Serenity Map Version 3.1 (modified)
Sunday, December 4, 2005

Gosh darnit! The chief navigator at the Encyclopedia Galcticus must have a leaky brainpan, because he posted an innaccurate map of the 'verse only one day ago. We apologize to any captains who got lost out in the black looking for a planet that wasn't there... (Okay, what actually happened is that I read the descriptions of the planets in the Serenity RPG more closely and decided to modify my recently posted map somewhat). Old version of the map:



Sunday, December 4, 2005 10:21 AM


In the RPG, it's mentioned that Shadow was bombed so heavily during the war it was rendered uninhabitable.

Sunday, December 4, 2005 8:48 PM


according to the movie, Miranda was listed as a dead planet. Even though our BDH learned otherwise.

Monday, December 5, 2005 6:04 AM


"Does Miranda count as dead?"
well, if it's an ALLIANCE-issue map...still very pretty though (THE MAP!! THE MAP!!! not the dead folk!!!)


Friday, December 9, 2005 3:17 AM


To the previous respondent: Thanks! I'm shortly going to post a new version of the map. It's not any bigger, but at the same time I'll be posting a top-down version of the map, laid over a hex grid, which should be good for RPG navigation.

As to your other question, when I was looking at the list of locations I was thinking that some of them might be settlements or provinces and not planets or moons. Dyton seemed like a good candidate. Also, I don't think it shows up on the graphic of moons and planets used in the movie (I could be wrong, I don't have the RPG on hand). Anyway, it's easy to add in as a moon. There may be many habitable moons in the system that are not listed on the map...

Saturday, December 24, 2005 6:01 PM


>>well, if it's an ALLIANCE-issue map...still very pretty though (THE MAP!! THE MAP!!! not the dead folk!!!)

If it's an Alliance-issue map, then it wouldn't even BE on the map ;)

Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:07 AM


Wasn't Haven closer to Miranda? Just curious.

Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:41 AM


Yuuko: It's free to be used and modified as you wish, as long as I'm credited if it is ever reproduced somewhere else.

deepgirl187: The maps in the movie were somewhat vague and very stylized, but you're right that it would be better if Haven was closer. I'm currently working on another version of the map and may put Haven within two orbits of Miranda.


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Serenity Speculative System Map Version 4
The latest version of my Serenity system map. This was created for the Serenity RPG, and there is more information about this map over on the RPG forums Waves in the Black. Go to : and click on "Filling the void".

More maps of the verse
Details for the latest version of my Serenity map.

Specualtive map of Serenity's travels
Using the latest version of my map for the Serenity RPG, this is my interpretaion of Serenity's travels during the events in the movie.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Images
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Images
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Schematic
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Views
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Iron Class Recovery/Salvage Vessel - Images
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is heavily influenced by the scavenger ship from Out of Gas, as well as the intergalactic chop shop in Our Mrs. Reynolds.

Iron Class Recovery/Salvage Vessel - Schematic
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is heavily influenced by the scavenger ship from Out of Gas, as well as the intergalactic chop shop in Our Mrs. Reynolds.

Iron Class Recovery/Salvage Ship - Views
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is heavily influenced by the scavenger ship from Out of Gas, as well as the intergalactic chop shop in Our Mrs. Reynolds.