How about Doctor Who instead?

UPDATED: Friday, March 10, 2006 03:05
VIEWED: 6819
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Monday, May 13, 2002 2:46 PM


Instead of "Firefly" I wish Joss Whedon would produce an American/British co-production of Doctor Who. I think that he would be the only person in the United States, if not the world, that would be able to produce a new Doctor Who series and make it work.

On the bright side "Firefly" kind of sounds a bit like the British series "Blake's 7" I hope it is of similar quality (if not better).

Best of luck to Mr. Whedon.

Matt DiTomasso


Tuesday, May 14, 2002 7:13 AM


I totally agree, it could be part funded by the BBC and we could have Anthony Head actually getting the role of the Doctor this time instead of Paul Mcgann. Then pit him against dark forces of evil from other realms, have him being transported to different destinations by use of teleportation spells instead of the Tardis. And we couuld call it 'Ripper' instead of Doctor Who. Hmmms, some of this is starting to sound somewhat familiar :-)


Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:52 AM


That would be incredible!

I think Joss would do a great job with Doctor Who. I actually like Paul McGann (one of the few aspects of the TV movie - besides the inside of the Tardis - that I liked) but Anthony would be a great Doctor.


Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:33 PM


Guess what? Such a project has been in development with the assistance of the Buffy writing team!

However, the BBC seems to have rejected it. Stupid morons.


Friday, May 17, 2002 9:49 PM


The BBC are stupid Morons. Their treatment of the Doctor Who property as a whole is proof of that.

"Gee, look at this mega-popular brand name we have that's a house hold name here in the UK and has a strong cult following in the US. Let's just sit on it forever till absolutely NO ONE remembers it and a whole generation that never heard of it goes by."

Stupid BBC.


Sunday, May 19, 2002 2:51 PM


Well, admittedly they did try it in 1996, but the US ratings weren't good enough so nothing more became of it.

Personally I think that the main problem with the BBC here is not so much that they cancelled Doctor Who but that they didn't even bother trying to replace it with any other sci-fi. The last half-decent one they made was Crime Traveller in 1997? And they axed that after one series. They recently made a pilot for something called "Strange" but it wasn't sci-fi and in my opinion was utter rubbish. And now it's being made into a series! You can see why they can't afford to buy the third series of Roswell.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:47 PM


Dr. Who is awesome.


"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Monday, February 27, 2006 3:07 PM


Heh. Kinda funny, lookin' back on all these folks sayin' how BBC will never bring back Dr. Who. . .

(Hey 'Tash. Haven't seen you around in a while.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, February 27, 2006 4:24 PM


I'd certainly love to see a Jossified "Who." But then, I'd love a Jossified anything. Jossification could make "Sheriff Lobo" a whip-smart must-see comedy-drama.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:39 PM


You know, it's funny looking at the 2002 era posts with four years or so hindsight.

Not only did DOCTOR WHO come back without any of Joss's involvement, but it's actually the best sci-fi show since FIREFLY. For the record, I've seen BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and like it. But I'm just waiting for both first and second seasons to be out on DVD before I jump back in.

But DOCTOR WHO on the other hand, I am totally psyched about. Great humor, action, pathos and all around entertainment. The first season didn't have a single weak episode in it at all. And we Canucks can get it on DVD before you guys get to see it on SCI-FI since we already saw it on CBC. I don't even mind dropping $100 plus for it.

What were some of your fave eps of the first season? My favorite episode of the first season was "Dalek", because it actually made the Dalek's scary. I just love that scene when the Doctor sees it. You know that something's deadly wrong when you see that the Doctor is actually scared just to hear it's voice. That awful voice that sounds like something that only has a basic understanding of the English language. And then when you see the Doctor go from scared to sadistic when he realizes that the Dalek is weakened. You know you're not seeing just another alien species. And then when it's loose and is on the top floor and it's exchange with Van Staten.

"Van Sta-ten...You..tor-tured me...Whyyyyy?"

"I wanted to help you..I don't know...I was trying to help...I thought if we could..get through to you..mend you.. I wanted you better...I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..I SWEAR...I JUST WANTED YOU TO TALK!"


Stuff like that makes any geek feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records and their surgical histories. Yeast infections. There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably...because we're down river...from that old bread factory."

Dwight - The Office - 209 - E-mail Surveillance


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:49 PM


I think he would be well suited to write for that show, from what little I know about it. It reminds much of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in it's wandering nature, and the fact that Douglas Adams wrote a few episodes probably helps. I'm looking forward to seeing it on the SciFi channel come next month. I think Joss would especially like to write something not involving any aliens, if there are any such episodes on that show.

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:53 PM


Blinker wrote:


I'd certainly love to see a Jossified "Who."

Um...I take it you haven't see the new "Who" then? Joss's style of writing has had a tremendous effect on it. If you have seen it, go back and listen to the dialogue. After one episode, I had no doubt of what the major influence was in the writing was-- apart from the original series, that is.

