"Right Wing Says Thousands Expected At ‘Ex-Gay Lobby Day On Capitol Hill;’ Less Than Ten Arrived"

UPDATED: Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:47
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Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Fewer than 10 ‘ex-gays’ showed up at a scheduled event, which was promoted by American Family Radio as a press conference and “Ex-Gay Lobby Day on Capital Hill”. The event was being held in honor of “Ex-Gay Pride Month.”. According to Susan Rios, the press conference and lobby day was supposed to give voice to the voiceless masses, those ex-gays who live in hiding due to fear of “homo-fascists” and shame created by media indoctrination. The ex-gay pride press conference, which Rios said would include “thousands of ex-gays descending on Washington” was held Wednesday, July 31st, and attended by less a handful of people, including mostly the organizers of the event.

They claim they cancelled their planned events for their self-declared "Ex-Gay-Pride Month" because of "anti-ex-gay-extremist threats". However, the group has not given any information about the "security threats", nor have any been reported prior to Monday’s announcement. More likely,

“They simply could not find real ‘ex-gays’ to participate and had to cancel to save face. This was nothing but a desperate publicity stunt intended to revive a failing industry that has repeatedly embarrassed anti-gay organizations,” said Besen, in a statement.

“We challenge Doyle to come forward and release the names of LGBT activists and organizations that have allegedly jeopardized his organization’s security,” said Besen. “Until concrete allegations are made, we can only assume Doyle is making an excuse for his organization’s abject failure to produce a viable Ex-Gay Pride Month event.”

The Voice of the Voiceless event was intended to revive the failing “ex-gay” industry and distract people from a disastrous year that has included the closing of Exodus International and the group’s former poster boy, John Paulk, coming out.

Regarding, Paulk, who has apologized publicly for all those he hurt, he stated in his apology:

For the better part of ten years, I was an advocate and spokesman for what’s known as the “ex-gay movement,” where we declared that sexual orientation could be changed through a close-knit relationship with God, intensive therapy and strong determination. At the time, I truly believed that it would happen. And while many things in my life did change as a Christian, my sexual orientation did not.

So in 2003, I left the public ministry and gave up my role as a spokesman for the “ex-gay movement.” I began a new journey. In the decade since, my beliefs have changed. Today, I do not consider myself “ex-gay” and I no longer support or promote the movement. Please allow me to be clear: I do not believe that reparative therapy changes sexual orientation; in fact, it does great harm to many people. More at


Thursday, August 1, 2013 5:16 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

"According to Susan Rios, the press conference and lobby day was supposed to give voice to the voiceless masses, those ex-gays who live in hiding due to fear of “homo-fascists” and shame created by media indoctrination. The ex-gay pride press conference, which Rios said would include “thousands of ex-gays descending on Washington” was held Wednesday, July 31st, and attended by less a handful of people, including mostly the organizers of the event."

So Susan Rios is "the Right Wing"?

I can't find anyone else claiming that "thousands are expected".

What a powerful woman she must be, responsible for everything the "Right wing" is accused of.

You'd think that a few of the rich liberals could get together and buy her off, and then, with no "right wing" opposition left, just fix the country.

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Thursday, August 1, 2013 5:56 AM


America loves a winner!

Never heard of any of these folks, the event , anywhere . And yet this is presented as The Right Wing who sponsored this?

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:06 AM



You'd think that a few of the rich liberals could get together and buy her off, and then, with no "right wing" opposition left, just fix the country.

While of course Susan Rios isn't THE Right Wing (no one I know of has that distinction), the power in this country is in the hands of a very small number of people of various political ideologies most of which identify as left or right.

And I'm still pretty sure they all work together in cahoots, both sides, and everything else is just a dog and pony show to rile up the public while changing NOTHING.

So it's not so much left wing buying off right wing or vice versa, but "buying off" is still a pretty apt description of what really goes on in this country.

Although I'm sorry to see you felt that you were being unfairly painted with an anti-gay brush. You have been pretty outspoken to the opposite.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:55 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
And yet this is presented as The Right Wing who sponsored this?

Sure wasn't the left wing liberal pinko Muslim Commie community organizers from Kenya. They're all homos, too, aren't they?


Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:57 AM


Nice header , Niki. Got the First Guffaw outta ME this morning. Now, about the keyboard you owe me...


Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hey, not my fault if anyone's silly enough to be eating or drinking while here... ;o) I learned that lesson long ago!

