Don't forget your Fall Boosters, Mudbloods

UPDATED: Thursday, September 7, 2023 15:19
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Monday, August 29, 2022 9:53 AM



Tuesday, June 13, 2023 3:47 AM



Saturday, July 15, 2023 4:12 PM


7 year old Cassidy Baracka got the VAXX, and 5 minutes later became deathly ill.
So Mass Doctors say she is a "Covid Death"

There is some lawsuit over this case, filed by some guy sounding like John-Paul Pedoine, and he also sued U-Mass law School over the Vaxx mandates. The VEARS falsifications are included in the suit.

I cannot find those stories right now.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023 8:22 PM



Tuesday, July 25, 2023 8:53 PM


So I have been on this site many years and a long time ago I think I was classed as slightly Liberal maybe some conservative a 'silent majority' not left not right

but then somewhere along recessions, new foreign militia funding and wars, debt and deficits, virus restriction, safety of vaccine, tech censorship suddenly I was no longer against the War of Bush jnr, the Western world breaking another Trillion in debts suddenly I was then someone who 'Spoke Out' perhaps soon to be classed as a problem typing on the web
moronics sent fellow Americans death threats

personal opinion?

... Mutant Camels

normally I support vaccination but now

I feel like I need to say what the heck


is going on with all these young people dropping dead of some 'suddenly' syndrome

anyways an old 90s song

Sur pri se ....You're Dead

I've drank and swallowed, but it's just begun

Now you are mine

I'll keep killing you until the end of time

Surprise! you're dead!
Guess what?

It never ends...

The pain, the torment and torture, profanity. Nausea, suffering, perversion, calamity

You can't get away

...although I could be wrong, FNM have been around a while it could be 1989


Tuesday, July 25, 2023 9:31 PM


I hear ya man.

I have a very long post history here, with quite a few years before drinking got a hold of me.

I was extremely anti-GWB.

The whole goddamned 2 party system seems to have been flipped on its head, and somehow I'm being called the Nazi by people who want our Government to censor us.

Strange times we live in, indeed.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023 6:06 PM


Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID Vaccine After Developing an ‘Autoimmune Issue


Wednesday, September 6, 2023 9:38 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID Vaccine After Developing an ‘Autoimmune Issue

I hate to break it to her, but chances are if she was genetically predisposed to getting an autoimmune issue, she was likely doomed when Democrats and the Chinese unleashed Covid in the first place, "vaccine" or not.

If you knew me in real life, you'd be just as surprised as anybody else was that I found out at 43 years old I've got what is essentially Type 1 Diabetes out of the blue.

I had that major illness several summers ago that I talked about in here, that I thought was due to the burst water pipe at the time. It turns out nobody else on the block but me got sick when that happened (I've asked). It was likely Covid. 1.5 years later I lose 30lbs without even trying, with a not-insignificant amount of that being muscle mass, and my body had been attacking my pancreas and destroying my body's ability to produce any insulin.

I think it's going to turn out that we're all fucked whether we got the jab or not.

Bioweapons are bioweapons.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023 11:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, I was gonna mention that

They have noticed an increase in Type 1 diabetes after Covid-19, and not as large an increase after vaccination, but there are still cases reports.

Bioweapons, as you say, are bioweapons.

The Chinese govt probably knew better than anyone what they were developing, and also probably knew what the consequences of a spike protein vaccine would be, which is why they opted for draconian lockdowns (not the half-assed western kind) until an effect treatment was developed and/or the virus did what most pathogenic viruses do: mutate to greater transmission but less illness.

Of course, the lab was doing this with USA money. I don't know who's more fucked up, the USA for funding gain-of-function or the Chinese for being such money-grubbers that they undertook the research.

I have profound disgust for the Chinese government.

But, to get back to you... as I recall, you weren't really visiting people then. It seems like your oppty to catch Covid would have been pretty small. And if I remember correctly your symptoms were gastrointestinal, not respiratory, inconsistant with Covid.

There was LADA B4 Covid, and there's always coincidence. So it may be impossible to pin this one down on anything.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, September 7, 2023 3:05 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yeah, I was gonna mention that

They have noticed an increase in Type 1 diabetes after Covid-19, and not as large an increase after vaccination, but there are still cases reports.

Bioweapons, as you say, are bioweapons.

The Chinese govt probably knew better than anyone what they were developing, and also probably knew what the consequences of a spike protein vaccine would be, which is why they opted for draconian lockdowns (not the half-assed western kind) until an effect treatment was developed and/or the virus did what most pathogenic viruses do: mutate to greater transmission but less illness.

Of course, the lab was doing this with USA money. I don't know who's more fucked up, the USA for funding gain-of-function or the Chinese for being such money-grubbers that they undertook the research.

I have profound disgust for the Chinese government.

I don't even hate China for it. They were paid to do a job and they did it.

I don't feel like in the end that China reaped any benefits from any of this either, and they were merely pawns in the game like the rest of us were. The people responsible for all of this are the ones who were paying for the Gain of Function research. And that wasn't even Fauci himself. He's just a public face for the 5 Minute Hate is all.

I'm sure there were some individuals in China who benefited from all of this. But I don't think the Chinese Government got any good outcome here, and it certainly didn't benefit the citizens of China in any way.


But, to get back to you... as I recall, you weren't really visiting people then. It seems like your oppty to catch Covid would have been pretty small. And if I remember correctly your symptoms were gastrointestinal, not respiratory, inconsistant with Covid.

By that time I was. I was actually right in the middle of helping my friend's dad with a bathroom demolition and had to tell him I couldn't come for the rest of the week.

No. That was the time that it got so bad that I was half-hallucinating while I was sleeping during the 8-hour or so fever I had. If you remember, I had serious thoughts that I just KNEW that I had cancer and I was convinced that somebody had busted those pipes intentionally so they could poison me, specifically.

That was after I got up in the middle of the night as thirsty as I'd ever been and halfway to the kitchen I got hit with chills so hard (in the middle of summer) that felt like I was buck naked in the middle of Siberia, and that was right before the feeling of Vertigo almost took me to the ground.

Unlike when I get the flu and the fever lasts for days, this fever was only 8 or so hours long. And even though I felt pretty miserable for 3 or so days afterward, I immediately knew how ridiculous those miserable and paranoid thoughts were. Overall a pretty terrifying night for me there.


There was LADA B4 Covid, and there's always coincidence. So it may be impossible to pin this one down on anything.

Yeah. I can never claim for sure that that illness was the cause of my LADA. Hell... I never tested for Covid the entire time, so I can't even tell anybody with certainty I got Covid. But I've had plenty of flus, colds, bronchitis and even pneumonia in my life. This was far different than any previous illness I've ever had and that was the worst night of my life as far as both my physical and mental health is concerned.

And the Medical Establishment is never going to tell me how I got this. They don't give one single shit. They got what they want. A lifelong customer who is now a slave to the system.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, September 7, 2023 3:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Somehow I got a completely different impression of your symptoms
Sorry about that. Whatever you caught, your immune system tackled it hard. Still, more typical of massive exposure via GI tract, not a nasal passage exposure and successive spread to throat and lungs and from there to the rest of the body. I wouldn't be surprised if your LADA originated then, but from what is still IMHO up in the air. So to speak!

At this point, given that the latest variants are no more consquential than the parent Omicron variant, I don't see a reason for another vaccine. Not even for people like me.


Yeah, well, hooray for modern medicine. I KNOW there are things out there that will cure people - APO lipoprotein A variant, "like Drano for the veins"- but they prefer to keep ppl on statins forever.
"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM