Four black teenagers kidnap and torture mentally-challenged man, and chant anti-Trump, anti-white slogans

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Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Bittany Herring ringleader


Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:46 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Looks like Signy has fully picked up Auraptor's mantle.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:55 AM


I will post mirrors

youtube usually pulls controversial videos

her facebook
Brittany Herring

Chicago, Illinois
Jaenone Eblock
United States


Brittany Herring (aka Brittany Covington) is a resident in the West Side of Chicago, Illinois. She is known for being one of the four members who had kidnapped a man, tortured him, and harassed him for being a Trump supporter.

Brittany has a public Facebook account.
She frequently posts about sex.
Public Controversy

On Tuesday January 3rd, 2017, Brittany, her sister Tanishia Covington and two other friends, including her boyfriend Jaenone Eblock, kidnapped a special needs man. The man is said to have been an acquaintance of the group and they had met with him out in the suburbs. According to Chicago Police, one of the kidnappers attended a school with the victim.

They kidnapped him in a stolen white van and took him to the West Side of Chicago. Once they arrive at an apartment, a bare, minimalist apartment, they begin to torture the man, asking him to drink toilet water.

Facebook Live

Brittany then begins to video record almost half an hour of her and her friends harassing and torturing a man of White background where it was seen on Facebook live. The four of them continually make references to Donald Trump as a way to depict the man as a Trump supporter, as they yell: “Fuck white people! Fuck Donald Trump!” The man is tied up with his mouth shut, and at times appears comatose. The four of them proceed by kicking him repeatedly, smacking him around, and earlier in the video Herring demonstrates one of them slicing off a small chunk of his scalp.

The incident took place in an apartment on the 3400 block of West Lexington on Chicago’s West Side. The victim, who has special needs, was a high-risk missing person from northwest suburban Crystal Lake, police say. Police say he traveled to Carol Stream to meet a friend. They ended up in a stolen car, driven to the West Side, where the attack took place.

The music in the background of the video is by the rapper Lil' Boosie. ??


Related Pages:

Tanishia Covington (accomplice; Brittany Herring's sister)
Jaenone Eblock (accomplice; Brittany Herring's boyfriend)
Benjamin Carter (accomplice)


one of her friends 'Tanishia Covington' or 'sista'? seems to have popped out kids but will now be spending life in jail?
'Her boyfriends name is Jaenone Eblock'

Mirrors, info will also be found on these forums incase twitter/facebook starts pulling vids

The victim, also 18, had last been seen by his parents on December 31, and they told police they received texts from his captors while he was with them, WLS-TV reports. His parents live in Streamwood, Illinois, a suburb in Cook County, and police there are also investigating the case.

He was hospitalized after the assault, but was in stable condition on Wednesday, police said.

Brittany Herring, who also uses the name Brittany Covington, was arrested in October 2016, according to Chicago Police records.

She was arrested on October 4 and charged with retail theft of merchandise worth less than $300. The West Estes Avenue resident was released from custody on October 5 on $1,500 bail.

Herring posted on her Facebook page in December about having to go to court. The case appears to still be pending.

Her Facebook page was overrun with angry comments about the video on Wednesday

CNN Panelist Blames Trump
For Racist Torture of Mentally Disabled Man

The Doctor Of Common Sense

more mirrors

Looks like its going 'viral' across the net so it will be next to impossible to pull it as a story now

conspiracy theorist Mark Dice I guess Dice is alt-right?


Originally posted by kpo:
Looks like Signy has fully picked up Auraptor's mantle.

Auraptor is ok, bit of a dick and too rightwing for me. But deep down I feel he ain't too bad maybe even he's a decent person.

What I'm more disgusted by is YOU kpo

Where do you always get these fucking mental gymnastics in these threads?

Is this the racism of your low-expectations, you hold one group of peoples, one race, one culture
to a LOWER EXPECTATION and expect them to behave in a lower way and you should not talk about it because its fucking 'taboo' to bash crime done by blacks or something??

this your 'white guilt speaking to you?

It should not matter white, black, yellow, brown....assholes behaving like a pack of fucking dogs are that they are just fucking assholes
kidnap and torture, NO EXCUSE, no fucking excuses


Thursday, January 5, 2017 7:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Looks like Signy has fully picked up Auraptor's mantle. =KRAPO
Because... this coverage is untrue? Or do you sympathize with reverse racists because now whites "get" some of what they've historically dished out?

I gave up white guilt for Lent. When people of color start bagging on what white people did in the past and how white people owe them something, I thought ... Hey, my family arrived here no earlier than 1910. Slavery was long in the past, and my folks didn't participate in, or benefit from, slavery.

Extending that thought, that describes MOST people in the USA, whose families immigrated post-slavery. But even in families of longstanding, many of those are descendants of Union soldiers who fought for ... wait for it ... freedom for black people. If some descendants "deserve" guilt for past racism, don't THESE descendants "deserve" credit for the good done? And even the descendants of slave owners aren't responsible for what was done 6 generations ago. All of that generic white guilt belongs in the trashbin of history.

People aren't "guilty" for the past, they can only be "guilty" of what they've done in their lifetime. Racists are guilty of racism. So, what are these young people guilty of?

What society "owes" anyone, IMHO, is a job at a living wage for anyone who wants to work, protection for those who can't, and an equal shot - based on merit - of getting the job of one's choice. The problem is capitalism: racism, sexism, ageism, etc are merely the tools of TPTB to pit people against each other in the struggle for the necessities of life.

Just because you got your ass handed to you in two other threads

doesn't mean that you get to be an asshole elsewhere!


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Thursday, January 5, 2017 8:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What society "owes" anyone, IMHO, is a job at a living wage for anyone who wants to work, protection for those who can't, and an equal shot - based on merit - of getting the job of one's choice. The problem is capitalism: racism, sexism, ageism, etc are merely the tools of TPTB to pit people against each other in the struggle for the necessities of life.

