Fixing Stuff for FREE.... Nothing more REAL than that...

UPDATED: Saturday, December 17, 2016 02:06
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Saturday, December 17, 2016 2:06 AM


2015 was a bad year for me. Not because I was fired from the worst job of my life, silly. That was one of the only good things that happened.

It was that nearly EVERYTHING I owned seemed to "Break" on me at the same time.

An aged touch screen hand me down computer. A very high quality desktop I had put together only 4 months before. My cigarette Making Machine. And not 1, but all 4 of my battery packs for my power tools....

I haven't done all that much with 2016, to be sure, but I just know more shit about more shit is all...

It may not have translated into a paying job yet, but I know so much more about how machines and electricity works that it's just silly. This is stuff my 8 year old Genius Self should have been learning when I was playing with the 50 legos my family could afford at christmas over and over again.

My cigarette Machine, for example. It hadn't been working right for months. a nut kept making itself loose and 2 out of every 7 smokes were only half rolled when it happened.

I didn't use a conventional fix. I didn't have a glue gun or want to buy one just for this (although I should buy one for it's almost infinite uses)....

It turns out the extra pink/red rubber washers you get with a Toilet Repair Kit fit the Under-The-Hood Mechanism of a Cigarette Roller Perfectly. Just a few tiny screws and I've had perfect Cigarette rolls for months now. 22 year old me would have just thrown it away and bought a new one.....

I also had a VERY high end PC I created die for seemingly no reason. At the same time, a crappy one I had died at the same time. As it turns out, at least in the case in the High End PC the only problem was a bad Power Supply.

I NEVER would have known that without the Paperclip Trick on YouTube. I still have no idea why the crappy computer doesn't work, but just swapping the PSU's made my badass rig work again flawlessly.

And don't get me started on Battery Operated Power Tools...

3 out of 4 of them I was able to rejuvinate by simply pulling and pushing the plug of the charger over and over for a minute until it started charging again.

The 4th one I was able to "Dr. Frankenstein" back to life with no more than 3 short pieces of copper wire and 2 of the fixed batteries.

I'm waiting until After Christmas to buy myself a Multimeter. I'd be very surprised if my Step Dad didn't have a great one for me next week.

I already promised to get his ancient battery operated drill working again, even though they don't sell those batteries any more. It's so old my trick might not work, or even if it does, it might not fully take a charge anymore.

But I know how to open that bitch up and test for bad cells and order new ones and solder them into the batch.

No joke... I'm seriously pissed I threw away some old Laptop battery packs and other things last year. Chances are there were some VERY usable charges left in them that I only recently know how valuable they are.

I actually had an ENTIRE BOX of old electronics plugs that "had no use". I cut them all for the copper last year.

All of the sudden all of those Voltages and Amperes mean something....

Like seriously, 35 or more plugs that would be a wet-dream for a future electronics hobbiest like me....

It's crazy what you can do when you know.

If you don't mind a cord hanging from your battery opperated clock, I could show you how to convert your favorite battery operated clock into something you could just plug into your wall outlet.

all you need is a few wooden dowels the same width of the batteries, and a few screws and a few small lenghts of cable and an old computer plug.

Electricity is like learning a foreign language....

But on one end it's Deadly if you're not careful
but at the other end you can just do whatever the fuck...

Those guys swallowing Stem Cells are like a millioni light years advanced to Electricity.

Electricity hasn't changed in 100 years.

It's just as awesome as it was 100 years ago....

People just learned how to make it work more efficiently.

Then they shared it with us idiots in the Golden Age of YouTube :)






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