Serenity's Hiccup - Part Two
Friday, May 12, 2006

Missing scenes from "Out of Gas". This is chapter two of four. The shuttles are called back to the ship.


Disclaimers: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own all characters. I make no profit, but feedback is a wonderful form of payment. Author's Notes – 11/16/05: Thank you kindly for the reviews on chapter one. Hope you like this chapter.

Additional Notes – 5/12/06: I'm sorry that I'm reposting this. Apparently, the chapter posted back in November attracted a spammer. I keep getting reviews that are nothing but links and garbage, so I deleted the fic and am reposting it so that hopefully, the spammer leaves me alone.

I really hated to remove the original because I loved everyone's comments and I hate to lose the reviews; but daily, I'm getting several anonymous reviews and it's cluttering my fic and I'm sure eating up bandwidth on this wonderful site. So a heartfelt Thank You to everyone who commented the first time through. If you would like to leave a new review, I'd be thrilled.

Also, I know I haven't written or posted in months; but hopefully someday soon, I'll start writing again. Real life became my own pack of unruly Reavers to deal with. It needed my full attention. Thanks everyone! "You Can't Take The Sky From Me"



"Would you like to talk about it?" Inara softly asked, reaching over and squeezing her friend's shoulder. Ever since Kaylee and Book had boarded the shuttle, she had noticed that Kaylee had sat silently beside her, staring forlornly into the black. She realized that Kaylee would be far from her normal, bubbly self since Serenity had broken down, but something else was bothering the mechanic.

Out of the corner of her eye, Inara noticed Jayne rifling through some of her personal belongings and muttering about a smell. Had she not been concerned about Kaylee, she would have lectured the mercenary about manners and privacy. At least Book was not making a nuisance out of himself, not that she expected him to; however, she imagined he was quite uncomfortable, sitting amongst places where she had entertained clients countless times. The preacher's eyes never left the pages of his Bible as he read page after page of scriptures.

Kaylee shifted her eyes from the black nothingness and looked at Inara. "No, 'Nara. I was jus' thinkin'. I should be stayin' with her not the Cap'n. I did this. I shoulda known. Maybe I gave up too quickly. Maybe I coulda fixed her."

"Kaylee, stop blaming yourself," Inara said firmly. She cupped a smooth, silky hand under Kaylee's chin and tilted the disheartened mechanic's head up so that their eyes met. "Do not ever think that you could have fixed Serenity in her current condition. Some things cannot be fixed. You said so yourself. If there was a way to repair that catalyzer, you would have been able to do it hours ago." The Companion sighed and stroked Kaylee's cheek with her thumb. In a calm voice, reserved for talking to special clients or treasured friends, she asked, "Now, do you want to tell me what is really bothering you?"

"Zoë…" Kaylee started but was abruptly cutoff by Inara's unsympathetic glare. "I…uh…just wanted…" she stammered but was thankfully interrupted when the communicator crackled to life.

"Hold that thought." Inara grabbed the radio, straining to hear the garbled transmission, before she smiled. "We're heading back to the ship," she relayed the message to the other three crewmembers. She winked at Kaylee and added, "Zoë's orders."

Kaylee's heart leapt into her throat as she felt all sorts of joy. "Does that mean the Cap'n fixed Serenity?"

"I don’t know yet. All I know is that Zoë ordered us to return."

For the first time since the catalyzer broke and caused the massive explosion, Kaylee released a breath she had been holding. Zoë was going to be okay, Mal had assumedly fixed Serenity, and Simon…she'd get to see him again.

Inara focused on returning to the firefly. Whatever had been bothering Kaylee was now in the past. She thought about continuing their conversation, but the sparkle in the mechanic's eye told her to just let bygones be bygones.


Meanwhile, in the other shuttle, Wash was just as happy as any hotshot pilot, flying high in the sky, could be. He sat behind the controls, running the throttle at full-burn. He continued to look over at Zoë every few seconds, smiling at his autumn flower.

Simon finished checking Zoë's vitals after she had sent the message to call Inara's shuttle back to Serenity. Satisfied that she was fine, he took a seat and leaned back heavily, relaxing and thinking about all that had happened within the last day, especially the part when Kaylee kissed him. He replayed that scene over and over.

