Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's the beginning of Wash and Zoe's relationship backwards. Ok, that doesn't really make sense... but read it! Does make sense I promise.


It was early, very early. Mal rarely rose on time, let alone before and yet he had found it difficult to sleep ever since that companion had come aboard. There was just something about her that was so distracting. Still, that was her job he supposed. Careful so as not to wake anyone he pulled open the door to his bunk and climbed out onto the corridor. Maybe he would go over the course Wash had set, even though it was entirely unnecessary. Anything to distract the mind…

As he turned towards the bridge he was halted by the sound of hushed giggles. Mal glanced around just in time to see Wash emerge, flushed, topless and baring a grin, from his bunk. No, wait, Zoë’s bunk. Wash looked up, his eyes meeting with Mal’s. His expression would have been comical, blood draining from his cheeks then rushing back, his face blushing a violent crimson, but Mal didn’t laugh.

There was deadly silence.

Wash couldn’t prevent the images of a slow, painful death which flitted through his mind, greeted by Mal’s severe gaze.

“Well now,” Mal finally said, recovering his power of speech, though his voice did sound strained.

Wash felt Zoë’s hands from below push him urgently upwards and he stumbled out into the corridor, his stomach rapidly sinking. This could not go well. Zoë was wearing one of his Hawaiian shirts and not much else, but her look was one of complete seriousness.

Mal blinked at her in shock as she rose elegantly from her bunk with grim determination. “Please tell me there is some reasoning for this feng-kuang that does not involve ruttin’.”

Wash glanced to Zoë for support but she had none to offer. Instead she stared at the Captain with resolute defiance. Although this question seemed more of a plead to Zoë, Wash answered with an awkward cough. “Actually, there is an interesting story behind -”

Bi-zui,” Mal commanded sternly, not taking his accusing eyes from Zoë.

“Sir,” Zoë growled, her voice filled with warning. She was not about to give up this feeling for Mal’s emotional convenience and ensured he knew it.

~ 3 days earlier ~

“You should go.”

Wash groaned as Zoë turned to face him, his eyes blinking slowly open. Their legs were still entwined and one of his strong arms wrapped around her protectively. He pulled her towards him, still delighting in the silken soft feel of her naked skin. “Don’t wanna go…” he muttered sulkily, gently kissing her.

Zoë smiled, pushing him from her. “Everyone will be getting up soon.”

Wash closed his eyes dramatically and began reciting the literature of his youth. “I have more care to stay than will to go. Come death, welcome -” his eyes opened and saw Zoë’s blank face. “It’s Shakespeare.”


“Learnt it at school. He was a pretty neat guy!”

“You still have to go.”

“Aw, come on!” With a sly smile he kissed her again, gently prizing her mouth open with his tongue. Zoë smiled against his lips and allowed him to pin her down although her body was still tired with sleep. The last week had been so amazing. Falling to sleep in Wash’s comforting arms had felt so right…

~ 1 week earlier ~


Wash grabbed Zoë and pushed her hard against the wall of his bunk, his heart exploding with anger and passion. Before he even knew what he was doing, he had kissed her, deeply, frantically. He didn’t even know why. Had this been here all along or was this new? To his utter surprise, her lips engaged with his and she grasped at him with her fingers, pulling him towards her ardently. Was this some kind of twisted dream? Wash broke away from her, gazing at her in confusion. “Are you not going to punch me then?”

In reply, she engaged him in another passionate embrace, her frantic hands clutching at the lapels of his shirt while his body pressed her against the wall. Her kiss was intense, consuming, encouraging him to further, deeper.

Wash’s senses were almost entirely engulfed in the smell of her, the touch of her warm, soft skin. A guttural groan of pleasure escaped his lips as she ran her slender fingers through his sandy hair, rolling her hips against him, and he brimmed with excitement. He clutched at that beautiful area where her legs met her back, lifting her up to him.

A part of Wash still expected the sting of her slap, but she seemed to be taking this well! They clung to each other with fervent ardour. A moment later and he was carrying her to his bed, laying her gently on the unmade sheets. “I’m still angry with you,” he said as she ripped off his shirt.

“Of course, honey.”

~ 2 hours earlier ~

“We will be taking this job.” Mal’s voice was iced with finality but everyone recoiled.

“I ain’t goin’ no where near reaver country,” Jayne protested, folding his arms.

“It’s too dangerous,” Wash interjected. “Even if I get through the belt it’ll be -”

“This isn’t up for debate. Get some sleep. You’ll be needin’ it.” Mal turned and left the mess and the crew who looked stunned.

Except Zoë. She turned to follow Mal, but Kaylee halted her. “Do you think we can do it?”

Wash sighed, his pride hurt by the Captain rebuttal. “It doesn’t matter. She’ll agree with him anyway.”

Zoë rounded on Wash, her large dark eyes glinting angrily. Kaylee backed away slightly, looking nervously between the two of them.