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

I think you should be reminded how the USA arrived where it now is by the article: "How Sociopathic Capitalism Came to Rule the World"

Corporate executives haven't always believed that transactions must have winners and losers. But that’s not Donald J. Trump’s view.

Trump has made a career renegotiating agreed-upon terms and exploiting ambiguities in contract language (real as well as imagined). Rather than regard voluntary and informed transactions as a model for commercial exchange, to him, any business deal appears like a small battle in a never-ending war for financial supremacy.

The upshot of such an approach is something dismal and squalid: Vulnerability is targeted, duress exploited, and ignorance thoroughly mined. Nothing about such conduct is especially civil.


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 5, 2017 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Corporate executives haven't always believed that transactions must have winners and losers. But that’s not Donald J. Trump’s view.= SECOND
When the business owner gets to pocket a percentage of each dollar of wealth created (just because s/he can, not because of any "added value") that automatically sets up a win-lose situation. And when business success rests on maximum profits .... which leads to the ability to buy up other (less profitable) businesses, that creates a feedback which rewards the greediest, and promotes monopolies.

The biggest problem is capitalism. IF there was enough for everybody - especially enough decent-paying jobs- it would be impossible to pit people against each other for scraps.

But the problem here is racism: cold, ugly anti-white racism, the same racism but in the opposite direction that led Dylann Roof to kill nine black people in a church, and to black men being dragged behind pickup trucks until dead.

Are you for or against racism?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Thursday, January 5, 2017 2:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The biggest problem is capitalism. IF there was enough for everybody - especially enough decent-paying jobs- it would be impossible to pit people against each other for scraps.

But the problem here is racism: cold, ugly anti-white racism, the same racism but in the opposite direction that led Dylann Roof to kill nine black people in a church, and to black men being dragged behind pickup trucks until dead.

Are you for or against racism?

You write like a person who doesn't have much capital (other than house, Roth IRA and 401K) and is fearful. Your days must be full of unpleasant emotions.

I have seen “anti-white racism” up close and personal. There was a rife pointed at me this summer. It is the way the world is and a long story from which, if my sisters or you knew, you would draw the wrong conclusions. That story is not for here.

I am assuming that you have never been the big boss who could, if you felt like it, crush the hopes of your minions. I have been tempted and resisted doing some of that undeserved crushing. It is a power that certain people are not good enough to handle well. It is all perfectly legal to fire your colorful minions as you please, at least in the USA, so long as you respect the proper forms and don’t make obvious your real, more vicious, motives.

Until now, the principle of productivity has functioned as the reality principle that made the American Dream seem plausible. ‘Work hard, play by the rules, get ahead’, or, ‘You get what you pay for, you make your own way, you rightly receive what you’ve honestly earned’ – such homilies and exhortations used to make sense of the world. At any rate they didn’t sound delusional. By now they do.

Work has also been the American way of producing ‘racial capitalism’, as the historians now call it, by means of slave labor, convict labor, sharecropping, then segregated labor markets – in other words, a ‘free enterprise system’ built on the ruins of black bodies, an economic edifice animated, saturated and determined by racism. There never was a free market in labor in these united states. Like every other market, it was always hedged by lawful, systematic discrimination against black folk. You might even say that this hedged market produced the still-deployed stereotypes of African-American laziness, by excluding black workers from remunerative employment, confining them to the ghettos of the eight-hour day.

And yet, and yet. Though work has often entailed subjugation, obedience and hierarchy, it’s also where many of us, probably most of us, have consistently expressed our deepest human desire, to be free of externally imposed authority or obligation, to be self-sufficient. We have defined ourselves for centuries by what we do, by what we produce.

But by now we must know that this definition of ourselves entails the principle of productivity – from each according to his abilities, to each according to his creation of real value through work – and commits us to the inane idea that we’re worth only as much as the labor market can register, as a price.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 5, 2017 2:38 PM


I find it strange how some people want to blame 'Trump' or 'Historical Slavery' or Whitey Racism for this attack?


Originally posted by second:
There never was a free market in labor in these united states. Like every other market, it was always hedged by lawful, systematic discrimination against black folk.

The richest woman in America


Originally posted by second: It is the way the world is and a long story from which, if my sisters or you knew, you would draw the wrong conclusions. That story is not for here.

What the fuck are you talking about
the young person was reported missing to police and possibly hostage for up to two-three days
4 thugs, kidnapped and tortured a disabled person for days, you should condemn this degenerate filth for what they are!! Why Have you Not Condemned their attack and why are you trying to make shitty pseudo philosophical excuses??


Thursday, January 5, 2017 2:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:


Originally posted by second: It is the way the world is and a long story from which, if my sisters or you knew, you would draw the wrong conclusions. That story is not for here.

What the fuck are you talking about
4 thugs, kidnapped and tortured a disabled person for days, you should condemn this degenerate fith for what they are!! Why Have you Not Condemned their attack and why are you trying to make shitty pseudo philosophical excuses??

Your problem is you're a coward. I am not worried about being murdered by a black, even though it could have happened last summer. When I watch the news, it is a parade of crime and death. It does not rattle me. But you shit in your pants over some black teenagers. I really doubt that your fearfulness will mean you outlive me, but don't listen to me. I do advise you to lose weight, lower your salt intake and get more exercise. That will help you live longer than worrying about being the next victim of black teenagers who are anti-Trump. Is that sufficiently non-philosophical for you to understand, Mr Chickenshit Jayneztown?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 5, 2017 2:54 PM


People's programed response is so predictable


Originally posted by second:
Your problem is you're a coward.

ZZzzzzz , is that all you got?