As to "right wing", all I did was quote the article. However, I believe most of us are familiar with the Family Research Council by now, and I think it would be hard to argue that they are NOT a well-known right-wing voice:

Family Research Council to launch ‘Ex-Gay Pride Month’

A longtime opponent of gay rights, the Family Research Council is also launching two new groups — Voice of the Voiceless, and Equality and Justice For All — to promote the proposed July 31 “Ex-Gay Pride Month.” Read more:

Interesting that you guys want to distance "the right" from them so badly, can't imagine why...

None of this has (at least yet) made TV media/news, but it's all over the internet, articles from all sides about the declaration of "ex-gay-month", the proposed Day and it's lack of turnout, the dinner they're supposedly holding (with Michelle Bachmann as speaker), and lots more. Sorry the internet isn't in your purvey of news, you might learn quite a bit there. Of course, being the internet, I'd suggest doing like I do and, if you find a story of interest, following it up from both sides to see what you think.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:42 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I guess they lost we can let the title stand as accurate?


Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:02 AM


I think Christian Right Organization would technically be more accurate. I think Geezer did have a point that suggesting ex-gay stuff is supported by all right-wing types/Republicans is as unfair as whenever someone on the right wing talks about "libruls."


Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:26 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Once again: You ARE joking, surely. Given the titles people WRITE THEMSELVES and put up here?? Good gawd, woman, do I need to quote them? I deliberately put the title in quotes, it wasn't my words. That nit just won't pick, dear!

This thread has been jacked quite sufficiently from the very start so as not to address the issue it entails. You can go right on playing that game, but I'm quite finished, thank you.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:47 AM



They say they canceled the event, but apparently the organizers showed up. Did they cancel after they saw no one came?

Still, pretty entertaining. The anti-gay movement is dwindling. Yay for love beating hate!

The French Revolution would have never happened if Marie Antoinette had just given every peasant an iPhone.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

They cancelled their "ex-gay pride MONTH"...probably after the event the story is about failed to get any traction.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 10:16 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Once again: You ARE joking, surely. Given the titles people WRITE THEMSELVES and put up here?? Good gawd, woman, do I need to quote them? I deliberately put the title in quotes, it wasn't my words. That nit just won't pick, dear!

This thread has been jacked quite sufficiently from the very start so as not to address the issue it entails. You can go right on playing that game, but I'm quite finished, thank you.

I hadn't gone to read the actual article before now, but I don't see any mention of the right wing in the headlines at that linked site.

If this is a quote, then I don't see where it comes from. In any case, it is still inaccurate to say that it is right wing, even if people from the organization say they are right wing. They are not the WHOLE right wing, which is actually something this thread title could imply.

Also, have to start somewhere. If I see any new threads from Jong or AU that seem to unfairly characterize all left-wing types or liberals I'll try asking them about it as well. I don't expect to retroactively make a difference on old titles.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 10:26 AM


Actually... Hmm. I'm going to make a new thread asking people from both sides what kind of thread titles do they think unfairly stereotypes their side or that offends or insults them.

I'd like you to quote examples of thread titles that you think were beyond the pail if you're willing. I think maybe I'm not able to see all of them issues around here because some threads that seem particularly partisan I often avoid, and you know, cognitive biases come into play if I don't SEE a thread.

Perhaps learning what pushes people's buttons will help avoid situations where someone just gets attacked immediately after posting, or makes people feel provoked into creating a lot of counter posts.

Or it'll help people provoke such responses, but I can hope...

Sorry for the threadjack.


Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:47 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ah, I see the problem, thank you. I went back to the beginning and looked; the first quote, and title, came from
. I missed putting in the URL as I went on to follow it onto other sites and quoted from those. That may be where the original misunderstanding came from. If I put a title in quotes, it is specifically because it is NOT my wording...I quote titles most of the time anyway, but in those cases, I want to make it clear that it's not what I'm saying, but what I'm quoting.

I think asking people to post about "beyond the pail" thread titles is an exercise in futility. It will change nothing, PN will continue to put up totally asinine titles which are both false and derogatory, zit/wulf will continue with "libtard", etc., etc. Just like other threads hoping to change the tone here, it will devolve into bickering, if it ever even gets any attention. It would be nice if things could change here, Byte, but respectfully, your attempts at being hall monitor are a waste of time, in my opinion. I joined you in a couple of them, but hopefully I've learned my lesson by now. It is what it is.

Asking Geezer to be civil to me is also most likely a waste of time. He will do as he pleases, but what I think is most likely is that he will make comments which could be debated as being civil but which get their meaning across nonetheless, just as above, and I'm not about to get pulled into debates of such things. My advice would be to let it ALL go.






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