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Life would glide so much smoother if I could just shut the smeggin' hell up. I try. I really do try. It just doesn't work too well. I reach a certain level of frustration with my surroundings or situation, ...
WOW! Busy times. I haven't really been around around this month. At the beginning, I was in Austria. Then I was really busy helping out at my local primary school. Then I was on a pilgrimage to Lourdes! ...
I try not to be a selfish person, you know? And I know that when you give blood it could be saving someone's life. We're having one at work today, and I feel almost obligated to give, but the whole ...
Ok..:blast: I bought the Dollhouse First season CD's, and I have to say I didn't give the TV show a fair shake when it aired. Im not a particular fan of Eliza Dushku, but I have to say in the later episodes ...
Ever have one of those tales that seem to take over, go from a simple idea to a behemoth? That’s what happened with Jericho Wells. It was meant to be nothing much more than a filler, a little tale slotted ...
:( Well, that's what it seemed like. I had to leave my truck at this garage that works on fleet vehicles. Large rides to little ones, and pretty much everything in between. When they put 'er up on ...
You ever have on of those Saturday mornings where your body hates you so much you think you're never going to drink alcohol ever again? That's me right now.
Hello all! I assure you that I haven't forgotten any of you here in Firefly Land! I've been busy with work and with new fandoms (Star Trek XI & Heroes). I've been bitten by the muse in Star Trek ...
If somebody dropped a strong-box of money from above, it would probably land on my head and flatten me flatter than Wiley Coyote at the bottom of the goram canyon. You ever have a day like that? Yeah? ...
I slept like 20 hours and I am still staggering around like there's something wrong with me. I just can't seem to get awake today. Still yawning. Still watery-eyed and drowsy. Not enough caffeine. ...
I gotta be at work in 2.5 hours. I've had 4 cups of coffee. I still feel like a slug. I want to go hurt the fucktards that probably slipped me goram decaf!! I pay good money for coffee, I expect goram ...
Hi everyone! One of my friends had a bit of a medical emergency recently. They're okay now, but they're not feeling up to writing this original story they've been working on, and they asked me to help ...
It used to just be Lunesta. And that was a moth. I've wanted to say this for almost two years, and I can't take it any more so I will: They're invading. MWHA HA HA HA! The big blue butterflies ...
Ah, frying pan, alas it is time we part ways. I long for my good ol'friend, the fire. I'm not in love with the fire, but it seems to be where I find myself...a lot...we've come to know each other very, ...
Howdy Just updating a bit. I haven’t given up hope……..not one iota on Firefly, not one minuscule bit! Why the networks seem to think that it was some flash in the pan type of tv phenomenon ...
Oh, beautiful curry, How do I love your nuclear shade? I can count so many ways. I love you when I spill you on my shirt, and eat a hole right through. I love your smoking ass hot delicious taste, and ...
Whelp, that was an interesting side trip. Fun, packed in a lot of work in a short little while. Was managing about half a page of writing a day. That's a blistering pace for me, really. Sent off the ...
Shame there is only one a week :) Tonight's my Firefly drooling night, can't wait to get home and re watch all our belovered crew again and again and again :)
Had this weird dream where I was going to a party, held in either a house or a club house. As I wandered up the walk, I strolled next to Summer, and what appeared to be her date, some guy who I did not ...
I am finally giving in to my chronic wanderlust, and going. Not really sure where as of yet, but going. Never really been west of the Mississippi before, so that's as good a place to start as any. ...
So my boy and I were watching Firefly. Afterwards, I picked up the individual cases and just quickly shoved them back into the box. Mike quickly shouted, "Be careful!" to which I was a little's ...
Apparently, anyway, according to this guy in an army jacket who was walking behind me on the street. Although I couldn't tell if he was actually talking to me, or if he just had Tourette's. There was ...