Originally posted by second:
There was a rife pointed at me this summer. It is the way the world is

Did you pay a psychologist for that philosophy?

and what the fuck is a 'rife' some kind of optical microscope?
I think the word you were looking for is R-I-F-L-E

Ha! Your fucking laughable, you don't even know me and yet you rant like a fucking raving lunatic
It sounds like you never got over the trauma of having some black go violent on you
You have no idea who I am
I could be of mixed polynesian kiwi heritage typing on this computer from Samoa, I could be a Greek living in Norway, I could be native American living in Canada, I could be a Thai living in Brazil typing this message to you

You have no fucking idea who I am

but I will tell you I did not vote for Trump, I'm not White, not even American....I'm actually originally from the left but got fucking sick of listening to the far-leftist and their stupidity

I ask you once again crybaby
Why do you not condemn this gang of degenerate filth?

Why are you TOO COWARDLY to condemn this gang of scum who kidnapped and tortured a disabled person?

and this person with the [ rifle ]
did you even do anything about it? report to local sheriff? ring police?


Thursday, January 5, 2017 3:05 PM


A message to the trolls.

We know you to be trolls because your posts stand in stark contrast to there being anything good in the world. They are always negative and full of hate. The evidence is clear to see in your false or exaggerated and adverse (hostile), posts against free institutions. It also becomes visible in your continuous attacks against different cultures and beliefs of others.

You post anything anecdotal that fists into your logic of hate. Anything that suggests your trolling is not trolling at all, but instead a social norm or truth about an institution or culture. If you look up the word anecdotal you will see, individual incidents are never declared as societal norms.

Now, the fact that you make excuses for and never criticize the worst of the worst in this world, shows you to have an agenda. As I have pointed out many times. An anti-west agenda. Your desire is to portray us as unworthy of leading the civilized world in it's pursuit of a higher morality.

Sorry but you lose. History shows, we as a race take two steps forward for every one step back. History also shows you haters to be losers and in league with those who have gone down in history as the worst of the worst. Three of the worst offenders here are 1kiki, SIG, and Jayneztown. No matter how feverishly you create threads you have not won any fans at this site. And that in itself is very reassuring.



Thursday, January 5, 2017 3:11 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
It also becomes visible in your continuous attacks against different cultures and beliefs of others.

In recent week I suppose have only criticized once culture here on fireflyfans, that is ISLAMISM which I don't even class 'culture'
occasionally I have called out others, I bashed Bush all the time when actor Adam used to kiss his ass on the fox prospero forums...I knocked the Rightwingers or Ultra nationalists, bashed Neo-Con politcal mindset or Called out the Far-Left or extreme Leftist Socialist
but these days I mostly criticized Fundamentalist Moslems or Othrodox Islamists

I have invited you many times Thgrri
To read translations of the Quran or Koran or download tanslations of Islam's other most holy books and see what the man Mohammed behind islam is, see what kind of a person the so called prophet of islam is

All you have to do is read maybe 3 or 4 pages and finally educate that dumb head of yours

You have always failed to do so


Originally posted by THGRRI: If you look up the word anecdotal you will see, individual incidents are never declared as societal norms.

How many posts in the predictions thread did you call incorrect again!?


Originally posted by THGRRI:
A message to the trolls..

Sorry but you lose. History shows, we as a race take two steps forward for every one step back. History also shows you haters to be losers and in league with those who have gone down in history as the worst of the worst. Three of the worst offenders here are 1kiki, SIG, and Jayneztown. No matter how feverishly you create threads you have not won any fans at this site. ?

What history

and what the fuck are you talking about?

Are you the idiot who was ranting about a racist frog meme a few months back?

You are an absolute parody, you live it, you are it
You are the 'social justice warrior' everyone laughs at on the alt-right radio, you are the far left wacko liberal that everyone mocks on youtube
You Are the very much part of the VERY REASON Trump Got Elected

Deray McKesson? a longtime Black Lives Matter activist, may have said something in support of this on Twitter..then deletes? and wasn't there some Extreme Anarchist Liberals Justify Violence Against White People In Milwaukee ...Black Lives Matter co-founder tweets about killing "men and white folks" Khogali asking the Moongod Al Lah for strength “to not cuss/kill these police men and white folks

...the early reactionary angry anti-Trump movement is heading straight to its true exact destiny, straight off a frigging cliff like something out of a damn cartoon

the Grinch and Fox got their ammo?

Newt Gingrich: Obama refused to 'oppose black racism'


Thursday, January 5, 2017 3:20 PM


Wow, that's a witty and powerful rebuke Jayneztown. Are you sure you are done rewriting and adding to it?



Thursday, January 5, 2017 7:23 PM


I'm not defending ANYONE, but we all know if it was the white guy doing the torturing, none of those people would be alive. White males are statistically more likely to kill off multiple relatives at one time, btw.

At least they let him go. I'd be curious as to what he said that made them specifically pick on him, though. They could've picked up anyone with a Trump sign...

Anyone know what his supposed "mental illness" is?


Thursday, January 5, 2017 10:58 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by kpo:
Looks like Signy has fully picked up Auraptor's mantle.

And that mantle being... what , exactly? How the MSM first ignored, then tried to twist, down play, deflect what these 4 thugs ( yes, actual real life thugs ) did to this mentally challenged, special needs teen ? These 4 degenerates , one of which the victim mistakenly thought he could trust ? Dare think was his " friend " ??

@kpo - I find it sad and curious that your first comment wasn't about the crime, or the placing of a violent act on LIVE Facebook streaming, ala ISIS , but instead you went straight for the commentary about what another poster had said , and then compared that poster to ... me ?

As Spock might say - fascinating !

( But not in the humorous or complimentary way )

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, January 6, 2017 5:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


A message to the trolls.


We know you to be trolls because your posts stand in stark contrast to there being anything good in the world. They are always negative and full of hate.


The evidence is clear to see in your false or exaggerated and adverse (hostile), posts against free institutions.
You mean ... like racism? I'm against racism. What about you?


