
Movin' on...shiny...
Sunday, January 31, 2010

You'll probably find this hard to believe, but I just got major league screwed in this last deal. I'm totally bustin' my ass for these people, and guess what? They have been robbing me blind! I am now not only in the middle of gorram nowhere-I am short of coin in the middle of gorram nowhere! And I am seriously pissed off about it, too!
Sparing you the gory details is a kindness, believe me. Right now, I'm just trying to keep my big fat mouth shut about it. Nothin' I can do for a few more weeks. I wish it was as simple as shootin'em, but that'd just be more trouble I don't need at this point.
It is definitely time to cut my losses and roll, though. It is in the works, but patience has never been my finest quality. I hate to wait. I also hate being poor.
I can put up with a lot for the sake of completing the job, but don't fuck with my money! Seriously, anybody got any spare zen I can borrow?


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 1:20 PM


There's always a new prospect on the horizon, man. The trick is getting untangled from the mess you're in so you can get to it! I'm moving on as soon as I possibly can. Three more weeks now, and I'm out.
Thanks for the zen, BTW. I am usually chronically short of that too...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 3:40 PM


My Mom, who is very Zen, even though she might not know it (seriously, she is one of the most serene persons I know, just amazing) in situations like that always says "Who knows what it is good for". So, even though you feel totally screwed at the moment, you might thank the fates later because your life just took a new turn and it might push you in a direction you would have never taken otherwise. (Or it might just suck, but that's me talking, not my Zen-Mom ...)

Keep flyin'

Monday, February 1, 2010 10:55 AM


The only Zen I have "what comes around,goes around".I know it isn't much use too you but Im a firm believer in that.I've other choice words as well,but there may be youngens about .I hope you stay shiny and don't let them monkey bottoms eaters see how angry you are,laugh at them :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010 6:28 AM


Ouch. "I do the job, I get paid." Why is it people have such a problem with the second part?

Well, got any new prospects on the horizon?


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