It's amusing, when you think about it: The Tea Partiers yell and scream about wanting to get rid of government and "save the country". Yet: The Second..."/>


Anti-Government, but don't touch my Medicare

UPDATED: Friday, May 7, 2010 06:50
VIEWED: 3715
PAGE 4 of 4

Friday, May 7, 2010 1:40 AM


CTS: not at all, but there's a lotta disillusionment due to what's seen as a GOP takeover/contamination, which started with Barr "winning" their nomination despite overwhelming opposition from their own...

And the fact that Barr is, well...

Plus their recent antagonism towards liberals, who they should have reached out to, but instead chose to demonize in a manner right out of the GOP playbook.

So a lot of folk have bailed out on, and given up on, the "official" libertarian party, seeing it as naught more than GOP-Lite, and the longer they stay entangled with Barr, the further downhill the strangling strings of hard-right rhetoric drags them.

A lot of folk who self-identify as libertarian though, still hold the initial principles, but want nothing to do with the "official" libertarian party, seeing it as hopelessly contaminated, and the tea party folks have drawn some from that pool, trying to get their voices heard but all too often also drowned out in the fullisade of jerkass rhetoric which seems to be coming from that direction.

I feel for em, cause most of em I've ever dealt with have been decent enough folk, and as an Anarchist, well, any reduction of the Gov stranglehold would be nice, so I can work with em - they tend to be reasonable, instead of so blindly and fanatically partisan you wonder what planet they came from.



Friday, May 7, 2010 6:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, goodnes Anti--if you really believe the Dem party has strayed so far from their beliefs, how about the Repubs?!?! As the party who supposedly MOST stands for smaller government, when in power they increased both the size of government and, more than Dem administrations the amount of the deficit! As the party most believed adept at "national security", look what they did!

I think the Repubs have strayed far more than the Dems for what they are "known" as standing for. Maybe not what each party ORIGINALLY stood for--I'm not that well versed in political history to address that, but what in my lifetime each party has been most noted for? The one who's strayed most have been the Repubs.

I might actually like the Libertarian Party, if there was a viable one to follow: First, we NEED at least a third party, not just the two powerful ones...might help keep SOME things in check (hey, I can dream!). Second, neither party is truly what it stands for anymore, but out for money and power and just feeding pablum to the masses to get them. Third, I'm neither Dem nor Repub, I'm "officially" Independent, but definitely Liberal in many ways, and currently far more Dem than Repub after eight years of Dumbya! I wish they COULD become a viable party so I could truly know what they're about, but I don't think I'll see that in my lifetime, and as a new "force", the Tea Party isn't viable and is FAR from my beliefs!

I know nothing of Barr, but what Frem said covers it perfectly:

their recent antagonism towards liberals, who they should have reached out to, but instead chose to demonize in a manner right out of the GOP playbook.

So a lot of folk have bailed out on, and given up on, the "official" libertarian party, seeing it as naught more than GOP-Lite, and the longer they stay entangled with Barr, the further downhill the strangling strings of hard-right rhetoric drags them.

I see little difference between the Tea Party and the GOP other than that the GOP is worse and Tea Party less organized. Maybe if I knew something of their platform and, as I said, if they were viable, that might have been a good party to investigate (libertarians, I mean, NOT Tea Partiers!).

Oh, Frem, well SAID: "fullisade of jerkass rhetoric". I gotta write that one down, it's a keeper!

As to the Cheneys, uhhh... --on just about everything. I think that says it for me, tho' I could add, metaphorically,

Same goes for Dumbya, but to a lesser degree. These two, well, the above says it for me. And I won't even TOUCH Hannity...!

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10