It also becomes visible in your continuous attacks against different cultures and beliefs of others.
I ATTACKED RACISM. YOU, OTOH, think it's your duty to "lead[ing] the civilized world in it's pursuit of a higher morality". CLEARLY, you think that your morality is superior and that you should be attacking others who don't share it. To put this in a way that even you might understand, on the one hand you spout off about "freedom" and tolerance and higher morality, and on the other hand you think it's your duty to impose it at the point of a gun.

Do you even hear yourself? (I suppose not.)


You post anything anecdotal that fists [sic]into your logic of hate.


Anything that suggests your trolling is not trolling at all, but instead a social norm or truth about an institution or culture. If you look up the word anecdotal you will see, individual incidents are never declared as societal norms.
I don't have the faintest clue what you mean, and neither do you, most likely.


Now, the fact that you make excuses for and never criticize the worst of the worst in this world, shows you to have an agenda.
Huh. So, you mean that Russia has recently killed up to a million people, destroyed three nations and attempted to destroy a fourth, and let loose the scourge of jihadism across the MENA and central Asia?


As I have pointed out many times. An anti-west agenda.
Nope, just an anti-killing, anti-corruption, anti-injustice agenda/ That's my agenda: WHAT'S YOURS?


Your desire is to portray us as unworthy of leading the civilized world in it's pursuit of a higher morality.
You're fucking shitting us, aren't you? Since when does killing masses of people and bringing others to devastation and fear have anything to to with "higher morality"? Unless, of course, it's a morality that you can envision only when you're high?


Sorry but you lose. History shows, we as a race
First of all, What mean this "we", kimo-sabe? Which "race" are you talking about? The "American" race? The human "race"? The white race? The black race? The "capitalist" race? I mean, do you have the faintest idea what you're talking about?


History also shows you haters....

*dusts off hands*


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Friday, January 6, 2017 5:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You have a lack of understanding or are just using your typical, "I don't care, I don't want to understand" cludge when it comes to business. = GSTRING
And then you go on to spout utter nonsense about "how business works".


When the business owner gets to pocket a percentage of each dollar of wealth created (just because s/he can, not because of any "added value")... = SIGNY

They get to pocket that percentage because they are taking the risk

Bullshit. If anyone is taking a risk, it is the bank or their other investors.


and/or because they were the creative force behind the business. Without their blood sweat and tears and ideas
More bullshit.


people would not have the jobs they created. The US makes it possible for a great many people to participate as business creators without having rich parents or benefactors. Build a better mouse trap as they say. It's hard to fully understand that if you haven't done it.= GSTRING
I doubt that YOU have. You have far too much apparent spare time to be putting much "blood sweat and tears" into anything. Most people who run a small business are working 60-80 hours a week, but you have endless amounts of time to post. And your polyanna-ish blather about "how business works" tells me that you don't have the slightest clue about it.


And, "added value" is in the eye of the beholder. If the consumer believes a product has no added value, then they don't have to buy the thing or service. You and Kiki often want to absolve the consumer of any responsibility in these Capitalism Bad discussions, which only further shows your lack of understanding or possibly honesty.= GSTRING
Well, since business works VERY hard to turn people into mindless consumers, I guess you're right.


And when business success rests on maximum profits .... = SIGNY

Just like consumers try and maximize their own savings.= GSTRING

People aren't just "consumers", you clod, they're workers.


... which leads to the ability to buy up other (less profitable) businesses, that creates a feedback which rewards the greediest, and promotes monopolies. = SIGNY

Less profitable can be less well run, bad products and worse services, poorly managed. You need to stretch your understanding just a tad. = GSTRING

Yes, poorly-run businesses can limp along and never be targets of acquisition because they are too small. But in the world of medium- and big business ... telecom, technology, automobiles, agricultural chemicals and genetics, pharmaceutics, chemicals, textiles, banking etc etc.... it's been an endless parade of businesses buying businesses; M&As (mergers and acquisitions) which the SEC seems uninterested in stopping, leading to greater and greater market consolidation. Now, tell me that it isn't happening.


The biggest problem is capitalism. IF there was enough for everybody - especially enough decent-paying jobs- it would be impossible to pit people against each other for scraps. = SIGNY
That's well beyond over simplifying. Enough what? What do you think these decent paying jobs are and how were they created? There are decent paying jobs because consumers are ok with paying more for Blank when they could get it for less? It's a tight loop and consumers are a very big part of it.= GSTRING

Yes, you and SECOND display the consumerist attitude that fails to recognize that your actions as a consumer come to bite you in the ass as a worker. Since all you ever think of yourselves is as "consumers" I doubt that either of you have ever depended on a real job for very long. Plus, you've been fully converted by advertising into mindless buying-droids, who think that your personal, individual happiness should be your life's goal, and that you can achieve it by buying whatever product is waved under your nose.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Friday, January 6, 2017 4:31 PM


Patriot James T Harris, Facebook Live: There is a sickness in the Black community
It is time that we realize that evil left uncheck will spread and destroy us.


Originally posted by G:

Aww, hard day at the office, hun? I love how you just make sh*t up.

Try this one

Facebook Torture Victim's Parents Taunted by Suspects
Taunted Parents of Special Needs Victim ... - People


Originally posted by Wishimay:
we all know if it was the white guy doing the torturing

WhatTheFuck are you talking about?
unhinged and crazy, that's what you might be
You were sending people death threats because they might vote Trump?


Friday, January 6, 2017 5:08 PM


America loves a winner!


Friday, January 6, 2017 5:26 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Patriot James T Harris, Facebook Live: There is a sickness in the Black community
It is time that we realize that evil left uncheck will spread and destroy us.


Originally posted by G:

Aww, hard day at the office, hun? I love how you just make sh*t up.

Try this one

Facebook Torture Victim's Parents Taunted by Suspects
Taunted Parents of Special Needs Victim ... - People

It's amazing how dumb you are. Anyone, and I mean anyone could go tit for tat with you on presenting anecdotal stories. I'll do it this once and then leave you to suffer your bigoted compulsion alone.

