. But I can supply paint and some board.”

Taking his arm they walked to her shuttle. “Do you want to come in?”

“Don’t think that’s such a bright idea after how jealous Kaylee got before.”

“You’re right,” Inara smiled and brought out the art supplies.

“Thanks, ‘Nara. Night!”

“Night, Jayne,” Inara kissed him on the cheek and sighed. Kaylee was lucky to be loved by a man like Jayne, someone who was not afraid to show his feelings.

Jayne turned and started to walk back to his and Kaylee’s bunk. He smirked, not sure whether he could believe what had just happened. Inara had just flirted with him. Maybe Kaylee wasn’t thinkin’ a lotta go se. Seems like Inara had her eye on him.


Kaylee woke up and stretched. She reached across for a cuddle. She was a lucky woman to have a forgiving lover like Jayne.

He wasn’t there, but in his place was a present and a note.

She jumped up and ripped off the shiny paper excitedly. Oh, it was a piece of wood… Wondering what it meant, she picked up the note and began to read the roughly written words. She smiled. She knew Jayne had written it himself….


This is a prisant ta shew ya how much I luv ya.

We can paint it latter. It is a name plat. It will say Jayne & Kaylees Room insted of just Kaylees Room.

I luv ya babe.


Kaylee held it to her chest, as if she could hold Jayne as she held his note. Quickly she got dressed and picking up the present and note ran down the walkway to the bridge, laughing when she saw him. “Thank you, my swai man!” she giggled, throwing her arms around him.

Embracing her back, he whispered, “I love ya, bao-bei.”

They held each other tight.

“Ya know we’re gonna paint this today. We’ll hafta sleep in my old bunk while it dries.”

“So long as I’m with you…”

“There’s lotsa paint ta choose from. Paint for the name plate and paint for the walls. We’ll make it our bunk. Not just yours or mine.”

“Our bunk!” She giggled and their kisses deepened.

He plunged his hands into her long hair, and rubbed the back of her neck. She ran her hands along his sides and under his shirt. Jayne ran his kisses across her cheek and sucked on her ear and neck. Kaylee gasped and kissed along his jaw line and back to his hungry lips and tongue.

They were disturbed by the sound of Wash clearing his throat, coming to start his shift on the bridge.


Dressed in old shirts, Jayne and Kaylee were painting their bunk. Kaylee chose a kind of light yellow called ‘Desert Glow’ that would light up the room and that Jayne had not objected to as too girly.

Kaylee tied her hair back in an old kerchief. She was wearing shorts and no shoes, so she could get as dirty as she liked. Jayne had his oldest work out clothes on: shorts and an old cut off t-shirt, and no shoes too for once.

Laughing, they dipped their brushes in the same tin. Some paint dripped off Jayne’s brush and onto the floor.

“Lui shen, Jayne. Don’t waste the paint.”

“Careful. I’ll show ya careful!”

Jayne dabbed paint on her feet. Kaylee laughed, partly shocked that Jayne had painted her, and partly from the tickle of the brush. She reached out and smeared paint across his shorts.

“Oh, it’s like that is it?”

He sloshed more paint on her legs. She squealed and hopped out of the way, stretching out and painting a large stripe across his chest.

He chased after her, painting her arms and getting paint on her shirt, making it stick to her breasts.

“Gan lan zhi! Gou he!Gou he!!” she cried, crossing her fingers as a white flag signalling the end of the paint fight.

Jayne grabbed her and pulled her against his chest. Breathing deep, they stared at one another. They dropped their brushes. As Jayne dipped down to kiss her, Kaylee wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. Parting their lips, tongues exploring each others mouths, they held each other close. Catching their breath, they stopped and stared at one another again.

“Let’s paint!” Jayne suggested.

Picking up their brushes, Kaylee went to paint the opposite wall to Jayne.

“Hey! Where ya goin’?”

“Think it’s better to paint over here. We’re supposed ta be paintin’, not kissin’!”

“Ya in the same room, and ya breathing. Don’t even hafta look at you ta be tempted ta kiss ya and hold ya , even ta wanna start sexin’ ya.”

“Oh, Jayne.”

“Kaylee, no one’s gonna disturb us. Come ‘ere…”

“Jayne….” Kaylee warned.

“If ya don’t want me...?”

“I want ya…. So much…. But we’re supposed ta be paintin’.”