River sat beside her brother, occasionally serenading him with several varied renditions of "Happy Birthday".

"River, my birthday is over now. It was yesterday," Simon informed. The calendar had changed days as each shuttle spent the last several hours in the sky, searching for help.

"I still didn't get you anything."

"It's okay, mei mei," Simon reassured and almost continued by telling her, Wash, and Zoë that he had received the best birthday gift from Kaylee; but instead, he clamped his mouth shut.

River reached over and massaged her brother's cheeks. "You need to relax these muscles. Don't clench your jaw shut. Bad for your teeth. Instead, part your lips. Embrace life."

Hearing River's words, Wash and Zoë exchanged a confused glance as Simon quickly grabbed for River's hands. "River, stop it!" he hissed. A red hue was growing on his cheeks.

"My brother, the boob," she announced before gracefully sliding out of her seat and walking over to Zoë.

For once, Simon hoped that Wash and Zoë would just think that River was babbling nonsense. He didn't know if he liked his sister being able to read minds, especially his. Especially now.

"Prepare for docking," Wash notified as he spied the firefly and then gasped.

"What, Honey?" Zoë asked, raising herself into a sitting position.

"She's alive," Wash replied excitedly. "She's alive!"

Simon and Zoë exchanged a look of shock, but River sat quietly on the floor beside Zoë. "Hurt. Pain. We need to help him fast. Death's coming."

Ending note: Again, sorry for any confusion by re-posting this out of order. If you missed this fic the first time through, you can click my name above and you'll be able to find parts One, Three, and Four.


Friday, May 12, 2006 2:48 PM


You have NO idea how excited I was to see a post by you! But then, darn, it was just a re-post! I don't blame you. I noticed that spammer on the old version of this story.

I'm not sure if I commented on that one or not. But I love this story, all the parts of it. And I do hope you return writing in the Firefly verse sometime in the future!

Friday, May 12, 2006 7:06 PM


I totally understand you on the reposting, my first fic has one on it too. I love everything about this story and if I didn't comment on it before, I will now! I loved that Simon shut his mouth before he spilled the beans about his favorite birthday present, so Simon!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:41 AM


oh how very cute, I loved simon's reaction to having his brain invaded by his younger sister. poor little boob

Sunday, March 4, 2007 3:51 AM


To make up for all the surely shiny comments you lost - I love this! It's so sweet! Anything with K/S in it is a winner in my book. But this is very well written, one of the best OutofGas missing moments I've come across. :)


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Serenity's Hiccup - Part Two
Missing scenes from "Out of Gas". This is chapter two of four. The shuttles are called back to the ship.

A Serenity Christmas
This fluffy holiday Simon/Kaylee fic was written for a Fluff-A-Thon. This is set post-Serenity, although there are no spoilers. The cast is Simon/Kaylee, River, and a cameo from Mal and the space monkeys.

Pit Stop
Sequel to "Finding Trouble". Simon and Kaylee help each other clean up after Simon found himself greasy from his trip to the junkyard. *Adult Situations*

Finding Trouble
Mal and Zoe go into town to find work while Simon, Kaylee, River, and Jayne go to the junkyard to look for parts. S/K and R/J. Short - written for a challenge

Serenity's Hiccup - Part Four
Final chapter for my missing and added scenes to the episode, "Out of Gas". This one is purely S/K. They finally get a moment to themselves. Alone.

Family Traditions
Spoiler for the movie. Kaylee is wearing a necklace that has a past, present, and future.

Serenity's Hiccup - Part Three
Missing scenes from "Out of Gas". This is chapter three of four. The crew has returned. Simon needs to care for Mal. Kaylee needs to check on <i>Serenity</I>. Everyone else gets to play, too.

Serenity's Hiccup - Part One
Set during "Out of Gas". A missing scene between Simon and Kaylee before they leave on their separate shuttles. Currently, this is part one of four.

Chocolate Covered Dino
Zoë walks in on Wash. He's playing but not with his dinosaurs. No spoilers for any show. Very short fic written for a challenge.

When She Hums
Set a week after "Objects in Space". Kaylee's not dealing well with Early's ghost, and Simon is the one to comfort her.