9 dead in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C.



Friday, January 6, 2017 6:00 PM


Thgrri seems confused here or maybe I'm confused


Originally posted by THGRRI:

9 dead in shooting

so I'm confused? Where am I 'bigoted'

Charleston was 2 years back right? yes and this kid? or 21 year old he's a disgusting mass murdering racist piece of shit that killed his fellow Americans

I'm not 100% sure what this South Carolina case has got to do with the current case?

What's the point you are trying to make?
Maybe you are say this was 'Revenge' for South Carolina?
Or are you trying to call me 'bigoted' because I'm not talking about South Carolina in this exact firefly thread?


Saturday, January 7, 2017 6:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, GSTRING and SECOND, you have no idea how capitalism works. Got it. But that's a discussion for another thread.

As far as THIS incident is concerned, racism is racism and violence is violence. Just because the "alleged" perpetrators are black doesn't excuse their racism, just as being female doesn't excuse sexism.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Saturday, January 7, 2017 8:49 AM


Just some ghetto kids havin' a little fun, no big deal. This is Chicago, and in Chicago people get shot, a lot of people, a ridiculous number of people. 55 people were shot on New Year's alone.


Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Looks like Signy has fully picked up Auraptor's mantle. =KRAPO
Because... this coverage is untrue? Or do you sympathize with reverse racists because now whites "get" some of what they've historically dished out?

Just because you got your ass handed to you in two other threads

doesn't mean that you get to be an asshole elsewhere!

You really think kpo is capable of not being an a-hole?


Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:28 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I'm not defending ANYONE, but we all know if it was the white guy doing the torturing, none of those people would be alive. White males are statistically more likely to kill off multiple relatives at one time, btw.

At least they let him go. I'd be curious as to what he said that made them specifically pick on him, though. They could've picked up anyone with a Trump sign...

Anyone know what his supposed "mental illness" is?

Leap to conclusions and stereotyping much?


Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:29 PM



Originally posted by G:
You have a lack of understanding or are just using your typical, "I don't care, I don't want to understand" cludge when it comes to business.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
When the business owner gets to pocket a percentage of each dollar of wealth created (just because s/he can, not because of any "added value")...

They get to pocket that percentage because they are taking the risk and/or because they were the creative force behind the business. Without their blood sweat and tears and ideas people would not have the jobs they created. The US makes it possible for a great many people to participate as business creators without having rich parents or benefactors. Build a better mouse trap as they say. It's hard to fully understand that if you haven't done it.

And, "added value" is in the eye of the beholder. If the consumer believes a product has no added value, then they don't have to buy the thing or service. You and Kiki often want to absolve the consumer of any responsibility in these Capitalism Bad discussions, which only further shows your lack of understanding or possibly honesty.

Speak of which:

Originally posted by SIGNYM: And when business success rests on maximum profits ....

Just like consumers try and maximize their own savings.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
... which leads to the ability to buy up other (less profitable) businesses, that creates a feedback which rewards the greediest, and promotes monopolies.

Less profitable can be less well run, bad products and worse services, poorly managed. You need to stretch your understanding just a tad.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The biggest problem is capitalism. IF there was enough for everybody - especially enough decent-paying jobs- it would be impossible to pit people against each other for scraps.

That's well beyond over simplifying. Enough what? What do you think these decent paying jobs are and how were they created? There are decent paying jobs because consumers are ok with paying more for Blank when they could get it for less? It's a tight loop and consumers are a very big part of it.

Post of the week, methinks.


Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:31 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by kpo:
Looks like Signy has fully picked up Auraptor's mantle.

And that mantle being... what , exactly? How the MSM first ignored, then tried to twist, down play, deflect what these 4 thugs ( yes, actual real life thugs ) did to this mentally challenged, special needs teen ? These 4 degenerates , one of which the victim mistakenly thought he could trust ? Dare think was his " friend " ??

@kpo - I find it sad and curious that your first comment wasn't about the crime, or the placing of a violent act on LIVE Facebook streaming, ala ISIS , but instead you went straight for the commentary about what another poster had said , and then compared that poster to ... me ?

As Spock might say - fascinating !

( But not in the humorous or complimentary way )

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

And, based on the focus, a close second here.


Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You have a lack of understanding or are just using your typical, "I don't care, I don't want to understand" cludge when it comes to business. = GSTRING
And then you go on to spout utter nonsense about "how business works".


When the business owner gets to pocket a percentage of each dollar of wealth created (just because s/he can, not because of any "added value")... = SIGNY

They get to pocket that percentage because they are taking the risk

Bullshit. If anyone is taking a risk, it is the bank or their other investors.


and/or because they were the creative force behind the business. Without their blood sweat and tears and ideas
More bullshit.


people would not have the jobs they created. The US makes it possible for a great many people to participate as business creators without having rich parents or benefactors. Build a better mouse trap as they say. It's hard to fully understand that if you haven't done it.= GSTRING
I doubt that YOU have. You have far too much apparent spare time to be putting much "blood sweat and tears" into anything. Most people who run a small business are working 60-80 hours a week, but you have endless amounts of time to post. And your polyanna-ish blather about "how business works" tells me that you don't have the slightest clue about it.


And, "added value" is in the eye of the beholder. If the consumer believes a product has no added value, then they don't have to buy the thing or service. You and Kiki often want to absolve the consumer of any responsibility in these Capitalism Bad discussions, which only further shows your lack of understanding or possibly honesty.= GSTRING
Well, since business works VERY hard to turn people into mindless consumers, I guess you're right.


And when business success rests on maximum profits .... = SIGNY

Just like consumers try and maximize their own savings.= GSTRING

People aren't just "consumers", you clod, they're workers.