“Paintin’ can wait.” Jayne caught her around her waist. He pulled her to him, and kissed her tenderly. Kaylee sighed as she melted into his arms. They sank to the floor and Jayne lay back, smiling up at her.

“Come ‘ere,” he sighed. Jayne pulled her against his chest and gently stroked her hair.

“We don’t have ta do nothin’ if ya don’t want ta.” He whispered. “I don’t ‘xactly know what’s goin’ on in ya head. I know ya hurtin’ and wanna make ya feel better. Ya know, before you I never told a woman I loved her, ‘cept my Ma and sisters. I last told a girl I loved her when I wasn’t much more’n a boy. I love ya, Kaylee. I wanna keep sexin’ ya, but I’m willin’ ta wait.”

She didn’t answer.

He sighed deeply. “Oh Kaylee girl, if ya decide that ya don’t wanna be with me no more, ya just gotta tell me. I want ta be with ya so bad…… aahh, Kaylee girl...… If ya don’t want me back…… Well…… I’ll just hafta find a way ta stop wantin’ ya.”

Jayne held her close and she closed her eyes. Pressing his lips against her hair he whispered her name.

Kaylee looked up, brown eyes to blue, “I love ya, Jayne. So much. But I just get this feelin’ that ya don’t want me no more.”

“Kaylee….…” he groaned.

“Just let me finish.”

“Sorry,” he bit his tongue and tried to understand what she wanted to tell him.

Kaylee breathed deeply to summon up the courage to say what she needed. “Inara’s so beautiful. Ya deserve ta be with someone beautiful like her. River’s so clever. Ya deserve to be with someone clever like her. Zoe’s so strong. Ya deserve ta be with someone like her. But me, I’m plain and not clever and I feel so weak…” The tears welled up again. “Oh, Kaylee, I want ya! Not Zoe, Not Inara, not River, I want ya.” He gently brushed her tears away, kissing every tear trail on her face. “Yer clever the way ya fix Serenity. Ya work miracles. The way ya stay so happy, yer a ray of light on this boat. Ya strong, the way ya keep going, even when it gets tough.”

He pulled her close, rested his cheek on her hair and breathed deep to calm and settle her. “Don’t give up on y’self . Don’t give up on me or us. Don’t push me away. Ya so beautiful, ma Kaylee. Ya strong and clever and beautiful, ya just forgot it. Please remember.”

She looked up and they kissed tenderly.

“Let’s get this paintin’ done.” Jayne got up, pulled her to her feet and kissed her on the forehead.

“Thanks, Jayne.”

“Ya welcome, xin-gan!”


To be continued



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Late Night Rendezvous
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 17 from Table 1: Peanut Butter. Kaylee has a fun night planned with Jayne. Flirt Alert!!! Very Sexy stuff...

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 62 from Table 1: Inevitable. Kaylee and Jayne get a surprise. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm really getting the hang of this 100 word limit now.)

Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 13 from Table 1: Honey. Kaylee fixes Jayne a home remedy. Flirt Alert!!!

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 35 from Table 1: Touch. Kaylee can't help responding to Jayne's touch. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm getting the hang of this 100 word limit, and a plot is starting to form.)

Competition: Part 1
romanceguru suggested the plot bunny for this over at Live Journal: She requested a Rayne story with Mal as the 'other man' vying for River's affection. Expect lots of Angst for River, and lots of fun too!

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 02 from Table 1: Bread. Kaylee is doing a little baking. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm getting the hang of this 100 word limit, and a plot is starting to form.)

Sweet Comfort
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 07 from Table 1: Cinnamon. Kaylee fixes Jayne a late night snack. Flirt Alert!!!

Love... Part 4
Troy_gal suggested the plot bunny for this over at Live Journal: She requested a Rayne story with an OC woman competing with River for Jayne. So here's Maggie. Expect lots of Angst for River, and lots of fun for Jayne. (Two women fighting for him. Must be his ultimate fantasy, don'tcha think?) (In case you're wondering, this is set in an alternative 'verse, where Wasn and Book are very much still alive and on Serenity.)

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 01 from Table 1: Toast. Kaylee and Jayne meet in the Galley. Flirt Alert!!!
(I didn't think I could do it - keep to the 100 word limit - but here's proof that I can and did!)

Animal Attraction
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 07 from Table 1: Cinnamon. Kaylee fixes Jayne a late night snack. Flirt Alert!!!