JonWes wrote:


The BBC are stupid Morons. Their treatment of the Doctor Who property as a whole is proof of that.

"Gee, look at this mega-popular brand name we have that's a house hold name here in the UK and has a strong cult following in the US. Let's just sit on it forever till absolutely NO ONE remembers it and a whole generation that never heard of it goes by."

Stupid BBC.

Their major problem (other than Michael Grade #hawkspit#) was the Beeb's unwillingness to be know in other countries primarily for 'Doctor Who.' They wanted to be known for things like 'Upstairs Downstairs' and 'Masterpiece Theatre' not some children's programme with monsters and the like.

'Doctor Who' was one of the first programmes that could have actually made a significant amount of money for the Beeb, but they didn't want it to come from that. And heaven forbid they actually spend any money on it to improve its looks. Up to the time of Sylvester McCoy's Doctor, the budget for an entire series (season) of Doctor Who was equivalent to the budget of one episode of 'Star Trek'...the original series from the sixties.

Like American television, DW suffered from the whims of programme executives. *cough*MichaelGrade*cough* Unlike most types of businesses, the personal taste of the head honcho of broadcasting corporations, was of paramount consideration.

Don't believe me? How many people remember "WKRP in Cincinnati?" A wonderfully funny and popular show. Then the top executive spot at CBS changed, and guess what? Suddenly, this top rated show is on a different night every week. (Yeah, every week--I remember scouring the TV Guide every week to find out when it was on so our household didn't miss it.) Why? So the audience couldn't find it, and it could be cancelled due to 'low ratings.'

Mr. Gra--*ahem* the Beeb tried a number of things to get rid of 'Doctor Who'. Think that horrible outfit Colin Baker had to wear was his or JNT's choice? Think again. Pretty much since Sylvester had taken over, the Beeb was trying to get rid of the show. It's a testament to the fans that it actually took several seasons.

I'm very happy that someone with a brain finally realised that "Doctor Who" could still work and gave Russell T. Davies a chance to make it do so. (I'm also happy that the CBC ran the new series-in primetime-and it was a huge success!)

Okay, I'll now get down off my little soapbox before I fall off it.

"Define 'interesting.'"


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:37 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:
Um...I take it you haven't see the new "Who" then? Joss's style of writing has had a tremendous effect on it.

An effect, definitely, but still a far cry from what I'd expect from the man himself running the show - eg. 40-60% more wordplay and 90-100% less fart noises.


Mr. Gra--*ahem* the Beeb tried a number of things to get rid of 'Doctor Who'. Think that horrible outfit Colin Baker had to wear was his or JNT's choice? Think again.

Where'd you hear that? Everything I've read says it was JNT's own initiative to commission a deliberately tasteless costume, as a contrast to Davison's.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:00 PM


There is no need to Americanize Doctor Who. Although Joss would be a great writer and contributor, like Douglas Adams was in the 70s, Why would the US need to mess with perfection.

What makes Doctor Who different is its Britishness. To make it American, would somehow lesson the fresh feel of the vernacular and cultural difference that being a British show imparts.

Yes for Joss to write some Doctor who scripts, no to making a Joss Doctor Who.



Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:07 PM



Originally posted by Blinker:

Originally posted by RMMC:
Um...I take it you haven't see the new "Who" then? Joss's style of writing has had a tremendous effect on it.

An effect, definitely, but still a far cry from what I'd expect from the man himself running the show - eg. 40-60% more wordplay and 90-100% less fart noises.

I'll happily give you the flatulence (take it...please! ) but the pacing and the dialogue style is in emulation of Joss. I have no arguement that nobody, but nobody, can do dialogue like Da Man, but the style attempt is still there.

One thing hampering it is, for all intents and purposes, that is is still a children's show. I still love it, from William Hartnell on up, but it still has to gear itself for it's primary target audience: kids. And not just teens, which is what Buffy was originally aimed for, but evertone on down to small toddlers. The new Who has done more to make sure it was appealing to a large demographic, which is, IMHO, much harder today than it was 20, 30 or 40 years ago.


Mr. Gra--*ahem* the Beeb tried a number of things to get rid of 'Doctor Who'. Think that horrible outfit Colin Baker had to wear was his or JNT's choice? Think again.

Where'd you hear that? Everything I've read says it was JNT's own initiative to commission a deliberately tasteless costume, as a contrast to Davison's.

It was an interview with Colin Baker that was on a DVD my friend got from someone in GB last year. (Of course I could have misunderstood what he stated. )

"Define 'interesting.'"


Friday, March 10, 2006 3:05 AM



Originally posted by Nofetsur:
Guess what? Such a project has been in development with the assistance of the Buffy writing team!

However, the BBC seems to have rejected it. Stupid morons.

That was just a rumour which was later proved false. They said that the entire Buffy team were involved and quoted David Fury. But it was all lies.






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