... which leads to the ability to buy up other (less profitable) businesses, that creates a feedback which rewards the greediest, and promotes monopolies. = SIGNY

Less profitable can be less well run, bad products and worse services, poorly managed. You need to stretch your understanding just a tad. = GSTRING

Yes, poorly-run businesses can limp along and never be targets of acquisition because they are too small. But in the world of medium- and big business ... telecom, technology, automobiles, agricultural chemicals and genetics, pharmaceutics, chemicals, textiles, banking etc etc.... it's been an endless parade of businesses buying businesses; M&As (mergers and acquisitions) which the SEC seems uninterested in stopping, leading to greater and greater market consolidation. Now, tell me that it isn't happening.


The biggest problem is capitalism. IF there was enough for everybody - especially enough decent-paying jobs- it would be impossible to pit people against each other for scraps. = SIGNY
That's well beyond over simplifying. Enough what? What do you think these decent paying jobs are and how were they created? There are decent paying jobs because consumers are ok with paying more for Blank when they could get it for less? It's a tight loop and consumers are a very big part of it.= GSTRING

Yes, you and SECOND display the consumerist attitude that fails to recognize that your actions as a consumer come to bite you in the ass as a worker. Since all you ever think of yourselves is as "consumers" I doubt that either of you have ever depended on a real job for very long. Plus, you've been fully converted by advertising into mindless buying-droids, who think that your personal, individual happiness should be your life's goal, and that you can achieve it by buying whatever product is waved under your nose.

You have disappointed me. Going through this thread, you were holding your own somewhat until you derailed with this one.

But still, kudos for the OP.


Friday, January 13, 2017 12:44 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Thgrri seems confused here or maybe I'm confused


Originally posted by THGRRI:

9 dead in shooting

so I'm confused? Where am I 'bigoted'

Charleston was 2 years back right? yes and this kid? or 21 year old he's a disgusting mass murdering racist piece of shit that killed his fellow Americans

I'm not 100% sure what this South Carolina case has got to do with the current case?

What's the point you are trying to make?
Maybe you are say this was 'Revenge' for South Carolina?
Or are you trying to call me 'bigoted' because I'm not talking about South Carolina in this exact firefly thread?

It has to do with the fact that all your posts contain hateful information about cultures and religions. Unless it is Dylan Roof's culture. I have not seen threads created by you that challenge far right whites the way you challenge immigrants and minorities.

My post reminds others here you create negative posts about those not in agreement with your culture and philosophy. It goes to what I said about trolls. How for every negative post you post, others can post showing all cultures and religions contain bad apples. Not just those you target. Yes, even atheists. Here are a few of the links you have created. They are hate filled and contain your agenda.

United States democracy dead, USA system now fake, superficial?

Four black teenagers kidnap and torture mentally-challenged man, and chant anti-Trump, anti-white slogans

The DISRESPECT Islam movement

Looking at National Geographic Magazine....So who has lead to America's social decline? Christofascists? Immigrant Mohamedans? Regressive Left? Cultural Relativists?

Why does the Western man refuse marriage with the American woman, men won't marry the USA's woman anymore?

Another wack job goes crazy murdering people in Florida...possible 'terrorist' ?

Modern “Chastity Belts” to Protect Women From Migrant Sex Attacks Growing in Popularity.

Shootings, bombs, swords, sudden jihad in Dhaka, Bangladesh..police shot dead, hostage situation develops....more ramadan bombathon attacks 2016 from jihadists in the religion of peace

blogger, mediacommentator, writer Mike Cernovich An assassination attempt was made on a candidate for President of the United States. The media is silent. Our press is corrupt.

Regressive Left in Sweden are sending Swedish people down the squat toilet?

Londonistan election, Muslim elected mayor of England's capital city also accused of being friendly with Islamics

Dutch right film maker banned from LONDONISTAN

Crazy Muslim Babysitter in Russia, Decapitates baby girl - then walks through streets with severed head shouting 'Alla hu Ackbar' (the pagan Moon God Allah is superior)

‘Islamic State Commander’ Found Living As Refugee In Europe
Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks sending journalism down the turkish islamic crap toilet

Why is it you always find Regressive Leftists and find some family value rightwing Conservatives defending child rape and pedophile slave networks
Refugee Parasytes from EU soon to arrive in USA thru faith groups & refugee parcel flights?

Young people reject Obama, while the youth of Europe move to the right and reject old LeftistLiberals

Liberals - quick to criticize Christianity, Scientology and other soft groups but Spinless Chickenshits when it comes to Islam?

Muslim militants with 'Birmingham' and Pakistani Islamists with 'London' accents linked to downing of passenger jetliner?



Saturday, January 14, 2017 1:52 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Because... this coverage is untrue? Or do you sympathize with reverse racists because now whites "get" some of what they've historically dished out?

There is no such thing as reverse racism.

Racism is racism.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 8, 2022 9:20 AM


if only the media reacted to other events in other ways?


Originally posted by THGRRI:

posts contain hateful information about religions

I am fine with religion until they start taking Freedoms passing their Salem Witch Trial BS, Jewish Extremism, Hindu Radical Rules and Jihadist Islamist ways

yes then I become Atheist I say fuck religions



Saturday, January 8, 2022 9:50 AM


Shootings: 22 shot, 2 fatally, in weekend violence across city


Chicago police said 22 people have been shot,

Man sentenced in live-streamed beating of mentally disabled teen. Jordan Hill, 20, was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty to aggravated kidnapping and a hate crime in the live-streamed torture of a mentally disabled teenager in January 2017.

Brittany Covington pleaded guilty to the charges of committing a hate crime, intimidation and aggravated battery. Additional charges, such as kidnapping, were dropped as part of her plea deal. Covington was sentenced to four years of probation and 200 hours of community service. Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks said that he could have sentenced her to prison, but stated "I'm not sure if I did that you'd be coming out any better."

