IGN Blog of the Day

UPDATED: Friday, October 12, 2007 22:40
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Friday, October 12, 2007 10:40 PM


Just randomly came across the BLOG of the day in the TV section of its mostly about "The Sarah Conoor Chronicles". I don't completely agree with him since he obviously hasn't watched the Pilot since if he did he would know that the Female Terminator Cameron(Summer Glau) and John Connor are at high school for all of 5 minutes then they are on the run and a love story would never happen between them since she is a robot no matter what plus she's reserved for me, in the Darkfly Universe anyway.

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I think there is an error in their CPU
Take a deep breath...

I'm a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly and I understand that some people who have worked on those shows are now currently working on the new Terminator TV series.

But I'm not impressed. So far it sounds like an answer to the aging show "Smallville" which... I havn't watched either because I would rather watch quality rather than being sung jingles intermixed amongst the teenage angst musk of Smallville... but then again maybe I am overstepping my bounds.

The new female terminator of the show will follow John Connor to class in high school, and then beat the shit out of people. Now the kicking the crap out of people sounds like a good idea. But a terminator... in high school?

Imagine, you're at a meeting... brainstorming with writers. After a fattening lunch of KFC and in your grease coma one writer desperate for anything to make a new show to grab young viewers so they can barrage them with ads of Clearasil pimple wash and those lame Fructise shampoo commercials with that annoying Transplants song (wooo hooo this Garnier its been like 5 years get a new song) he stands up amongst them all and says...

"I've got it! Let's take a franchise that should have finished with Judgment Day and keep it going! But not only that... we'll make a female terminator (possible love interest ?!) and have her... go to school with him! Yea thats it! and uh... she'll kick the crap out of people... and ... we'll find some lame reason as to how Skynet still exists just like how they did in Terminator 3... but let's just pretend Terminator 3 didn't happen so we can make this happen!"

and the meeting adjourns, a cast mixed from the movie 300, Heroes and Firefly is made up because of name power, and all the other people behind the camera from other named shows for push (even though I like Buffy and Angel and etc. ooo the Joss Whedon style, kick ass)

But this concept seems so lame... like really not trying.

I think I had more fun when watching Detroit Rock City the other day and Edward Furlong was of course in it, and in the special features he says "Hey I'm Edward Furlong, remember me? The kid from Judgment Day?"

Yes I do, you weirdo.

So I think this show will have a following, but I don't think I'll be too impressed. I think for now I'll stick with watching Heroes and Lost and etc.

Knightfly on Xfire,
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Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly






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