“He could ask me to fly into a sun and you’d follow him blindly.” Wash was hot with frustration.

“We need this job,” Zoë said evenly.

“Not if it kills us.”

“Little man has a point,” Jayne agreed.

“The Captain thinks we can -” Zoë began.

“Oh, if he thinks we can do it, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Wash mocked. “Pretty sure he could be wrong though. What about that war? Didn’t he think you could win that?”

If looks could kill… Wash didn’t waver though. He strode past her from the room, leaving Zoë smouldering.

In the solitude of his bunk, Wash paced up and down the floor. He didn’t know who he was most annoyed with, Mal or Zoë. How could she be so blind?

Suddenly there was knock on his door and not waiting for a reply Zoë shoved it open and climbed down. Her face was furious.

“Come right on in, then,” Wash kidded. “Can’t sleep? Not surprised what with the death we got planned for tomorrow.”

“Wash, you’re pretty new so I’ll just explain something. Mal is the Captain. He would never lead us somewhere that he didn’t seriously think was good for us. And also, he is a damn good Captain so he is rarely wrong about this kind of thing. Oh and if I think he is wrong, I will tell him, so do not throw around your gorram assumptions ever again. Understand?”

Wash just laughed though he felt the heat of anger grow in his chest. “Need to get that off your chest? You know you must have been pretty good in the army. Shame they didn’t teach you how to feel.”

Zoë tried to reel in her emotions, but this man was unbearable. Her chest heaved. Walk away. “What would you know about feelings, flyboy.”

Kao!” Wash swore as Zoë turned away, something glinting in her eyes other than anger. Blood boiled in his veins and he grabbed Zoë, pushing her hard against the wall of his bunk. Before he even knew what he was doing, he had kissed her, deeply, frantically. He didn’t even know why.

~ 8 days earlier ~

The whole crew sat in near silence around the kitchen table, eating the coloured protein that passed off as a meal. The job had gone south, way south. That meant no payment. That meant no party aboard Serenity that evening.

“What happened to the moustache?” Mal asked, finally breaking the silence.

“I thought I looked more suave and manly without it,” Wash explained. He didn’t have to look up to see Zoë’s gaze of mocking. There was something about her. He was unsure what he had done to offend her, but she never met his eyes without mocking, nor spoke without cruelty. Any forced moments alone were spent in cattiness and bitterness, but there was no way she could drive him from this ship.

“I think it looks very sweet,” Kaylee perked up, noticing Zoë’s gaze.

Wash smiled in gratification. “Well, thank you, Kaylee.”

There was another silence, before Mal broke his thoughtful silence. “When we stop we’ll try and find someone to rent one of the shuttles. Could give us some respectability and we desperately need the money.”

No one protested. It was true.

~ 12 days earlier ~

The man at the end of the ramp was short, he bore tufts of strawberry blonde hair and a baggy Hawaiian shirt. Zoë frowned. This was the god sent pilot? While Mal greeted him like a long-lost friend Zoë kept back. He certainly wasn’t what she had expected. There was something in his manner that unsettled her and she just didn’t like that feeling.

They showed him up to the bridge. He was cocky, he was laid back and he kept cracking jokes that just didn’t seem funny. There was something seriously odd with this man, but only Zoë could admit it. “I don’t like him.”

She could see Mal was taken aback. “What?” he exclaimed.

Zoë shrugged. “Just something about him bothers me.”

The End. Wait no... The Beginning. =D


feng-kuang - madness bi-zui - shut up kao - a bad word beginning with 'f'


Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:46 PM


That was freaking awesome... to quote your story, "KAO!"

:D keep up the good work!

Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:17 PM


I like it a great deal. Washness. Yes, I have a few of these. Check em out if yer interested. Course none are quite so passionate... huh.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:18 PM


Wait, I wanted to compliment you on the flow too. Backwards was very creative and interesting.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:38 PM


Loved the backwards motion of events puth forth in forward, that came out screwy;)

Still...great work, Sofi!


Monday, May 22, 2006 8:23 AM


yeah totally had difficulty explainin that!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:23 AM


yeah totally had difficulty explainin that!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:23 AM


yeah totally had difficulty explainin that!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:23 AM


yeah totally had difficulty explainin that!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:23 AM


yeah totally had difficulty explainin that!

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:23 AM


yeah totally had difficulty explainin that!

Monday, May 22, 2006 7:42 PM


Ok, I normally really hate storylines that start at the end and end at the beginning, but you really pulled this one off well! Not to mention I've a sore spot for Wash, so you won points for that one... and how Zoe and Wash got together, what a wonderful playground to just romp in. Thanks for posting this!


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The Gift - Act III
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The Gift: Act II
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The Gift: Act I
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Reaching for the Stars: Introductions - Jayne
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"i guess we do all have different reactions to death..." über-short one-off wash/zoe post-bdm happy type fanfic (this isn't sarcasm, it actually is happy)

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