On April 19, 2018, Tanishia Covington pleaded guilty to the charges of committing a hate crime, intimidation and aggravated battery and was sentenced to three years in prison.

Black woman gets probation for kidnapping


Originally posted by THGRRI:

It has to do with the fact that all your posts contain hateful information about cultures and religions. Unless it is Dylan Roof's culture. I have not seen threads created by you that challenge far right whites the way you challenge …immigrants ( illegal invader gimmegrants ) and minorities. (criminal hoodrats, antifa and jihadists)

islam is a religion of terror, robbery, perveted shit, and pedophiles, it has a Moongod and a criminal terrorist rapist man muslims believe a prophet that both call for the death of non believers
the kuffarah or infidel is seen as less than human in the eyes of the demonic book the Quran or Koran

Any asshole Black, White, Yellow or Brown can become an islamist

I'm not sure what you are truly asking?

when was the last time the White Rednecks did something big and dangerous, terroristic, murderous, war mongering or shocking?
I get you got Putin invading people near Russia's borders,
there's this Ku Klux Klan in America, was a thing but the last time they seemed to have killed someone was long long ago, KKK members shot four innocent elderly Black African American Women in Chattanooga, that's like 40+ years ago?
you had the Warmonger Neo-Con Bush who started needless wars and I guess you could say the last time you seen a lot of Whites doing something criminal was a mob that organized itself into Storming the Capitol Buidling 2021 Jan 6 they seem to be a mix of Oath Keepers, Yoga Soccer Moms, Q-Anon type, with a few Trump red hat supporters thrown in but this wasn't a White-Only club it seems there are also minorioties who took part in Jan6

Biden a WHITE PERSON also gets called out here

a guy who gave the Taliban Billions in High Tech Weapons


Saturday, January 8, 2022 9:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

islam is a religion of terror, robbery, perveted shit, and pedophiles, it has a Moongod and a criminal terrorist rapist man muslims believe a prophet that both call for the death of non believers
the kuffarah or infidel is seen as less than human in the eyes of the demonic book the Quran or Koran

Any asshole Black, White, Yellow or Brown can become an islamist

I'm not sure what you are truly asking?

when was the last time the White Rednecks did something big and dagerous and shocking,
I get you got Putin invading people near Russia's borders, there's this Ku Klux Klan in America, was a thing but the last time they seemed to have killed someone was long long ago, KKK members shot four innocent elderly Black African American Women in Chattanooga, that's like 40+ years ago?
you had the Warmonger Neo-Con Bush who started needless wars and I guess you could say the last time you seen a lot of Whites doing something criminal was a mob that organized itself into Storming the Capitol Buidling 2021 Jan 6 they seem to be a mix of Oath Keepers, Yoga Soccer Moms, Q-Anon type, with a few Trump red hat supporters thrown in but this wasn't a White-Only club it seems there are also minorioties who took part in Jan6

Biden a WHITE PERSON also gets called out here

a guy who gave the Taliban Billions in High Tech Weapons

Jayneztown, this story made it into the wikipedia at

There are a total of 3 stories about Anti-white racism in the United States while there are 100,000,000 stories about anti-black racism in the United States.

Jayneztown, what drug are you taking or what psychological damage happened to make you foaming-at-the-mouth crazy?

Yesterday, Jayneztown went batshit crazy:

Jayneztown, tell me again who you are? Keep it simple. I want to know why your rhetoric gets as overheated as Trump's.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 8, 2022 10:05 AM


Islam is cancer.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, January 8, 2022 10:07 AM


When Nascar Noose stories about some Rope are published all across America and make international headlines?

HOAX ALERT: Hate crime against Muslim high school student did NOT happen

Opinion: Hate Hoaxes Should Be Hate Crimes


Originally posted by second:

There are a total of 3 stories about Anti-white racism in the United States while there are 100,000,000 stories about anti-black racism in the United States.

You think wikipedia a site that any bunch of Antifa Tranny Degenerates can edit is a reliable source?
it sucks?

Oh look at that they left out Kim, Kamala and the Jussie Hate Crime Hoaxes?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Islam is cancer.

But another question is why do Blacks follow islam when islam itself calls Black Africans 'PUG NOSED SLAVES' and 'RAISIN HEADS'
It is also written that allah will BLACKEN the faces of the unbelievers.(Quran, Sura 39:60)
Muslim Arab and Persian literature depicts Blacks as "stupid, untruthful, vicious, sexually unbridled, ugly and distorted, excessively merry and easily affected by music and drink.”
Ibn Khaldun, an early Muslim thinker, writes that Blacks are "only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings."
Other islamic messages on Africans or Blacks
-Trading 2 black slaves for 1 Arab slaves freedom to join Islam.
-Calling a black slave shaytan ... the devil or Beelzebul
-Calling a black woman with unkempt hair a sign of disease
-Referring to Africans as raisin heads
The illusion that Islam is black friendly is garbage.

Are the Blacks who follow islam simply Low IQ or illiterate or something?


Friday, June 3, 2022 7:36 AM


Beetlejuice snaps back as yet another re-election rival emerges

Where was the rioting and outrage ?


Wednesday, March 15, 2023 9:39 PM


Jussie Smollett

Osundairo Brothers Reenact Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax

Jack Morrisey Woodchipper Threats

and so many wikipedia edits

Covington Catholic student's lawsuits


Friday, July 14, 2023 7:11 AM


Jussie Smollett Reunites With Supportive Co-star Taraji P. Henson For A Workout Session


Wednesday, August 2, 2023 3:25 PM


YouTuber N3on got jumped

Rangesh Mutama, sometimes talked Hindu Indian culture

an American Gaming channel making social media content for video game players


Saturday, April 13, 2024 1:15 PM


BLM activist jailed over fundraiser fraud ordered to repay just £1

Former Littleton Public Schools paraprofessional Kiarra Jones, 29, charged with third-degree assault of an at-risk person?

