You can't
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

über-short scene between zoë and mal about those "shipboard romances". set pre-series.


this was my intitial start for a sequal to the 'dreams' series. however, i couldn't really get into it (with the story line etc) and it all seemed a bit forced (as sequals sometimes end up). though i now have a fun new zoë and wash pre-series idea which i will commence writing (which begins after this incident so it no longer fits), but thought i'd post this to make good my "shipboard-romance discussion" promise! hope you enjoy!


“You can’t.”

Zoë stared sternly at the Captain. They were stood in the cargo bay an awkward distance apart, Mal’s face still slightly rouged, but stricken with fury. “I believe I just did,” came Zoë’s reply, cool but resolute. They both knew this was serious. Zoë wouldn’t disobey Mal unless she truly believed she was doing the right thing and if she truly believed she was doing the right thing, she would never waver.

“You can’t!” Mal protested, his voice higher than he would’ve liked. “I won’t allow it, not here, not anywhere.”

They stared at each other, both aware this was no longer about ‘shipboard romances’. This was about Mal.

“I mean, just look at him! The man’s a mess!”

“Sir…” Zoë’s voice was a growling threat.

“And when things go bad I’ll have a whole load of gos-se to deal with. Namely findin’ a new pilot.”

“You say one more word on this subject you’ll be findin’ a new first mate.”

Mal stared at Zoë, taken aback. She had stuck with him through everything, thick and thin, the war. But she was about to abandon him over one Hawaiian shirt wearing, joke of a man who played with toy dinosaurs?

“Touching down in 15 minutes.”

They both started at the sound of Wash’s voice over the comm. Mal realised his mouth was slightly open and closed it hastily. What could he say? He had lost and they both knew it.

He turned sharply, striding out of the cargo bay, muttering mandarin under his breath. “Fang-zong feng-kuang deben tian-sheng de yi dui rou…”

Zoë took a moment alone to sigh, taking in all that had passed between them. This was not going to be easy, but what had she expected? Still, there was no way that Mal was going to take Wash from her, not now.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:23 AM


Sofi, did I ever tell you that you where my hero? I can always count on you for the Wash/Zoe stuff. Cause I can't ever get enough.
Tonya :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 12:53 PM


Wow, this might have been short but *diyu* is it powerful. I can so imagine that scene playing out just like that. Now Mal knows what Zoe is like when she is in love. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 7:45 PM


nice. I wrote one just like this. Well, not just. But the same idea. Called "Against Orders." It'd honor my... honor... if you'd check it out.

I can't get enough of Washness either. Keep it up. As will I.

Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:45 AM


Excellent, simply excellent. I always wondered what the conversation would have been like when Zoe told Mal she was getting married.


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