Which countries supply Israel with arms and why is Biden reluctant to stop?

Waltz Warns Biden That 'ISIS is Back'


Saturday, April 13, 2024 11:49 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
BLM activist jailed over fundraiser fraud ordered to repay just £1

Lot's of dangerous lessons being taught all around here in current year.


We're going to just keep letting everyone know that crime is finally paying by giving everyone a HUGE potential ROI (Return on Investment) on this behavior in the future. Sure... This lady got caught, but who's to say the next one would be? Who's to say that You wouldn't get away with it if you tried?

When you fine somebody 1 dollar for a crime, what you're doing is letting everyone else know that your odds of getting yourself caught virtually do not matter anymore. The only thing you'd really need to weigh would be if you were willing to go through whatever legal drama would come your way and how that could impact your life before making the decision. You wouldn't have to weigh in any prison time or even any financial penalties for getting caught.

What chances would most people be willing to take? And I'm not talking about the unknown percentage of people who are just absolutely too honest to ever fall to that level of temptation if it was dangled right in front of them. I'm just talking about people who would do something like this if the opportunity fell into their lap.

Let's just say that if they threw the book Mrs. Saleem now and made her serve a year for good behavior in a low security prison and auctioned off her stuff to pay back what she stole those odds would drop quite significantly. But when you let somebody go with a slap on the wrist and a $1 legal consideration as a fine, I'd reckon that number goes up by quite a bit, wouldn't you?

I get it. The prison system racket in this country blows and there are a lot of people who didn't get a fair shake. It needs to be fixed, and there is PLENTY of room for improvement, but let's not go to crazy town over it anymore, huh?

There is a lot of crime that happens that is very obvious, especially with the level of surveillance technology that is out there when everyone is walking around with a high definition video camera. It needs to be punished when it happens. We could talk all day long about what is a fair consequence based off the severity of the crime, sure, but letting everyone go in the name of things like "it wasn't their fault, it was 200 years of oppression and a rough upbringing" isn't helping anyone. In fact... In 100% fact... it's actually hurting the communities that it's supposed to be helping more than anybody else.


This fundraiser story is going to disappear from the news cycle in a day or two, and that will be that...

But we just witnessed nearly half a billion in fines to an individual who secured loans from LARGE MULTI-NATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS and subsequently paid off said loan agreements in a timely manner. These Institutions had ZERO problems with the terms which both parties agreed to. Yet nearly the entire Media and a not small percentage of our country was cheerleading against the individual.

There is not a single time in the history of banks where a successful bank would have not THOROUGHLY verified the value of collateral claims of somebody looking to make a loan. Especially not when we're talking loans of this size. Are you fucking kidding me?

I just watched that whole thing playing out, shaking my head and being sad that the Legacy Media which gets a good chunk of revenue from bank advertisements has somehow managed to make millions of their viewers take the side of the LARGE MULTI-NATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS over the single individual. And what makes it so much worse is that both of those parties in this case were completely neutral and the banks not only weren't suing the single individual, but they had a good, long-standing relationship with that individual.

And I really just wonder how many of that audience participated in or just simply admired everyone participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement only 13 years prior.

What have they done to a lot of Democrats? I don't even recognize the old Democrat party when I hear anything coming from that side anymore.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, June 13, 2024 4:07 PM


results of build back better culture

Sick moment woman smiles in court as she’s accused of stabbing 3-year-old to death


BBC tax payer funded Dr Who goes Jussie Homosexual and Black

‘Doctor Who’ Star Ncuti Gatwa Complains That “White Mediocrity” Is Celebrated While Black People Struggle To Get Half That

a Car load of Kangz Wakanda Rappers attempted a shoot up another carload of Wakanda Rappers and random child victims on the freeway in Memphis

Man follows woman, throws belt around her neck in horrifying NYC sex attack


Springdale Police Department (SPD) is investigating a shooting near the area of 4401 South Thompson St. that left two people dead and two injured.

Suspended police chief admits to not wanting to hire minority Feminist Black female officers


Thursday, June 13, 2024 5:43 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:


Originally posted by second: It is the way the world is and a long story from which, if my sisters or you knew, you would draw the wrong conclusions. That story is not for here.

What the fuck are you talking about
4 thugs, kidnapped and tortured a disabled person for days, you should condemn this degenerate fith for what they are!! Why Have you Not Condemned their attack and why are you trying to make shitty pseudo philosophical excuses??

Your problem is you're a coward. I am not worried about being murdered by a black, even though it could have happened last summer. When I watch the news, it is a parade of crime and death. It does not rattle me. But you shit in your pants over some black teenagers. I really doubt that your fearfulness will mean you outlive me, but don't listen to me. I do advise you to lose weight, lower your salt intake and get more exercise. That will help you live longer than worrying about being the next victim of black teenagers who are anti-Trump. Is that sufficiently non-philosophical for you to understand, Mr Chickenshit Jayneztown?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at]



Saturday, June 15, 2024 12:05 PM


Brittany Covington four years of probation vacation and 200 hours of community

Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks said that he could have sentenced her to prison, but stated "I'm not sure if I did that you'd be coming out any better."

at the time of the attack the hashtag #BLMKidnapping was trending on Twitter

George Floyd's legacy of racial progress — and backlash

Mad At The Internet - A Live George Floyd Creepypasta Reading

Floyd George is still Alive. Avoid Him at all Costs” CreepyPasta


Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by second:


Floyd George wuz da Kangz n sheeeeeiit !


Thursday, July 18, 2024 1:51 PM


Scene in East Cobb: BLM-Palestinian protestor waves flags

How George Floyd’s Death Exposed a Fake Syndrome: ‘Excited Delirium’

Four-year-old Cash Gernon was kidnapped while sleeping in his bed at home in Dallas, Texas. Kamron Mori gave journalists a look inside the home, including the break-in damage left by the kidnapper.







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